LUBP Archive

A tribute to my fellow blogger Khurram Zaki – by Ali Abbas Taj: On my May 7, 2016 we lost our comrade Khurram Zaki to a cowardly attack by Takfiri Deobandi militants. He was Pakistan’s leading rights activist, journalist and my co-editor at Let Us Build Pakistan (LUBP) blog. Zaki’s

خرم ذکی کی شہادت: تعمیر پاکستان بلاگ کے چیف ایڈیٹر سے شفقنا اردو کی خصوصی گفتگو: شفقنا اردو: خرم زکی کی شہادت سے سول سوسائٹی کی جدوجہد کتنی متاثر ہوئی ہے؟؟ علی عباس تاج: اصل میں سب سے بڑا مسئلہ یہ ہے کہ مین سٹریم میڈیا سے لیکر شول میڈیا تک پاکستان کے اندر

کراچی یونیورسٹی میں خواتین اساتذہ و طلباء کو جنسی طور پہ هراساں کیے جانے کے بڑھتے ہوے واقعیات: لیٹ اس بلڈ پاکستان کراچی یونیورسٹی میں خواتین اساتذہ و طلباء کو جنسی طور پہ هراساں کیے جانے کے واقعات کی شرح بڑهنے پہ سخت تشویش کا اظہار کرتا ہے اور اس حوالے سے یونیورسٹی انتظامیہ کی جانب سے

LUBP wishes happy Nowruz to all Pakistanis and other communities across the world: Nowruz means `New Day’ and it marks the arrival of Spring. Pakistan celebrates this Spring Festival with countries like Afghanistan, India, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Tajkistan and other Central Asian countries. Nowruz is celebrated in Pakistan in Balti, Shina,

Why only LUBP, not other “liberal” bloggers, are being attacked by Tahir Ashrafi and Ludhyanvi? – by Ali Abbas Taj: Since 2008, the LUBP blog, Pakistan’s top blog in terms of visitor traffic and original content, has been highlighting the issues of human rights and minority rights, and as an alternative media, has also exposed the culture of

طاہر اشرفی اورلدھیانوی کی نفرت کا نشانہ فقط ایل یو بی پی کیوں – علی عباس تاج: دیوبندی علما کونسل کے صدر، دہشت گرد ملک اسحاق کے قریبی دوست اور کالعدم سپاہ صحابہ پاکستان کے سابق رہنما طاہر اشرفی نے تعمیر پاکستان بلاگ کے مدیر علی عباس تاج اور تعمیر پاکستان بلاگ کو ایک مرتبہ پھر

بلاگ تعمیر پاکستان کی جانب سے تمام پر امن پاکستانیوں کو عید مبارک: عید الفطر کے پر مسرت موقع پر تعمیر پاکستان کے تمام مدیران اور لکھاریوں کی جانب سے تمام پاکستانیوں کو عید مبارک – عید کے اس خوشیوں بھرے موقع پر ہمیں اپنے ان ہزاروں شہدا کو نہیں بھولنا

جان کیری کی مجلس اور سلمان حیدر کے شان بینا و سیٹھی میں قصیدے: سلمان حیدر نے اپنی فیسبک وال پر میری اس تصویر کو کچھ ان الفاظ کے ساتھ پوسٹ کیا ***** علی عباس تاج نام کے ایک حضرت اور انکے عامر حسینی اور خرم ذکی نام کے لونڈے لپاڑے مجھ

Human rights activist’s response to hate campaign against liberal Pakistani blog LUBP: I am a human rights activist based in the US with a particular interest in issues of human rights and minority rights in Pakistan, my country of ancestry. I am also proud to be associated with Let Us

چند اور باتیں کھری کھری – عامر حسینی: احمدوقاص گورایا صاحب ، میری آئی ڈی پبلک ہے کوئی بھی دیکھ سکتا ہے ، یہ آپ نے صاف صاف جھوٹ بولا ہے ، دوسرا میں نے بلاگ لکھا ہے ، میں برملا ایل یو بی پاک کے موقف

Channel 4 goes LUBP on a fake rights activist: If Comrades Najam Sethi, Tarek Fatah, Hamid Mir and Ludhyanvi and many other Punjabis, Mohajirs etc can be champions and fighters of the Baloch cause, why can’t this woman be a champion of African Americans? Shame on Channel

#NeverForget Remembering: APS tragedy with protests against more attacks: Around 30 people holding flags and placards shouted slogans against the government, militants and law enforcers on Monday evening — reminding everyone about the attack on Army Public School in Peshawar on December 16, 2014.They had gathered at Guru

اداریہ : دی لندن پوسٹ ڈاٹ نیٹ والو! شرم تم کو مگر نہیں آتی: دی لندن پوسٹ ڈاٹ نیٹ نام کی ایک ویب سائٹ پر ایک ادارتی نوٹ کی طرح کی ایک تحریر تعمیر پاکستان ویب سائٹ کے خلاف شایع ہوئی ہے اور اس پوسٹ میں ایک مرتبہ پھر گھٹیا سازشی

The discourse of Shia genocide in Pakistan and the role of Abdul Nishapuri and social media: A brief historical account: Shia Public Affairs Committee is a community organisation based in New York City. ShiaPac would like to recognise the efforts of the Let Us Build Pakistan portal in highlighting the systematic and tragic targeting of vulnerable communities of

President Obama condemns genocidal campaign against Sunni Sufis, Shias, Christians and religious minorities by ISIS and other Salafi and Deobandi terrorists – Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: Holy Halal! Syed Barack Hussain Obam-vi is also spouting the LUBP line President Obama condemns genocidal campaign against Sunni Sufis, Shias, Christians and religious minorities by ISIS and other Wahhabi and Deobandi terrorists Holy Halal! Syed Barack Hussain Obam-vi

Has LUBP alienated genunine sympathisers of Pakistani Sunni Sufis and Shias?: Related post: What has LUBP done for Pakistan’s Shia Muslims in last 5 years? – by Ali Abbas Taj Often it is alleged that LUBP (Let Us Build Pakistan) web site has alienated sincere well-wishers and sympathisers due

Bolo Bhi’s director Farieha Aziz bullies Pakistani bloggers, refuses to condemn the harassing pro-Taliban cleric: Related post: SOS from Pakistan

SOS from Pakistan: Influential pro-Taliban Deobandi hate cleric threatens rights activists and bloggers: Voice of Sunnis (VoS), a popular Pakistani blogzine known for bold opposition to Taliban and ISIS-affiliate terrorist group ASWJ, condemns bullying, threatening and harassing of Sunni Sufi and Shia bloggers by the pro-Taliban Deoband cleric Tahir Ashrafi. Tahir Ashrafi

In Pakistan, Deobandi-apologist fake Marxists threaten pro-rights Sunni Sufi and Shia bloggers: In Pakistan, fake Marxists, Deobandi atheists and fake liberals threaten pro-human rights Sunni Sufi, Barelvi and Shia bloggers of LUBP. In the past, LUBP has been threatened by the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan along with Deobandi cleric Tahir Ashrafi and other

10 January: Second death anniversary of Pakistani Shia blogger and LUBP contributor Irfan Kudi Ali: 10th January is the death anniversary of Pakistan’s leading human rights activist, Shia blogger, LUBP team member and fallen hero, Irfan Ali known as Khudi Ali. Irfan was a regular contributor and supporter of LUBP, at times using a

Indian magazine Niti Central cites LUBP data on Shia genocide: The Shahi Imam of Delhi’s Jama Masjid, Syed Ahmed Bukhari has sent invitations for the ‘dastarbandi’ of his successor Naib Imam to Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Congress president Sonia Gandhi, vice-president Rahul Gandhi among others but has

Impact of LUBP’s discourse: Canadian government urges Muslim community to reject Deobandi and Salafi terrorism: How to wage war on Muslim terrorists without maligning and alienating Muslims, especially those in the West whose cooperation has been found to be essential in combating radicalism at home? That challenge hung over Stephen Harper and

جناب عامر حسینی کو ضلع خانیوال پریس کلب کا آڈیٹر منتخب ہونے پر مبارک باد: لیٹ اس بلڈ پاکستان کی ٹیم نہایت خوشی اور فخر کے ساتھ اس بات کو اپنے تمام قارئین تک پہنچانا چاہتی ہے کہ ہمارے اردو سیکشن کے ایڈیٹر جناب عامر حسینی ضلع خانیوال پریس کلب کے آڈیٹر منتخب ہوگیے

اداریہ: تعمیر پاکستان ویب سائٹ مجبور و مظلوم عوام کے حق میں آواز اٹھاتی رہے گی: الیگزا ویب انفارمیشن کمپنی نے تعمیر پاکستان کی سائٹ ایل یو بی پاک ڈاث کام کو پاکستان کی سب سے زیادہ پڑھی جانے والی سیاسی ویب سائٹ قرار دیاہے-پاکستان میں اس سائٹ کووزٹ کرنے کے اعتبار سے یہ 984

LUBP Qadyani Conspiracy Exposed – by Rathore Baba: Editor’s note: LUBP stands for the oppressed people of Pakistan. They may be Sunni Brelvi, Shia, Christian, Ahmadiyya or any other faith or sect. We stand for the oppressed women of Pakistan. We stand for the oppressed Baluch, Pashtun,

Hate blog LUBP rocketing up the rankings – by Riaz Malik Hajjaji: Lately I have been getting burned – metaphorically that is. It burns me to see that the shameless trolls lead by Pied Piper Ali Abbas Taj have become so popular. This Pro Ahmadi-Shia-Barelvi-Sufi-Christain-Women-Baloch-Hindu-Pashtun-LGBT Rights Hate Blog LUBP is rocketing up

Social media activism in Pakistan and the LUBP – by Pejamistri: Since the beginning of social media activism, there have been numerous sites which started with a very ambitious and sincere agenda of building a peaceful prosperous Pakistan. From 2001 till now I have participated in such activism on most

تعمیر پاکستان (ایل یو بی پی) پاکستان میں سب سے زیادہ پڑھی جانے والی سیاسی ویب سائٹ بن گئی: تعمیر پاکستان ویب سائٹ (ایل یو بی پاک ڈاٹ کام) پاکستان میں سب سے زیادہ پڑھی جانے والی سیاسی ویب سائٹ بن گئی-الیگزا رینک ویب انفارمیشن کمپنی نیویارک (رپورٹر تعمیر پاکستان)الیگزا رینک ویب انفارمیشن کمپنی کے سروے کے مطابق

An open letter to Raza Rumi – by Ali Taj, LUBP Editor-in-Chief: For the last few years, LUBP website has been advocating, unapologetically and without obfuscation, for the rights of Shias, Ahmadis, Sunni Barelvis, Christians, Hindus, Balochs, Pashtuns etc, the targeted and disenfranchised communities of Pakistan. While our editors, authors, contributors

Real culprits behind LUBP liberal fascist hate site exposed – by Earthman Journalist International Professor: Editor’s note: We are publishing yet another toxic and misleading article by our long-time friend Earthman International Professor. Presently a concerted campaign has been launched against LUBP on Twitter and also via email groups to misrepresent LUBP’s editors and

حکومت زلزلہ متاثرین بلوچ بھائیوں کی بحالی کے لئے جلد سے جلد اقدامات کرے – لیٹ اس بلڈ پاکستان: کل سہ پہر تقریباً چار بج کر انتیس منٹ پر بلوچستان کے دور دراز علاقے آواران میں آنے والے زلزلے سےاب تک کی اطلاعات کے مطابق دو سے پچاس سے لے کر تین سو تک افراد جاں بحق ہو چکے ہیں

Shaheed Irfan Khudi Ali’s contribution to LUBP’s disocurse on human rights and Shia genocide: Shaheed Irfan Khudi Ali was a leading Shia rights and human rights activist of Pakistan. Originally a Shia Hazara from Quetta, he was a regular contributor to and supporter of LUBP’s discourse on Shia genocide by takfiri Deobandi terrorists

War against amateur social media activists of Pakistan – by Pejamistri: It is so disgusting that the “Professional” Social Media activists tried to bring Fauzia Wahab’s name in their war against LUBP. It is a shame. Personally I think Raza Rumi and his gang is trying to threaten and scare amateur social

Why do anti-establishment activists use pen names in Pakistan?: In Pakistan, the fate of anti-establishment writers and activists is very clear. Just refer to how prominent Asia Times correspondent Syed Saleem Shahzad was killed and dumped for being critical of the ISI due to its supports to Jihadist

LUBP, Roshni and other pro rights sites banned while hate sites are allowed to function – by Anonymous Sons of Pakistan: This Respectable lady is Anusha Rahman Khan, Islamic Republic of Pakistan’s new IT Minister. In her first day of office she has warned that the most widely used search engine in the world “Google” will be banned in the

PM Nawaz Sharif has started attacking free media by banning Pakistan’s popular political blog LUBP: Within 24 hours of taking oath, Pakistan’s new Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has already started enforcing and implementing a Saudi Wahabo-Fascist agenda in Pakistan. LUBP readers from Karachi Pakistan have been confirmed that a few posts including this one

LUBP is a conspiracy by Ahmadis, Shias, Sunni Barelvis, Hindus, Christians, Jews etc – by Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: Now I have definite proof that LUBP is a conspiracy by Ahmadis, Shias, Barelvis, Hindus, Christains, Jews, Illuminatis, Elfs, Hobbits, Munchkins and ofcourse, Iraqis. Their agenda, as per their own dirty words, is to create a “Pluralist, Progressive, Secular

Return of the Mensis Horribilis: PTI’s Intra-party Elections: Shireen Mazari’s opportunist return to the party fold Intra-party elections weaken party unity, defections imminent Internally elected party leaders ignored in allocation of party tickets Last year, the Let Us Build Pakistan blog had catalogued a series

Marvi Sirmed, a traitor to liberal causes in Pakistan – by Rusty Walker: A year ago, I read a thought provoking interview of leading Pakistani political commentator and civilian-military analyst Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa in which she explains the increasing influence of Pakistani establishment on right-wing and (fake) liberal voices in the media.

Abdul Nishapuri – by Shakeel Arain: Not many would relate to this, they just cannot. Abdul Nishapuri was Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto of the cyber world of Pakistan. He gave us a voice to speak up and made sure we express it more assertively and more