Monthly Archive:: May 2012

Kudos to Islamabad’s Airport Security Force (ASF): Saudi military officer should be thrown in jail: We pay tribute to the honourable ASF officers who sought to implement standard security procedures notwithstanding one’s nationality or higher status. We urge the government of Pakistan to award a commendation certificate and medal to the ASF officers who

Born Pakistani, Major Shafaat of Pakistan army died a Shia Hazara – by Amir Mateen: Related posts: List of non-Hazara Shia Muslims killed by SSP-LeJ-Taliban in Balochistan – by Marya Mushtaq Is it Hazara genocide or Shia genocide? – by Musa Changezi Source: Adapted from The News, 31 May 2012 QUETTA: Major Shafaat died

Why this Kolaveri Di? – by Ziyad Faisal: Having seen this being shared all over the internet, for the past few days, on my home-page feed, fine, lets talk about this. CHU CHU CHU, hear that? Its the truth-train coming to town… To every semi-religious urban Punjabi

Ejaz Haider attacks LUBP, without naming them – by Ahmed Umar Khan: Dear LUBP, Your articles are interesting even when I disagree with your work. After reading yesterday’s Tribune, I think Ejaz Haider has been rattled by your consistent exposure of his work. The chatter on social media yesteday and today

Jinnah Institute: Is LUBP’s criticism valid? – by Ismail Effendi: LUBP is one of the boldest anti-establishment voices in Pakistan. Along with Pakistan Media Watch and Terrorland, this is one of my favourite websites on Pakistani politics and media. I frequently share articles from LUBP with my expatriate friends and work

LUBP must not discredit progressive and liberal Pakistanis: Editor’s note: The present post is latest in our series of posts which comprise Criticism of LUBP. As an independent blog, we welcome dissenting views and critical voices, and feel neither threatened nor intimidated by those who criticize or

In response of LUBP’s ‘Raza Rumi and Marvi Sirmed join notorious Jinnah Institute’ – by Farhad Jarral: This post is not favoring anyone but contains some facts which were misquoted by the LUBP in earlier post ‘Raza Rumi and Marvi Sirmed join notorious Jinnah Institute’. Marvi

Dr. Shakil Afridi and our confusion: ہم ایک مکمل طور پر کنیفوږڈ قوم بن چکے ہیںٴ اس کنیفوږن میں ہم نہ صرف درست سمت سے بھٹک کر دائروں میں سفر کررہے ہیں بلکہ اس کا دائرہ ہم نے اس قدر بڑھادیا ہے کہ پوری دنیا

‘Twitter detritus’ responds to Ejaz Haider and congratulates Triple H – by Riaz Malik Hajjaji: Dear readers and especially ghariatmand Pious Patriotic Punjabi Puttars (PPPP), Our Lord, Triple H (His Holiness Highness, Hazrat) Chief Justice Chaudhary Iftikhar is being harassed by Rafzi (Shia) and Banya (Hindu) agents: Pakistan’s Chief Justice humiliated by Shia protesters in

Pakistan’s Chief Justice humiliated in London, Rome, Karachi and Lahore – by Mohsin Sheharyar: Related Posts: Pakistan’s Chief Justice receives a dubious award in London, lauds his fictitious role in restoring human rights #IftikharMental: Pakistan social media abuzz with insult for country’s top judge As a Reporter from Pakistan Analysis Team, I had

The U.S. never allowed its citizens to work for foreign spy agencies – by Shiraz Paracha: A heated debate over the sentence of Dr. Shakeel Afridi continues, to some he is a hero, others see him as a traitor. Dr. Afridi, in his mid forties, belongs to Malik-deen-Khail branch of Khyber Agency’s Afridi tribe. His second

An open letter to The Right Hon the Lord Phillips of Worth – by Raza Baloch: Worthy President of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, Senior Law Lord and Head of Judicial Branch of the House of Lord: It is to state that being a Baloch citizen of Pakistan, I am happy that your

Estrous cycles of Imran Khan -by Zulfiqar Ali: With recent swell in the belly of Tsunami (not totally without the help of NSA surrogates), IK/PTI has been persistently babbling of the ‘first ever’ intra-party elections in the history of Pakistan. Initially, I thought it was just a

Pakistan’s Chief Justice receives a dubious award in London, lauds his fictitious role in restoring human rights: Related post: Not-So-International Jurist Award for CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry – by Mohsin Shaharyar London, 28 May 2012: At a dubious ceremony in London in which Pakistan’s Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry awarded himself the International Jurist Award by the

Arshad Mahmood’s article on Dr Shakil Afridi: ڈاکٹر شکیل آفریدی اسامہ بن لادن کا خاتمہ کرنے کے لئے امریکہ کے ایبٹ آباد والے آپریشن کا ایک اہم کردار ہے۔ یہ شخص خیبر پختوخواہ صوبے میں ایک سرکاری ڈاکٹر تھا۔ نائن الیون والے واقعے کے وقت پاکستان

Why Jemima Khan entered into a ‘benami transaction’ with Imran -by Umar Cheema: ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan who announced to quit politics in case any ‘benami transaction’ (nameless transaction) was established against him is now caught in a dilemma as his ex-wife, Jemima Khan, has hinted that the land

Islami Jamiat-e-Talba terrorists attacked B.Z.U Multan to halt Seraikistan movement -by Muhammad Asif Lashari: Peoples Student Federation(PSF) is working in Bahauddin Zakriya university Multan from many years. It is working for rights of students as well as for Bhutto’s philosophy. PSF is strong in this university and is spreading Bhutto’s philosophy. But we are being

LUBP condemns attack on Saleem Khursheed Khokar’s house: Related : Minority MPA asks for equal rights and separate curricula Angry MPA: If you block ‘Jesus Christ’ how will we text over Christmas? Bilawal Zardari takes notice of threats to Sindh minorities MPAs We strongly condemn attack on Saleem

Raza Rumi and Marvi Sirmed join notorious Jinnah Institute?: We are concerned to learn that two noted “liberals” namely Raza Rumi and Marvi Sirmed have joined notorious Jinnah Institute, which is currently headed by ISI-mouthpiece Ejaz Haider. While Raza Rumi has joined the Jinnah Institute as a Director

A sincere advice to Imran Khan – by Khalid Humayun: It is a common belief that Imran Khan is the pick of military establishment. The belief is probably based without much substantial proofs. But, it is also a fact both the conventional parties, i.e., PPP and PML-N, are not

U.S. Pakistan relations and popular opinion: شکاگو میں ہونے والی دو روزہ نیٹو سربراہی کانفرنس کے اعلامیے میں پاکستان سے جلد از جلد افغانستان میں موجود نیٹو فورسز کی رسد کی بحالی کا مطالبہ کیا گیا ہے تاہم پاکستان اور امریکہ کے درمیان اس معاملے

She gave her life for Sindh: کراچی ریلی میں ہلاک ہونے والی غزالہ بتول کون تھیں؟ ریاض سہیل بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، کراچی ’اگر سندھ کی وحدت پر وار کیا گیا تو سب سے پہلے اس دھرتی کی بیٹیاں میدان میں اتریں گی۔‘

Turkish prime minister’s lecture on democracy: ترکی کے وزیراعظم رجب طیب اردگان کو پاکستانی پارلیمنٹ سے دو مرتبہ خطاب کا اعزاز حاصل ہوا ہے، پارلیمنٹ کے مشترکہ اجلاس سے خطاب میں انہوں نے کہا ہے کہ عوام کی ترجمان پارلیمنٹ سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے خوشی

Shura has decided -by Zulfiqar Ali: “Shura has decided. I can’t help now”. So, in essence, replied Mian Tufail to father of Naeem, who went to pray pardon for Naeem’s life. Prayer was not accepted and Naeem had to die. Since independence till today, JI

33-year sentence to Pashtun hero Dr. Shakil Afridi: Congratulations to Ejaz Haider and Jinnah Institute: Today is another black day for Pakistan. An honournable Pashtun doctor Shakil Afridi who assisted in locating international terrorist and mass murderer Osama bin Laden has been sentenced for 33 years – he was deliberately thrown to the mercy of kangaroo

Military aircraft accidents cost Pakistani taxpayers 3,000 million dollars—By Shiraz Paracha: Over 3000 million U.S dollars of Pakistani taxpayers’ money is lost due to military aircraft crashes. The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) planes were lost not in wars but in accidents. The losses become phenomenal as military aircraft are mostly not insured.

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy wants to get my sister harmed: Dear LUBP, I will be eternally grateful if you could please publish the following few lines. I don’t want to disclose my name due to obvious reasons. A few years ago, my sister (an acid attack victim) was contacted

Sindh’s indigenous population being massacred by ethno-fascist terrorists of MQM: We condemn brutal massacre of innocent Sindhis and Balochs in Karachi by armed ethno-fascist terrorists of Altaf Hussain’s MQM. According to BBC, at least 11 people, mostly Sindhis, died after ethno-fascist gunmen (belonging to MQM) opened fire on a

A PPP Jiyala’s perspective on Sherry Rehman Lobby’s discourse on NATO supply blockade: As a diehard Bhuttoist and proud Jiyala, I am extremely troubled to see some fake civil society activists (pseudo-liberals) presenting themselves as pro-PPP but at the same time undermining the very foundations of the elected parliament. My leader, Shaheed

A reply to Nawaz Sharif and Marvi Memon on Sindh – by Raja M Asad Abbas: While Nawaz Sharif was on the tour Sindh he with his mates criticized the government of Sindh for not serving the people of Sindh and Even Marvi Memon said the same about the PPP Gov. they lashed out at

Speak our language and get isolated: PPP leadership being misled by Pakistan army’s Sherry Rehman Lobby: Related post: Restoration of NATO supplies: Let’s blame Zardari and Gilani! Obama should apologise for Salala: Bilawal NEW YORK: Pakistan Peoples Party’s (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said on Tuesday that he was visiting America to normalise the ties

Thank you Turkish Prime Minister: It was heartening to see a real friend of Pakistan, Turkey’s Prime Minister, address the Pakistani Parliament for the second time in three years yesterday. Largely such addresses are ceremonial in nature which exude goodwill for both the host

Will CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry take notice of desecration of Ahmadi mosque in Lahore?: Extremist Sunni clerics (mullahs) in Lahore’s Sultanpura area who complained that an Ahmadi mosque looked too much like a non-Ahmadi mosque are unsatisfied with changes made to the building’s facade and are demanding that the building’s dome be demolished. The administration

Hamid Mir – the new champion of Pakistan’s “liberals”? – by Anwar Changezi: If we were alive only to witness this day, it has arrived: Hamid Mir is now a darling of certain “liberals“! During the past few months, courtesy a few cosmetic jibes at the ISI and support from Pakistan’s

How can anyone stand with Ejaz Haider and Najam Sethi and proclaim themselves to be liberal? – by Mustafa Junejo: Related posts: Raza Rumi and Marvi Sirmed join notorious Jinnah Institute Hamid Mir – the new champion of Pakistan’s “liberals”? – by Anwar Changezi An open letter to Hamid Mir from a common citizen – by Marvi Sirmed Hamid

Pakistan’s fake liberals and their campaign against Professor Hoodbhoy – by Rusty Walker: When commentary by supposedly progressive liberals representing Pakistan continue to mislead the public, as they present themselves as liberal voices of truth, they deserve to be challenged. While I don’t usually focus analysis specifically around Pakistani establishment press, the recent

Restoration of NATO supplies: Let’s blame Zardari and Gilani!: In the aftermath of humiliating surrender of Pakistan army generals to the US army and government on the issue of NATO supplies, Pakistani military establishment has activated its propagandists in right-wing dominated Urdu media and pseudo-liberal dominated English media

Qabil-e-Rehm Quom: قابل رحم ہے وہ قوم جو آج کی اس جدید ترقی یافتہ دنیا میں بھی جمہوریت کے ثمرات سے محروم ہے۔ پاکستان کے عوام کی حالت قابل رحم اس لیے رہی ہے کہ یہاں اقتدار اور قوت کے مراکز

Famous poet and critic Dr. Shabih-ul-Hasan murdered by ASWJ-SSP terrorists in Lahore: We condemn brutal murder of Dr Shabih-ul-Hassan, renowned intellectual, poet and critic, by PML-N backed ASWJ-SSP terrorists. Dr. Shabih-ul-Hasan was attacked by ASWJ terrorists in Lahore yesterday (18 May). He died in Services Hospital today. This is second great

Shame on imperialist, liberal fascist servants of USA – by Riaz Malik Hajjaji: I don’t have a job! After all, I am not self-made and do not have job in Hazrat Imran Khan foundation. I am not self made and uncompromised like Honourable Justice Asif Saeed Khosa, Hon. Justice Khalil Ramday and
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