Monthly Archive:: July 2013

Our Lady of Fatima Church – by Nasir Dharejo: This Beautiful church with pure white life sized status of Mary, is situated in a very busy area near my home, but inside the church there is grate feeling of peace and love, even for a Muslim. Once I

ڈیرہ اسماعیل خان جیل پر تکفیری دیوبندیوں کا حملہ اور پاکستانی فوج کا شرمناک کردار: Related post: Taliban’s attack on D.I.Khan prison was not possible without Pakistan army’s connivance ڈیرہ اسماعیل خان جیل حملہ اور افواج کا کردار: کتیا چوروں کے ساتھ ملی ہوئی ہے ایک ایسی جیل جو کہ پولیس لائنز سے 500

Dirty Al-Qaeda business in the name of ‘Syrian Observatory for Human Rights’: This so called human rights activist, an affiliate of @syriahr (Syrian Observatory of Human Rights SOHR) in Aleppo who was killed recently was, in fact, a Wahhabi sectarian monster affiliated with Al-Qaeda: See this article on Syrian Observatory

Imran Khan’s reaction to Bannu jailbreak vs his reaction to D.I.Khan jailbreak: In April 2012, Takfiri terrorists of Taliban and Sipah Sahaba (ASWJ-LeJ) attacked Bannu prison. More than 200 heavily armed Deobandi Taliban militants travelling in several vehicles attacked the Central Jail in Bannu, Southern District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, releasing 384

٢١ رمضان، یوم علی پر کچھ خیالات – از آصف زیدی: حضرت علی کرم الله وجہہ پرکسی فرقے یا کسی مذہب کی اجارہ داری نہیں ہے. درحقیقت علی کو میں نے تو سمجھا ہی اقبال، رومی، اور عطار سے ہے. یہ تمام اہل تسنن سے ہیں. علی پر میں نے

A candid conversation with the US Dept of State Urdu on US support to Saudi-backed Wahhabi Salafi Deobandi Jihadis: Editor’s note: These are images of a candid discussion that took place on Twitter between the former editor of LUBP Mr. Nishapuri and the US State Department Urdu desk. It is clear that the United States has lost the

Pakistan chooses next President after jailbreak underscores threats – by Declan Walsh: LONDON — The troubling gap between politics and governance in Pakistan came into stark relief on Tuesday, when lawmakers elected the country’s 12th president just hours after Deobandi Taliban militants (along with Sipah Sahaba aka Lashkar-e-Jhangvi) shot their way

Attacks on Pakistan’s Minorities: Jan 2012 – Jun 2013 – by Omar Waraich: Last Friday, hundreds of shoppers were gathered in Parachinar’s main bazaar. In this main town of Pakistan’s Kurram tribal agency, located along the Afghan border, the local residents were buying food items for the looming evening Ramadan meal,

Jinnah’s Pakistan Or Taliban’s Pakistan By Faisal Mahmood: On 11 August 1947 Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah addressed to the members of Pakistan Constuituent Assembly.In that address Jinnah Said ,“You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go

D.I. Khan Jailbreak: Pakistani media blacks out cold-blooded murder of Shia inmates – by Mahpara Qalandar: The latest jailbreak by the Taliban took place on 29 July in which they helped escape around 250 criminals, most of them their fellow terrorists. That there was prior intelligence of the Taliban attack but the authorities did nothing

Muslims and the West – by A Z: The West and Islam have had an uneasy relationship for a very long time, which dates from even before the Muslims appeared on the world stage as the conquerors and led to the horrifying Crusades. Both developed a rhetoric

Asian Human Rights Commission’s report on minorities in Pakistan: World’s concern about minorities in Pakistan Nasir Saeed The issue of minority rights in Pakistan is discussed often around the world these days, in parliaments, human rights groups like Amnesty International, religious freedom departments, foreign affairs committees and international

Saaleh Duffer’s innuendo laden “tajzia” in Daily Jang: Jang Group’s senior “tajzia nigar”, Saaleh Zaafir, who is lovingly called “Duffer” at LUBP is known for his incorrect reporting and also uses his position as a senior journalist to extract personal benefits from those in power. He can

Christian Science Monitor: What’s behind the attacks on Shiites in Pakistan?: Source: Christian Science Monitor – with minor edits and additional information Twin bombings June 30, killed 28 people, primarily Shiites, in Pakistan’s city of Quetta. More than 300 Shiite muslims have been killed in a string of major attacks

No sanctuary for Pakistan’s Shia Muslims – by Aakar Patel: Source: Adapted from Hindustan Times with minor editing and additional information Attacks against the Shia Muslims of Pakistan are now so frequent and so normal that they are seen in run rate terms. Last Friday (26 July 2013), after

Centenary Milestone for one of Britain’s Oldest Muslim Communities: The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community – whose ethos is Love for All Hatred for None – marks a historic milestone tomorrow 25thJuly 2013, its centenary in Britain. At more than 100 of its centres set up throughout Britain, thousands will gather at

Sunnis not our brethren, but our souls: Ayatollah Sistani: Editor’s note: We are cross posting this blog so that the Sunni Ulema of Pakistan such as Deoband might issue similar Fatwas about the Shia Muslims facing Genocide at the hands of Deobandi terrorists. Ayatollah Sistani could simply have

KKF The Best Example Of Serving OF Humanity: The Holy Prophet PBUH said, “The greatest worship of all is to serve humanity”.Khidmat-e-Khalq Foundation (KKF) is a Pakistani charitable organization that comes under the jurisdiction of the Mutahida Qoumi movement . As highly organized, active and effective social organization the wide spectrum

برطانیہ الطاف حسین کا حامی کیوں؟: برطانوی اخبار گارڈین کی ایک رپورٹ میں دعویٰ کیاگیا ہے کہ برطانیہ کے ایم کیو ایم کے سربراہ کو ملک میں مستقل رہائش اختیار کرنے اور لندن میں ان کی سرگرمیوں کو نظر انداز کی وجہ ایم کیو ایم

A Pakistani Christian gunned down to grab his land: Okara, Punjab: July 29, 2013. (PCP) On 27th Day of July 2013, a source called Mr. Khurram Akhtar (Research Officer, The Voice) telephonically and informed him about the incidence that occurred in Chak 8-4/L Okara, District, Okara. The Voice

Jamshed Dasti: You have no idea who I am! – by Umer Nangiana: “You have no idea about the powers of MNAs. You will regret this,” Dasti threatened two patrolling officers. PHOTO: Express/Shahid Saeed ISLAMABAD: Just as people in glass houses should not hurl stones, people in parliament houses should not hurl threats.

History of Corruption Of Pakistan Chief Justice Iftikhar Choudry and His Son: Ch Iftikhar talented son, completed his medical school in 7 years as he was admitted in medical college on his father’s quota although he got C Grade in intermediate exams. Then Ch Iftikar realized that its time to find

Jang Group’s case of mistimed priorities – Drone attack a 6 column headline; DI Khan Jail attack a two column news hard to find! – by Farrukh Ahmed: If there was ever a doubt in the approach and priorities of Jang Group about Pakistan and its security situation, it was evident from the way they headlined the drone attack which according to them killed four terrorists, glorified

Rs 82 billion Ogra scam: Sifting myth from reality: Does a person who according to our right wing media and their tail wagging supporters in judiciary has caused the national exchequer a loss of Rs. 82 billion, wears handcuffs and looks haggard? Tauqeer Sadiq, a man who has

تکفیری دیوبندی دہشت گردوں کا ڈیرہ اسمعیل خان جیل پر حملہ، 250 خطرناک دہشت گرد فرار، 14 پولیس والے اور 6 شیعہ قیدی شہید: ڈی آئی خان جیل پر دیوبندی دہشت گردوں طالبان اور سپاہ صحابہ کے حملے میں ، 250 خطرناک دہشت گرد فرار – تکفیری دیوبندی دہشت گردوں نے شیعہ قیدی اختر عباس بلوچ کو ذبح کر کے شہید کر دیا

Oppression of women in Pakistan, vastly underreported – by Fawad Hasan: Editors note :The following article, originally published in Daily Times brings to light some of the blatant oppression done and encoded in text by the power hungry chauvinistic men. Apart from statistics, systemic violence is a much ignored

Report: Saudi Arabia discriminates against not only Shiites but also Sunnis: Editor’s Note: Muslims need to be clear that the Saudi Royal family are the first Taliban, they overthrew the last Caliphate of the Muslims with the help of British Imperialist Intelligence. Since then they have been buying up

Khudi Ali archive on Shia genocide in Pakistan: Shaheed Irfan Ali (Khudi Ali), a Shia Hazara peace and social activist, embraced martyrdom on January 10, 2013 in the second of the two blasts at Shuhada Chowk (Pearl Chowk, previously), Alamdar Road, Quetta while he was helping out

Shaheed Irfan Khudi Ali’s contribution to LUBP’s disocurse on human rights and Shia genocide: Shaheed Irfan Khudi Ali was a leading Shia rights and human rights activist of Pakistan. Originally a Shia Hazara from Quetta, he was a regular contributor to and supporter of LUBP’s discourse on Shia genocide by takfiri Deobandi terrorists

Is This The Pakistan That Jinnah Wanted ? – Pakistani Meem: Pakistan came into being on 14th August, 1947, it was a dream come true, the Muslims were jubilant to secure a separate homeland for themselves where they would be free from the subjugation of a majority, Pakistan was created

Ahmadi Soldier killed in line of duty buried with full military honours in Rabwah: An Ahmadi SOLDIER who died fighting the Taliban in the Tirah Valley was buried in Rabwah with full military honors. Qaiser Naveed Bhatti, 24 of Chak 23 District Nankana died in a firefight with the the Taliban in Tirah

Academic debate on Nikah-e-Mutah: ARY News succumbs to bullying and threats by Takfiri terrorists of Sipah Sahaba: Last week, ARY News presented an extremely informative, academic debate about the Islamic concept of Nikah-e Mutah (Temporary Marriage). In the debate, Sunni Barelvi, Deobandi, Ahle Hadith (Wahhabi) and Shia Muslims presented their views. Apparently the Ahle Hadith (Wahhabi)

Helpless Shia Muslims of Pakistani Gaza, Parachinar: Parachinar is the capital of Kurram Agnecy and the largest city of FATA.Parachinar is situated on a neck of Peshawar is the closet point in Pakistan to Kabul and borders of ther Tora Bora. Parachinar was a peaceful and beautiful

Truth about Saudi imams that PML-N, ISI, Supreme Court and media do not want you to know: Author: Mahpara Qalandar The explanation given by Sheikh Abdulrahman Al-Sudais, the President of the Affairs of the Two Holy Mosques, about sending Saudi imams to Pakistan is, “to promote ties between the two countries. He said that King Abdullah

68% women are sexually harassed in Pakistan – by Talal Raza: Our society is complicated. We claim to be democratic and free, yet we don’t ever talk about countless deep rooted issues that have plagued our society. We claim to be an Islamic state, yet our women consider themselves safer

Energy Fraud: Nawaz Sharif’s advisor Musaddiq Malik, Mian Mansha and Abdullah Yousuf in Power Plant Scam: A letter about the energy policy, blaming a gang of four for what is described as a con operation, had the parliamentary corridors on fire. The thrust of the letter was that the IPPs are

Najam Sethi seeks extra-constitutional powers as interim head of Pakistan Cricket Board: Dawn’s report: LAHORE, July 27: Amid the ongoing constitutional crisis surrounding Pakistan cricket, the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) in a review petition against the Islamabad High Court (IHC) decision is seeking extra- constitutional powers for its caretaker chairman Najam Sethi. The

In PTI-ruled Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Taliban terrorists gain foothold in Peshawar: New York Times: Source: New York Times – with minor edits and additional information PESHAWAR, Pakistan (27 July 2013) — Groups of Taliban fighters are spilling out of the tribal belt in northwestern Pakistan into the region’s largest city, Peshawar, where they