Monthly Archive:: September 2016

Saudi skeptics gain strength in Congress: Lawmakers in both parties are growing more skeptical of the U.S. alliance with Saudi Arabia. This week, 27 senators — three Republicans and 24 Democrats — voted against a $1.15 billion arms sale to the country. That wasn’t

US State Department: We are not arming Al-Nusra, but our allies might be: Al-Nusra Front is a terrorist group and the US will never provide it with any aid, said the State Department, reacting to revelations in a German newspaper – while admitting that unnamed US allies might be backing the jihadist

محرم کی ثقافت بمقابلہ تکفیری ثقافت: محرم الحرام کے مہینے کے آغاز سے بلکہ عید قربان کے فوری بعد پاکستان کے مین سٹریم میڈیا اور سوشل میڈیا پہ ایک رجحان روایت بنتا جارہا ہے-جس کو اگر چند لفظوں میں بیان کیا جائے تو اس کی

The global Terrorism index : Pakistan gets 4th Position: As the 20th Century has given way to the New Millennium, terrorism has remained on the rise in a diverse range of countries from around the world. Record numbers of people have died in terrorist attacks over the past

Lahore’s maddeningly worsening traffic, the ‘cheat’ minister of Punjab & the chief justice of Lahore high court – Shoaib Mir: Hail the reform-minded, independent but, most importantly, just, impartial and fair Chief Justice Mansoor Ali Shah who has ruled against the disastrous Orange train project, and earlier against the signal-free Jail Road-Gulberg Boulevard corridor. Unfortunately, he has

ناھض حتر : تکفیری ثقافت کا ایک اور شکار: بائیں بازو کے عرب دانشور ، صحافی ناھض حتر کے ایک مذہبی جنونی کے ہاتھوں اردن کے دارالخلافہ عمان میں سپریم کورٹ کی عمارت کے سامنے سیڑھیوں پہ مارے جانے پہ میڈیا اسی طرح سے تقسیم ہے ،جیسے یہ

Nahed Hattar: Socrates of Arab killed: Socrates of Arab world, Nahed Hattar was killed. His crime of was to mock concepts of religion, God, Heaven and Jihad of ISIS. A gunman has shot dead prominent Jordanian writer Nahed Hattar outside a court where he

The Real Story of Jibran Nasir’s Anti-Red Mosque Activism and Khurram Zaki’s Martyrdom: There are barely any organisations that are completely monolithic. Lobbies, groups, hierarchies and layers exist in all organisations. And like any other organisation, there are such lobbies within Pakistan’s ISI as well. Within ISI there are small and weak

کوک سٹوڈیو میں شہید امجد صابری کی آخری پرفارمنس: مجھے کوک سٹوڈیو کے اس سیزن میں امجد صابری اور راحت فتح کی اس پرفارمنس کا سب سے شدت سے انتظار تھا۔ سوچا تھا بار بار سنوں گا اور امجد صابری کو یاد کروں گا۔ لیکن حقیقت یہ ہے

Modi’s speech and some serious questions – by PejaMistry: Hearing Modi was a pleasant surprise, I was expecting a poor speech from him, but he spoke very relevant things when addressing to people of Pakistan. He asked us to reflect upon why India is exporting software and

What we know about Ahmad Khan Rahami, suspect in NYC-area bombings: USA Today 20th September article about the Deobandi terrorist Ahmad Rahami who perpetrated the bomb attacks in New York and New Jersey has some interesting details. Even as it tries to obfuscate and dilute Saudi-sponsored Deobandi-Salafi global terrorism,

EXCLUSIVE: The REAL Syria Civil Defence Expose Nato’s ‘White Helmets’ as Terrorist-Linked Imposters: “I am a director not only of a Syrian Civil Defence Unit, but of brave human beings, volunteers who risk their lives, despite the terrorism that is invading Syria, to maintain security for Syria. I give thanks from

New York: Maulana Syed Fakharuddin Alvi condemns Zakir Naik & Yazid: In the city of Elmont, New york renowned Sunni religious scholar Maulana Syed Fakharuddin made a thought provoking speech on Imam Hussain R.A (Son of Imam Ali R.A and grandson of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him)

Questions Mona Kazim Shah should ask of False Sunni Shia binary peddler and White Helmet Jibran Nasir?: Editor’s note: These questions were raised by sincere supporters of Shaheed Khurrum Zaki and should not be taken lightly. 1. We’ve heard that you ditched Khurram Zaki in the time of need, tried to insult him and even pressured

اورنگزیب فاروقی ,عبدالعزیز, رمضان مینگل کے بینک اوکاونٹ منجمد کرنے کے احکامات جاری: اینٹی ٹیررازم ڈپارٹمنٹ نے فورتھ شیڈول (اے ٹی اے) ایکٹ 1997 کے تحت ملک میں بدامنی پھیلانےکے لئے بیرون ممالک سے فنڈنگ حاصل کرنے والے افراد کے بینک اوکانٹ سیز کرنے کے احکامات جاری کردیے ہیں، شیعیت نیوز

Prince Charles to visit Bahrain: Here are some things he should consider: Prince Charles is to make an official visit to Bahrain in November despite the escalating human rights crackdown in the country. This endorsement comes after Queen Elizabeth sat next to the king of Bahrain at her 90th birthday celebrations

Abdul Wahid Baloch:My father is not less important than Son of CJ Sindh: A renowned Baloch writer, poet Abdul Wahid Baloch is missing since 26th July,2016.It means 57 days have been passed.According to daughter of the said missing Baloch writer, Abdul Wahid Baloch is coming from MirpurKhas a city of interior Sindh

For the first time, Saudi Arabia is being attacked by both Sunni and Shia leaders: The Saudis step deeper into trouble almost by the week. Swamped in their ridiculous war in Yemen, they are now reeling from an extraordinary statement issued by around two hundred Sunni Muslim clerics who effectively referred to the

Daughter of Abdul Wahid Baloch, Hani Baloch needs your support: Dear friends, Daughter of #AbdulWahidBaloch Hani Baloch needs your support for early recovery of her father, raise your voice, convey your message to concerned authorities. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has expressed grave concern over the

Despite crackdown, some Deobandi militants walk the streets of Pakistan: BAHAWALPUR, Pakistan—After a suicide bomber killed more than 70 people on Easter Sunday in a park in the eastern province of Punjab, the government vowed to go after Islamist militants in the area. The massacre in the provincial capital

The Pink: She really loves You but you are coward: کاری کاری رینا ساری سان اندھیرے کیوں لائی روشنی کے پاؤں میں یہ بیڑیاں سی کیوں آئی بھجیا رے کیسے انگارے جیسے چھاؤں اندھیری ، دھوپ میلی کیوں ہے رے آپ اگر ایک فیمنسٹ ہیں اور آپ نے انرورادھو

Saudi Wahhabis turn the house of Prophet & Khadija into public lavatories: Millions of hajj pilgrims are preparing to head home, after five days performing ancient rites, revering a God omnipresent in the city of Mecca. They have stoned figurative devils, they have slept in the world’s largest tent city,

Salafi and Deobandi extremists commit Genocide supported by Saudi Wahabis: Nadia Murad, a young Yazidi woman who escaped ISIS captivity after her family was slaughtered, has been named a new U.N. Goodwill Ambassador and has been nominated for both a Nobel Peace Prize and as one of TIME

دہشت گردی اور دیوبندی مدارس کا چولی دامن کا ساتھ: مندرجہ ذیل تحریر مدرسہ ابو ہریرہ کے ایک ہمدرد لکھاری کی ہے جنہوں نے اس دیوبندی مدرسے کی تعریف میں زمین و آسمان کے قلابے ملا دیے ہیں لیکن وہ آپ کو یہ بتانا بھول گے کہ جامعہ ابوھریرہ

NFP’s murder of history: Ironically, in an article about Identity, (Smokers Corner: A Case of Identity, DAWN September 18) Deobandi commentator NFP typically skips all relevant details. He fails to mention Aurangzeb’s rabid Anti-Shia pogroms and hate fatwas or that those of Akber’s

Syrian Christian leader tells West: ‘Stop arming terror groups who are massacring our people’: The world leader of Syria’s besieged Christians has issued a heartfelt plea to the West to “stop arming and supporting terrorist groups that are destroying our countries and massacring our people.” The Patriarch of Antioch, Moran Mor Ignatius

Dr Shakil Auj and modernity: It has been two years now, when in a flicker of a moment, our whole world was turned upside down. And we understood death for the first time when it put its hand upon our father. The never-ending flashbacks

وہابی ازم : امن عالم کے لئے خطرہ بنی آئیڈیالوجی: وہابی ازم ( جنوبی ایشیاء میں سعودی فنڈڈ نیودیوبندی ازم بھی ) کے بارے میں میں ابتداء سے یہ لکھ رہا ہوں کہ یہ ہماری جنوبی ایشیائی ثقافت اور اس کی تہذیبی رںگا رنگی کے لئے بہت سنگین

Deobandi Taliban blow up Shia and Sunni Muslims at Mohmand Agency Friday prayers: PESHAWAR: A suicide bomber targeted a mosque in Mohmand Agency’s Anbar tehsil during Friday prayers, leaving at least 24 people dead and 31 others injured, official of the political administration said. Assistant Political Agent Naveed Akbar told DawnNews

WAHHABISM: The ideology of hate: On the 13th of September, Iran’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammad Javad Zarif penned an Op-Ed in the New York Times, titled, “Let Us Rid the World of Wahhabism.” Reactions to his piece have been mixed. While many

ضمیر کی مان لی – علی اسد رضوی: امریکہ میں اپنی پاک سر زمین سے دور رہنا چاہے تعلیم کی عرض سے ہو یا کسبِ معاش کی کسی بھی حب الوطن کے لیے آسان نہیں۔ پس کچھ یوں ہی ہوا اور دیارِ غیر میں تحصیلِ علم

From religion to politics, Saudi Arabia feeling chill of isolation: For the Saudis, the bad news kept on coming. On Friday, at the start of the annual 5-day Hajj pilgrimage, Lebanese daily Al Akhbar published online a shocking database from the Saudi Ministry of Health. The leaked documents list,

مڈل ایسٹ کی جیو پالیٹکس : نظریاتی جدال کے پیچھے پیچھے چلتی عملیت پسند سیاست – عامر حسینی: ایرانی وزیر خارجہ جواد ظریف مجھے اپنی مزاحیہ طبعیت اور ایک طرح کی خاص شرارتی مسکراہٹ چہرے پہ سجائے رکھنے کی وجہ سے ہمیشہ پسند آئے ہیں-لیکن اس کا یہ مطلب بھی نہیں کہ میں اس پسندیدگی کے سبب

Shikarpur suicide attack: A cancer emerged from strategic partnership of Neo-Deobadism and Saudi Wahhabi clergy: In District Shikarpur two Suicide bombers tried to target congregation for Eid-prayer but they failed while one suicide bomber blew himself and other was caught alive by local people present there.Suicide bomber who blew himself and died was

شکار پور حملہ، کالعدم تکفیری دیوبندی جماعتوں کا بڑھتا اثر رسوخ: میرا نام عثمان ہے، بلوچستان سے آیا ہوں اگر شکار پور میں زندہ پکڑا جانے والا خود کش بمبار بھی دوسرے بمبار کی طرح ہلاک ہوگیا ہوتا تو کل سے اب تک ہم شاید وہی مفروضے دہرا رہے ہوتے

Mohammad Javad Zarif: Let us rid the world of Wahhabism: Tehran — Public relations firms with no qualms about taking tainted petrodollars are experiencing a bonanza. Their latest project has been to persuade us that the Nusra Front, Al Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria, is no more. As a

Saudi Salafist Grand Mufti’s hate and exclusionary statements against Muslims and Zoroastrians: One is dismayed but not surprised by the Takfiri statement made by the Saudi head cleric. On the auspicious occasion of Hajj, the Saudi head cleric typically declared that “Iranians are not Muslims” – a tactic of apostasy

The sex trade in Yemen: How Al-Qaeda makes millions by trafficking children: Yemen you might already know has suffered under the yoke of a brutal war – one which has plunged the impoverished nation into the arms of famine, death, and despair. Yemen today however does not just resemble a

Islamic conference in Chechnya: Why Sunnis are disassociating themselves from Salafists: The world’s premier pan-Arab daily newspaper, Asharq Al-Awsat, reported that an international Islamic conference was organised in Grozny, a city in Chechnya with more than 100 top Muslim clerics from all around the world. The agenda was
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