An overview of Pakistani blogs

—work in progress—

Here is a candid overview of Pakistani blogs. If you would like to add your blog to the list or offer a perspective on your or other blogs, or if you wish to post a list of top 10 Pakistani blogs, please feel free to post a comment.


All Things Pakistan

We hope that ATP (All Things Pakistan) will be about discussion, not rants.

Our aspiration is to indulge in a conversation with others – Pakistanis and non-Pakistanis – about Pakistan as a living, breathing, vibrant, vigorous, multi-dimensional, complex society. This is in direct retaliation to the dominant discourse on Pakistan that tends to be about various versions of ‘Pakistan – the cardboard cut-out’.

The purpose of ATP is to talk about the problems constructively and to celebrate enthusiastically that which deserves to be celebrated. To embrace Pakistan in all its dimensions – its politics, its culture, its minutia, its beauty, its warts, its potential, its pitfalls, its facial hair, its turbaned heads, its shuttlecock burqas, its jet-setting supermodels, its high-flying bankers, its rock bands, its qawalls, its poets, its street vendors, its swindling politicians, its scheming bureaucrats, its resolute people – in essence, all things Pakistani.

ATP is about ‘all things’ but it cannot be about ‘everything.’ There is always a choice about what to put in and what to focus on. ATP wants to be balanced but also eclectic. We will focus on things that are primarily about Pakistan, will do so from a primarily Pakistani perspective, but we will also try to talk about things that others are not talking about. This is not a ‘news blog’ that simply comments on the headlines of the day. There are plenty of those already. Our criteria is to find interesting topics, neglected topics, and pertinent topics about, you guessed it, all things Pakistan.


Sherryx’s Weblog: De-realization of Pak Tea House!
By Shaheryar Ali

A great source of alternative, critical reflection. Rich is leftist and secular ideas and resources.



Metroblogging started off as a more locally focused alternative news source in Los Angeles and has turned into the largest and fastest growing network of city-specific blogs on the Web. We got sick of reading local news that was syndicated from the other side of the country, or was just repurposed national chit chat that had nothing to do with our city. We created our first blog as a throw back to the days when a local news paper focused on local issues, and you could walk down to the corner coffee shop and chat up the reporters whose column you read earlier that day. This idea didn’t stay in one city for long and before we knew it there were Metblogs in Chicago, Portland, Karachi, and Vienna. Today there are over 50 Metblogs in countries all over the world. Local politics, event reviews, lunch recommendations and ways to avoid that big traffic jam downtown. If it’s happening in our cities, we’re on it.

We are bloggers first and foremost, and we love our cities.


Bloggers Pakistan is the first and only blog aggregator of Pakistani origin and Pakistan based blogs. It was founded by the ALVI-E Team (Dr. Awab Alvi [Teeth Maestro] and Omer Alvie [the olive ream] as part of their continuing efforts to ensure freedom of expression of Pakistani bloggers.

Its inception was the result of the blogspot ban and the subsequent step after the launch of Dont Block The Block campaign to ensure promotion of Pakistani blogs and to encourage free expression of personal views via the tool of free web logs (sites).

The ALVI-E team are committed to ensuring further improvements on to create an online, interactive community of Pakistani bloggers.


Friends Korner
A relaxing place with healthy environment where you can chit chat with members in reference to daily life issues


PK Politics

This site was developed with good intention of providing access to popular Political Talk Shows and News Clips to those who don’t have access to these TV channels, or miss these programs due to travel or other engagements. Since all programs are archived on this site, you can watch your favorite programs at your own convenient schedule.


Teeth Maestro

Teeth Maestro, the blog name of Dr. Awab Alvi a Pakistani dentist practicing in Karachi. he graduated with a dental degree (BDS) from de’Montmorency College of Dentistry, Lahore. and then proceeded to Saint Louis University for a Masters Degree (MSc) in the field of Orthodontics (Braces) he later went for an extensive study at the University of Pennsylvania for a certificate in Endodontics (Root Canals). Dr. Alvi is now presently presently practicing at the Alvi Dental Hospital which is located at 23-B Sindhi Muslim Society, Karachi Ph: 4524371 / 72 or website @

Teeth Maestro has blogged from July 2004 where initially he was based off a Blogspot address specifically – Due to constant connectivity issue he migrated to his own domain in 2005 and has now maintained his own blog URL.

Contacting Teeth Maestro is quite simple, no lengthy protocols, no lengthy spam filters, just simply use the contact form provided below or pop an email to the Gmail account attached. He is sure to respond…….


Light Within

This is a blog on business, experiments and proposals.


Raza Rumi

Raza Rumi is a freelance writer from Lahore, Pakistan. He regularly writes for the Pakistani weekly The Friday Times, The News and Daily DAWN on myriad topics such as history, arts, literatue and society. Raza blogs at Jahane Rumi – a website devoted to Sufi thought, the arts, literature, and cultures of South Asia. Raza also edits a cyber-magazine Pak Tea House; and manages Lahore Nama . He is also a self-taught painter and his works can be seen at the online Saatchi Gallery. Check him out on flickr too. Raza’s interests include writing, literature, world civilizations and cultures, travel, painting and mysticism. Academically, he is trained in economics and social development.

Raza is also regular writer at All Things Pakistan, Desicritics, and Global Voices. Raza has worked in Pakistan and abroad in various organizations including multilateral institutions such as the United Nations.



A blog on Pakistan Politics, Current Affairs, Business and Lifestyle

Chowrangi is a crossroad of lifestyles. Chowrangi cover topics related to business, entertainment, current affairs, religion, sports, technology and other aspects of our daily lives.


Pak Tea House

Pak Tea House is a little corner in the blogosphere that will endeavour to revive the culture of debate, pluralism and tolerance. It has no pretensions nor illusions but the motivation of a few people who want to see Pakistan a better place – where ideas need to counter the forces of commercialism, adverse effects of globalisation and extremism. And, ideas must translate into action that leads us to an equitable, just and healthy society. Please join us – through writings, contributions, discussions, and spreading the word…Raza Rumi – editor/founder Pak Tea House blog-zine


Watan Dost

WATANDOST: Inside News About Pakistan and its Neighborhood

Watandost in Urdu and farsi means “friend of the country”. The blog contains news and commentaries about Pakistan (and its neighbors) that are intriguing and insightful but often are not part of the news headlines. Issues related to “Islam and the West” are also covered here.

Hassan Abbas
Occupation: Academic
Location: Boston : Massachusetts


The Pakistani Spectator

We at TPS are so grateful to you that you have taken time out of your precious life and have visited us. We treasure you and your time, and strive hard to make your visit here as much worthwhile as possible.

We take a candid look on everything happening in and for Pakistan.
We render views, news and opinions on Pakistani Politics in specific and world politics in general with respect to Pakistan.

We also throw a fair light on the blossoming Entertainment industry of world, and gather best of the breed quality information in that regards for you.

In order to let you know that how passionate the bloggers and webmasters of this planet are, we regularly conduct their interesting interviews from all over the world.

We also present the political content in Urdu language.

We want to be at your service all the time in every possible way. Please do keep visiting us and bestow your comments upon us, for our welfare.


Pro Pakistani

Welcome to ProPakistani – a website that consistently updates you about latest happenings from Pakistan’s Telecom and IT Industry – A Resource that you can Trust!

At ProPakistani, we are committed to:

• Unbiased Reporting: supported by facts and figures instead of fiction
• Inform & Educate: you by notifying you latest cellular packages, tutorials, telecom FAQs, reviews, tips, tricks and anything that encircles Telecom and IT
• Protect Consumer rights by bringing those elements to front that incline to violate consumer laws.



Chowk is a platform to publish, discuss and debate writings on a variety of issues that are important to the people of India, Pakistan, and other South Asian countries.

It is a place to:

• express and exchange ideas
• discover eclectic thoughts
• get useful information
• meet new people
• engage in social change
• enjoy and educate yourself

Chowk is committed to promote the right to express. It nurtures ideas and voices that are original, investigative, and independent of doctrine and dogma. Chowk does not propose, favor or defend any ideology. Readers and writers arrive at their views through debate in an open and free environment.

Chowk does not claim to solve the political or social problems of Pakistan and/or India. Rather, it provides a platform for dialogue, introspection, and familiarity amongst the people to break taboos and facilitate a climate for lasting peace and understanding.

Chowk is a not-for-profit publication, managed by a self-directed staff of editors, associates, and correspondents. All of Chowk content is contributed by its members. In essence Chowk is an ecosystem of hyper-writing, an emergent form of journalism. At Chowk, writers and readers interact to give birth to new ideas, sometimes diminishing and other times enhancing the original message.


Chapati Mystery

Chapati Mystery(CM), a “quaint” publication, started out wondering what T. E. Lawrence and Bhagat Singh would talk about, over dinner. And it kinda went downhill from there. Over the last four years, you would have read examples of ‘Cool History’ from South Asia [‘cool’ being a subjective term, here], wrong analysis of US domestic politics [I thought Kerry would win], many, many rants against journalists and historians who write about Islam, Middle East or South Asia, some sober assessments on Pakistan’s political and religious scene, a few ruminations about public intellectuals and digital history and finally enough snark to overcome a room full of Wicker Park hipsters. Do be aware that CM’s only qualified expertise is in medieval South Asian history. You should take our guided tour.


Let us build Pakistan (LUBP) / Critical PPP

This blog claims to offer critical reflections on Pakistan’s politics, society and arts.

According to Rabia Shakoor of the Grand Trunk Road: “…. a really good blog on Pakistan …. Apart from the honest look at the Pakistani role in the Mumbai attacks there’s also some good poetry and videos of Pakistani music….Highly Recommended”


Ahmed Quraishi

Ahmed Quraishi has hosted various political talk shows from PTV News and Geo TV. This site is a platform projecting Pakistan’s foreign policy priorities as well as an analysis of Pakistani politics.


Pakistan Defence Forum

A site related to Pakistani politics in particular issues related to army, navy and air force.


Grand Trunk Road

An excellent blog on Pakistan politics, arts and philosophy by Rabia Shakoor. It has some good links and interesting commentary on Pakistani politics.



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  1. akn white swan
  2. Bushra
  3. Maham Abbas
  4. Maham Abbas