Monthly Archive:: October 2008

Suspected Indian Army Personnel’s involvement in Malegaon blasts – ISI versus RAW and sectarianism in India and Pakistan: Indeed, it is not just ISI (or ‘was not’ just ISI) that has (had) connections with organizations which are (were?) involved in terrorist/sectarian activities in and outside Pakistan. Indian Army too does not seem to be not much different.

How rich are our parliamentarians, across the boad? A 2007 assessment of the richest Senators….: Senate excels NA with two richest parliamentariansSaturday, March 03, 2007 ISLAMABAD: The wealthiest of all members of the parliament, including those sitting in the Lower House, belong to the Senate. Senator Muhammad A. Swati and Senator Ishaq Dar have

Fighting terror in South Asia – By Kuldip Nayar: “THERE is no terror, Cassius, in your threats,” Julius Caesar tells him. Pakistan could have told India the same thing at the meeting of the joint anti-terror mechanism: recent bomb blasts at Malegaon and Modasa were not the doing

Shame on you Zardari, Shame on you Shahbaz Sharif, Time to say “NO” to opportunists i.e., “Lotas”: Fatiana, Hiraj, Kashmala lining up for ministries ISLAMABAD: Riaz Fatiyana, Ahmed Yar Hiraj and Kashmala Tariq – members of the opposition Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q) – are likely to be inducted in the federal cabinet as ministers, a source

Shame on you Zardari, Shame on you Shahbaz Sharif, Time to say "NO" to opportunists i.e., "Lotas": Fatiana, Hiraj, Kashmala lining up for ministries ISLAMABAD: Riaz Fatiyana, Ahmed Yar Hiraj and Kashmala Tariq – members of the opposition Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q) – are likely to be inducted in the federal cabinet as ministers, a source

Imran Khan’s favorite friends Taliban cum Sipah-e-Sahaba kill three Shia Muslims in D.I.Khan: Unknown motorcyclists kill 3 in DI Khan DERA ISMAIL KHAN: Three persons were killed due to firing by unknown motorcyclists in front of Mufti Mehmood Hospital, Dera Ismail Khan. According to details two motorcyclists killed three persons named Qalab

Being secular and a Muslim – By Aneela Babar: By Aneela Babar IF Pakistan had an annual Eid address to the nation, much like the Queen’s Christmas address, the president would not have been amiss in quoting her in referring to the past year as Pakistan’s annus horribilis.

Ali Ahmed Kurd, the SCBA elections, some perspectives… by Abbas Ather and other analysts: The Vote Count In the 2007 SCBA elections, the candidate opposing Aitzaz Ashan secured only 175 votes. In the 2008 SCBA elections, the candidate opposing Ali Ahmad Kurd secured 506 votes. ISLAMABAD/LAHORE/ KARACHI: Kurd secured 144 votes in Islamabad,

Ali Ahmed Kurd, the SCBA elections, some perspectives… by Abbas Ather and other analysts: The Vote Count In the 2007 SCBA elections, the candidate opposing Aitzaz Ashan secured only 175 votes. In the 2008

Balochistan quake death toll rises to 236: Updated at: 1100 PST, Thursday, October 30, 2008 QUETTA: The death toll in an earthquake hit Ziarat division of Balochistan has risen to 236 whereas 391 people were injured. The toll is expected to climb further Balochistan police sources

The Jewish school where half the pupils are Muslim: A great example of inter-faith harmony: King David, in Birmingham, is a state primary where the children learn Hebrew, recite Jewish prayers, eat kosher food and wave Israeli flags. So how come the majority of pupils are followers of Islam? Jonathan Margolis investigates Thursday, 1

FCR in Pakistan’s Tribal Areas: What to do with FCR? Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani had declared last April that he would like to abolish the Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR) in the Tribal Areas because it was “a barbaric colonial-era law that had ruled

American Muslims and Obama: According to an American survey, about 90 percent of American Muslims are expected to vote for Barack Obama on November 4. But strangely the Muslim organisation that carried out this survey doesn’t want the fact publicised widely because “it

Haroon-ur-Rashid, the undeclared propaganda secretary of Imran Khan…. Shame on you and your leader….: In his love with Imran Khan, Haroon-ur-Rashid has become blind. He is counting the number of flags of JUI and PPP. What does he think about the number of Imran Khan’s PTI flags in the so called movement for

Haroon-ur-Rashid, the undeclared propaganda secretary of Imran Khan…. Shame on you and your leader….: In his love with Imran Khan, Haroon-ur-Rashid has become blind. He is counting the number of flags of JUI and PPP. What does he think about the number of Imran Khan’s PTI flags in the so called movement for

Taliban kill Gayle Williams, a British-South African aid worker, who believed in doctrine of love…: In the name of love SOME would see it as a profession of faith. Others may call it a religion of humanity. Either way, such intrepid devotion to the cause of basic humanism can only merit pure homage —

At least 135 dead in Balochistan quake: QUETTA: The death toll from the earthquake in Balochistan has risen to 135, Dilawar Kakar, a mayor in the area said. The 6.4 magnitude quake hit a rural area of the province before dawn on Wednesday.Kakar said 135 deaths

Well done, Imran Khan, Hamid Gul, Kashif Abbasi and Hamid Mir. Your friends Taliban have destroyed another girls school in Swat.: Well done, Imran Khan, Hamid Gul, Kashif Abbasi and Hamid Mir. Your friends Taliban have destroyed another girls school in Swat. Imran Khan? Why don’t you admit your children to a Taliban jihadi madrassah? Is that your insaaf? Read

Well done, Imran Khan, Hamid Gul, Kashif Abbasi and Hamid Mir. Your friends Taliban have destroyed another girls school in Swat.: Well done, Imran Khan, Hamid Gul, Kashif Abbasi and Hamid Mir. Your friends Taliban have destroyed another girls school in Swat. Imran Khan? Why don’t you admit your children to a Taliban jihadi madrassah? Is that your insaaf? Read

From Karachi to Swat, the Taliban are active. Shame on those in a state of denial: FROM Karachi to Swat, the Taliban are active. Shame on you Imran Khan, Hamid Gul, Kashif Abbasi, Mushtaq Minhas. Are you still in a state of denial? From Karachi to Swat FROM Karachi to Swat, the Taliban are active.

PPP’s strategy for Balochistan: A strategy for Balochistan (Daily Times) The secretary of the Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Reconciliatory Committee on Balochistan, Senator Babar Awan, says he has a strategy for a solution to the problems of Balochistan. He has it narrowed down to

New Pak effort against terrorism encouraging: US, Canadian dailies: WASHINGTON: A US and a Canadian daily found Pakistan’s new efforts against terrorism ‘encouraging’ and said US should respond accordingly. An editorial in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin noted that the anti-Taliban lashkars are poorly armed with aging rifles, while Taliban

Listen Hamid Gul: The controversial Pakistani policy of creating strategic depth in Afghanistan has now become a noose around our neck.: Hope and fear in NWFPTuesday, October 28, 2008Khalid Aziz FATA and the NWFP are in the midst of “interesting times.” According to the Chinese such periods are unstable and bring a whirlpool of difficulties. Pakistan has entered a sinkhole

Time to purge establishmnt from the pro-Taliban elements: Spanish report ties ISI to Taliban * Claims agency funded training camps and weapons acquisition * Pakistan army chief vehemently denies Madrid claim Daily Times Monitor MADRID: A confidential Spanish Defence Ministry report has alleged Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency

In Asfandyar Wali Khan’s defence: by Gulmina Bilal Asfandyar Wali Khan has fled the country. Or so people will have you believe. In recent days, friends and family have bombarded me with questions and snide remarks about his whereabouts. Some have found this to

Pakistan’s Army is successfully achieving its aims in operation against terrorists in Bajaur…: Bajaur: an interim assessment The Frontier Corps (FC) inspector-general in Bajaur, Major-General Tariq Khan, has told visiting journalists that the army has flushed out militants from some of their strongholds and regained control of most of the troubled spots,

Ordinary people in Swat battle Taliban: Swat lashkar battles Taliban * Tribesmen kill 20 Taliban after botched attempt to abduct an elder* Taliban behead one tribesman, kill 6 others* 62 tribesmen ‘abducted’* 3 civilians killed as Taliban target barbershop* 11 Taliban killed in Bajaur Agency

Iqbal’s and Jinnah’s vision of Pakistan – Dr Javid Iqbal: Shame on Dr. Israr Ahmed and Dr. Safdar Mehmood for distorting the vision of Jinnah and Iqbal.