Monthly Archive:: December 2008

Was the Mumbai operation a move by ISI to topple the the democratic government in Pakistan?: Was the Mumbai attack the Kargil 2? Does ISI want to topple the democratic government of President Zardari in Pakistan? How can the UN help Pakistan? An interesting conversation between some educated Pakistanis pejamistri Says:December 17th, 2008 at 6:30

Asif Zardari among 2008 prominent personalities: People Who Mattered Most in 2008 (Time Magazine) Asif Ali Zardari Pakistan’s unfavored son ended last year by burying his slain wife Benazir Bhutto. He ends 2008 as the President of a nuclear-armed nation threatened by Islamic militancy and

An overview of Pakistani blogs; Choose your own top ten Pakistani blogs from this list: —work in progress— Here is a simple and candid review on Pakistani blogs. If you would like to add your blog to the list or offer a perspective on your or other blogs, please comment. ……All Things Pakistan

An overview of Pakistani blogs: —work in progress— Here is a candid overview of Pakistani blogs. If you would like to add your blog to the list or offer a perspective on your or other blogs, or if you wish to post a list

A salute to the workers of PPP; the strongest pro-moderation pro-democracy force in Pakistan…: To PPP workers Friday, December 26, 2008 (The News)by Harris Khalique Common political workers belonging to any party must be held in a very high esteem. These are the people who put their lives, livelihoods, families and whatever small

Indian military retaliation would play straight into LeT’s hands. – Praful Bidwai: There is no military option by Praful Bidwai Ultimately, it wasn’t superior firepower, sophisticated interception methods or commando training that explains how one of the Mumbai attackers was arrested alive. The key to that feat lies in the great

India not the real enemy, militancy is! – by Ayaz Amir: Will hypocrites such as Imran Khan and Qazi Hussain Ahmed listen to this sane voice? …… India not the real enemy; militancy isIslamabad diary Friday, December 26, 2008by Ayaz Amir Militancy and extremism on the march. Three schools in

An interesting conversation between a Jinnah hater and a Jinnah lover: digitalmaster: I am not a historian so cannot comment on the personality of Jinnah. For all I know he was from a religion respected family. He firmly believed in a separate state for MUSLIMS … does that translate as

Shaheen Sehbai given enough rope to hang himself and the Jang Group…: Aftab Iqbal’s column in Nawaiwaqt 29 December 2008 exposing Shaheen Sehbai’s request to President Zardari to become an ambassador. Because of Sehbai’s anti-Pakistan record, he was not given security clearance for any diplomatic post. Shaheen Sehbai, the current Group

Shaheen Sehbai given enough rope to hang himself and the Jang Group…: Aftab Iqbal’s column in Nawaiwaqt 29 December 2008 exposing Shaheen Sehbai’s request to President Zardari to become an ambassador. Because of Sehbai’s anti-Pakistan record, he

Shaheen Sehbai. What is his agenda? Is he a brilliant journalist or a stooge of anti-democracy forces such as Jamaat Islami and the ‘establishment’?: Shaheen Sehbai Background Information Shaheen Sehbai is a Pakistani journalist and the current Group Editor of daily English newspaper The News International. He has also worked as a reporter for the Dawn newspaper in Washington D.C. and then later

Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s Legacy to Pakistan – A lecture by Stanley Wolpert: Jinnah of Pakistan The old forget – The young don’t know “I cannot emphasize it too much. We should begin to work in that spirit and in course of time all these angularities of the majority and minorities communities,

Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s Legacy to Pakistan – A lecture by Stanley Wolpert: Jinnah of Pakistan The old forget – The young don’t know “I cannot emphasize it too much. We should begin to work in that spirit and in course of time all these angularities of the majority and minorities communities,

Provide security to Ansar Abbasi: Although we disagree with the biased and pro-Taliban reporting of Mr. Ansar Abbasi, having come to know that Mr. Abbasi has received threats by some vested interests, we support Mr. Shaheen Sahbai’s following appeal to the Government of Pakistan

Provide security to Ansar Abbasi: Although we disagree with the biased and pro-Taliban reporting of Mr. Ansar Abbasi, having come to know that Mr. Abbasi has received threats by some vested interests, we support Mr. Shaheen Sahbai’s following appeal to the Government of Pakistan

Toying with terrorism – Kamila Hyat reveals ISI’s close association with the Taliban: Thursday, December 25, 2008 (The News) The writer is a freelance columnist and former newspaper editor There is a distinct note of helpless frustration in the statement by the NWFP government calling for action against militants in Swat to

A simple question for all Pakistanis – by HA: The reason for most of our issues for the last 60 years has been caused primarily due to collateral damage of military rule. Our people need to start getting used to democracy but the mainstream political parties are notoriously

A simple question for all Pakistanis: The reason for most of our issues for the last 60 years has been caused primarily due to collateral damage of military rule. Our people need to start getting used to democracy but the mainstream political parties are notoriously

Barbarism in Swat: By Khurshid Khan SWAT’S Sangota Public School was blown to smithereens on Oct 7, 2008 — a dark day in the history of the area. This convent school was established in 1964 by Miangul Jahanzeb, popularly known as Wali

Countering India’s diplomatic assault —Talat Masood: Despite the current tensions, it is encouraging that Islamabad and New Delhi are keeping diplomatic channels open and envoys have not been recalled. Talks should continue to manage the crisis and put the peace process back on track India

Rented suicide-bomber used for attack on a Shia politician in Bhakkar: Police investigation into the suicide-bombing incident in Bhakkar in Punjab in August this year revealed that the killing was done through a suicide-bomber “bought” in South Waziristan. The targeted man was killed in the attack but so were other

Taliban ban female education in Swat district: A question for Imran Khan: Is this a reaction to American policies in Afghanistan? You are an opportunist politician Mr. Khan, who is afraid of condemning the evil ideology that the Taliban represent… Taliban ban female education in Swat district

Do we need science or Islamic science? What do pro-liberal and pro-jihadi Pakistanis think?: Ghost of TK says: December 23rd, 2008 at 2:34 pm Beardo’s are cargo-culters. Look at Ajmal Kasab (who I did think at the time looked like a pacific islander) … this is a man who allegedly joined some group

The Quran and The Kalashnikov – BBC Documentary: BBC – 47:32 – A Brilliant BBC Documentary on the History of Islam and the armed conflicts it has fought around the world with initially the backing of the western countries around the world to the situation we are

Is it fair to compare corruption of Pakistani politicians with corruption of Pakistani Generals?: Ghost of TK writes: I can appreciate the need to tone down the rhetoric re: the military now, but then that rule would give a loophole to those who say, wait for the things to get better before we

Jihadi and Jasoosi cocktail in Pakistan – By Hasan Mujtaba; Also comments on the movie “The Convoy of Death”: An interesting piece on Mullah Military Alliance (ISI-Jihadi Alliance) in Pakistan. Some Comments: These comments are in the context of a movie “The Convoy of Death” – produced and directed by Irish filmmaker and former BBC producer Jamie

Jihadi and Jasoosi cocktail in Pakistan – By Hasan Mujtaba; Also comments on the movie "The Convoy of Death": An interesting piece on Mullah Military Alliance (ISI-Jihadi Alliance) in Pakistan. جہادی جمع جاسوسی کاک ٹیل حسن مجتبیٰ بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، نیویارک بھٹو حکومت نے آئي ایس آئی والوں کو سراغرسانی کے طریقے سکھانے کے

A tribute to Pakistani soldiers fighting against terrorists of the Taliban, Al Qaeda, Sipah-e-Sahaba and all other internal and external enemies….: The Pakistani nation stands united with our great Pakistani soldiers fighting against terrorists of the Taliban, Al Qaeda, Sipah-e-Sahaba and all

Unchecked fanaticism in NWFP and the criminal silence of Pakistan’s religious parties: Unchecked fanaticism THAT, at least until the time of writing, there was no loss of life is perhaps the only redeeming feature of the Taliban’s attack on three schools in Peshawar on Monday. There were no casualties because there

Radical Islam’s war with India – By Anand K Verma: Anand K Verma headed the Research & Analysis Wing, (R&AW), India’s external intelligence agency from 1986-1989. He is an expert on the region, particularly Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The time has arrived for the unspoken to be spoken: Radical

Do Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif pay income tax? A page from history…: Nawaz and Shahbaz pay no tax ISLAMABAD: The billionaire club of the Pakistani politicians, including the deposed prime minister Nawaz Sharif and his brother Shahbaz Sharif, does not pay any tax Despite having declared assets of Rs 676.8 million

The estbailshment-Taliban connection: What do ordinary, informed Pakistanis think?: What do ordinary Paksitanis think about the role of the establishment and Mullahs in jihadi and sectarian (terrorist) activities within and outside Pakistan? Some

Dr. Hoodbhoy’s 10 commandments for the USA and for Muslims.: Pervez Hoodbhoy on ‘Us’ and ‘Them’ MindsetBy: Maryam Chaudhry Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy, renowned nuclear physicist and disarmament activist, who teaches at Quaid-e-Azam University in Islamabad, recently visited the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and delivered a talk, the title

Stop dirty propaganda against the Pride of Pakistan Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy…: Introduction of Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy (born 11 July 1950) is Professor of High Energy Physics and the head of the Physics Department at Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. He graduated and also received PhD from MIT and

Nawaz Sharif, India & The ‘Daughters Game’ – By Ahmed Quraishi: Nawaz Sharif, India & The ‘Daughters Game’ So happy are the Indians with Mr. Sharif that they ordered their ambassador to travel to Lahore and personally deliver Manmohan Singh’s regards to him. Meanwhile, the disgruntled former premier continues to

Nawaz Sharif, India & The ‘Daughters Game’ – By Ahmed Quraishi: Nawaz Sharif, India & The ‘Daughters Game’ So happy are the Indians with Mr. Sharif that they ordered their ambassador to travel to Lahore and personally deliver Manmohan Singh’s regards to him. Meanwhile, the disgruntled former premier continues to

Lashkar-i-Jhangvi carried out Marriott attack – Dawn Report: Lashkar-i-Jhangvi carried out Marriott attack By Our Reporter (Dawn News) ISLAMABAD, Dec 22: Adviser to the Prime Minister on Interior Rehman Malik revealed on Monday that the banned Lashkar-i-Jhangvi organisation carried out the terrorist attack on the Marriott hotel