Monthly Archive:: February 2012

AHRC Report: It is hard to refute the accusation that military is involved in killing of Shias in Pakistan: Related posts: Shia massacre in Gilgit: Media apathy and misrepresentation of Shia genocide in Pakistan Those committing genocides in Pakistan and their handlers are repeat offenders – by Dr. Mohammad Taqi In a cold blooded attack by men in

Sectarian target killing of Shia Muslims thrive under legal system in Pakistan – by Murtaza Haider: The bloodbath of Shia Muslims at the hands of fundamentalist Sunnis continues along the streets and roads in Pakistan. The Shia victims of sectarian violence have little hope for justice since three out of every four terrorism cases end

Transparency International Pakistan’s mindlessness – targeting remittances: Pakistan is a country that refuses to fail despite of all the efforts of those who can’t see it perform, albeit with hiccups. In last few years, Transparency International Pakistan has become a nuisance in connivance with Jang Group

Shia massacre in Gilgit: Media apathy and misrepresentation of Shia genocide in Pakistan: Related posts: AHRC Report: It is hard to refute the accusation that military is involved in killing of Shias in Pakistan Those committing genocides in Pakistan and their handlers are repeat offenders – by Dr. Mohammad Taqi Today’s massacre

Balochistan is not Kashmir! – by Saad Mansoor: From Facebook statuses to Twitter tweets and from online blogs to statements by secessionists Baloch leaders published in Pakistani newspapers, I am perturbed to see the comparison of Balochistan to Kashmir. The innuendos of familiarity of the word

A comment on Saving Face: ‘Saving Face’ is a good documentary, it is about women who are victims of a vicious crime,. It is about egos which became so treacherous and detrimental that they only get satisfaction in violence and sedition. It is about

The Real Face of Mansoor Ijaz – By Umar Sattar Tanoli: Mansoor Ijaz, who single-handedly rocked Pakistan’s politics by his claims in the memo scandal, was accused by a European Bank of running a one-man business and obtaining loans that he was unable to repay on time, recently surfaced documents

The will of a Sindhi journalist – by Laibaah: We are cross-posting a painful story (published by BBC Urdu) of Shahid Khaskheli, a Sindhi journalist who filed a report for KTN about Bashir Arisar, a Sindhi nationalist who was abducted and brutally tortured by Pakistan army’s intelligence agencies

Campus politics for a democratic society -by Fawad Hasan: We vehemently demand for democracy and freedom of speech in our society to make it certain that every individual has his say over the important issues affecting his socio-economic life. Democracy, humans’ rights, opposing oppression and suppression, progressive politics,

Cyril Almeida’s story on Balochistan is attributable to…?: Cyril Almeida’s column on Balochistan (Balochistan, the unattributable story, Dawn, 26 Feb 2012) is an example of how Pakistan’s military establishment manufactures confusion and obfuscation through friendly journalists. The column is an example of how false neutrality and contrarian

The indifference or blackout of news from and about Balochistan – by Malik Siraj Akbar: Related posts: Media blackout The blackout of news from and about Balochistan is now being viewed as an integral part of the broader conflict — as if the media is responsible for the ignorance of the rest of the

Ignoring PPP women in political analysis: One has to appreciate Express Tribune for allowing a number of new writers with a platform on their Opinion pages. Other well established newspapers like Dawn, The News and The Nation have their Op-Ed pages dominated by a select

Balochs are our own – by Shaizi Cheema: Shaizi Tauseef Cheema’s article on the situation in Balochistan (in Urdu):

Why the PPP government is good for Pakistan – by Fauzia Wahab: Predictions were made, bets were placed and wild speculations made the rounds. It seemed that the fall of the prime minister was imminent and the PPP-led government was doomed. One could see gloating faces on TV channels, faces that had been

Don’t push Pakistani Shias to invite foreign intervention to get rid of a genocide: Editor’s note: Departing from collective silence in Pakistan’s mainstream media, Daily Times is the only outlet in English and Urdu media which has published at least two articles highlighting the 17 Feb 2012 Shia massacre in Parachinar in which

Who will speak for Qaisar Hussain? – by Maisam Ali: Here on the slopes of hills, facing the dusk and the cannon of time Close to the gardens of broken shadows, We do what prisoners do, Our losses: between two and eight martyrs each day. And ten wounded. And

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s letter to a Baloch – by Raza Baloch: Related post: Exaggerated and misunderstood: Z.A. Bhutto’s role in military operation in Balochistan Dear Baloch, As you aware that I was hanged by the Pakistan’s Punjabi-Muhajir judiciary on instructions of an Arain General who I thought was loyal to

Protest against Shia killings outside Pakistan High Commission in London: Hundreds of Pakistanis of diverse religious backgrounds (Sunni, Shia, Christian etc) gathered outside Pakistan embassy in London to protest against the ongoing genocide of Pakistan’s Shia Muslims by Saudi-funded, Pakistan army-supported Jihadi-sectarian militants (namely Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (previous

Thousands of Shia Muslims mourn 34 massacred in Khanpur: Today was the chehlum (end of formal 40 days of mourning) of 34 Shia Muslims who were massacred by Pakistan army backed Jihadi-sectarian terrorists (Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan SSP aka Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat ASWJ) on 15 January 2012 in Khanpur

Najam Sethi’s fog of deceit – by Chaudhry Naseer Aslam: In presenting the current Judiciary and hyper ventilating media as a counter to Pakistan’s military establishment, (Overreach and Miscalculation, Friday Times Editorial, February 17th-24th, 2012) Najam Sethi remains consistent in his intellectual dishonesty. While presenting a token critique of

Massacre of Shia Pashtuns in Kurram bazar and the collective silence of media, activists and politicians – by Dr. Mohammad Taqi: Editor’s note: In the following rare op-ed, in fact first by any Pakistani columnist on the Kurram massacre (17 Feb 2012), Dr. Mohammad Taqi highlights that the catastrophe in Kurram Bazaar of Parachinar did not end just with the

India, Pakistan to exchange parliamentary delegations: We at LUBP support liberal visa regime between India and Pakistan . We support Speaker of the House, Dr. Fehmida Mirza, PPP, on her progressive pro-peace statements : “Pakistan and India not only shared boundaries but were intertwined in

How Hazrat Imran Khan debunked science and Professor Hoodbhoy – by Syed Riaz Bin Al-Malik Hajjaji: While some liberal fascists have cast doubt on Hazrat Imran Khan’s (HIK) intellectual prowess, they only need to read how the great HIK bowled out the scientists in his magnus opus “Why the West Craves Materialism and why the

Briefing on Benazir Bhutto’s killing and the analysis of Jang Group’s Hizb-ut-Tahrir journalists: There is something which is called “shock and awe”. The PPP government in the last four years has been doing things which are considered disappointing for many, however, the most “shocking” things that it has done is to establish

Name and Remind: Nasim Zehra’s silence on Shia massacres in Pakistan – by Mustafa: [poll id=”9″] The present post is the first in LUBP’s series of Name and Remind articles aimed at encouraging and reminding progressive media persons to pay attention to the ongoing, silent genocide of Shia Muslims in Pakistan. Realistically, we

Jang Group’s Hizb-ut-Tahrir wing inciting vigilante justice against Ali Dayan Hasan of HRW: We at LUBP condemn yet another targeted incitement of vigilante justice Jang Group’s Ahmed Noorani, a notorious journalist belonging to Ansar Abbasi gang and links close to banned organizations like Hizb ut Tahrir and Sipah Sahaba Pakistan against the

Swiss case, memo scandal and CBDG – by Sikandar Mehdi: Recent revelation of Mansoor Ijaz’s fraud of $1.4 million judgment against him by NY Supreme Court has put Coalition to Bring Down Government (CBDG) on the back foot. This coalition consists of Judiciary, Establishment and PML-N with news retail

Mr. “Ultra Wealthy” of memogate in default -by Ibrahim Sajid Malick: A self-styled Pakistani-American who describes himself as “ultra wealthy man” with expensive lawyers in major cosmopolitans of the world seems to have several financial defaults, almost no personal assets, and a creditor attempting to collect a court ordered judgment

Banned militant groups are biggest threat to free press: پاکستان میں ذرائع ابلاغ کے جدید دور میں مقتدرہ قوتیں اور ان کے معاون وہ فرقہ وارانہ دہشت پسند گروہ جو مذہب اور فرقے کی بنیاد پر کلاشنکوف سے مسلح کۓ گۓ تھے، جنہوں نے افغانستان کو پانجواں صوبہ

‘Ghairatmand Brigade’ in a dying situation -by Imam Bakhsh: غیرتمند بریگیڈ کیفیت مرگ میں! تحریر: امام بخش ایک انتہائی بااعتماد ذرائع نے ”غیرتمند بریگیڈ” کی ایک حالیہ محفل کا آنکھوں دیکھا ”منطقی” حال بیان کیا ہے۔ جو کچھ یوں ہے۔ محفل میں صف ماتم بچھی ہوئی ہے اور

Imran Khan’s security state -by Huma Yusuf: THERE has already been adequate kerfuffle around the appearance of PTI senior vice-president Ejaz Chaudhry at the Difaa-i-Pakistan Council’s rally in Karachi. Source: DAWN This is the latest demonstration of PTI’s tendency to cavort with the religious right and

Keeping mum about the Punjabi Taliban -by Khaled Ahmed: I was surprised a fortnight ago to receive a note from Lahore’s General Post Office saying I had imported a banned book which the Post Office had duly confiscated. The book was Punjabi Taliban by Mujahid Hussain (Pentagon Press,

Open Letter to Leaders of All Political Parties of Pakistan: The Plight of Sindh University Teachers: Let us live, Let us teach Yesterday, it was 47th day of closure of University of Sindh, after the coldblooded murder of a teacher on the very first day of the academic year

Dr Shakil Afridi — by Farhat Taj: We support the following petition for release of the doctor and request our readers to sign it. Related :Dr. Shakeel Afridi is a benefactor, not a traitor Dr Shakil Afridi —Farhat Taj A native of Khyber Agency in

Progressive journalists’ silence on Shia genocide in Pakistan: Name and Remind Policy: [poll id=”9″] The Shia Muslims in Pakistan are the most targeted faith group in terms of sheer numbers. In the first 50 days of 2012 (from 1 Jan to 20 Feb), more than 100 Shias have been massacred through

A comment on Difa-e-Shia Conference – by Allama Arif Najafi: Commemorating the Chehlum (40th Day) of Askari Raza’s martyrdom, thousands of Shia Muslims gathered in Karachi to mark the Difa-e-Shia Conference (DSC) (or Difa-e-Tashayyo Conference) on February 18, 2012. While Pakistan’s mainstream media gave no coverage to this conference,

Al-Qaeda infiltrating Syrian opposition – Washington Post: Members of al-Qaeda have infiltrated Syrian opposition groups, and likely executed recent bombings in the nation’s capital and largest city, the United States’ top intelligence official said Thursday. The remarks by Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper are

Outsourcing Defence of Pakistan to Enemies of Pakistan? – by Zarrar Butt: Pak Army Sipah Salaar General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani has said that 18 per cent of country’s total budget is allocated for armed forces while wrong facts and figures are quoted in TV talk shows in this regard. You may

The Swiss Letter: The popular notion about the Swiss case against President Zardari and Shaheed Benazir Bhutto is that this case was suspended by the Swiss authorities after Attorney General, on behalf of the Pakistan Government had requested for it. This letter by