Monthly Archive:: June 2008

My choice this week: 30 June to 6 July 2008: Taliban knocking at our door… by Khurshid Nadeem Ghaat – Nazir Naji Our political class – Irshad Haqqani 5 July 1977 – Asghar Nadeem Syed PPP, PML-N and vultures – Aftab Iqbal From July to July: The military rule

My choice this week: 24-29 June 2008: Bill Gates and his charity work – Javed Chaudhary Bye-elections and the future of the PPP-PML(N) alliance – Abbas Athar General Kiyani and the NWFP operation – Asadullah Ghalib Gul and Gul Muhammad – Hasan Nisar PML-N’s principled stance?

My choice today: Monday 23 June 2008: The Pakistani nation needs a visionary leader; a statesman. By Khurshid Nadeem Nizam ki tabdeeli? Rhetoric or reality? Hasan Nisar The pathway to the future of Pakistan – Khurshid Nadeem Remembering Benazir Bhutto – Ajmal Niazi Death sentence abolished

My choice today: Sunday 22 June 2008 – Swat Accord, Peace Deals with Terrorists; Marvi Benazir, The Lawyers Movement: The restoration of judges – Irshad Ahmed Haqqani Marvi, Benazir – Abbas Mehkari Swat accord WHILE every effort ought to be made to salvage the peace deal struck with the Swat militants on May 21, Maulana Fazlullah and his

My choice today: Saturday 21 June 2008 – Regime of Hostile TV Anchors in Pakistan; Dehshat Nigar, Media Face of Taliban;: A selection of op-eds: First “Regime of hostile TV anchors” by Najam Sethi, followed by an op-ed and Asif Zardari and NRO by Asghar Nadeem Syed. Regime of ‘hostile’ TV anchors Two particular encounters on two TV channels Thursday

My choice today: Friday 20 June 2008: Senior leaders of PML-N anxious to regain their federal ministries – Ansar Abbasi APDM, civil disobedience, Imran Khan and mental hospital – Abbas Athar Asif Zardari, Nawaz Sharif and the future of Pervez Musharraf – Nazir Naji A meeting

My choice today: Thursday 19 June 2008 – Long March or the Biryani Eaters? President Zardari, by Hamid Mir; Hasan Wasim Afzal – the most corrupt: Who is the real man of the Long March? Nawaz Sharif Long March – The Biryani eaters show – by Nazir Naji Hassan Wasim Afzal, the most corrupt prostitute bureaucrat who was first hired by Nawaz Sharif (Saifur-Rehman), then

The bubble of long March; and the Lawyers’ movement: Zardari tours Lahore – Aftab Iqbal Is it judges versus the economy? Interestingly, no one is fully satisfied with the “conclusion” of the Long March. This is because, if truth be told, what was undertaken was not really capable

My choice today: Tuesday 17 June 2008: Long March – an analysis (2) – Abbas Athar Long March ‘Thooss’ – Safdar Mehmood Dharna: illusion or deception? Nazir Naji Long March? Who was successful? Masood Ashar .. Marching to disaster —Zahid Hussain At this stage, when the

My choice today: Monday 16 June 2008: Long March – an analysis (1) – Abbas Athar Let us mourn the Long March – Abdul Qadir Hasan Nawaz Sharif’s speech at the Long March –Aftab Iqbal Dharna dharay ka dhara reh gaya – Ajmal Niazi Long March,

A Page from History: Nawaz Sharif vs Supreme Court: BBC World: South Asia Protesters halt Pakistani PM court case: 28 November 1997 Sajjad Ali Shah versus Nawaz Sharif: Pakistan’s constitutional crisis The trial of Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, has been halted after his supporters forced

Nawaz Sharif: A History of Ingratitude: Nawaz Sharif: A History of Ingratitude Mr. Sharif is not as innocent as he portrayed himself to be. If Mr. Sharif wants accountability, let’s open all the books. By MIRZA ROHAIL BAIG Saturday, 14 June 2008. WWW.AHMEDQURAISHI.COM ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—If

My choice today: Sunday 15 June 2008; Long March: gains and losses,: The long march: gains and losses (no more than 40,000 participants) – Irshad Ahmed Haqqani Long march ends on bitter note By Syed Irfan Raza ISLAMABAD, June 14: The lawyers’ long march ended on a bitter note after a

The Long March has left many questions unanswered…: There are a number of questions which beg answer in the aftermath of the long march. A BBC Analysis

The Long March that fell short of its promises…: BBC/Times News/Reuters: With less than 45,000 participants including 1,000 lawyers and their assistants (munshis), 3,000 madrassash students and Mullahs, 3,000 activists of Jamaat Islami and its student wing Jamiat, 500 workers of Imran Khan’s PTI, and the remaining participants

My choice today: Saturday 14 June 2008: Tuk tuk deedam, dam na kasheedam: Long March – Irshad Ahmed Haqqani The drop scene of the Long March – Imtiaz Alam The Long March and the parliamentary politicians – Abdul Qadir Hasan 40,000 gather as long march reaches

My choice today: Fri 13 June 2008 – Long March or Short March?: Aitezaz Ahsan: Lawyer or Politician? Ajmal Niazi Long march or short march? How many participants? “I am a victim of my own creation” Agha Msood Hussain meets Musharraf rraf Geo TV ki haqeeqat… Nasar Malik جیو ٹی وی ؟

The Long March fiasco: The Jamiat guys beat up the SAC students in Lahore: It seems that the cats are fighting over the piece of cheese (as if there was a piece of cheese in the first place). I have heard that ‘Momin aik sorakh say do bar nahe dasa jata’. Someone rush and

My choice today: Wednesday 11 June 2008: Long March, Zardari and Musharraf – Aftab Iqbal PPP lawyers and the Long March According to reports, lawyers belonging to the PPP in Lahore have a split opinion on whether to join the Long March in favour of the

Zardari’s choice: Power or PML-N? by Majid Shah: MAJID SHAH Tuesday, 10 June 2008. ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Wrong assessments lead to wrong conclusions. Our politicians are quite prone to making wrong assessments about undercurrents of the Establishment and world support. Twice the PPP lost governments because of these wrong

The Long March or The Short March?: The reality of the Long March: According to an anlysis by Ambar Khairi on BBC Urdu, the Long March is a fraud with the people of Pakistan who are being fooled by the greedy media (e.g. Geo, ARY, Aaj, Express

Pakistan’s disintegrating national unity: ZAID HAMID We are not comfortable with the direction of events. The President is in a crisis fighting for his survival; former Chief Justice wants his job back and is willing to get political to any limit irrespective of

My choice today: Tue 10 June 2008 – Lawers Movement and Fake Posturing: Niaz A Naik, Jahangir Karamat and Nawaz Sharif Warna bardasht kar – Wusatullah Khan Musharraf and reconciliation – Asadullah Ghalib Enough of posturing TRUE, posturing is an essential element of statecraft but our politicians need to be reminded that it is

My choice today: Monday 9 June 2008: Islam and modernism Musharraf – Munno Bhai Zardari and Shahbaz – Aftab Iqbal Musharraf’s fading oracle The media has pretended surprise over President Pervez Musharraf’s assertion Saturday that he would quit only as envisaged in the Constitution and not

Cheers To democracy – by Laila Sohail: With the election over, a clear mandate being given, and the parliament in place, Pakistan finally gets its much awaited taste of democracy. “The people of Pakistan have given their mandate…..” this s the most used line by those

My choice today: Sunday 8 June 2008 – ‘Peace deals’ and suicide-attacks –: Back to the president PRESIDENT Musharraf has confidently scotched all rumours of his imminent resignation that were doing the rounds of late. Talking to senior journalists in Islamabad yesterday he looked and sounded more self-assured than what appeared to

My choice today: Sat 7 June 2008 Bhutto-phobia and Ahmadi-phobia: Bhook ka mua’khiza The fate of Ahmedi students in a medical college in Faisalabad To The Army Chief: Are You Watching This?To The Army Chief: Are You Watching This? What some of the retired military men are doing on

Lawyers Movement and Fake Civil Society: My choice today: Fri 6 June 2008 The so-called civil society in Pakistan and the lawyers’ movement – By Munno Bhai What about the earlier illegalities? By Fatehyab Ali Khan What about the earlier illegalities? By Fatehyab Ali Khan

My choice today: Thursday 5 June 2008: Research and agriculture New theatreSabiq foji afsaraan…. (Ex-Servicemen’s Association and its intentions)By: Asadullah Ghalib Brahmdagh speaks out! Despite clear signals by the new civilian government in Islamabad that it wants to reconcile with all elements in Balochistan, a decision

My choice today: Wednesday 4 June 2008: Asadullah Ghliab exposes “the disinformation masters”, yellow journalists of Pakistan. Jheengar ka janaza hay zara dhoom say niklay – by Asadullah Ghalib Aitzaz should stop running with the hare and hunting with the hound The lawyers’ movement has rejected

My choice: 3 June 2008 – Why is Kalabagh Dam so controversial?: Kalabagh dam A lot of people are not even aware why the Kalabagh dam is so controversial. According to international water distribution law, the tail-ender has a legal and natural right on river and that is why no mega

Asif Zardari and NRO – another perspective: Two op-eds: Blackmailing in the name of NRO: A column by Nazir Naji Asif Zardari: A different perspective: by Mushtaq Ahmed Qureshi

My choice today: Mon 2 June 2008 – Accountability?: Muakhiza ya ta’meer?Accountability or Reconstruction – By Khurshid Nadeem Musharraf: Hamid Mir Dr. Abul Qadeer Khan, Bhutto, Judiciary and Media – By Abbas Ather Moment of catharsis for Pakistanis? Moment of catharsis for Pakistanis? The deposed Chief Justice of

My choice today: Sunday 1 June 2008 – The Role of ISI in Pakistani Politics – By Asghar Khan: The role of ISI in Pakistan’s politics (Did IMC hear that case?) Is ‘the judiciary restoration’ the only crisis in Pakistan? The spirit of charity work in the Pakistani nation An unwanted year: Cowasjee So al-Qa’ida’s defeated, eh? Go