Monthly Archive:: October 2012

Don’t insult our dead by electing Pakistan to UN Human Rights Council: Related post: Shia genocide database Hina Khar tries to hide Shia genocide, paints rosy picture of human rights in Pakistan While unveiling the country’s national report at the UN’s Human Rights Council (HRC) on Tuesday, the government glossed over

Shia Genocide and Ostrich Syndrome – by Ayesha Farooq: Tujhko kitnon ka lahoo chahiye, aey arz-e-watan Jo teray ariz-e-berang ko gulnaar karein Kitni aahon se kaleja tera thanda hoga Kitnay aansoo teray sahraon ko gulzar karein The blood of how many do you need, O motherland

A sincere poem for PTI leaders and supporters – by Jahil Ibn-e-Aalim: Blog Cross Post : Tuhfa E BeParwah Mainay Daikha – A sincere poem for PTI leaders and trolls. میں نے دیکھا، تیری آنکھوں میں، تیری آنکھوں میں، میں نے دیکھا، اداسی ہے، اداسی ہے، نہ جانے کیوں، نہ جانے

Senator Faisal Raza Abidi exposes the media suppression against him by PCO Judges: Senator Faisal Raza Abidi of the Pakistan Peoples Party has been an outspoken critic of the Judicial bias of the current PCO judges of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. He has consistently exposed the judicial bias in favour of Jihadi

Revisiting the Che Guevara-like days of Baloch resistance movement with Asad Rehman – Interview with Malik Siraj Akber: Editor’s Note: The late Asad Rehman is one of the rare non-Baloch who bravely stood up for the Baloch Nationalists through thick and thin. In this interview, he provides a historical context that is either missing or misrepresented in the

Asad Rahman, aka Chakar Khan, died of ill-treatment by Punjab Police: The Baloch Hal report QUETTA: Asad Rahman,62, a renowned intellectual, social activist and ardent supporter of Baloch movement, passed away on Tuesday, media report. Son of a former chief justice of Pakistan Supreme Court, Mr. Rahman had advocated for Baloch

Why don’t more Muslims speak out against the wanton destruction of Mecca and Madina’s holy sites? – by Jerome Taylor: Saudi Arabia’s Wahabists are tearing down buildings that have links to the Prophet and replacing them with skyscrapers and shopping malls. Muslims are often criticised for not speaking out more vocally on key issues that affect their community. Barely

Its how organised religion exploits!: There are currently 10500 tombs of descendents of Imams in Iran,people donate money to these places by throwing money inside the tomb.There’s no proper management system and even parliament members have questioned this issue.In average there will be 300

ایران میں اہلسنت مسلمانوں کی صورت حال اور سپاہ صحابہ کا پراپیگنڈہ: Takfiri Deobandis’ and Salafists’ lies and misleading propaganda about the plight of Sunni Muslims in Iran ہم ایران کی حکومت پر کئی وجوہات کی بنیاد پر تنقید کرتے ہیں مثال کے طور پر انسانی حقوق کی پامالی ، صحافیوں

آل محمد پر مسلمان حکمرانوں اور درباری مورخوں کے مظالم: جو قوم اپنی تاریخ کو یاد نہیں رکھتی اس کا مستقبل مخدوش ہو جاتا ہے – برصغیر پاک و ہند میں مسلمانوں کی تاریخ کو مسخ کرنے کی روایت بہت عرصے سے جاری ہے – لٹیروں، ڈاکوؤں اور ظالم

آل سعود ،مرسی ،جدید عثمانی ،نوری المالکی – عامر حسینی: آج عید قربان ہے اور صرف ایک دن قبل یعنی نو زی الحج کو کوفہ کے میں مسلم بن عقیل کا لاشہ پڑا تھا-اور عقیل کا جرم صرف اتنا تھا کہ اس نے عدل اور مساوات کی دھجیاں اڑانے

عامر خان اور طارق جمیل کی ملاقات: تحریر: زالان چلو مولانا طارق جمیل کی دعائیں رنگ لائیں اور آخر کار ایک عظیم اداکار کی دوسرے عظیم اداکار سے ملاقات ہو ہی گئی ، پہلی ملاقات میں ہونے والی گفتگو مولانا طارق جمیل : الله کا فضل

Rabia Zia’s (President PTI UK) resignation letter to Imran Khan: To Chairman Imran Khan and Vice Chairman Shah Mahmood Qureshi Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf Oct 24 2012 Resignation of Rabia Zia It is with great sorrow that I am resigning from Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf [PTI]. PTI is the

Pakistan’s societal conundrum: The dismal elusion of requisite inter-faith accord – by Hissan H. Haqqani: Mankind’s past dictates that schismatic fears coupled with communal violence are two of the main reasons for dissolution of societies. Our history is rife with examples of nations dilapidated because of lack in understanding and appreciation of each others

تحریک طالبان پاکستان کے دہشت گردوں کی سرپرستی پاکستانی فوج اور خفیہ ادارے کرتے ہیں – حامد میر: Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Zaid Hamid and other terrorists and their apologists are sponsored by ISI, says Hamid Mir. تحریک طالبان کے دہشت گرد پاکستانی فوج اور خفیہ اداروں کے پروردہ ہیں – حامد میر ، محمد مالک اور ابصار

Transgressing Madrassas territory : TTP has asked for sacrificial animal hides: A meeting of traders, businessmen and working class laborers of all the major tribes Mohmands, Safis and Shonkaras who belong to Mohmand agency was called by Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (Mohmand chapter) in Kanwari Colony Manghopir Karachi. Mohmand chapter is headed

The Ghairat is Sufficient for Adil Najam – by Riaz Malik Hajjaji: Related articles: Jamia Salafia Deobandia LUMS fires Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy’s letter to LUMS VC Adil Najam “Verily we have brainwashed Mummy-Daddy crowd into Ghairatmands so that they may appreciate Mullah Omar. For Truly, there is nothing

Jang Group’s reporter Ahmad Noorani should remain moderate – by Attar Qadri: Ahmed Noorani Deobandi is an Islamabad-based correspondent of The News (spends equal time in Lahore and Bahawalpur), working under journalist-turned-Taliban-spokesperson Ansar Abbasi Deobandi. Ahmad Noorani is the same person who recently tried to incite violence against the HRW director

Are Taliban a bunch of criminals? – by Ali Arqam: تحریک طالبان افغانستان اور تحریک طالبان پاکستان ایک ہی سکّے کے دو رخ ہیں، ان میں کسی طرح کا خطِ امتیاز کھینچنا اسی گمراہ کن اور کنفیوژکرنے والی حکمت عملی کا حصّہ ہے جس کے زیرِ سایہ ہم آج

Geo TV anchor Kamran Khan was on Pakistan Army’s payroll at Rs. 7000 per month: Related: Top-secret: ISI Media Roll of Dishonour Former Military Intelligence (MI) officer Brigadier Hamid Saeed has revealed that Karman Khan, senior journalist of The News (Jang Group) and anchor of Jang Group’s Geo News TV, was on payroll of

Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy’s letter to LUMS VC Adil Najam: Note: The context of the following letter is discussed in this post: Jamia Salafia Deobandia LUMS fires Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy *********** From: Pervez Hoodbhoy Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 1:44 PM To: Adil Najam Cc: [email protected]; sahil; jaffe; Sohail

اصغر خان کیس کا فیصلہ – گلاس توڑے بارہ آنے – by Imam Bux: آج چیف جسٹس افتخار محمد چوہدری کی سربراہی میں جسٹس جواد ایس خواجہ اور عارف حسین خلجی پر مشتمل سپریم کورٹ کے تین رُکنی بینچ نے 1990ءکے انتخابات میں آئی جےآئی بنانے سےمتعلق سولہ سال پُرانے اصغر خان کے

Jamia Salafia Deobandia LUMS fires Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy: Related post: Reasons given for not having me at LUMS have been reinvented from time to time: Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy’s letter to LUMS VC Adil Najam It is disturbing but hardly surprising to learn that LUMS administration has refused

Kudos to Faisal Abidi but the Anti-Christ in Supreme Court should die his natural death – by Arbab Zaheer: It was sheer pleasure listening to Senator Faisal Raza Abidi speak for 35 minutes in the Senate on 19th October, 2012. His speech and relevant quotations from judgments, rules, procedures, etc made a lot of sense and is to

Pakistan doesn’t respect women – by Dr Shazia Nawaz: The other day, I came across a video on YouTube. It showed the Punjab Assembly’s proceedings of June 20, 2012. In that clip, Chaudhry Allauddin, a member of the PML-Q, while having a heated argument on the provincial budget,

Senior lawyer Shakir Rizvi killed in Lahore by ASWJ-LeJ terrorists sponsored by CM Shahbaz Sharif: Slowly but surely, Takfiri Deobandi terrorists of Sipah-e-Sahaba (currently operating as Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi) are killing innocent Shia Muslims in Punjab under sponsorship and protection of PML-N Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif. A few months ago, in

Jundallah terrorists, affiliates of BLA and LeJ, attack a Shiite mosque in Iran: A suicide bomber escaping from the security forces detonated his explosives near a Shia Muslims’ mosque in southeastern Iran on Friday (21 October 2012), killing two people and injuring five others. The report said there are three children and

Imran Khan demands strict action against Nawaz Sharif, Qazi Hussain Ahmed and other ISI-affiliates: LAHORE: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan Saturday said those who accused his party of enjoying a patronage of ISI and its former Chief General (Retd) Ahmed Shuja Pasha have been exposed following the landmark judgment of the Supreme Court

CJ Chaudhry activates right wing lobby in the media against Senator Faisal Raza Abidi – by Ali Asad: There are ample signs that Pakistan’s cotroversial Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry (and his sponsors in Aabpara) have activated right wing lobby in the media against his critics, particularly against Senator Faisal Raza Abidi. Usman Manzoor, a dubious reporter of

A tribute to Khurshid Khan, an honourable Pashtun police officer beheaded by Taliban-ASWJ terrorists: On October 14, Superintendent of Police Khurshid Khan and six security personnel were killed and several others injured when scores of militants attacked two check posts near Mattani police station. The militants beheaded Khan and took away his head

Contrary to Pakistan Army’s claims, Pakistani Taliban (TTP) are not USA’s puppets – by Saleem Safi: Pakistan Army generals and their affiliates and proxies in right-wing (e.g., PML-N, PTI, JUD, JI, ASWJ-LeJ etc) and pseudo-liberals (e.g. Rehman Malik, Ejaz Haider, Sherry Rehman, Mosharraf Zaidi etc) want us to believe that Tehreek-e-Tailban Pakistan (TTP) and Afghan

Jahil Ibn E Aalim امید کی کتاب کہ نفرت کی گولی؟: Blog Cross Post : Tuhfa E BeParwah ان کی گولی آج ہار گئی جن کے ہاتھ میں صرف گولی کا ہونا ہی ان کی نفرت کی نشانی ہے تیری کتاب آج جیت گئی تیرے ہاتھ میں صرف کتاب کا

ایک روشن قندیل: گئے زمانے کا ذکر ہے ایک سہ پہر یونیورسٹی میں بیٹھے سستا رہے تھے کہ ایک صاحب آ کر ساتھ بیٹھ گئے جو عام و خاص میں مولائی کے لقب سے جانے جاتے تھے، کچھ دیر خاموش بیٹھے رہے

Congratulations to humanity: Malala rises like a phoenix: ”Which country am I in?”, first question Malala asked! Feel like replying “Honey you are in a country where every one has nothing but admiration and love for you! where you don’t get shot for liking Obama or Benazir

Remembering Shuhda e Karsaz: When she came, she saw and she wept with joy. When the state stood still, stunned and staggered before the Panorama of ‘Khalq e Khuda’. When streets of Karachi saw the zeal personified in ‘Ahl e Safa’

18 October 2007: The return of a Benazir leader to her Benazir people – by Maleeha Manzoor: “I am returning to Pakistan on Oct. 18 to bring change to my country. Pakistan’s future viability, stability and security lie in empowering its people and building political institutions.” – Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto The wearisome eight years, as

Do not make IK your scapegoat -by Zain Gardezi: “Shame on you, Mr. Khan”, read the title of an article of a popular English daily. “TALIBAN Khan is back”, was the starting line of a piece by a member of editorial staff of another English daily. Yes with

Thwarting Religious Cleansing in the Muslim World -by Farahnaz Ispahani & Nina Shea: Physicist Mohammad Abdus Salam was the first Pakistani and the first Muslim to win a Nobel prize in science. His discoveries continue to dazzle the world as demonstrated by the verification last summer of a theory to which Salam

Did a drone attack Malala? -by Anas Abbas: In his book ‘Inside Al Qaeda and the Taliban’, slain journalist Syed Saleem Shehzad who spent considerable part of his research with al Qaeda militants, described comprehensively the formation of the new al Qaeda players and their strategic objectives in