Khudi Ali archive on Shia genocide in Pakistan


Shaheed Irfan Ali (Khudi Ali), a Shia Hazara peace and social activist, embraced martyrdom on January 10, 2013 in the second of the two blasts at Shuhada Chowk (Pearl Chowk, previously), Alamdar Road, Quetta while he was helping out the Shia and Sunni victims of the first bomb blast by Deobandi terrorists. Shaheed Irfan Khudi Ali was a leading voice from Qutta on Shia genoide and a symbol of an untiring struggle for human rights and peace.


Khudi Ali: Dedicate to the Shohda of Quetta “Bazar-e-Sham & Quetta “, by Sadia Baloch:


















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  1. RT @khudiali: @SenRehmanMalik #Quetta No law & order LeJ openly issues its threats 4 inhuman killings of #Shia #Hazaras

  2. RIP @khudiali . The Shia Hazara community, Shias around Pakistan, and all other oppressed groups will miss you. #ShiaGenocide

  3. Quoting @khudiali from what he told me at SOCMM #Pakistan: ‘My people the Shia are dying. If I die, I want to die trying to help them’.

  4. Another soul’s no more among us. Inna lillahe wa inna elaihe raje’oon. @khudiali victim of #genocide of #Hazara &#Shia he was a fighter.

  5. Sad to hear about @khudiali 🙁 Met him in Karachi and Islamabad. A brave fighter who fought for Shias and spoke against the Shia genocide.

  6. My heart is crying after hear about @khudiali. Death,,he is died cz he is #Shia cz he follows #Muhammad n his family:((

  7. RIP RT @khudiali: #Quetta is like a living graveyard for #Shia #Hazaras at every point Hazaras experience death in the name of #Islam

  8. @khudiali: #Quetta is like a living graveyard for #Shia #Hazaras at every point Hazaras experience death in the name of #Islam#RIP

  9. @AnjumKiani One of My follower died in quetta blast today @khudiali My heart cries :(( He killed just because he was Shia :(( I cant believe

  10. One of My follower died in quetta blast today @khudiali My heart cries :(( He killed just because he was Shia :(( I cant believe :((

  11. @khudiali: #Quetta is like a living graveyard for #Shia #Hazaras at every point Hazaras experience death in the name of #Islam” Martyred.

  12. Please say a prayer for Irfan @khudiali, an extremely cultured and vocal representative of the Hazara Shia cause, who died in Quetta blast.

  13. What happened to @khudiali may happen to every single Shia, Ahmadi, moderate Sunni if we don’t rise against Deobandi militants.

  14. My God. @ShirazHassan is telling me that young Shia Hazara activist @khudiali is martyred in Quetta today. My God. I can’t believe.

  15. MT @nighatdad friend just confirmed that Irfan Khudi Ali @khudiali a young activist against shia genocide lost his life in Quetta blasts 🙁

  16. A friend just confirmed that Irfan Khudi Ali @khudiali a young activist against shia genocide lost his life in twin Quetta blasts 🙁

  17. #Quetta #Shia #Hazara #genocide continues attack on a Taxi at Spani Road 1 dead 4 injured

  18. #Quetta is like a living graveyard for #Shia #Hazaras at every point Hazaras experience death in the name of #Islam

  19. Join Insani Huqooq Ittehad, demo 2mro at Aabpara Chowk #Islamabad at 3 agnst #Shia #Genocide whc is worst 4 #Hazaras in #Quetta

  20. Can happen only in #Pakistan. “@khudiali: #Quetta No law & order LeJ openly issues its threats against #Shia #Hazara 

  21. @SenRehmanMalik #Quetta No law & order LeJ openly issues its threats 4 inhuman killings of #Shia #Hazaras

  22. @arsched @iamthedrifter #Quetta No law & order LeJ openly issues its threats 4 inhuman killings of #Shia #Hazaras

  23. @akchishti @AliDayan #Quetta No law & order LeJ openly issues its threats 4 inhuman killings of #Shia #Hazaras

  24. @mughalbha @abbasnasir59 #Quetta No law & order LeJ openly issues its threats 4 inhuman killings of #Shia #Hazaras

  25. RT “@khudiali: #Quetta No law & order LeJ openly issues its threats 4 inhuman killings of #Shia #Hazaras

  26. #Quetta No law & order LeJ openly issues its threats 4 inhuman killings of #Shia #Hazaras

  27. #Quetta LeJ threatened my uncle & other #Shia #Hazara guys 2kill them this wek #Shiagenocide is 8 full swing in presence of ISI FC Police

  28. This picture is circulated in social media enough 2tell the story of #Shia #Hazaras how they are taken in #Pakistan

  29. Although supreme court ordered media in #Balochistan not 2 issue LeJ & SSP pres releases they openly gv thr statements 2kill #Shia #Hazaras

  30. @khudiali: Mach firing on a shop Zulfiqar Hazara killed by #Taliban wing LeJ #Shia #Hazaras be Sunni,leave #Pakistan or die.”

  31. #Quetta #Balochistan Mach firing on a shop Zulfiqar Hazara kiled by #Taliban wing LeJ killing #Shia #Hazaras 2be Suni,leave #Pakistan or die

  32. #Quetta news alert,FC seized 4000 kg explosives on a bus in Akhter Abad 2hit #Shia #Hazaras by #terrorists,nw FC says it Ws food items

  33. #Pakistan #Shia killing is confused wt mere sectarianism whl its deeper than that as SSP hijacked the historical term ahle sunnat wal Jamt

  34. InteriorMinster Rahman Malik says 3rd foreign hand is behind #terrorism whil SSP openly holding rally agnst #Shia #Hazaras 2kil in #Quetta

  35. #Quetta news alert, FC seized 4000 kg explosives loaded on a bus in Akhter Abad to hit Browery Hazara Town #Shia #Hazaras by #TTP #LeJ

  36. @khudiali: #Quetta news alert, FC seized 4000 kg explosives loaded on a bus in Akhter Abad to use against #Shia #Hazaras by terrorists”

  37. #Quetta news alert, FC seized 4000 kg explosives loaded on a bus in Akhter Abad to use against #Shia #Hazaras by terrorists

  38. state nonestate actors openly target #media #Shia #Hazaras 2day HamidMir lucky he is safe bt asusual we r confused wt conspiracy theory

  39. Lakki Marwa Southern Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in #Pakistan suicide bomber attack in Mohala Syedha near #Shia Immambargha

  40. #MQM ally of #PPP leaked the secret that baned outfits killing #Shia #Suni in #Karachi,its clear nw thr r mre secrets things,public must kw

  41. #Quetta #Shia #Hazara #genocide #Muhammad Hashem S/O Abdur Raheem. Shaheed e Khuzdar : 18-11-12: at 18:45

  42. #Quetta few days back Ramzan Ameeri(German Teacher) Martyed Near Manan Chowk #Shia #Hazaras #genocide continues

  43. #Quetta attack on #Shia #Hazaras in Mach 3 dead 1 injured Shia Hazara #genocide continues under silence supervision of ISI FC Police #un

  44. #Quetta LeJ accepted the responsiblity for inhuman killings of #Shia #Hazaras threatens to attack #Mohrum processions

  45. @asmashirazi Hateful Jahidists inspirational videos almost in every mobile shop is available against #Shia #Hazaras in #Quetta wtout check

  46. #Quetta updates after 7 hours sit in against the #Shia #Hazaras #genocide. Shia conference the sit in demo is finished .

  47. #Quetta Bad news #Shia Hazara #genocide continues 3 #Hazaras dead 2 injured at Spani Road

  48. Karachi #Shia #genocide continues Aftab Hadair Jaffairy and the other man killed in Sadar #Karachi

  49. 2understand the genesis & growth of anti-#Shia #extremism, the claims of both #Sunni and Shia leaders must be examined …

  50. #LeJ is deadly beast. Today it targets #shia #Hazara , tomoro it WILL target the #SilentMajority @e_clicker @khudiali @roohgulzari

  51. LeJ killed a #Shia police inspector in Pashen #Quetta,LeJ SSP hijacked name of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat,& justified #terrorism

  52. #Shia Hazara genocide goes on 4 #Hazaras are killed in Sirki road #Quetta

  53. LeJ pro #Taliban Fasadd Falharz under the command of Safiullha Kurd attacked a #Shia jeweller in #Quetta this evening 1 Shia jeweller dead

  54. @arsched isn’t it our war #Taliban openly rejects #Pakistan constitution QuideAzim Taliban LeJ killing #Shia #Suni,PMLN says its nt our war?

  55. @14noor: Why #Shia believe in the infallibility of Prophets-Among the Imam’s debates with the rhetoricians and men of 

  56. #Quetta a #Shia boy Yasain was target killed and dead body was taken to #Balochistan high court for justice. Shia #genocide continues

  57. Sikandr #Hazara was my student relative,2day target killed 4 being #Shia,in Kuchlagh #Quetta a #Taliban controlled area

  58. LeJ SSP filled walls 8 #Quetta Sabzal rd wt slogans aganst #Shia “Shio ka aik ilaj, aljihad aljihad”,”Jo Shio ka hami hai,wobe harami hai”

  59. #Quetta LeJ releasesd video of the attack on #Shia #Hazara bus of Zahreen last month,no1 bothers abot Shia genocide …

  60. The zomib, Dracula,a vampire Jahidist nation of #Pakistan ignorant of word peace,just knows the word blood of #Banglis #Baloch #Shia #Hazara

  61. @AmbitiousSaint #Pakistani nation has become a #Jahidist Dracula a vampire #Hazara #Shia blood cant satisfy them it needs the whole world,s

  62. @KhadimDurrani they think #Shia blood would allot them a plot in Jannat

  63. @khudiali: the death of a wanton killer of religious convictions should make their loved think that shia victims have families too 🙁

  64. #Quetta seems hidden powers unhapy wt BNP leder Akhtar Mengal statement abot #Baloch & #Hazara killings #Shia Hazara kiling will intensify

  65. @HMSALERT: Nomaish Par shaheedo ki Bodies Rk Kr Protest Jari,#shia #genocide continues in Karachi #Quetta while govt hs given fre hand 2SSP

  66. No1 care & bother 3Shia ppl from 1 family killed last day in Pan Mandi #Karachi and today in #Quetta #shia #genocide continues in #Pakistan

  67. Breaking:Two more #Shia Muslims killed near Balochistan University #ShiaGenocide #ShiaHazaras – via @Khudiali

  68. ex ambassador tariq Aziz who was kidnapped sd in a peace conference the #Shia issue is becz of #Iran & #Sunil revolution ws to be created

  69. @MKKhan_ @beenasarwar religious clergies in international conference i ask abot sectarian killing of Shia & the response ws very cool

  70. #Nato containers are hit in #Mastung #Shia #Hazara are hit in Mastung ,if LeJ SSP r #US #Raw touts why they hit Nato

  71. Thanks Mr. Rahman Malik Cj this your gift of Malik Ishaq attacked #Shia #Hazara Bus of Zaaereen in Mustung #women & #Children killed

  72. @khudiali because a big chunk of them r recruited from waziristan; anti-shia feelings very high amongst them. #Hazara‘s #Quetta

  73. @Zia_Chang yes of course in the presence of Fc police check posts they write virulent slogan campaign against #Shia #Hazaras in #Quetta

  74. #Quetta Hw can #Shia #Hazara #genocide stop while SSP,s virulent campaign”Shion ka aik elaaj Al #Jahid Al-Jahid”walls of Spani Rd filled wt

  75. Quetta #Balochistan #Shia #Hazara# بلوچستان میں فرقہ وارانہ تشدد بے قابو ہو رہا ہے …

  76. sorry 2put this pic bt this is just 2expose 2world abot nonstop #Shia #Hazara #genocide in #Quetta,he ws kild last dy

  77. SSP lder Allama Abdul raham sajid,Hafiz nazir ahamad farroqi molan manan Jangvi mohammed mangal comnder umar Lahari provoke ppl agnst #Shia

  78. #Quetta a #Shia Hazara is target killed,#Hazara #genocide continues Thanks for Rahman Malik and chief justice 4 releasing Mailk Ishaq

  79. #Quetta a #Shia Hazara is target killed,#Hazara genocide continues Thanks for Rahman Malik and chief justice 4 releasing Mailk Ishaq

  80. “I visited Hazara graveyard in Quetta shocked seeing 700 hundred ppl rest thr,Dr,sportman,4 year boy, killed 4being Shia“,senator Nilofar

  81. If you cannt convince them confuse them & this is done wt the #Shia #Hazara killings never know how kills US Raw or LeJ from Jang #Pakistan

  82. Good news Malik Ishaq is released from Kot Lak Path jail, #Shia #Hazaras will face the music,Mr.Rahman Mailk you made joke of #Pakistan!!!!!

  83. @Zakializ: “Shehr-e-afos mein uththey hain jenazay itnay Jin ko ginnay key liye waqt kam parta hai” #MohsinChangezi#Quetta #Shia #Hazara

  84. @khudiali Plz RT @SenRehmanMalik We demand a full invstigation into the death of the 9yo #Hazara #Shia protester shot dead by #FC in #Quetta

  85. @azizhazara the fall of TTP and its hidden supporters has began with #Rimsha and will end on #Shia #Hazaras

  86. @roohgulzari: In 2012, at least 320 members of the #Shia population have been killed in targeted attacks. Human rights watch report.”

  87. 1thing I want 2clear #Hazaras nevr tried 2impose thr faith on others,we hv alwys ben tolerant,its others made us feel we r #shia kill them

  88. We #Hazaras don’t need 2thank Chief Justice of #Pakistan 4hearing #Shia #Hazara killing in Quetta,it wad his duty whic Ws heared earlier

  89. RT “@khudiali: 200 hundred students of #Shia #Hazaras deprived of #education Justice Khilji Arif’s remarks in court room #Quetta

  90. 200 hundred students of #Shia #Hazaras deprived of #education Justice Khilji Arif’s remarks in court room #Quetta

  91. @mSaleemJaved We will do such a thing wt you in #Quetta the world will 4get “Holocaust” it’ll beneo-Holocaust of #Shia #Hazaras Allhao akbar

  92. @hasnain300 This time more than thousands of #Shia #Hazaras seems to be targeted Rahman Malik just issues press statements,ppl need action

  93. Sir Mr.Rahman Malik Sb civil #war in #Quetta switched on #FC got #police powers bt just now a #Shia #Hazara is killed in Quetta?

  94. #Shia #Hazara genocide continues in #Quetta Unknown persons open fire on Nemat ullha killed in his medical store at Kerani road hazara town

  95. #Quetta r #shia #Hazaras scapegoat of strategic depth policy,misuse of #Islamic interpretation,takeover of #Taliban LJ & failure of govt?

  96. Fatwa of Ulema on #Shia #Suni killings page 14 ,15 

  97. deadly killings of #Shia #Hazaras awaiting in #Quetta,becz govt FC IB #ISI MI,police,all are on rest & LJ is on duty to kill! @UNrightswire

  98. More deadly killings of the #Shia #Hazaras awaiting in #Quetta,becz govt #FC #IB #ISI #MI,police,all are on rest & LJ is on duty to kill!!!

  99. @Darveshh some incidents like ones archived here  killing of non-Shia clerics/activists @khudiali

  100. white paper expose real perpetrators of #Shia #Hazara kilng will empower the #Hazara community frm coming out of confusion of hidden enemy

  101. I request govt nt waste its energy on giving FC police power rather publish a white paper exposing real perpetrators of #Shia #Hazara kilng

  102. 2day 8court in #Rimsha case accused lawyer like Rahman Malik & other molas who confuse #Shia #Hazara killing wt CIA raw shamefully exposed

  103. Like #Rimsha the noble #Islam Is used against the killing of #Shia #Hazaras in #Quetta which will soon be exposed & thr conspiracies die

  104. God willing all evil forces be exposed who use noble #Islam for killing the #Shia #Hazaras of #Quetta,truth will will & evil will vanish

  105. If government wants 2improve the situation in #Quetta it must treat #Shia #Hazaras like kind parents giving FC police powers is like bulling

  106. #Quetta I really hv my serious concerns on #FC police powers it will only kill the #Shia #Hazaras,why don’t FC crackdowns on LJ than wait

  107. @arsched honestly fed up of listening hypocrite statements on tv shows from #Rimsha to #shia #Hazara killings

  108. Fc in #Quetta has given the charges of police for 2 months will this stop #Shia #Hazara killings, or all topi drama?

  109. @khudiali Jo Masoom Awam Kay Darmiyan Nafrat Kay Beej Bote Rahe Lakin Hum Her Us Aalim/Zakir (Sunni or Shia) Jo Nafrat Phailata Hai Usko 1/3

  110. Fed up of this nonsense as frm Rahman Malik to Molana Hamza leader Jammt Dawa now on Royal Tv confuse #Shia Killings wt #Rwa #CIA #Mossad

  111. Rimsha u wr abot 2set ablaze bcz of #blasphemy,be strong #Shia #Hazaras are wt you, r butchered becz they r Kafirs n thr blasphemous faith

  112. 2Rimsha a little #Christian girl accused wt #blasphemy in #Islamabad,Im ashamed 2 see you will get #justice seing #Shia #Hazaras 2day kild

  113. on #DunyaTV sec: Home Department said; #Attacks on #Shia #Hazaras r not new in #Quetta #Balochistan, so, if new then? #Shame #Genocide

  114. DPO Hamid Shakil has arrived 4 negotiations #Shia #Hazaras,but we have been confused and fooled with such negotiation 4 more than 10 years

  115. #PPP senator Sajjad Bukhri you cant put the responsibility on blaming #Afghanistan #India #America 4killing of #Hazara #shia in #Quetta

  116. Down with #Terrorism in the name of Islam and those who support it and those who are silent on it #Quetta #Shia #Hazara #genocide

  117. #Quetta #Shia #Hazaras under attack frm all sides but sign of justice to voiceless people,s sufferings #discriminations 

  118. We must learn from #India ops but they our enemy & “Hanud”. #LeJ is daily openly admits calling #Shia but no arrest …

  119. I condemn #Taliban zombies attack in #Peshawar enemies of humanity #Suni #Shia #everyone (Matni Bazar) 7 dead, 20 injured #Pakistan

  120. Yesterday Mr.Rahman Malik as usual confused the #Shia #Hazara killings wt foreign hand conspiracy theory showing #BLA & LeJ allies

  121. This happened last night whn LeJ ppl killed & 2day the news totally twisted & distorted seems big conspiracy against #Shia #Hazaras

  122. sory2 share the pic,u may say althe time we talk of #Shai #Hazara killings,wel itsnt Shia Kiling only bt humanity&pak’s

  123. I knw most ppl get unhapy when we share news/reports/comments/talks abot #Shia Killing in #Pakistan,well we wnt 2tell the world abot justice

  124. Im sory2 share the pic,u may say althe we talk of #Shai #Hazara killings,wel itsnt Shia Kiling only bt humanity & pak’s 

  125. @sharmilafaruqi nice to remind abot the culture of silence on #Shia #Hazara Killings,bt don’t worry more deaths & killing still planned 4Qta

  126. #Paki agencies paly a very dirty games wt blood of innocents #Shia #Hazaras, #Gilgit #Parachinar #Karachi gd news is agencies r silent

  127. @khudiali: #Quetta why are #Shia #Hazaras are targeted only in between 2 Fc check posts,who supports the #terrorists?”

  128. CM #Balochistan ordered 2deaponise #Quetta,it,ll starte by the grace of God whn LeJ wt support of agencies wipe out #Shia #Hazaras frm Qta!

  129. #Quetta why #Shia #Hazaras are targeted,who supports #terrorists?I shared the report of #Punjab govt abot the role of agencies bt nothing

  130. #Quetta why #Shia #Hazaras are targeted only in 2 Fc check posts,who supports the #terrorists?

  131. #Quetta Firing on #Shia #hazara taxi on spinny road, 3 killed, 2 injured

  132. After #Shia #Hazara police & Immbaragha attack in a meeting held by HRCP,late president press club Qta Ikramullha sd agencies pressure them

  133. A journalist who wrote abot #Shia Killings in #Quetta was called by agencies threatened him becz he raised question abot Saifullha Kurd

  134. @HamidMirGEO @beenasarwar but wat hv courts done even don’t mention #Shia #Hazaras name while he 1by 1 names Baloch,Pashtoon,Sindh,Panjbi?

  135. Even a journalist who wrote abot #Shia killings in #Quetta when his atrial published he was called by the agencies & threatened

  136. I do not want to share these clips but to tell the world abot #TTP , LeJ propaganda and #Shia killings in #Pakistan …

  137. @khudiali Did you watch the video released today or whenever of the two Shia victims in Quetta? Why doesn’t it shake everyone’s conscience?

  138. #Quetta 6 hundred thousand #Shia #Hazara ppl are left 8 mercy of terrorists who’s genocidal & expulsion plans under way in presence of ISI!

  139. The #Shia killings in #Pakistan has nothing to do wt #religion but a #political game in which #Sunis are badly and sadly used.

  140. Violation of cultural,political,religious,social,economical,rights wt #Shia #Hazaras in #Quetta made a norm.can we say #Pakistan protect HR

  141. The local buses #Shia #Hazara ppl run frm Alamdar road 2 Pashin-bus stop now stopped due2 target killing & #terrorism,hundreds of ppl suffer

  142. @HaiderRizviMQM why they silent on the Shia killings , they are afraid of TTP #Islamabad

  143. Nadeem Afzal Gondal MNA PPP Speech in parliament on the killing of #Shia in #Pakistan …

  144. @khanu67c: @khudiali #Shia #Sunni Koi Bhi Kafir Nahi – Tariq Jameel – Maulana Ishaq: 

  145. @khudiali Shia Sunni Koi Bhi Kafir Nahi – Tariq Jameel – Maulana Ishaq: 

  146. Why don’t #Suni Ulamas tell the truth & confuse people,why they confuse #Shia Killings with #America, #Drone Attacks? …

  147. Kitney afsoos ki baat he ke dunya tv per #AhmedLudhianvi aur #IbtesaamElahi Zaheer ki shaqqiulqalbi dekhnI parri. #Hazara #Shia #Genocide

  148. If you r a #Shia be #Suni or be ready 2die message of LeJ, this happened wt Khadm Hussein #Hazara & 2 others in #Quetta 

  149. These campaigns against #Shia community is well known 2 Police FC Army & its intelligence services bt no action taken against LeJ-AHRC p298

  150. #Shia #Genocide,is America responsible or Muslims, wat abot Immam Hussein was he also martyred by #America or #Muslims? 

  151. #Quetta Dr arbab Ghulm Rasool released on interference of tribal leaders & govt high ups,bt when Shia Hazaras are kidnapped dead bodies come

  152. Prof Ibrahim of Jamte Islami says shia killing is becz of #America bt Jashe #Islam claimes the killings in Qta,Jamte Islami & media confuses

  153. Prof Ibrahim of Jamte #Islami says shia killing is becz of #America bt Jashe #Islam claimes the killings in Qta,is this group an American ?

  154. #Quetta Jang News, Jaish-ul-#Islam has claimed responsibility for killing three #Shia #Hazaras on Arbab Karam Khan Rd yesterday.”

  155. Strang according to Prof Ibrahim of Jamte #Islami who says #shia killing is becz of #America,they also sit in difae Pakistan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  156. Prof Ibrahim of Jamte #Islami says shia killing is becz of #America bt sir killers whn kill say Allaho akbar & #Shia Kafir,sit in difae pak

  157. RT @khudiali Prof Ibrahim of Jamte #Islami says shia killing is becz of #America bt sir killers when kill say Allaho akbar & #Shia Kafir.

  158. Prof Ibrahim of Jamte #Islami says shia killing is becz of #America bt sir killers when kill say Allaho akbar & #Shia Kafir.

  159. 23 Shias killed in Pakistan today. Define Genocide? RT @khudiali #Quetta 3 #Shia #Hazaras killed 2 injured at Arbab Karam Khan Road

  160. #Quetta 3 #Shia #Hazaras killed 2 injured at Arbab Karam Khan Road

  161. @khudiali Its beyond acceptance, declared as infidels #Shia Muslims are supposed to be wajib ul qatal here … how degrading!!

  162. Dear Mr.chief Justice of #Pakistan & Chief of staff Mr.General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani aren’t #Shia #Hazaras Pakistani? 

  163. Must watch Who says #minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in