Riaz Malik Hajjaji Archive

شاکر لاکھانی کا بغض بھٹو پاکستانی شہری اشرافیہ کی نفسیاتی بیماری کا عکس ہے – ریاض ملک: اگر آپ اپنے قابل رحم بورژوازی/سرمایہ دارانہ نفسیاتی عارضے کو صحت مند رویہ ثابت کرنا چاہتے ہیں اور فوجی جنتا و اس کے معاون و مددگار جماعت اسلامی والوں کے جرائم کی پردہ پوشی چاہتے ہیں، تو ایکسپریس ٹرائبون

Shakir Lakhani’s slander of Bhutto reflects the psychosis of Pakistan’s urban elites: If you are looking to validate your pathetic bourgeoisie psychosis and want to provide cover to criminal juntas and their Jamaat e Islami collaborators, the Express Tribune’s blog on blaming Bhutto for Bangladesh is perfect for you. #ShakirLakhani’s blog

The Politics of self righteousness and the Economics of divine sounding hogwash: How Jamaat e Islami has infiltrated deep into the psyche of educated Pakistan: Where does one begin? Well, Pakistan’s Judiciary is the prime example. They have proven to be handmaidens for various Bonapartist Generals, their stooges (first Nawaz and now Imran), for Takfiri Jihadis and for all sorts of vested interests. One

The Commercial Liberal Cum Takfiri assault on Sufism: When a society’s educated elite becomes the handmaidens and apologists of Takfiri terrorists, the only alternative keeping that society afloat are the few dozen Sufi shrines amongst a population of 220 million. Only the most sectarian, petty and

آسیہ بی بی اور مذھبی دایاں بازو – عامر حسینی: سپریم کورٹ نے ایک غریب مسیحی مزدور عورت آسیہ بی بی کو بلاسفیمی کے الزام سے بری کردیا اور اسے رہا کرنے کا حکم جاری کیا۔ اس فیصلے کے سامنے آنے کے بعد اگر فیصلے میں کوئی سقم مدعی

Supreme Court’s belated decision puts TLP and ASWJ In an Existential crisis: While the situation in Pakistan is precarious countrywide, there is a silver lining. 1. Both PPP and PTI leaders support the SC decision. They represent the majority of parliament. 2. TLP has overreached itself by threatening SC Judges

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied: Asia Bibi’s innocence and the surrender of Pakistan: As a Pakistani, We ought to hang our heads in shame after the ordeal this innocent Christian sister of ours has gone through. This raises so many questions about the culpability of the State itself as well as

Understanding the Commercial Liberal: Mocking the faith symbols and icons of communities facing Genocidal violence, selectively going after safe and low hanging fruits, mixing Truth with lies – all these are hallmarks of a typical #CommercialLiberal. Another glaring tell is #ALPS; an

Hameed Haroon’s hyperbolic and partisan claims hurt the cause of civilian supremacy and media freedoms: Hard Talk’s Steven Sakur does a decent job in exposing the hyperbolic claims of Hameed Haroon #DawnGroup I would strongly recommend that people listen to this potcast. The YouTube video has been removed! Throughout the interview, Hameed Haroon

ڈان میڈیا گروپ غیر جانبداری اور نیوٹرل صحافت چھوڑ کر نواز شریف اور مریم نواز کا حمائتی کیوں بن گیا ہے؟: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3cswj8p Bottom line is, now come back to, you the self-proclaimed independent, impartial and neutral media group covering Pakistan and now seen to be supportive and sympathetic to Nawaz Sharif and his daughter Maryam Nawaz Sharif,

Welcoming Nawaz greater deed than Haj: Rana Sana: Abdul Karim, Suicide bomber that attacked Haroon Bilour in Peshawar. Abu Bakr, ISIS suicide bombed that killed 200 People in Mastung. Welcoming Nawaz greater deed than Haj: Rana Sana Monitoring Report The News July 14,2018 FAISALABAD: Former law minister

ASWJ-LeJ massacres 100+ Baloch in a bomb attack on election rally: Pakistan’s liberal elite seem more obsessed in glorifying a convict than condemning the Takfiri Deobandi terrorist group, ASWJ-LeJ (aka Sipah Sahaba). Recently, Pakistan’s caretaker government and security establishment lifted the ban on #ISIS affiliate ASWJ to contest

ایون فیلڈ ریفرنس فیصلہ : آزاد قانونی حلقے اور غیر جانبدار تجزیہ نگار کتنے غیر جانبدار اور آزاد ہیں؟ – عامر حسینی: پاؤں پھنسا ہے یار کا زلف دراز میں احتساب عدالت اسلام آباد کے جج بشیر احمد نے ایون فیلڈ اپارٹمنٹ کیس میں میاں نواز شریف،مریم نواز اور کیپٹن صفدر نواز کو بالترتیب دس سال، آٹھ سال اور سات سال

The landmark corruption case against Nawaz Sharif provides useful excuses: We all know that the Avonfield Apartments in Mayfair were purchased by the pre teen children of Nawaz Sharif in 1994. They earned these millions of pounds like any kid does in Pakistan – they set up

whispers of how Patwari Media has infiltrated VOA, DW, BBC, DAWN etc: Seems like Alternative Chirriyas are chirping to us about Pakistan’s media scene. There are growing whispers of how Patwari Media has infiltrated VOA, DW, BBC, DAWN, Yahoo News and the New York Times. One can see a clear

Dear “anti establishment” Patwaris, mran Khan’s Jalsa in Lahore was massive: Imran Khan’s Jalsa in Lahore was massive. Lahore is the heartland of your “liberal” “anti establishment” Saudi poodle Nawaz Sharif. What happened? Was this an ISI conspiracy that tens of thousands of Pakistanis came out to support PTI?

Will Pakistani Shias bid farewell to the impotence of Modernity?: Dear #ShiaMuslims of Pakistan, you are being targeted across the length and breath of the country, especially Quetta and D I Khan. If you are still deluded that Pakistan’s #CommercialLiberalMafia will support you and HONESTLY highlight your cause,

Pakistan’s Civil society/commercial liberal Mafia needs to get past it’s Bhutto phobia: Since Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto took office, Pakistan’s upper-middle classes and business elite have not relented in their vicious and visceral hatred of the Bhuttos and the PPP. Some of this is based on the actual mistakes, missteps and

Shame on PPP for maintaining a political discourse at their political rally: There is no self righteous indignation and right wing hypocrisy ala Nawaz Sharif/Imran Khan/Jamaat e Islami/JUI There are no empty threats and bully posturing ala Nawaz Sharif – the current paymaster ooops, Patron Saint of Pakistan’s commercial liberal

Sellouts like Hillary have been lying about everything from Iraq to Syria: So it turns out that “Ayatullah” Putin and “His Wikileaks” were right – once Again. The corrupt corporatist sellout elites of the DNC agreed to be the money laundering end for Hillary’s campaign when they kicked back 99.5% of

Look past SOC’s elitism – the issue of inappropriate behaviour by doctors deserves a proper debate: As more details emerge, it is becoming clear that the AKUH doctor engaged in an inappropriate and unprofessional act by sending a Facebook friend request to a patient. From a gender perspective, his act was uncomfortable to his

Let us not forget the Takfiri Deobandi terrorists of ASWJ-LEJ that attacked the Siri Lankan team in 2009: As we rejoice the return of international cricket to Pakistan, we must also never forget why it left us for 8 long years. In 2009, Al Qaeda affiliated ASWJ-LeJ (aka Sipah Sahaba) launched an attack on a bus

How Celeb bullying marred an important debate on Social Media ettiquites in Pakistan: Narcissism, hypocrisy and Elitism make it difficult to have a reasonable and objective discussion on sending Facebook friend requests. The coordinated cloud of celebrity activists lecturing the rest of Pakistan has barely resulted in social evolution. This tribe

The nonsensical notion that Nawaz Sharif is “anti establishment”: It has come to a point where the DG ISPR has issued a statement against extremism and for moderation. Meanwhile, “anti establishment” “liberal” Nawaz Sharif and Maryam Nawaz have still not issued a word of condemnation against their

Asma’s dishonest tactic to separate Safdar from his keeper Nawaz proves her insincerity to rights causes: Why is Ms Jehangir asking Nawaz Sharif to just take notice?? Has he been sleeping so far? Isn’t Nawaz Sharif paying for Maryam and Safdar’s BMWs, Mayfair apartments and 5-Star lifestyles from his ill gotten wealth. This is

The shameful verdict on Benazir Bhutto’s murder and Media’s shameless response: Reading DAWN, Express Tribune and the conspiracy theories of Pakistan’s urban chattering class, it seems that PPP and Zardari killed Benazir Bhutto. For these compromised souls, sections of the security establishment, Imran Khan, Sheikh Rashid, Hamid Gul, Nawaz

The Fascist ” Chief Teray Jaanisar ” slogan ruined Pakistan’s Judiciary: The fascist “Chief Teray Jaanisar, Beshumar, Beshumar” “movement” culminated in its logical end outside the Lahore High Court today. Lawyers who disagreed with Judges were pelting rocks and stones – echos from 2007 and 1997 when lawyers and

نجم سیٹھی باقیات نواز شریف کیسے اور کیوں نوازشات لوٹ رہا ہے – عامر حسینی: پاکستان میں اس وقت لبرل صحافت کے اندر کمرشل ازم کی جڑیں مضبوط کرنے اور اسے نواز شریف کی خدمت پہ مامور کرنے کا سہرا اگر کسی شخص کے سر ہے تو اس کا نام نجم سیٹھی ہے۔اور یہ

Nawaz Sharif Remnant Najam Sethi obtains lucrative extension to run PCB: After military dictator General Zia ul Haq was blown off, his remnants remained in the form of Nawaz Sharif, Javed Hashmi, General Beg, General Hamid Gul, Hussain Haqqani, Justice Nasim Hasan Shah etc. Now that Nawaz Sharif is

How to be a Noonie and Follow Noora-ism – Riaz Malik Hajjaji: Fundemental Principle of Accounting Assets = Liabilities + Equities Noora Principles of Accounting Assets = Qatari letters + income from Pre Teen kids + Inventing Calibri Font Noora Principles of Law Hum Karein Tau Nach, Tum Karo Tau

Part Time Jammatia, Long time Jihadi and Full Time Lota Javed Hashmi bats for Nawaz Sharif: Javed Jhangvi, Let me start by saying that no one likes a tattle tale. You (pretended) to abandon your party PML N to join the Imran Khan band wagon and for years, pretended to be his closest aide.

Pakistan: Stop Shia genocide in Khurram Agency: The scenic Parachinar valley, capital of the federally administered Khurram Agency, has been under the grip of sectarian violence for many years, resulting in thousands of deaths. However, the Parachinar twin blasts on June 23 were the deadliest, unnerving

مابعد دھرنا صورت حال- چند معروضات – عامر حسینی: پارہ چنار کے عوام کا آٹھ روزہ دھرنا اپنے اختتام کو پہنچا۔اس دھرنے نے کرم ایجنسی بارے پاکستانی ریاست اور اس کے اداروں عسکری و سویلین اداروں کے رویوں ، کردار اور پالیسی بارے بہت کچھ کہنے کا موقعہ

Christian, Sunni and Shia activists unite to stage principled protests countrywide to demand #Justice4Parachinar: As Christian, Sunni and Shia activists unite to stage principled protests countrywide to demand #Justice4Parachinar, the Deobandi wing of the military establishment is up to its usual slimy tactics. This section of the establishment wants to push Shias

Pakistan’s Fake Liberal Mafia lead by Nusrat Javeed campaigns hard to deflect the corruption investigation against Saudi stooge PM Nawaz Sharif: Excerpt: “This is the Fake Liberal Mafia who feel that Democracy in Pakistan originates out of the posterior of contemptuous Saudi despots” One is quite amused to see the Fake Liberal Mafia come out to protect a corrupt,

Pakistani “leadership” confused on which Mamu to support in Saudi vs Qatar squabble: Pakistani “leadership” is facing a serious dilemma due to the infighting between the various Gulf Despot theocracies that are sugar daddies for Nawaz Sharif and his General daddies. Saudi Arabia is Nawaz Sharif’s closest master. Saudis offered Nawaz

Trump’s Pro Saudi stance is a tragic continuation of US foreign policy of being aligned with the creators of Al Qaeda: Some of my esteemed and respectable friends are understandably aghast at Trump’s fawning over the Saudis. I would urge them to see the larger picture that as far as #SaudiArabia is concerned, both #Republicans and #Democrats are united

Anti Russia hysteria makes the US mainstream press side with ISIS: So all the outrage is about Trump sharing info with Russia about an ISIS plot to probably target Russian Airplanes? Does the US press actually side with #ISIS? Based on the blathering of Amanpour, Friedman and Zakariya one

We remember Sabeen Mahmud: Between April 2015 and June 2016, Pakistan lost 100 years of greatness! Terrorists affiliated with Deobandi hate group ASWJ-LeJ and Salafi Al Qaeda/ISIS murdered 3 individuals whose activism, musical talent and academic contributions stood in the way of

PM Nawaz Sharif likely to escape real consequences after being exposed for corruption in the Panama Papers: Most (controversially) elected heads of State with a chequered history of corruption, nepotism, extremism and compromise would have been found guilty by a reasonable and independent judiciary. But the Judiciary in Pakistan has (nearly) always protected the powerful