Khudi Ali archive on Shia genocide in Pakistan
Shaheed Irfan Ali (Khudi Ali), a Shia Hazara peace and social activist, embraced martyrdom on January 10, 2013 in the second of the two blasts at Shuhada Chowk (Pearl Chowk, previously), Alamdar Road, Quetta while he was helping out the Shia and Sunni victims of the first bomb blast by Deobandi terrorists. Shaheed Irfan Khudi Ali was a leading voice from Qutta on Shia genoide and a symbol of an untiring struggle for human rights and peace.
Khudi Ali: Dedicate to the Shohda of Quetta “Bazar-e-Sham & Quetta “, by Sadia Baloch:
RT @khudiali: @SenRehmanMalik #Quetta No law & order LeJ openly issues its threats 4 inhuman killings of #Shia #Hazaras
RIP @khudiali . The Shia Hazara community, Shias around Pakistan, and all other oppressed groups will miss you. #ShiaGenocide
we couldn’t save u 🙁 Irfan Ali. #shia #quetta @khudiali
Sad to hear about @khudiali 🙁 Met him in Karachi and Islamabad. A brave fighter who fought for Shias and spoke against the Shia genocide.
@AnjumKiani One of My follower died in quetta blast today @khudiali My heart cries :(( He killed just because he was Shia :(( I cant believe
One of My follower died in quetta blast today @khudiali My heart cries :(( He killed just because he was Shia :(( I cant believe :((
Please say a prayer for Irfan @khudiali, an extremely cultured and vocal representative of the Hazara Shia cause, who died in Quetta blast.
What happened to @khudiali may happen to every single Shia, Ahmadi, moderate Sunni if we don’t rise against Deobandi militants.
My God. @ShirazHassan is telling me that young Shia Hazara activist @khudiali is martyred in Quetta today. My God. I can’t believe.
MT @nighatdad friend just confirmed that Irfan Khudi Ali @khudiali a young activist against shia genocide lost his life in Quetta blasts 🙁
A friend just confirmed that Irfan Khudi Ali @khudiali a young activist against shia genocide lost his life in twin Quetta blasts 🙁
Join Insani Huqooq Ittehad, demo 2mro at Aabpara Chowk #Islamabad at 3 agnst #Shia #Genocide whc is worst 4 #Hazaras in #Quetta
@SenRehmanMalik #Quetta No law & order LeJ openly issues its threats 4 inhuman killings of #Shia #Hazaras
@arsched @iamthedrifter #Quetta No law & order LeJ openly issues its threats 4 inhuman killings of #Shia #Hazaras
@akchishti @AliDayan #Quetta No law & order LeJ openly issues its threats 4 inhuman killings of #Shia #Hazaras
@mughalbha @abbasnasir59 #Quetta No law & order LeJ openly issues its threats 4 inhuman killings of #Shia #Hazaras
RT “@khudiali: #Quetta No law & order LeJ openly issues its threats 4 inhuman killings of #Shia #Hazaras”
#Quetta No law & order LeJ openly issues its threats 4 inhuman killings of #Shia #Hazaras
#Quetta LeJ threatened my uncle & other #Shia #Hazara guys 2kill them this wek #Shiagenocide is 8 full swing in presence of ISI FC Police
This picture is circulated in social media enough 2tell the story of #Shia #Hazaras how they are taken in #Pakistan
Although supreme court ordered media in #Balochistan not 2 issue LeJ & SSP pres releases they openly gv thr statements 2kill #Shia #Hazaras
#Quetta news alert,FC seized 4000 kg explosives on a bus in Akhter Abad 2hit #Shia #Hazaras by #terrorists,nw FC says it Ws food items
InteriorMinster Rahman Malik says 3rd foreign hand is behind #terrorism whil SSP openly holding rally agnst #Shia #Hazaras 2kil in #Quetta
Do You Agree with #Shia killing in #Pakistan ?
#Quetta #Shia #Hazaras #genocide underway in supervision of #Pakistani #media #agencies
#Quetta few days back Ramzan Ameeri(German Teacher) Martyed Near Manan Chowk #Shia #Hazaras #genocide continues
#Quetta LeJ accepted the responsiblity for inhuman killings of #Shia #Hazaras threatens to attack #Mohrum processions
RT @khudiali Bin Ki moon you would be killed if were in #Quetta #Pakistan, #Shia #Hazaras genocide #UN @UNrightswire
Bin Ki moon you would be killed if were in #Quetta #Pakistan, #Shia #Hazaras genocide #UN @UNrightswire
@asmashirazi Hateful Jahidists inspirational videos almost in every mobile shop is available against #Shia #Hazaras in #Quetta wtout check
#Shia #Hazaras 3 killed, 2 injured in firing on #Quetta cab …
2understand the genesis & growth of anti-#Shia #extremism, the claims of both #Sunni and Shia leaders must be examined …
#LeJ is deadly beast. Today it targets #shia #Hazara , tomoro it WILL target the #SilentMajority @e_clicker @khudiali @roohgulzari
LeJ killed a #Shia police inspector in Pashen #Quetta,LeJ SSP hijacked name of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat,& justified #terrorism
“@14noor: Why #Shia believe in the infallibility of Prophets-Among the Imam’s debates with the rhetoricians and men of ”
#Quetta a #Shia boy Yasain was target killed and dead body was taken to #Balochistan high court for justice. Shia #genocide continues
#Lej claims responsibility for killing of #shia #hazaras (4/10/2012) … @khudiali @Sajjad_Changezi @MalikSirajAkbar
Sikandr #Hazara was my student relative,2day target killed 4 being #Shia,in Kuchlagh #Quetta a #Taliban controlled area
#Quetta LeJ releasesd video of the attack on #Shia #Hazara bus of Zahreen last month,no1 bothers abot Shia genocide …
@AmbitiousSaint #Pakistani nation has become a #Jahidist Dracula a vampire #Hazara #Shia blood cant satisfy them it needs the whole world,s
@KhadimDurrani they think #Shia blood would allot them a plot in Jannat
@khudiali: the death of a wanton killer of religious convictions should make their loved think that shia victims have families too 🙁
کوئٹہ کے سریاب روڈ پر نامعلوم افراد کی فائرنگ، جیولاجیکل سروے کے ڈپٹی ڈائریکٹر جاں بحق Quetta #Shia #genocide# …
Breaking:Two more #Shia Muslims killed near Balochistan University #ShiaGenocide #ShiaHazaras – via @Khudiali
@MKKhan_ @beenasarwar religious clergies in international conference i ask abot sectarian killing of Shia & the response ws very cool
“Systematic #Shia Extermination In Pakistan Is #Genocide“,an interview with Dr Taqi @mazdaki …
@Zia_Chang yes of course in the presence of Fc police check posts they write virulent slogan campaign against #Shia #Hazaras in #Quetta
Quetta #Balochistan #Shia #Hazara# بلوچستان میں فرقہ وارانہ تشدد بے قابو ہو رہا ہے …
Must listen . Dedicated to Shohad-e-Mastung 2011 #Quetta #Shia #Hazara #genocide …!
sorry 2put this pic bt this is just 2expose 2world abot nonstop #Shia #Hazara #genocide in #Quetta,he ws kild last dy
Nonstop #Shia #Hazara #Genocide in #Quetta . A mother’s plea… “stop killing our sons” …
SSP lder Allama Abdul raham sajid,Hafiz nazir ahamad farroqi molan manan Jangvi mohammed mangal comnder umar Lahari provoke ppl agnst #Shia
Why don’t Mollas and thr children go for #Jihad? #Pakistan #Afghanistan #Islam #Pashtoon #Baloch #Shia #Hazara
“I visited Hazara graveyard in Quetta shocked seeing 700 hundred ppl rest thr,Dr,sportman,4 year boy, killed 4being Shia“,senator Nilofar
Must Watch #Shia killings in #Pakistan …
“@Zakializ: “Shehr-e-afos mein uththey hain jenazay itnay Jin ko ginnay key liye waqt kam parta hai” #MohsinChangezi” #Quetta #Shia #Hazara
Must read Dedicated to #Shia #Hazaras of #Quetta @mughalbha @Azimqta @aliarqam @e_clicker @AliRazaHazara @AliAbbasTaj
@azizhazara the fall of TTP and its hidden supporters has began with #Rimsha and will end on #Shia #Hazaras
“@mazdaki: Systematic #Shia extermination in #Pakistan is #genocide . My interview with …”
“@roohgulzari: In 2012, at least 320 members of the #Shia population have been killed in targeted attacks. Human rights watch report.”
#Human #Rights Watch expressed his concerns over the #Hazara #Shia killings …
Dedicated to sisters of Shohdas of #Shia #Hazaras of #Quetta by Sadia #Baloch
RT “@khudiali: 200 hundred students of #Shia #Hazaras deprived of #education Justice Khilji Arif’s remarks in court room #Quetta”
200 hundred students of #Shia #Hazaras deprived of #education Justice Khilji Arif’s remarks in court room #Quetta
@mSaleemJaved We will do such a thing wt you in #Quetta the world will 4get “Holocaust” it’ll beneo-Holocaust of #Shia #Hazaras Allhao akbar
@hasnain300 This time more than thousands of #Shia #Hazaras seems to be targeted Rahman Malik just issues press statements,ppl need action
Fatwa of Ulema on #Shia #Suni Killings page 16
Fatwa of Ulema on #Shia #Suni killings page 14 ,15
Fatwa of Ulema on #Shia #Suni Killings page 12,13
Fatwa of Ulema on #Shia #Suni killings page 10,11
Fatwa of Ulema on #Shia #Suni killings page 6
Fatwa of Ulema on #Shia #Suni killings page 3
Fatwa of ulema on #Shia #Suni Killings page 2
Fatwa of Ulema on #Shia #Suni killings cover page
deadly killings of #Shia #Hazaras awaiting in #Quetta,becz govt FC IB #ISI MI,police,all are on rest & LJ is on duty to kill! @UNrightswire
@Darveshh some incidents like ones archived here killing of non-Shia clerics/activists @khudiali
Who will benefit from the Shia Hazara Killing, a very small article, Urge you to read. @khudiali @shiahazara1 …
@khudiali Jo Masoom Awam Kay Darmiyan Nafrat Kay Beej Bote Rahe Lakin Hum Her Us Aalim/Zakir (Sunni or Shia) Jo Nafrat Phailata Hai Usko 1/3
Rimsha u wr abot 2set ablaze bcz of #blasphemy,be strong #Shia #Hazaras are wt you, r butchered becz they r Kafirs n thr blasphemous faith
2Rimsha a little #Christian girl accused wt #blasphemy in #Islamabad,Im ashamed 2 see you will get #justice seing #Shia #Hazaras 2day kild
Down with #Terrorism in the name of Islam and those who support it and those who are silent on it #Quetta #Shia #Hazara #genocide
#Quetta #Shia #Hazaras under attack frm all sides but sign of justice to voiceless people,s sufferings #discriminations
We must learn from #India ops but they our enemy & “Hanud”. #LeJ is daily openly admits calling #Shia but no arrest …
Zulfiqar Naqvi #Shia #genocide continues in #Quetta #Pakistan …
Must read #Human #Rights Commission of #Pakistan Report about #Balochistan #Baloch #Shia #Hazaras #Quetta …
sory2 share the pic,u may say althe time we talk of #Shai #Hazara killings,wel itsnt Shia Kiling only bt humanity&pak’s
Im sory2 share the pic,u may say althe we talk of #Shai #Hazara killings,wel itsnt Shia Kiling only bt humanity & pak’s
#Quetta #Shia #Hazara killings, & attack on bus from #Punjab …
@sharmilafaruqi nice to remind abot the culture of silence on #Shia #Hazara Killings,bt don’t worry more deaths & killing still planned 4Qta
“@khudiali: #Quetta why are #Shia #Hazaras are targeted only in between 2 Fc check posts,who supports the #terrorists?”
CM #Balochistan ordered 2deaponise #Quetta,it,ll starte by the grace of God whn LeJ wt support of agencies wipe out #Shia #Hazaras frm Qta!
#Quetta why #Shia #Hazaras are targeted,who supports #terrorists?I shared the report of #Punjab govt abot the role of agencies bt nothing
#Quetta why #Shia #Hazaras are targeted only in 2 Fc check posts,who supports the #terrorists?
@khudiali Silence on the persecution of #Shias and voiceless communities Will ultimately Haunt You … #Shia #Hazara
@HamidMirGEO @beenasarwar but wat hv courts done even don’t mention #Shia #Hazaras name while he 1by 1 names Baloch,Pashtoon,Sindh,Panjbi?
I do not want to share these clips but to tell the world abot #TTP , LeJ propaganda and #Shia killings in #Pakistan …
@khudiali Did you watch the video released today or whenever of the two Shia victims in Quetta? Why doesn’t it shake everyone’s conscience?
The #Shia killings in #Pakistan has nothing to do wt #religion but a #political game in which #Sunis are badly and sadly used.
#Shia #Hazaras are very much #discriminated in #Quetta #Pakistan like ” #Jews ” 4 thr faith in #Germany.stop stop #discrimination wt #Shias
The local buses #Shia #Hazara ppl run frm Alamdar road 2 Pashin-bus stop now stopped due2 target killing & #terrorism,hundreds of ppl suffer
@HaiderRizviMQM why they silent on the Shia killings , they are afraid of TTP #Islamabad
@khudiali Open season on the #Shia Dr. Mohammad Taqi @mazdaki on #Shiakillings …\08\23\story_23-8-2012_pg3_2
Nadeem Afzal Gondal MNA PPP Speech in parliament on the killing of #Shia in #Pakistan …
“@khanu67c: @khudiali #Shia #Sunni Koi Bhi Kafir Nahi – Tariq Jameel – Maulana Ishaq:
@khudiali Shia Sunni Koi Bhi Kafir Nahi – Tariq Jameel – Maulana Ishaq: ”
Why don’t #Suni Ulamas tell the truth & confuse people,why they confuse #Shia Killings with #America, #Drone Attacks? …
Mst rd #Social #media“voice of voiceless” #Shia #Hazaras of #Quetta #Hazarasmw #vov … @Omaghenau @javeednusrat @jehan_ara
Kitney afsoos ki baat he ke dunya tv per #AhmedLudhianvi aur #IbtesaamElahi Zaheer ki shaqqiulqalbi dekhnI parri. #Hazara #Shia #Genocide
Must read #Social #media “voice of voiceless” #Shia #Hazaras of #Quetta #Hazarasmw #vov … @husainhaqqani @iamthedrifter
Must read #Social #media “voice of voiceless” #Shia #Hazaras of #Quetta #Hazarasmw #vov … @mazdaki @atiyaz @beenasarwar
Must read #Social #media “voice of voiceless” #Shia #Hazaras of #Quetta #Hazarasmw #vov … @akchishti @alisalmanalvi
Must read #Social #media “voice of voiceless” #Shia #Hazaras of #Quetta #Hazarasmw #vov … @AftabDost @AliAbbasTaj
Must read #Social #media “voice of voiceless” #Shia #Hazaras of #Quetta #Hazarasmw #vov … @mughalbha @Abdullah_Hazara
Must read #Social #media “voice of voiceless” #Shia #Hazaras of #Quetta #Hazarasmw #vov …
The bitter truth #Shia Killings in #Pakistan
If you r a #Shia be #Suni or be ready 2die message of LeJ, this happened wt Khadm Hussein #Hazara & 2 others in #Quetta
These campaigns against #Shia community is well known 2 Police FC Army & its intelligence services bt no action taken against LeJ-AHRC p298
Please sign and make it viral to play your part to stop #shia #genocide: …”
“@MohsinSayeed: Please sign and make it viral to play your part to stop #shia #genocide: …”
#Shia #Genocide,is America responsible or Muslims, wat abot Immam Hussein was he also martyred by #America or #Muslims?
#Quetta Dr arbab Ghulm Rasool released on interference of tribal leaders & govt high ups,bt when Shia Hazaras are kidnapped dead bodies come
“@ahmed_sohaib: My Urdu piece on #Shia killing in Gilgit. … @xeemehdi @romarizvi @iMehdi_ @khudiali”
My Urdu piece on #Shia killing in Gilgit. … @xeemehdi @romarizvi @iMehdi_ @khudiali
#Quetta #Hazara Shia Killings,yes minorities really enjoy #freedom in #Pakistan
#Shia #genocide 22killed in Laosar bus firing incident #Gilgit #Baldistan
Dear Mr.chief Justice of #Pakistan & Chief of staff Mr.General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani aren’t #Shia #Hazaras Pakistani?
Must watch who sees minorities enjoy constitutional freedom in #Pakistan #Hazara #Shia #Ahamdis #Hindus #Christians …
Must watch Who says minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in #Pakistan #Shia #Hazaras #Ahamdis #Hindus #Christians …
Must watch Who says minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in #Pakistan #Shia #Hazaras #Ahamdis #Hindus #Christians …
Must watch Who says minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in #Pakistan #Shia #Hazaras #Ahamdis #Hindus #Christians …
Must watch Who says minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in #Pakistan #Shia #Hazaras #Ahamdis #Hindus #Christians …
Must watch Who says minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in #Pakistan #Shia #Hazaras #Ahamdis #Hindus #Christians …
Must watch Who says minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in #Pakistan #Shia #Hazaras #Ahamdis #Hindus #Christians …
Must watch Who says #minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in #Pakistan #Shia #Hazaras #Ahamdis #Hindus #Christians …
Must watch Who says #minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in #Pakistan #Shia #Hazaras #Ahamdis #Hindus #Christians …
Must watch Who says #minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in #Pakistan #Shia #Hazaras #Ahamdis #Hindus #Christians …
Must watch Who says #minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in #Pakistan #Shia #Hazaras #Ahamdis #Hindus #Christians …
Must watch Who says #minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in #Pakistan #Shia #Hazaras #Ahamdis #Hindus #Christians …
Must watch Who says #minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in #Pakistan #Shia #Hazaras #Ahamdis #Hindus #Christians …
Must watch Who says #minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in #Pakistan #Shia #Hazaras #Ahamdis #Hindus #Christians …
Must watch Who says #minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in #Pakistan #Shia #Hazaras #Ahamdis #Hindus #Christians …
Must watch Who says #minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in #Pakistan #Shia #Hazaras #Ahamdis #Hindus #Christians …
Must watch Who says #minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in #Pakistan #Shia #Hazaras #Ahamdis #Hindus #Christians …
Must watch Who says #minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in #Pakistan #Shia #Hazaras #Ahamdis #Hindus #Christians …
Must watch Who says #minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in #Pakistan #Shia #Hazaras #Ahamdis #Hindus #Christians …
Must watch Who says #minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in #Pakistan #Shia #Hazaras #Ahamdis #Hindus #Christians …
Must watch Who says #minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in #Pakistan #Shia #Hazaras #Ahamdis #Hindus #Christians …
Must watch Who says #minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in #Pakistan #Shia #Hazaras #Ahamdis #Hindus #Christians …
Must watch Who says #minorities enjoy constitutional #freedom in