Monthly Archive:: February 2011

PPP, PSF Gilgit-Baltistan Chapter strongly condemn JUI’s statement – by Naeem Khan: In recent All Parties Kashmir Conference, Maulana Fazlur Rehman of the JUI said that according to his party’s policy, Gilgit–Baltistan is an integral part of Kashmir. The participants of the so called All parties Kashmir Conference have no right to

Lovers tiff, impending divorce or trial separation? – by Omar Ali: On the 27th of January, while driving through Mozang (an extremely crowded section of Lahore city) in a rented Honda Civic, American citizen Raymond Davis shot two men who were riding a motorcycle. Soon afterwards, another vehicle that was

Sharif brothers are patronizing corrupt politics: Related articles: Ansar Abbasi appreciates Nawaz Sharif’s decision to part ways from PPP Rauf Klasra’s article on PML-N’s opportunistic politics PPP gains confidence, PML-N loses nerves March in March – by Ahsan Abbas Shah The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz headed

Ansar Abbasi appreciates Nawaz Sharif’s decision to part ways from PPP: Related articles: Rauf Klasra’s article on PML-N’s opportunistic politics Sharif brothers are patronizing corrupt politics PPP gains confidence, PML-N loses nerves March in March – by Ahsan Abbas Shah Editor’s note: There has to be something wrong with Nawaz

Speechless, Priceless: CJ’s Car: A picture is worth more than thousand words as well as “millions” of people who think the judges and especially the Chief Justice of Pakistan are austere and want to do something for the nation. We want to thank Adv. Naseem

Dilemmas of Pride and Pain: Sectarian Conflict and Conflict Transformation in Pakistan: This study is about Shia-Sunni Conflict and the postconflict restoration of peace in Pakistan. It sets case studies of two “contested cities” – Jhang and Gilgit – within a wider national and international framework, examining the historical roots of

The ‘honour’ generation – by Nadeem F. Paracha: Sixty-three years old and suffering from grave identity crisis. Sixty-three years old and still requiring hoards of people to continue knee-jerking their way across a number of hyperbolic patriotic clichés and chants. This is Pakistan. Ours is a country

The destiny of this pageant lies in the Kingdom of Oil, Holy Places and Corruption – by Robert Fisk: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Saudi Arabia LUBP Archive on Bahrain The Middle East earthquake of the past five weeks has been the most tumultuous, shattering, mind-numbing experience in the history of the region since the fall of the

Pay up – by Shahid Saeed: President Zardari is on a multi-state tour and is currently in Kuwait after having visited Japan, and stopping over in Dubai. I caught just fifteen minutes of the usual fire breathing heads on the idiot-box complaining about expenditure on

Now Non Muslims using blasphemy law against Non Muslims: Yet another case of alleged blasphemy has been reported from Pakistan, taking place in Faisalabad (Punjab), this one rather unique. Instead of a Muslim-at-Christian case, this time a Christian woman has used the blasphemy law sword to cut at

Piddi ka shorba: Opportunists of the PPP – by Abbas Ather: Abbas Ather’s take on Shah Mahmood Qureshi and the Raymond Davis case. Mr Ather also offers a detailed history of the PPP, its ideals, struggles and internal divisions as a context of recent developments. (Source: Express, 21 Feb –

PPP gains confidence, PML-N loses its nerve: Related Article: Rauf Klasra’s article on PML-N’s opportunistic politics It seems fairly clear that Pakistan Muslim league and it’s leaders losing their nerve and Pakistan Peoples Party and it’s government gaining confidence as well as people’s support due to

ISI leaks to their media team: “Running short of Patsies; need more Raymond Davises” – by Azaad Mir: Related article: On the so called ISI-CIA rift on the Raymond Davis issue It seems that Aabpara and its media division (Geo, ARY, AAj etc) have realized that breaking the news of Raymond Davis being a CIA operative can

Filling in the Dots: Why PILDAT is reviving Kalabagh debate – by Aziz Narejo: Kalabagh Dam is a very bad idea indeed. If ONLY for the reason that 3 out of 4 federating units of this blessed country have rejected it. I am familiar enough with the Mardan-Nowshera-Charsadda area well enough to know that when

Rehman Malik: The Civilian Face of Pakistan’s Military Establishment – by Imtiaz Baloch: Pakistan’s Interior Minister Rehman Malik, the civilian face of the country’s powerful military establishment is a continuation of the former dictator General Pervez Musharraf’s policies in Balochistan. He is the one who sanctioned and devised the policies of empowering

Dancing with fire: On the 1968 revolution in Pakistan led by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto – by Nadeem F. Paracha: A Tunisian man who put himself on fire has set ablaze the spirit of revolution various Arab countries in Africa and the Middle-East. It is a remarkable turn of events triggered by a disgruntled Tunisian vendor who became an

My awkward moments in Muslim prayer – by Wajahat Ali: This is a a cross post of an article by Wajahat Ali. Thankful to writer for his assent reproduction here. It is a funny and interesting take on how awkward it can be at times to be a practising

Taxila: A rebuttal to Orya Maqbool Jan – by Salman Rashid: A bureaucrat, mutated into an ‘intellectual’, hogs the waves of an Urdu television channel and tells the ignorant television viewing public what it wants to hear. One of his not-so-recent gems was about the country that is now Pakistan being

Endless political conspiracies against the PPP – by Riaz Ali Toori: Pakistan’s 64 years of political history has witnessed many upheavals. Sometimes it was overshadowed by military dictators and sometimes it experienced autocracy. None of these systems were part of our base nor were they suggested by the founder of

Basant ka Matam -by Arshad Mahmood: Basant (Jashn-e-Baharaan) in Pakistan The festival is limited in its celebrations in Pakistan. Instead, the celebrations of spring known as ‘Jashn-e-baharaan’ in Urdu, are carried on in the entire country for almost a month. Basant, in particular, is celebrated

On the so called ISI-CIA rift on the Raymond Davis issue: Related articles: General Kayani allowed US special forces to secretly operate in Pakistan WikiLeaks unmasks who are our real puppet-masters? On Declan Walsh’s latest scoop: ‘Raymond Davis is a CIA spy’ LUBP Archive on Raymond Davis The Raymond Davis

Punjab Government must stop Sipah-e- Sahaba’s sectarian jalsa in Jhang: The Punjab government mus stop the banned militant outfit Sipah-e-Sahaba from the pro-blasphemy law Jalsa in small town of Jhang which has significant Christain, Shia and Bralevi population. In recent past Bralevi, Shia, Deobandi and Ahl-e-Hadith ulema has jointly

Baloch Missing persons: Mehboob Wadela and Arif Rehman dead bodies found near Ormara: From different local sources, dead bodies of two missing persons were found near Hadh Cross, Ormara of District Gwadar, the dead bodies were identified as Mehboob wadhela & Arif Rehman. Mehboob Wadhela s/o Beg Mohammad Wadhela was an activist

Rauf Klasra’s article on PML-N’s opportunistic politics: Here’s an excellent article by Rauf Klasra published in the ‘Daily Express’, that provides critical review on Pakistan Muslim league’s recent political move in Punjab, it’s chief boss Mian Nawaz Sharif’s opportunistic politics and undemocratic style of leadership. Mr.

Where is Pakistan’s revolution?: The world is changing, as we see people in many of Middle eastern countries assemble to demand their rights from the repressive regimes that have held its grips on their nations for past many decades. People in those countries

To the admirers of Muhamad bin Qasim – by Danial Lakhnavi: Editor’s Note: The following article, “To the admirers of Muhamad bin Qasim” by Danial Lakhnavi takes a satirical look at the hyper-nationalist narrative of our urban chattering class. A significant part of this narrative involves eulogizing murderers and rapists

People of Waziristan support drone attacks: Related Post : A survey of Drone Attacks in Pakistan .What do the people of FATA think? by Farhat Taj With thanks :BBC The following article suggests that contrary to what the military establishment and their proxies would like

The Pashtuns of Balochistan – by Majeed Asghar: Related articles: Now Pakhtuns’ targeted killings in Balochistan – by Jan Assakzai بلوچستان کے پشتون مجید اصغر بلوچستان لغوی معنوں میں بلوچوں کی سرزمین ہے مگر موجودہ شکل میں یہ بلوچوں اور پشتونوں کا مشترکہ صوبہ ہے اس میں

The Indian-Pakistani Divide: Why India Is Democratic and Pakistan Is Not – by Christophe Jaffrelot: An excellent article by the pen of Christophe Jaffrelot in which he unwinds the book of Philip Oldenburg. The book puts forth an extensive view of the political history of the sub-continent and in depth analysis the reason of

Geo TV gets censored…by Geo TV: Najam Sethi’s show and the out of bound topics – by Maula Bux Thadani: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Najam Sethi GEO TV often paints itself as the underdog, the scrapper that is crusading against the “all-powerful” President and Prime Minister. Even if this image is laughable in the light of the billions of

Mubashar Lucman exposing Sharif Family: This is a must see for all those who believe that Mian Nawaz Sharif, Khadim-e-Aala Shahbaz Sharif and their family’s lifestyle, wealth and current status through possible corruption. Hussain Nawaz Sharif’s three companies, Que Holdings Limited, Quint Paddington Ltd

Investigating corruption – By Zohra Yusuf, Express Tribune: Editor’s Note: In the following article for Express Tribune, Zohra Yusuf deconstructs media bias towards corruption. The selective and unsubstantiated lynching of some politicians has not made our society any better; rather it has made us far more hypocritical

Shia Crescent in the Middle East is a good news for Islam, democracy and the West: Related articles: Shia-phobia of Saudi Arabia and the institutional genocide of Shia Muslims in Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan The Shia Revival: How Conflicts within Islam Will Shape the Future – by Vali Nasr Definition The Shia Crescent is a

From Charter of Democracy to Charter of Idiocy – by D. Asghar: The tell tale signs are not comforting. We are back again to the same old rhetorical and very historical political confrontation. The same old PPP and PML-N acting like two naïve school children and the war of words is

The Shia genocide in Bahrain shows Islam’s replacement by Wahhabism – by Omar Khattab: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Bahrain Saudi Arabia’s army enters Bahrain to crush pro-democracy protesters Wahhabism: The heart of darkness By Omar Khattab It is not the first time that the Shias of Bahrain have been subjected to untold

Raymond Davis case: Incitement to hatred with Talat Hussain: Related article: Raymond Davis case: How Pakistan’s right-wing media resulted in Shumaila’s death If you were to turn on your television at this very moment and browse through the channels for barely a minute, what would you see? You

Daniel Craig under threat from Raymond Davis: Current James Bond, 007, Daniel Craig is under immense threat from superman, super spy, triplicate agent, Raymond Davis as the producers of the very popular series, the Broccoli Family and EON Productions are contemplating the current blonde Bond with

Diplomatic duplicity on the Raymond Davis saga – by C. Christine Fair: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Raymond Davis The following article by C. Christine Fair differs from the typical, one-sided,”ghairat-obsessed” analysis that have appeared in the local press and seeks to go beyond the conspiracy-theory laden clichés that are so generously provided