‘Twitter detritus’ responds to Ejaz Haider and congratulates Triple H – by Riaz Malik Hajjaji

Ejaz Haider: True voice of the impoverished Pakistan Army

Dear readers and especially ghariatmand Pious Patriotic Punjabi Puttars (PPPP),

Our Lord, Triple H (His Holiness Highness, Hazrat) Chief Justice Chaudhary Iftikhar is being harassed by Rafzi (Shia) and Banya (Hindu) agents: Pakistan’s Chief Justice humiliated by Shia protesters in London – by Mohsin Sheharyar .  This is not on.

Everyone knows that these two communities along with the Qadiani-Baloch-Masonic Establishment dominate Pakistan and have the potential to convert Pakistan from a Pure Islamic State into the nightmare envisioned by the “liberal scum/fascist” – a pluralistic State that will mock the beliefs of Nasim Hijazi, Maudoodi and Ejaz Haider.

For standing up to Dr. Afridi and standing with Dr.Hafiz Saeed and for exposing the Rafzi as Iranian fifth columnists, my hero Ejaz Haider has been pilloried by the “liberal scum” and he has now bravely responded to them today. Expressing his patriotic views freely in Express Tribune, comrade Ejaz Haider has categorically responded to all the arguments he feels are frivolous especially the one where he counters the views on Deep State. Like my comrades on Difa-e-Pakistan, Ejaz Haider comes out swinging against those Beghairat who want to “defenestrate” Pious Puttar Fauj. Subhanallah!

Comrade Ejaz Haider writes so eloquently and with such clarity that he does not need to mention he is attacking powerful media conglomerates like  LUBP, Al Ufaq, Pakistan Blogzine, Daily Tawar and other similar anti-Pakistan and anti-Isam websites funded by RAW, CIA and of course KGB.

“You have been blogging for a while, unburdening yourself of the stream of consciousness juvenilia and, in the process, even picking up a lot of Twitter detritus. But you are ambitious. Not enough this, you say. “I must make it big, play with the big dogs, learning how to bite like them.”…The new kid on the block making waves, printing everyone from that obnoxious ISPR-ISI-CIA-RAW-Mossad-DPC agent EH to the respectable, politically correct libs, Pak-style…Write about the Deep State. What? You don’t know what Deep State is? What a loser. Deep State is a state within a state. It lies deep, buried under layers of deception. Only a few of the insightful can see it and are privy to its shenanigans. But do not despair. You don’t have to know what it is. …akistan Army done, you need to move to democracy. The PPP-led coalition, including Maulana Fazlur Rehman when he is in (not when he is out), is the beacon of democracy, the CJP can take a hike. (Nota Bene: don’t write in favour of Babar Awan or against Chaudhry Aitzaz — remember the former is out and the latter in, thank you.) Nawaz Sharif, Imran Khan et al are people trying to derail democracy. …Remember: Democracy is the PPP and whoever might be with the PPP at a particular point in time. All others are spoilers…DO NOT praise Pakistan’s nuclear capability. That is a big, bloody no. Pakistan doesn’t need ‘em bloody nukes when they are irrelevant to the internal security threat. Balochistan? What about it? You want to get a perspective on Balochistan? Don’t talk to those liars in the military and FC? Let me give you the low-down on Balochistan. It should be the Independent Republic of Balochistan. All the Punjabis should be kicked out. It goes without saying that so should be the Pakistani military and FC. On the sidelines you can write about gay and lesbian rights, why Shakil Afridi hasn’t been awarded a Nishan-e-Haider, pulling back from Siachen unilaterally”

This article must have required tremendous courage on the part of US think tank contributer and current Jinnah Institute head, Ejaz Haider. Everybody knows that in Pakistan if one stands with/advocates in favour of/supports poor Pak Fauj, Sipah-e-Sahaba, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Lashkar-e-Tayyaba, Triple H and his Judicial Supremes, Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif, then they are in grave danger (is there any other kind of danger to use the words of another Fauji, Jack Nicholson in “A Few Good Men).

On the other hand,  no one can dare critisize Tyrant Zardari in Pakistan and here also, all credit to Ejaz bhai for doing so

Meanwhile, what is wrong if Triple H is recieving an award from an organization of which he is the Vice President? Hain ji, what is wrong?? NOTHING. There I have made my point.

For standing up to dictators like Gillani and Zardari and supporting generals Zia and Musharaf who made Constitution  more Islamic and more respectful of the ghairat of Pak Fauj and Judiciary, Triple H and the Judicial Supreme Party are the heros of my generation!  For standing up to the Banya and Rafzi imperialists, Triple H is double times my hero!

My sources tell me that now other PPPP party of ghairatmand Nawaz Sharif is now going to distribute gifts to patriotic journalists. Here is a clip of Kashif Abbasi doing interview of Hazrat Imran Khan (HIK) and see how HIK hits corruption allegations for a six here

I just wanted to take this opportunity to tell my fellow ghairatmands that this is a family matter and I AM as open to supporting Nawaz Sharif as I was in supporting HIK. To use a cricketing metaphor, I swing both ways. Fundy sahib will attest to my capabilities as several times he has told me on Pakistan Press Forum that ever since I start sending emails here, HIK’s popularity has gone up. Now I will do the same for Hazrat’s Nawaz, Shahbaz and Humza Sharifs.  After all, both are supportive of Jamaat Islami, Sipah Sahaba and Triple H and his Party of Judicial Supremes (PJS).

At this point in time, I also want to remind our readers of the works of Pakistan’s greatest journalists and thinkers; people like Ansar Abbasi, Hamid Mir, Malik Ishaq, Ejaz Haider, Maulana Ludhianvi, Talat Hussain, Dr. Hafiz Saeed, Kamran Khan, Zaid Hamid, Meher Bokhari, Najam Sethi, Orya Maqbool Jan, Qari Saifullah Akhtar, Moeed Pirzada, Hakeemullah, Dr. Shahid Masood, Nasim Zehra. On the surface, these great folk may be different but in the end, they will always root for the right team – My team. For me, they are greater than the Avengers!

Please feel free to share and distribute my email and post it on your facebook walls.

Syed Riaz Bin Al-Malik Hajjaji
Keeper of the Two Nation Theory and supporter of Triple H and his Judicial Supremes



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