Monthly Archive:: June 2012

An interview with Dr. Maroof Vaince, President YDA Faisalabad: پاکستان میں ڈاکٹرز کی پوری دنیا میں سب سے کم تنخواہیں / ڈاکٹر وینس صدر وائے ڈی اے تحریر اہتمام: رضوان اختر، ارتقاء قادر چنگاری ڈاٹ کام پنجاب بھر میں ڈاکٹرز سروس سٹرکچر جاری کروانے کے لئے پنجاب حکومت

Chief Justice Chaudhry is responsible for the crisis in Pakistan -by Sikandar Mehdi: Justice (retired) Fakhruddin G. Ebrahim, a respected jurist also known to have close relationship with Nawaz Sharif and PML-N, has very different opinion of CJ Iftikhar Chaudhrys’ ruling while PML-N and PTI are trying to ride on the back

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi threatens Imran Khan: In a dramatic departure from his silence on genocide of Shia Muslims at the hands of banned Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ, currently operating as Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat ASWJ), Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Friday (30 June 2012) termed the barbaric

Wall of silence on anti-Shia violence in Pakistan – by Abbas Nasir: Source: Adapted and edited from Dawn WE have made this Islamic Republic such a heaven on earth that we struggle to find words, often fight over these, to describe what its proud sons are capable of. Just two days

Hamid Mir doesn’t know about LeJ-ASWJ killer Malik Ishaq – by Banda-e-Khuda: Part 1 – Maulana Ahmed Ludhianvi Sipah Sahaba Geo TV Interview – 5 July 2010 Part 2 – Maulana Ahmed Ludhianvi Sipah Sahaba Geo TV Interview – 5 July 2010 Part 3 – Maulana Ahmed Ludhianvi Sipah Sahaba

We commend HRCP’s bold statement on Shia genocide in Pakistan: LUBP commends Zohra Yusuf and her team at Human Rights Commmission of Pakistan (HRCP) on issuing a bold statement on the ongoing Shia genocide in Pakistan. The HRCP’s statement not only highlights State’s failure to protect Shias but also

Terror hub: Jamia Farooqia on Balochistan border: Jamia Farooqia is a Sunni Deobandi seminary known for its principal Moulana Saleem Ullah Khan, who is president of Wifaqul Madarisul Arabia Pakistan, an organisation to regulate Deobandi seminaries and Iqra Schools across the country. The madressah is one of

Abu Jundal’s confession has once again put the spotlight on the nexus between ISI and LeT: Abu Jundal’s arrest spells bad news for Pakistan as the focus shifts back to ISI’s role in the Mumbai attacks, says Brijesh Pandey ANOTHER JIGSAW has fallen into place in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks puzzle. In a major

Bakhtawar has made her parents proud – by Maleeha Manzoor: My life ceases when it abruptly comes to my mind that my leader – Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, the hope of the oppressed people, has been snatched from us and is now residing in her grave, hemmed in by

Fact or fiction? Bhutto, General Zia and United Nation – by Azeem M. Mian: Did Zulfikar Ali Bhutto tear down an important resolution by Poland which could have helped in a (relatively) honourable resolution of Pakistan-India war in 1971? Is General Zia-ul-Haq the first world leader in the history of UN whose speech

How can one’s Taliban be good if they are killing the other’s innocent? – by Imtiaz Gul: Related posts: LUBP archive on Good Taliban Source: Adapted and edited from Express Tribune On June 19, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa’s (K-P) information minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain, who lost his son to a terrorist attack two years ago, said the following while

Anti-Shia violence in Balochistan is getting uglier by the day – by Malik Siraj Akbar: Related post: 20 Shias killed in Quetta again. Reason? Already stated; being Shias! LUBP Editor’s note: The following post is adapted from a recent editorial by Malik Siraj Akbar in The Baloch Hal. The minor editing in this excellent

20 Shias killed in Quetta again. Reason? Already stated; being Shias!: Related post: Anti-Shia violence in Balochistan is getting uglier by the day – by Malik Siraj Akbar Quetta, Pakistan – A roadside bomb ripped through a bus in Pakistan Thursday, killing at least 20 Shia passengers and wounding 25

Mufti sahib ye kia baat hui! Mufti Abdul Qavi joins Imran Khan’s PTI: In a dramatic development and consistent with PTI’s Islamist, right-wing inclinations, Mufti Abdul Qavi, a conservative Mullah of Pakistan, announced to join PTI in a crowded press conference. The press conference was held in presence of Imran Khan, Javed

Rukhsana Bibi kay tezaab say jhulsay zakhmon ki royalty – Wasi Shah (Nai Baat): Related posts: Twitter has spoken against Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy: #JusticeforRukhsana – by Aaj TV Justice for Rukhsana: This is how urban elites exploit oppressed women’s miseries in Pakistan We are cross-posting an Urdu column by famous Pakistani poet and

Congratulations to Bakhtawar – by Saria Benazir: “Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari” – My eyes haze, as I initiate to carve about the 22 year old, who has undergone more than any of her contemporaries for a democratic process and the rule of law in Pakistan. The portent

Twitter has spoken against Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy: #JusticeforRukhsana – by Aaj TV: Related posts: Justice for Rukhsana: This is how urban elites exploit oppressed women’s miseries in Pakistan Rukhsana Bibi kay tezaab say jhulsay zakhmon ki royalty – Wasi Shah (Nai Baat) Source: Aaj TV By: Zuhaeb Nazir, Uploaded: 27th June 2012

Constitutional misbehaviour of the Pakistan Supreme Court (Part II) -by Justice Markandey Katju: Related posts: Pakistani Supreme Court has gone overboard – by Justice Markandey Katju (Supreme Court of India) Justice Louise Arbour concerned about direction of Pakistan’s Supreme Court After my article about the constitutional misbehaviour of the Pakistan Supreme Court was published

Justice for Rukhsana: This is how urban elites exploit oppressed women’s miseries in Pakistan: Update: There is currently a campaign on Twitter to express support for Rukhsana. #JusticeForRukhsana. Please join to show your support for a double oppressed woman who is finding no voice in Pakistan’s elite dominated mainstream media. Rukhsana, the acid

Pakistan’s Cheap Justice praises MQM -by Raja M Asad Abbas: Pakistan is perhaps the only country in the world where an increasingly politically vindictive Chief Justice dismissed an elected Prime Minister and is now grinding his axe to disqualify the second PM. It’s therefore no surprise that political circles

While Rome burns the Quarter-Pounders rule – by Zachary Latif: In a Troubled Country, Still Time for High Society. Pakistani High Society exerts a unifying influence along the same lines as Bollywood does for India. Pakistan’s elite is predominantly English speaking, convent educated and with strong overlapping ties to

Fauzia Wahab’s untimely death is a loss for Pakistan -by Shehrbano Taseer: “She had tears in her eyes,” says Sherry Rehman of Fauzia Wahab’s first day in the National Assembly 10 years ago, when both Pakistan Peoples Party colleagues were freshman Parliamentarians. “I asked her why she was welling up, and

Global community must not stay silent on anti-Shia pogroms taking place in Pakistan – by Rusty Walker: Part I-, “A U.S. citizen’s perspective on silent Shia genocide taking place in Pakistan” – by Rusty Walker” A video of the gruesome pogrom against Shia Muslims has recently emerged. Like others before it, it is being ignored –

ASWJ’s Vice President Malik Ishaq Deobandi’s hate speech in Kabirwala Punjab: Evil production factory and evil outcome – by Banda-e-Khuda: Related posts: Global community must not stay silent on anti-Shia pogroms taking place in Pakistan – by Rusty Walker Two exclusive videos of Shia massacre which were blacked out by Pakistani media Five beheadings and a funeral Evil Production

Flaws hovering over Pakistan’s education system – by Tasbeeh Fayaz Ali: As characterized by a wise man, “Education is the third eye of a man”. This ‘third eye’ has been accentuated upon by the article 25-A of Constitution of Pakistan , which obligates the government to ensure quality and free education for in

Remembering Ammi: Ali Wahab remembers his mother Mohtarma Fauzia Wahab: Related posts: LUBP Archive on Mohtarma Fauzia Wahab “Ali bhai, Ammi’s surgery should have finished by now, but there are some complications, I will let you know in an hours’ time what happened”. This phone call from my sister on May

Pakistan govt to get rid of PM-hunter Chief Justice: Following the unceremonious exit of Pakistan Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani at the hands of Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry, the government is contemplating to table a constitutional amendment for simplifying the cumbersome procedure of the impeachment of the

The Slippery Slope of Intolerance – by Banda-e-Khuda: According to reports, the Shia Hazara students in Quetta have been asked by their university administration to take a separate bus to travel. They ave been asked to travel as a separate ethnic group (making them more vulnerable to

Justice or revenge? – by Realistic Voice: After four years of day and night struggle, honorable Chief Justice and his puppets (clapping hands) have succeeded to hunt the elected Government. At this very inappropriate time when the whole world is focusing on the issues of NATO

Raja Rental? Pakistan’s new PM Raja Pervez Ashraf is guilty until proven guilty – by Ravez Junejo: Related posts: #IftikharMental: Pakistan social media abuzz with insult for country’s top judge Five facts which go in favour of Pakistan’s new PM Raja Pervez Ashraf – by Ali Tahir On June 24, the newly elected Prime Minister of

Quetta Attack on Tablighi Jamaat : Intra-Deobandi feud must not be presented as Sunni-Shia sectarian violence: Related posts: Plot thickens: ISI strikes back by killing non-compliant Deobandis – by Sheherzade Adil Daily Jang is helping ISI to manufacture Sunni-Shia sectarian violence in Quetta – by Ali Muntaziri Continued pattern of misrepresentation by Jang to create

Target kilings of Ahmadis in Pakistan at the hands of Deobandi ASWJ and TTP militants: Let’s start from an incident which was widely ignored or diluted in Pakistan’s mainstream media: Ahmadi Muslim shot by Deobandi ASWJ terrorists in Baldia Town, Karachi Karachi (Saeedabad, Baldia town – 24 June 2012) – Aslam Bhatti, an Ahmadi

RIP Obaidullah Baig: Another illustrious period in the history of Urdu literature came to an end with the death of Obaidullah Baig in Karachi on June 22, 2012. Getting fame from a TV show Kasauti, Obaidullah Baig became an instant celebrity because

Five facts which go in favour of Pakistan’s new PM Raja Pervez Ashraf – by Ali Tahir: Related posts: #IftikharMental: Pakistan social media abuzz with insult for country’s top judge Raja Rental? Pakistan’s new PM Raja Pervez Ashraf is guilty until proven guilty – by Ravez Junejo Although our new prime minister – the largely unpopular

CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry should be asked to appear before Parliamentary Committee on Rules of Procedure and Privileges: Related post: Pakistan’s elected parliament must remove Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry In the light of recent commentaries by leading Pakistani and international lawyers including but not limited to Asma Jahangir, Justice Markandey Katju (Indian Supreme Court), Saroop Ijaz etc,

#IftikharMental: Pakistan social media abuzz with insult for country’s top judge: Related posts: Raja Rental? Pakistan’s new PM Raja Pervez Ashraf is guilty until proven guilty – by Ravez Junejo Five facts which go in favour of Pakistan’s new PM Raja Pervez Ashraf – by Ali Tahir 22 June 2012

Baloch social activist killed by state backed drug mafia – By Archen Baloch: Karachi: A Baloch Doctor has been killed in Malir City as the extra judicial killings of innocent people by the government backed drug mafia groups continue across Karachi. According to details on Wednesday 20 June 2012, Dr. Rahim Baksh

Daily Times, the latest pen-killer of Shia Hazaras of Quetta – by Ali Muntaziri: Update/Editor’s note: Op-ed editor of Daily Times has now apologized and assured to be extra careful in the future. We appreciate this gesture and hope the mainstream media will publish factual and sympathetic articles on Shia Hazaras, one of