Monthly Archive:: May 2011

Cover up of Saleem Shahzad’s Murder: The ISI and its proxies spring into action: Saleem Shahzad has been killed brutally. His tortured dead body has been recovered today. Media and individuals at social networks have started speculating about the possible assassins. Most of the people are pointing fingers at the notorious intelligence agency,

Saleem Shahzad’s two very important interviews: Asia Times Pakistan Bureau Chief and TRNN contributor Syed Saleem Shahzad was found murdered in Islamabad on Tuesday. In a recent report for Asia Times and a TRNN interview, Shahzad reported on splits in the Pakistan military over support

Saleem Shehzad’s killing; Media: Wake up and smell the coffee!: This is the height of it. You find anyone who doesn’t tow the line of our “deep state” or becomes a potential threat to those linked with the “deep state” are not just beaten, but are killed. Syed Saleem

Pinch of Poverty – by Azhar Nadeem: The Pinch of poverty 1891 is a famous painting by Thomas Benjamin Kensington. It is a famous oil painting which shows a small girl selling flowers along with her Mum and two siblings at a street corner in London.

ISI kills Saleem Shahzad – by Omar Khattab: Saleem Shahzad’s family should nominate General Kiyani and General Pasha as prime suspects Yesterday the representative of the Pakistan Human Rights Commission said that Saleem Shahzad was in the custody of the ISI. He added: “The ISI is the

Saleem Shahzad Murdered: Yet Another Victim of the Deep State!: The LUBP team is deeply saddened and stunned to hear this news. Reports claim that it has been confirmed that his body has been identified and showed signs of torture. Earlier it had been reported that Shahzad’s car had

Not doubting, just concerned – Raja Fatah Ali: Blog Cross Post :Frequency Fellow What about our Nukes? Are they save enough? Who were they? They belong to CIA, MOSSAD, even RAW. They can’t be Al-Qaida. Well after claiming the responsibility, if someone say, “How claiming the attacks

The Disappearance of S. Saleem Shahzad, Bureau Chief of Asia Times Online: Editor’s note: As bloggers, we are deeply concerned about the disapperance of Syed Saleem Shahzad. The following note below has been submitted to us by a valued contributer and supporter. This event could be seen in the light of

Pakistan to launch attacks on Haqqani: Pakistan will launch a military offensive in North Waziristan, a newspaper reported on Monday, days after US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reiterated a US demand to tackle sanctuaries for al Qaeda and the Taliban on the Afghan border.

A wise and bold decision: Pak govt refuses to defend Hafiz Saeed in US court: Hafiz Saeed, who is suspected to have masterminded the 2008 Mumbai attack, tops the list of India’s most-wanted men. In his testimony in a Chicago court, David Coleman Headley, a co-conspirator in the case, had said he was “motivated”

Faith in minorities as equals can only strengthen Pakistan: By Adnan Rehmat The primary function of a national constitution is to guarantee universal rights and to ensure all citizens of the state are dealt with equally in terms of these rights. The guarantees are supposed to be unambiguous.

ANP Swat demanded Muslim Khan and Sufi Muhammad to be hanged: ANP Swat has condemned the assassination of their Activist and President Taehsil Matta. They have raised serious concerns over the terrorist act after military operation in Swat. While ANP has suffered huge losses in war against terrorists by sacrificing

Hypocrisy of PML-N: Punjab condemns foreign funds but accepts billions anyway: The government of Punjab, which had recently secured front page coverage by its proclamation about shunning all funding by foreign donors, demanded from Islamabad to increase its borrowing limits and ensure release of development funds to avoid delays in

‘Stop agencies from tapping politicians’ phones’: The intelligence organisations in general, and the ISI in particular is not doing it’s job rightly and due to the high level of negligence and security lapses, we have been witnessing incidents like Osama debacle and PNS Mehran. The

Pakistan’s tragic flaw -by Khaled Ahmed: One book that many people in Pakistan must be reading is Anatol Lieven’s Pakistan a Hard Country (Allen Lane 1011). Lieven is a sympathetic observer of Pakistan, visits it repeatedly and painstakingly interviews all stakeholders of the state. He

US in pursuit of 4 big ones:—- By D. Asghar: Secretary of State Clinton’s visit to Pakistan left us pretty much where we were. Although the visit was supposed to be a “fence mender”, but it seems like it is the usual diplomatic stuff. Yes we all are aware

Do you endorse military courts for terrorists? – by Ammar Kazmi: Army, Police & Others have arrested 2500 (khudkush) suicide bombers but there is no one who can dare to trial them! Some judges are scared & some are in their favour. Finally they all will be released due to

ISI might have been involved in Mumbai attacks, says Pakistan’s former foreign secretary: NEW DELHI: Pakistan’s former foreign secretary Shaharyar Khan has acknowledged that ISI might have been involved in the 26/11 attacks on Mumbai — in the first-ever confession of its kind by a member of Pakistani establishment. In an interview

Pakistani mindset, the real problem–by Shiraz Paracha: Americans roam in Pakistan and treat the country as their colony because nearly 65 years ago the founder of Pakistan saw the United States as a saviour and defender of his new State. Just before the division of the

Punjab: Impunity for rape, abduction and forced conversion of Christian and Hindu girls: Editor’s Note: For how long must our fellow Pakistanis be subjected to these horrors just because they don’t share the faith of the majority. The right to practice one’s faith freely is the fundemental right in democracies and is

Indo-Af-Pak and the “strategic depth” – by BR Gowani: Source: The Humiliation First the US Navy Seals came in the dark of May 1st night and killed Osama bin Laden, living a couple of miles drive from Pakistan’s capital Islamabad. Two weeks later, in the country’s biggest

شہید محترمہ بینظیر بھٹو کا آخری خطاب: Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Last Speech Part-1 Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Last Speech Part-2 Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Last Speech Part-3 Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Last Speech Part 4 Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Last Speech Part-5 Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir

Negotiate with Terrorists ? Answer of propaganda – By Truthseeker: Politicians, Mullas and anchors belonging to Al Qaida and Taliban often present an argument in talk shows “If USA is negotiating with Taliban in Afghanistan , then why we cannot negotiate? “. many a times anti taliban/al qaida people

Deewar par likhna mana hai – by Danial Lakhnavi: اردو میں بالعموم ایک اصطلاح نوشتہ دیوار بکثرت استعمال ہوتی ہے. عموما ایک جماعت کے سیاستدان دوسری جماعت کو اپنی پسند کے اور ان کی طبعیت کے برخلاف حقائق سے آگہی دلانے کے لئے نوشتہ دیوار پڑھنے کا مشورہ

Faiz aur un ki nazm “Kuttay”: جب ہم نے پہلی بار فیض احمد فیض کی نظم ‘کتے’ پڑھی تو بڑا برا لگا، نہ صرف یہ کہ یہ نظم کچھ غیر ادبی بلکہ بڑی حد تک بے ادبی لگی ، کہاں وہ غازی اور پر اسرار

The Phantom of vanity -by Suleman Akhtar: "We have been counting the bodies soaked in blood and wrapped in vanity and strategic depth coffins for years and it’s mounting with each passing day. If we still don’t realize that peril haunting us nowhere but within then

Es ghar ko aag lag gayi , ghar ke chirag se -by Arshad Mahmood: Originally published in the ‘Daily AajKal’.

Shehrbano Taseer in UK speaks out against radical political Islam: by Lizzy Millar Religious seminaries Madarash in Pakistan are raising a new generation of children to propagate hatred in the wake of bin Laden’s assassination. Shehrbano Taseer, the daughter of Salman Taseer, the governor of Pakistan’s Punjab region who

Voices of Pakistan: Why do Pakistanis Have Such Mixed Opinions About America? – by Sobia Ali: Source: HuffPost World I belong to the minority of people who actually know the correct pronunciation of “Abbottabad,” unlike President Obama, or Jon Stewart because I grew up there. While I have always taken interest in socio-political issues in Pakistan,

12 reasons why I want to join Pakistan military – by Ali Suleman: Yes, the article narrates 12 reasons which I feel are compelling for me to join Pakistan military. And no, this isn’t another of those 7 grader essays. So what is it? It’s a satire. The worst nightmare of a

A tribute to R.I.P Hakim Ali Zardari: Hakim Ali Zardari, father of Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, died yesterday after a protracted illness at the age of 81. He breathed his last at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences in Islamabad where he had been under

Osama’s killing: Is the world safe now? -by Saad Akhter: Osama’s killing has taken world by storm for a small period of time. Frankly I never thought that personalities matter and something like terrorism where people are fighting to get killed and get their names In history. Personalities don’t

Outsource defense of Pakistan -by Waseem Altaf: It is now proven beyond doubt, after Sunday’s incident at PNS Mehran that after years of meddling into matters which do not relate to them, our so called valiant armed forces have been rendered, completely neutralized to take on

Imran Khan’s concert-type dharna -by Zalaan: عمران خان کا کنسرٹ نما دھرنا اور مشترکہ اعلامیہ عمران خان کے کنسرٹ نما دھرنے کے آخر میں تمام مذہبی جماعتوں ،طالبان ، چلڈرن آف ضیاء اسوسیشن پاکستان فور مودودی اور میڈیا میں شامل جہادی صحافیوں نے متفقہ قراردار

Unsafe nukes? Should Pakistan use it against Saudi funded militants or against India?: Zulifqar Ali Bhutto was the founder of Pakistan’s nuclear programme when he was a federal minister for fuel, power and natural resources during Ayub Khan’s government. He continued the nuclear programme as President and then Prime Minister of Pakistan