Monthly Archive:: November 2009

Book Review: Talibanisation of Pakistan – By Amir Mir: Talibanisation Of Pakistan: From 9/11 To 26/11 By Amir Mir Pentagon Press | 422 pages Introduction of the review by Abdul Nishapuri Amir Mir, unlike the pro-Taliban and pro-conspiracy theory tendencies of his brother Hamid Mir, has truly maintained

Why did Taliban-US talks fail? By Amir Mir: LAHORE: The American initiative to hold talks with the Afghan Taliban through Saudi and Pakistani intelligence agencies has failed to produce the desired results so far primarily due to the trust deficit between the two sides and the obstinacy

Raising awareness within the media: business without ethics?: Dawn’s Editorial: Media coverage IT is the electronic media’s job to report on events as they unfold and relay news to viewers as quickly as possible. A spirit of competition — and there is a lot of it these

Religious Leaders Reject Enforcement of Talibani Shariat in Malakand Division: Religion being used to further evil designs: ulema council HYDERABAD, April 18: The Ittehad Ummat Council’s Sindh chapter said on Saturday that a handful of people were using the name of Islam to further their own nefarious designs and

Saudi Shias call for secession: AWWAMIYA: The street graffiti is so brazenly political in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province that it hardly seems like Saudi Arabia at all, Reuters reports. ‘Down with the government’, ‘Death to the traitors’ read the messages on the walls of

The long road to Talibanisation – By Nosheen Ali: The crisis in FATA and Swat has increasingly become reduced to a narrative of the evil Taliban versus the helpless state and society. That the Taliban have instituted a horrendous regime of terror is beyond question. But it is

Talat Hussain slaps Shaheen Sehbai and Shahid Masood: Frequently in their TV appearances (on Geo TV) and newspaper columns (in Jang and The News), agents of anti-democracy establishment, e.g. Shaheen Sehbai, Dr Shahid Masood, Ansar Abbasi and their cronies, have openly or implicitly invited General Kayani to

Talat Hussain slaps Shaheen Sehbai and Shahid Masood: Frequently in their TV appearances (on Geo TV) and newspaper columns (in Jang and The News), agents of anti-democracy establishment, e.g. Shaheen Sehbai, Dr Shahid Masood, Ansar Abbasi and their cronies, have openly or implicitly invited General Kayani to

Geo TV, reality show and the death of a young Pakistani man.: Saad Khan, a young Pakistani man took part in a reality show sponsored by a multinational company earlier this summer; he was flown to Thailand for filming what he must have thought would be the opportunity of a lifetime.

Geo TV, reality show and the death of a young Pakistani man: Saad Khan, a young Pakistani man took part in a reality show sponsored by a multinational company earlier this summer; he was flown to Thailand for filming what he must have thought would be the opportunity of a lifetime.

A CJ greeted in Karachi and the events of 12 May 2007: A CJ greeted in KarachiGuest post by Aal e Hashmat Malik Just recently, in the last week of November 2009, the Provincial Home Minister of Sindh, Mr Zulfiqar Mirza, announced in a press meeting that his PPP government would

A CJ greeted in Karachi and the events of 12 May 2007: A CJ greeted in Karachi Guest post by Aal e Hashmat Malik Just recently, in the last week of November 2009, the Provincial Home Minister of Sindh, Mr Zulfiqar Mirza, announced in a press meeting that his PPP government

Dr Shahid Masood: Theft, Slander, Lies and Phobia, all in one – An analysis by Qais Anwar: By Qais Anwar I wrote the following article for LUBP (Let us build Pakistan) but , after watching the yesterday’s Meray Mutabiq, I could not stop myself from posting it on [another website]. ….. now more and more right

Dr Shahid Masood: Theft, Slander, Lies and Phobia, all in one – An analysis by Qais Anwar: By Qais Anwar I wrote the following article for LUBP (Let us build Pakistan) but , after watching the yesterday’s Meray Mutabiq, I could not stop myself from posting it on [another website]. ….. now more and more right

Announcement: Pakistan Ignoble Award for Journalism (PIAJ): Let Us Build Pakistan proudly announces the establishment of Pakistan Ignoble Award for Journalism (PIAJ). It will be awarded annually to a Pakistani journalist who has flouted all the norms of journalistic decency, objectivity, and fair play. Every December

Announcement: Pakistan Ignoble Award for Journalism (PIAJ): Let Us Build Pakistan proudly announces the establishment of Pakistan Ignoble Award for Journalism (PIAJ). It will be awarded annually to a Pakistani journalist who has flouted all the norms of journalistic decency, objectivity, and fair play. Every December

Message of President Asif Ali Zardari on the eve of Eid ul Azha: “My dear countrymen!Assalam Alaikum wa Rehmatullah Barakat-o-hu,I congratulate the nation on the blessed event of Eid ul Azha and pray that may Allah Almighty protect them and grant happiness in this world and hereafter. Eid ul Azha is observed

Message of President Asif Ali Zardari on the eve of Eid ul Azha: “My dear countrymen! Assalam Alaikum wa Rehmatullah Barakat-o-hu,I congratulate the nation on the blessed event of Eid ul Azha and pray that may Allah Almighty protect them and grant happiness in this world and hereafter

The awkward question – By Samad Khurram: “When I heard Taliban voices, I told myself: this was it,” exclaimed a young officer in white shalwar-qameez as he addressed a rally in support of the Pakistani troops. He adjusted his walking aid to

Amending the constitution – By Dr Sania Nishtar: The special committee on constitutional reform, set up to frame recommendations with regard to the construct of the 18th Amendment, is likely to come up with its recommendations soon. The committee’s

Above the law: Can anyone hold this child of Islamofascism accountable?: Jailed militant’s hoax calls drove India, Pakistan to brink of war By Azaz SyedThursday, 26 Nov, 2009 ISLAMABAD: Omar Saeed Sheikh, a detained Pakistani militant, had made hoax calls to President Asif Ali Zardari and the Chief of Army

Above the law: Can anyone hold this child of Islamofascism accountable?: Jailed militant’s hoax calls drove India, Pakistan to brink of war By Azaz SyedThursday, 26 Nov, 2009 ISLAMABAD: Omar Saeed Sheikh, a detained Pakistani militant, had made hoax calls to President Asif Ali Zardari and the Chief of Army

President Zardari asks party leaders, workers not to forget terrorism affected people: By Jarri Mirza ISLAMABAD, Nov 27 (APP): Co-Chairman PPP Asif Ali Zardari has advised the party leaders and workers not to forget the people affected and displaced by terrorism and militancy and include them in the celebrations of Eid-ul-Azha.

President Zardari asks party leaders, workers not to forget terrorism affected people: By Jarri Mirza ISLAMABAD, Nov 27 (APP): Co-Chairman PPP Asif Ali Zardari has advised the party leaders and workers not to forget the people affected and displaced by terrorism and militancy and include them in the celebrations of Eid-ul-Azha.

Chargesheet against government – Part I: By: Humza Ikram SUSPECT.…………………………………………Fehmida Mirza ALLEGATION. ……………………………….. First woman speaker of Asia and the Muslim world. CRIME …………………………………………..(i) Conducting in-camera briefings on national security, where top army and intelligence agencies brief people’s representatives about security situation. (ii) Allowing parliamentary

Chargesheet against government – Part I: By: Humza Ikram SUSPECT.…………………………………………Fehmida Mirza ALLEGATION. ……………………………….. First woman speaker of Asia and the Muslim world. CRIME …………………………………………..(i) Conducting in-camera briefings on national security, where top army and intelligence agencies brief people’s representatives about

PML-N’s fact sheet on corrupion of our saviours in Pakistan Army: Here is an account of the first three years of corruption by General Musharraf and his cronies in Pakistan Army (1999-2002) documented by PML-N. It may be noted that the level of corruption by the military and civil establishment

PML-N’s fact sheet on corrupion of our saviours in Pakistan Army: Here is an account of the first three years of corruption by General Musharraf and his cronies in Pakistan Army (1999-2002) documented by PML-N. It may be noted that the

Three ways (wishes) to get rid of President Zardari – By Nazir Naji: In the following op-ed, Nazir Naji notes that out of more than 8000 beneficiaries of the much publicized NRO, only 34 are politicians, and only 15 belong to PPP. Out of these 15, four have contested the list because

Three ways (wishes) to get rid of President Zardari – By Nazir Naji: In the following op-ed, Nazir Naji notes that out of more than 8000 beneficiaries of the much publicized NRO, only 34 are politicians, and only 15 belong to PPP. Out of these 15, four have contested the list because

In defense of Nawaz Sharif: Are our politicians corrupt? Is Pakistan Army a sacred cow?: Rauf Klasra reveals some interesting details of the alleged 60 million dollar corruption by Nawaz Sharif.

In defense of Nawaz Sharif: Are our politicians corrupt? Is Pakistan Army a sacred cow?: Rauf Klasra reveals some interesting details of the alleged 60 million dollar corruption by Nawaz Sharif.

Blackwater, bloody civilians and our holy cows in uniform: A tale of two stories: While the pro-Taliban and anti-democracy anchors and journalists want the Pakistani nation to believe that the democratic government (President Zardari et al) are responsible for the alleged Blackwater rule in Pakistan, Cyril Almeida offers an alternative, critical perspective highlighting

Blackwater, bloody civilians and our holy cows in uniform: A tale of two stories: While the pro-Taliban and anti-democracy anchors and journalists want the Pakistani nation to believe that the democratic government (President Zardari et al) are responsible for the alleged Blackwater rule in Pakistan, Cyril Almeida offers an alternative, critical perspective highlighting

Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman: Do some soul searching please!: As to the media group [Jang Group / Geo TV] in question, they too need to do some soul searching to establish whether their practices of recent days are in conformity with best practice in journalism. Personalised vitriol may

Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman: Do some soul searching please!: As to the media group [Jang Group / Geo TV] in question, they too need to do some soul searching to establish whether their practices of recent days are in conformity with best practice in journalism. Personalised vitriol may

Democrats, beware! – Article By Nadeem Paracha: In the following article, Nadeem Paracha offers a critical analysis of certain (pro-establishment, pro-Taliban and anti-democracy)elements in Pakistani media (e.g. Dr Shahid Masood, Shaheen Sehbai, Geo TV, and The News) who are dismantling the institution of democracy in Pakistan

Democrats, beware! – by Nadeem Paracha: In the following article, Nadeem Paracha offers a critical analysis of certain (pro-establishment, pro-Taliban and anti-democracy)elements in Pakistani media (e.g. Dr Shahid Masood, Shaheen Sehbai, Geo TV, and The News) who are dismantling the institution of democracy in Pakistan

The desperation of Dr Shahid Masood to reveal his own evil designs: Frustrated by the fact that as a failed journalist and as a man of dubious integrity, he is abhorred and mistrusted by masses, journalists, politicians and establishment alike, Dr Shahid Masood has written a column titled “The desperation of

The desperation of Dr Shahid Masood to reveal his own evil designs: Frustrated by the fact that as a failed journalist and as a man of dubious integrity, he is abhorred and mistrusted by masses, journalists, politicians and establishment alike, Dr Shahid Masood has written a column titled “The desperation of