The Friday Times Archive

Saudi-Swedish proxy war against polio workers and police in Pakistan: So yesterday, the Saudi-sponsored banned Takfiri Deobandi terrorist group Sipah Sahaba (aka ASWJ-LeJ) killed 6 policemen guarding polio workers. Renowned Deobandi atheist Fayaz Bad-Nami called it a Saudi-Swedish proxy war because Sweden was trying to impose Ikea furniture

A response to Najam Sethi’s TFT editorial, “Terrorism of all hue” – by Laleen Ahmad: We at LUBP have never shied away from praising or criticising people based on our secular-humanist philosophy of live and let live. In our criticism or praise, we have never made any distinction between people based on race, religion,

A respone to Raza Rumi’s TFT article ‘About suffering they were never wrong’ – by Ali Taj: Raza Rumi, editor of Najam Sethi’s The Friday Times, has written an article in which he has presented the artwork of Pakistani miniaturist Saira Waseem who he describes as the latest exponent in a long list of Pakistani artists

A comment on NYT’s article on creeping Deobandi extremism in Pakistan’ Sindh province: Saba Imtiaz and Declan Walsh recently wrote an article in the New York Times with title Extremists Make Inroads in Pakistan’s diverse South. In this article, the authors present the expansion of religious militancy in Pakistan’s Sindh province by constructing false Shia-Sunni binary,

Humanizing terrorism: Editor of Ahmadiyya Times criticizes fake liberals: In the past, LUBP has criticized the Friday Times blog (edited by Najam Sethi and Raza Rumi), the Jinnah Institute, Capital TV etc for normalizing, humanizing and providing platform to pro-Taliban clerics and leaders of banned terrorist organizations. Najam

A case for drones: Army-friendly censorship by Najam Sethi’s The Friday Time blog: Compare these two versions of the same article on drone attacks on Taliban hideouts in FATA, published by The Friday Times and Viewpoint Online. Viewpoint: A Case for Drones and Islamic University Lecturer involvement in the highly flawed Amnesty

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s article contradicts lies crafted by Najam Sethi’s TFT Blog: Related post: Exposed: Raza Rumi and Rezaul Hasan Laskar behind the fake story about Bilawal’s tiff with Zardari In his English editorial for The Friday Times (TFT Blog) as well as his Urdu column for daily Jang (literal meaning:

Najam Sethi’s ‘The Friday Times’ blog promotes banned sectarian terrorists – by Shia Post: Source : Shia Post, An article titled “The Madarssa Network of Sindh” was published in The Friday Times magazine (TFT Issue Number: Vol. XXV, No. 22, July 12-18, 2013) written by its Ali K Chishti (@akchishti) who is known

Pakistani media and streets remain silent on massacre of 75 Shia Muslims in Parachinar – by Ahmed Bangash: Parachinar witnessed another bloody day when over 75 Shias were killed, another 180 wounded, by the Takfiri Deobandi terrorists of Sipah-e Sahaba Taliban (currently operating as Ahl-e Sunnat Wal Jamat ASWJ, led by Ahmed Ludhianvi Deobandi). Two hours before

Response to Ali Wahab’s letter – by Ali Taj: Dear Ali Abbas Taj Editor LUBP I am extremely disgusted to find that on Twitter, in the recent Raza Rumi / Farhad Jarral vs LUBP tug of war, my late mother, Fauzia Wahab has been dragged into! Yes, being

Naansence shameless LUBPians – by Samantha Salafi: You shameless LUBPians. Now you will make a post on this video and link it with how Greatest Pro PML N blog TFT that promotes ASWJ and LeJ. You naansence people will juxtapose Greatest TFT interview of Allama Farooqi with

What is the difference between Malala’s father and a pimp? – by TFT Bloggers: LUBP and other progressive Pakistani activists have been condemning Najam Sethi and his protégés like Ali K Chishti, Raza Rumi, and Mohammad Shehzad for rationalizing and enabling Shia genocide in Pakistan by giving voice to leaders of banned Deobandi

Najam Sethi’s The Friday Times columnist Shehazad’s shameful attacks on Malala Yousafzai and Benazir Bhutto: Here are some Facebook status updates of Mohammad Shehzad, regular columnist of The Friday Times (TFT) blog (owner: Najam Sethi, editor: Raza Rumi). It’s the same writer who published a number of articles in TFT promoting and humanizing Deobandi

We reject establishment’s pressure on MQM to toe its pro-Taliban policy – by Haq Parast: The timing for pressurizing MQM by releasing sensitive documents and evidence needs further examination. While we may disagree with some of MQM’s policies, why is it that they are being harassed and witch-hunted by the establishment now? When Pro-Establishment

Najam Sethi and Raza Rumi’s TFT blog promotes ASWJ-LeJ terrorists, once again!: According to Sipah Sahaba ASWJ-LeJ terrorits Aurangzeb Faruqi Deobandi who spoke to Ali Chishti of The Friday Times (TFT) blog, ASWJ-LeJ maddrasas don’t teach sectarianism. Farooqi also claimed that ASWJ-LeJ has 100s of madrassas with 1000s of students, and they

Another Quetta blast: More than a thousand Shia Hazara killed by deep state sponsored Takfiri Deobandis: #SHIAGENOCIDE Suicide blast in Ali Abad, Hazara Town, Quetta. Thirty-five dead already as the toll continues to rise. Many more injured. In the last ten years more than one thousand Shia Hazaras have been killed and several times more

My Journalist Lord: This is how Najam Sethi stole Tehimna Durrani’s earnings: In June 1991, My Feudal Lord was released by Vanguard Books, a publishing company owned by journalist Najam Sethi and his wife Jugnu Mohsin. The husband-wife duo also owns The Friday Times, a weekly magazine known for peddling pro-establishment

Over 100 militants of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi released by CT Chief Minister Najam Sethi in Punjab – The News: Source: The News, 22 May 2013 ISLAMABAD: Over a hundred activists of banned sectarian organizations Lashkar-e-Jhangvi aka Sipah Sahaba Pakistan, who were arrested by the former PML-N government as a part of crackdown against these outfits

This is how CM Najam Sethi and TFT columnists react to abduction of ex-PM Gilani’s son by ASWJ-TTP terrorists!: Raza Rumi and Mohammad Shehzad stage the hacking drama

Tahir Ashrafi is a moderate and progressive cleric but a sinister campaign was launched to delegitimize him – by Raza Rumi: Raza Rumi writes: “It is time to engage with clerics like Tahir Ashrafi and get them to join the struggle for a moderate and progressive Pakistan. Maulana Tahir Ashrafi, Chairman of Pakistan Ulema Council (an apex body of country

Worldwide concern about caretaker CM Najam Sethi’s inaction about attacks on Ahmadis in Punjab: Related post: No respite for Ahmadis in Chief Minister Najam Sethi’s Punjab Source/Credit: Ahmadiyya Times (with minor edits and additional information) By Imran Jattala | April 28, 2013 An Ahmadiyya prayers centre in Gulshan-e Ravi, Lahore, is attacked by

Institutional decay!: Pakistan is a country suffering from within and outside, but mostly from within, and with years of ineffective governance and complete breakdown of law and order, it comes as no surprise that the society has lost its moral compass,

Raza Rumi unleashes ISI-ASWJ touts to harass and harm anti-establishment bloggers: Related post: Raza Rumi’s proxy jihad against anti-establishment bloggers The following notice has been published by a leading Shia web portal (Karbala-e-Quetta) to warn Shia and other human rights activists to be mindful of impostors (Takfiri Deobandi terrorists and

Is Nawaz Sharif “a statesman”? A Jiyala’s response to Raza Rumi – by Khawar Butt: The media sycophancy and servility for Pro-Taliban politicians knows no bounds. Whether it is the Islamist dominated Urdu media or the pseudo-liberal dominated English Babu types, the trend is the same in the last few months – suck up

A Pakistani journalist exemplifies linguistic masculinity at its most virile – by A Z: A friend sent me following exchange on twitter with two journalists Mohammad Shehzad and Marvi Sirmed as its protagonists and one Ada Khakwani (whoever she may be) as a support cast. On the first sight it could be taken

I am going to call the Embassy of Iran… – by Raza Rumi: Context: In Pakistan, Shia and other rights activists are being monitored by Takfiri Deobandi militants of ASWJ-Taliban and pro-establishment fake liberals. Raza Rumi’s discourse on Shia Muslims:

We condemn abusive language by TFT blogger and Sipah Sahaba supporter against Marvi Sirmed: While we have certain differences with Marvi Sirmed, it will be wrong to not appreciate her current, clear stance against Takfiri Deobandi militants. In particular, we agree with her criticism of the hate interview of Ahmed Ludhianvi published by

Will Najam Sethi and Raza Rumi take care of their sectarian minion Mohammad Shehzad please?: Mohammad Shehzad Deobandi is a regular columnist of The Friday Times (TFT). Under the able editorship of Najam Sethi and Raza Rumi, he has written and published quite a few articles in TFT humanizing leaders and terrorists of the

CT Chief Minister Najam Sethi and the question of conflict of interest: Najam Sethi fan club: Raza Rumi, Ejaz Haider, Nadeem Paracha, Marvi Sirmed, Mehmal Sarfraz, Saleem Ali etc Independent critics: Nazir Naji, Farrukh Sohail Goindi, Rashid Rahman, Mazhar Abbas, Dr Ayesha Siddiqa, Abdullah Tariq Sohail, Adnan Farooq, Nusrat Javeed, Omar

Princess and the Playboy: Zardari and Benazir Bhutto were partners in corruption – by Najam Sethi: Najam Sethi was (caretaker) Prime Minister’s Adviser on Political Affairs and Accountability as a member of the ISI-installed caretaker government in 1996 after Farooq Leghari dismissed Benazir Bhutto’s second government. During 1990s, he (consistent with the agendas of Pakistan

Much needed honesty on Takfiri Deobandi militants!: Few months back before the Abbas Town Massacre we had couple of political parties namely JUI(F) & ANP hold two different APCs to demand that government of Pakistan negotiate with the TTP. The news media which primarily is dominated

Exposed: Raza Rumi and Rezaul Hasan Laskar behind the fake story about Bilawal’s tiff with Zardari: The fake story about Bilawal’s differences with Asif Zardari published by Indian journalist Rezaul Hasan Laskar (of the Press Trust of Inida) and Raza Rumi (of The Friday Times) is much more dangerous and vicious than what it might seem. In

Terrorism: is media a watchdog or lapdog? On Sethi-Rumi mollycoddling ASWJ’s Ludhianvi — by Dr Mohammad Taqi: Source: Daily Times The ostensibly liberal publication gave space quite liberally to Ludhianvi to bash the Shia without a single challenging question being asked Pakistan finally saw democratically elected national and provincial assemblies plod past the five-year finish line

شیعہ نسل کشی میں لدھیانوی دیوبندی کے ساتھ نجم سیٹھی اور رضا رومی کا کردار – از حق گو: اگر شیعہ نسل کشی کی لہر جس میں اکیس ہزار سے زیادہ شیعہ کو قتل کیا جا چکا ہے کافی نہیں تھی تو ایک فتنہ باقاعدہ طور پر اٹھایا گیا ہے ان لوگوں کی جانب سے جو خود کو لبرل

#ShiaGenocide: Leading Pakistani intellectual, poet and academic Sibte Jafar killed by Deobandi militants: Entire Pakistani nation, in particular Shia Muslim community, suffers from another terrible loss at the hands of Deobandi militants of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ-LeJ, formerly known as Sipah-e-Sahaba). Famous poet, academician and intellectual Professor Sibte Jafar was killed

Ludhianvi’s interview: an item number in Najam Sethi and Raza Rumi’sTFT blog? – by Ejaz Baloch: Much has been said about an interview of the leader of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamat (ASWJ) Maulana Ahmed Ludhianvi. Why advisor to a right-wing media group like Jang/Geo has placed that interview in a a Right Wing Liberal weekly

Pakistan to be Rwanda: Through Ahmed Ludhianvi, Najam Sethi and Raza Rumi’s call for Shia holocaust – by Mahpara Qalandar: Editor’s note: I am at great pain to publish this article. I have always had great regard for Raza Rumi and Najam Sethi. This interview with Ahmed Lidhanvi Deobandi has no news value whatsoever. It does not cross-question any

Najam Sethi and other editors of TFT need to make a critical distinction – by Shazia Najmi: It took LUBP to sacrifice its entire editorial team and go out of the way to establish détente with Maulana Tahir Ashrafi. To his credit, the Maulana was forthcoming. The new editorial team led by Ali Taj had

Are Shias Kafir? Maulana Tahir Ashrafi misquoted by Najam Sethi’s The Friday Times: In a recent article (“Moderate Deobandis”) published in The Friday Times (edited by Najam Sethi and Raza Rumi), Maulana Tahir Ashrafi was presented as a moderate Sunni Deobandi cleric while the following atrocious remark was also attributed to him.

Toxic influence of senior columnists on young writers in The Friday Times – by Irfan Qadri: The Friday Times, edited by Najam Sethi (the 80-20 mix fame) and Raza Rumi (who is also a Director of ISI-backed Jinnah Institute), continues to misrepresent State-sponsored Shia genocide as Sunni vs Shia sectarian violence. Latest issue of The
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