Monthly Archive:: December 2008

Mujrai Khalq Main In Aankhon Ne Kia Kia Dekha: Muharram 1430 A.H. A tribute to Imam-e-Aali Muqaam Imam Hussain (A.S.) Salam-e-AakhirBy Shafqat Amant Ali

Mujrai Khalq Main In Aankhon Ne Kia Kia Dekha: Muharram 1430 A.H. A tribute to Imam-e-Aali Muqaam Imam Hussain (A.S.) Salam-e-AakhirBy Shafqat Amant Ali

The Taliban atrocities against innocent people in Pakistan and the Israeli massacre of innocent Palestinians. What is the difference?: What do ordinary Pakistanis think? Ghost of TK says: The number of Dead in Buner reaches 41. 2 squadrons of F-16 killed 2001 suicide bomber killed 41 Our condemnations of Israeli actions do ring a bit hollow when we

Taliban vs Israel: What do ordinary Pakistanis think? Ghost of TK says: The number of Dead in Buner reaches 41. 2 squadrons of F-16 killed 2001 suicide bomber killed 41 Our condemnations of Israeli actions do ring a bit hollow when we

Plight of women in Swat: Where are all the international and national human rights organisations and women rights groups?: Plight of women in Swat By Khurshid Khan THE current situation in Swat is such that any sign of peace in the valley has been washed away. The people are living through the most miserable phase of its history.

Talk of belling the cat: What is the agenda of Shaheen Sehbai?: Talk of belling the catTuesday, December 30, 2008By Anjum Niaz The writer is a freelance journalist with over twenty years of experience in national and international reporting Shaheen Sehbai’s surgical strike on President Zardari in this newspaper on Dec

The end of the Kashmir jihad: Elections in Kashmir… By Aakar Patel: The end of the Kashmir jihadTuesday, December 30, 2008By Aakar Patel On Jan 12, 2002, President Pervez Musharraf banned Laskhar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Muhammad. He promised that “no organisation would be allowed to carry out terrorism on the pretext of Kashmir.”

Objectifying the Pakhtun: The false fantasy of “Operation Lion Heart”; the Taliban and the dubious role of Pakistan Army….: Objectifying the PakhtunWednesday, December 31, 2008Farhat Taj Some people on the editorial pages of The News have have fantasies in which they objectify the Pakhtun. It is as if the Pakhtuns do not human needs, constraints and concerns but

Objectifying the Pakhtun: The false fantasy of "Operation Lion Heart"; the Taliban and the dubious role of Pakistan Army….: Objectifying the PakhtunWednesday, December 31, 2008Farhat Taj Some people on the editorial pages of The News have have fantasies in which they objectify the Pakhtun. It is as if the Pakhtuns do not human needs, constraints and concerns but

Asinine and anodyne in ’09?: The industry of conspiracy theory in Pakistan: Asinine and anodyne in ’09?Wednesday, December 31, 2008Mosharraf Zaidi The writer is an independent political economist One measure of character is the ability to take responsibility for one’s own fate and actions. No matter how many detractors and enemies

Asinine and anodyne in ’09?: The industry of conspiracy theory in Pakistan: Asinine and anodyne in ’09?Wednesday, December 31, 2008Mosharraf Zaidi The writer is an independent political economist One measure of character is the ability to take responsibility for one’s own fate and actions. No matter how many detractors and enemies

Rehman Malik shows he has a heart of gold. DG FIA Tariq Pervez retires gracefully.: DG FIA Tariq Pervez retires gracefullyMalik shows he has a heart of gold Tuesday, December 30, 2008 (The News) By Tariq Butt ISLAMABAD: The Director General of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), Tariq Pervez, refused to get extension and

What is happening in Swat? A local Swati explains the whole story: By Afzal Khan:December 30th, 2008 I belong to Swat and have closely observed the present militant uprising in Swat two years back. The solution to present situation in Swat is very simple. It just needs sincerity from the government

Swat falls to Taliban militants – Associated Press – What do orindary Pakistanis think?: The Taliban in Swat ban girls schools and girls education (Where is the Pakistan Army?) Amir Hameed Comments:This cancer of Fazal-ullah needs to be stopped and taken out and should not be allowed to spread. These fagg0t beardos are

Swat falls to Taliban militants – Associated Press – What do orindary Pakistanis think?: The Taliban in Swat ban girls schools and girls education (Where is the

An open letter to the President of Pakistan from an Indian citizen: By R.Alamsha Karnan An open letter to the President of Pakistan from an Indian Dear President of Pakistan I appreciate your genuine aspiration to have friendly relationship with India and save your nation from the brink of collapse. 180+

Basit, son of DDG Intelligence Bureau Riaz Sheikh, writes an open letter to Ansar Abbasi: This site has moved to, click this link if you are not redirected

Basit, son of DDG Intelligence Bureau Riaz Sheikh, writes an open letter to Ansar Abbasi: Ansar Abbasi, you are a third class blackmailer, a yellow journalist, a supporter of the Taliban. Shame on you. …. Son defends father in open letter Monday, December 29, 2008 (The News) By our correspondent ISLAMABAD: Basit Riaz Sheikh,

Jundullah responsible for Saravan bombing: Joint terrorism by ISI, CIA and the Saudi Arabain Intelligence Services: Mon, 29 Dec 2008 14:36:04 GMT The Jundullah terrorist group has claimed responsibility for a deadly Monday suicide attack that rocked a southeastern city in Iran. A suicide bomber carrying explosives tried to enter a police station in the

Robert Fisk: Leaders lie, civilians die, and lessons of history are ignored: Monday, 29 December 2008 (The Independent) We’ve got so used to the carnage of the Middle East that we don’t care any more – providing we don’t offend the Israelis. It’s not clear how many of the Gaza dead

Our leaders and their writing – by Aakar Patel: Monday, December 29, 2008 (The News)India’s early leaders wrote a lot. Ambedkar’s Writings and Speeches number some 20 volumes. Nehru’s Selected Works, still being edited, have reached volume 39 and the Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, who wrote almost

The massacre in Gaza: Can there be any doubt who the real terrorists are?: 29/12/2008 The long drawn-out siege of Gaza and the numerous military assaults on its people are only the latest (Israeli) crimes in a catalogue of terror. By Stuart Littlewood * U.S. definition fits perfectly The patience of all decent

An advice for the UN: Investigate the murder of Benazir Bhutto: Investigate, please WHATEVER one’s political persuasion, it is impossible to deny that Benazir Bhutto’s assassination was a cataclysmic event for Pakistan. Ms Bhutto was no ordinary person: internationally, she was one of the few Pakistanis who had instant name

A poem for Palestine: Seraphim weep as children die: (picture from Sunday Times, 28 Dec 2008) Israel yesterday (27 Dec 2008) launched its largest raid on Gaza with two waves of air attacks that killed at least 225 people and injured more than 700, according to Palestinian doctors.

A poem for Palestine: Seraphim weep as children die: (picture from Sunday Times, 28 Dec 2008) Israel yesterday (27 Dec 2008) launched its largest raid on Gaza with two waves of air attacks that killed at least 225 people and injured more

Pakistan’s so-called free press – by Shaheen Sehbai: Pakistan’s so-called free press has become a beggar’s market where cheap and shoddy journalism is sold to the highest bidder…. writes Shaheen Sehbai. Who will Bell the Bad, Fat Cats? Shaheen Sehbai January 5, 2000 This article has been

Was Mumbai the Kargil 2?Joining the jigsaw puzzle. Incriminating evidence against the unholy nexus between ISI and jihadi/sectarian forces in Pakistan: Was Mumbai the Kargil 2? What is Pakistan Army/ISI upto this time? Incriminating evidence against the unholy nexus between ISI and jihadi/sectarian forces in Pakistan Spare a few minutes in reading the following various reports. Pause and reflect for

Was Mumbai the Kargil 2? Joining the jigsaw puzzle: Was Mumbai the Kargil 2? What is Pakistan Army/ISI upto this time? Incriminating evidence against the unholy nexus between ISI and jihadi/sectarian forces in Pakistan Spare a few minutes in reading the following various reports. Pause and reflect for

A poem for Benazir Bhutto – and some comments by ordinary Pakistanis: Benazir Bhutto (21 June 1953 – 27 December 2007)In MemoriamWe are prepared to risk our lives, But we are not prepared to surrender our great nation to the militants. – Benazir Bhutto Hideous serpents hissed and recoiled,Mesmerized by your

A poem for Benazir Bhutto – and some comments by ordinary Pakistanis: Benazir Bhutto (21 June 1953 – 27 December 2007)In MemoriamWe are prepared to risk our lives, But we are not prepared to surrender our great nation to the militants. – Benazir Bhutto Hideous serpents hissed and recoiled,Mesmerized by your

A song half-sung – Benazir Bhutto’s first cousin Tariq Islam remembers her…: A song half-sungBy Tariq Islam ON a cold winter’s evening, an explosion from hell ushered in the permanent permafrost in ordinary lives. One assassin, one macabre moment of madness, one frightening flash and the dawn of hope faded, as

Get rid of false patriotism. India needs voices such as Arundhati Roy and Pakistan needs voices such as Pervez Hoodbhoy.: Patriotism misunderstoodLegal eye Saturday, December 27, 2008 (The News)Babar Sattar The terrorists have succeeded in realizing their objectives in Mumbai. Not just in carrying out the carnage that claimed innocent Indian lives, but also in provoking chest-thumping hysteria within

What happened to Pir Samiullah’s body is a dangerous symbolism, to many people in Swat it was wilfully permitted by the Army: Hanging a dead pir Saturday, December 27, 2008 Farhat Taj Pir Samiullah of Swat was reportedly encouraged by the army stationed in Swat to raise a lashkar against