Monthly Archive:: November 2012

Darul Uloom Deoband’s fatwa in support of Hazrat Yazid – by Abdur Rahim Kandhalvi: Related posts: Who are Takfiri Deobandis? – by Fahd Khan مفتی تقی عثمانی نے دیوبندی مکتب فکر کو ناصبیوں اور تکفیریوں کےہاتھ فروخت کر دیا دار العلوم دیوبند کی جانب سے سنی بریلوی اور شیعہ مسلمانوں کے خلاف نفرت

طالبان ملک یعنی پیپلز پارٹی کا مسعود محمود ثانی – Rehman Malik is PPP’s Masood Mahmood 2: تاریخ میں کچھ ایسے لوگ بھی گزرے ہیں جن کو پاکستانی عوام اور پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی کے کارکن ملک اور عوام کے غداروں کی حیثیت سے یاد کریں گے ان میں ایک ایسا کردار مسعود محمود ہے جس کو

You know you are a Pakistani Shia when…: Author: Anonymous Related post: Being a Shia in Pakistan: A personal experience – by Ale Natiq You know you are a Pakistani Shia when… * Your aging parents beg you to leave them and the country to save yourself

50 ways to gracefully ignore Shia Genocide: Cross Posted from alexpressed Recommended ShiaGenocide in first 10 days of Muharram in Pakistan (51 incidents, 54 killed, 324+ injured) Organised intimidation campaign against Shia as Muharram approaches Will the custodians of Gaza please speak on Shia Genocide

احمدیہ جماعت پر الزام تراشی: دیوبندی مولوی طاہر اشرفی نے اپنے اسلاف جھوٹے راویان حدیث کی یاد تازہ کر دی: دیوبندی مولوی طاہر اشرفی نے اپنے اسلاف جھوٹے راویان حدیث کی یاد تازہ کر دی آج سے دو دروز قبل تکفیری دیوبندی گروہ سپاہ صحابہ اور طالبان کے سرپرست اور پاکستانی فوج کے تنخواہ دار جعلی لبرل طبقہ کے

ShiaGenocide: First 10 days of Muharram 2012 in Pakistan (51 incidents, 55 killed, 324+ injured by Takfiri Deobandis): Source: alexpressed Following an organised intimidation campaign against the Shia in Pakistan initiated well before the Muharram began; as claimed, the Takfiri Deobandi terrorists of Sipah Sahaba (Ahl-e-Sunnat-wal-Jammat/ASWJ), Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and Tehrik Taliban Pakistan raised havoc in Pakistan. Not a single

Pakistan: Diversity in Hypocrisy – by Shoaib Mehmood Nagi: Shakespeare once said ‘Few love to hear the sins they love to act’. One has to only look at the political opinions of various Pakistanis to corroborate his observation. The phenomenon of hypocrisy in Pakistan is not limited to

This Muharram, Takfiri terrorists turned Pakistan into Karbala for Shia Muslims – by Raza Roomi: The month of Moharram revives the memory of the epic battle of Kerbala, a symbolic marker of various struggles within the fold of Islam — between the good and the evil, between authoritarianism and legitimacy, and the ultimate idea

Hussaini Brahmins: Karbala and how Lahore was involved – by Majid Sheikh: Related post: Hindu contribution to the marsiya – by Intizar Husain IN our school and college days we all loved to assist friends set up `sabeels` alongside Lahore`s traditional `Ashura` procession, providing cold drinks to the thousands who mourned.

Pakistan’s Shia genocide -by Murtaza Hussain (Al Jazeera): This year’s Ashura in Pakistan signified a continuation of the country’s spiral into self-destructive communal violence. In the days leading up to the religious holiday of Ashura, leading members of the Pakistani Shia community in Pakistan received anonymous text messages warning

I condemn Kasab’s execution -by Dr. Zulfiqar Ali: I am a liberal and I condemn it, and I condemn it because I am a liberal. Not that he was not a terrorist, not that he did not kill many innocents, not that I am callous to victims

Saudis say No to the Prophet Muhammad, Yes to Paris Hilton. – By Omid Safi: More and more people are speaking out against the Saudi regime, and the way in which its Wahhabi ideology has linked together an utter disregard for the historical heritage of Muslims with an unabashed embrace of vapid capitalism. In

TTP’s attack on Hamid Mir: ‘Moderate’ Deobandi cleric Tahir Ashrafi calls him a traitor, Mir Jafar: Related posts: Who wants to kill Hamid Mir? دیوبندی مولوی طاہر اشرفی نے اپنے اسلاف جھوٹے راویان حدیث کی یاد تازہ کر دی Deobandi cleric Maulana Tahir Ashrafi, known to be on the payroll of Pakistani, Saudi and international

Who wants to kill Hamid Mir?: Related posts: Deobandi cleric Tahir Ashrafi calls Hamid Mir a traitor, doubts Takfiris’ attack on Mir دیوبندی مولوی طاہر اشرفی نے اپنے اسلاف جھوٹے راویان حدیث کی یاد تازہ کر دی Senior journalist and anchor Hamid Mir escaped (what

Blame the victim: DAWN newspaper’s role in Shia Genocide: The Taliban regime of Mullah Omer ruled Afghanistan, or at least a majority of Afghan territory, from 1995 till October 2001 when the US began a retaliatory military campaign against the country to avenge the September 11th terrorist attacks.

Imam Hussain: Saviour and embodiment of ‘la ilaha illallah’: The declaration of the oneness of Allah (Tauhid) and the denial of subjugation to any worldly power is the key foundation of the Islamic faith. While the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny) taught us the

A breach of religious freedom: The 20-year ban on Muharram processions in Indian-administered Kashmir: Muharram processions remain banned in Srinagar since 1990. If, as the government argues, the situation has improved considerably, surely the people have a case for revocation of the ban? SYED ZAFAR MEHDI We are in Muharram, the month of

Protecting the killers: A response to Dawn blog on confining religious processions – by Sabah Hasan: Related post: What can Pakistan and the entire world learn from Pakistani Shias? Text of the blog published on Low-key Ashura 22 November 2012In a week since the commencement of Muharram, at least 16 lives have been lost

Ardeshir Cowasjee- unessential or an admiration?: Of course he was not a beloved, not at all as he was always outspoken against the administration, the establishment, the government, and every tom, dick and harry who were throwing and promoting nuisance and garbage on different pretexts

Shia genocide in Pakistan represents our own Gaza, our own Karbala – by Saroop Ijaz: A people who are defenceless, innocent, out-powered and outgunned are being attacked and killed while the world watches. However, the world does not watch in silence. Worse, excuses are being made for the killers. The victim is being blamed.

Who are Takfiri Deobandis? – by Ali Abbas Taj: Deobandis are an offshoot that represent a mutant and Wahhabized strain of the Sunni Hanafi sect. Historically, they have aligned themselves with puritanitcal, literalist and takfiri Salfi and Wahhabi movements that seek to marginalize and apostasize the majority Sunni

Day of Suicide Attacks Heightens Fears in Pakistan: Fareed Khan/Associated Press A Pakistani mother holds her injured child at a hospital in Karachi on Wednesday. By DECLAN WALSH Published: November 21, 2012 ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A series of suicide bomb attacks on Pakistani Shiites as they observed

A cynical laugh at Pakistan Army’s poster campaign against Taliban in Swat: Pakistan Army has pasted a large number of the above and similar posters at various public places in Swat. The poster shows handshake between the United States and Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and compares the two evils. Pictures of the

Statements by HRW, Amnesty and HRCP on Shia genocide in Pakistan (November 2012): Editor’s note: A number of leading human rights groups have issues statements urging Pakistani State and government to protect Shia Muslims. A couple of things are of note: 1. None of the statement clearly identifies the known and proud

Who is Imam Hussein?: Imam Hussain was born in 620 AD to a family renowned for their values of love, equality and peace. He exemplified these morals – taught to him by his grandfather Muhammad [peace be upon him and his family], the

Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists sponsored by PML-N slaughter 20 Shia Muslims in Rawalpindi: We condemn the slaughter of 20 Shia Muslims in Rawalpindi (Dhok Saidan) and attacks on Shia and Sunni Muslims in Karachi, Quetta, Bannun and other parts of Pakistan by Takfiri Deobandi terrorists of Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba (ASWJ). We condemn

Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari: here’s to hope! – by Maleeha Manzoor: Today, I don’t initiate to pen as an emotional Pakistani nor as a die-hard PPP supporter. I commence to carve and phrase my letters as the youth of Pakistan – the building block of tomorrow’s safer and better Pakistan.

The dead city -by Gulbaz Mushtaq: We all must have heard the folklore of a city and king, who always desired his citizens to be well-aware and civilized. This is how the story goes… Once there was a wise king ruling over a city. He

Why are Islamists and fake liberals silent on Parachinar, the Pakistani Gaza?: Related posts: اسرائیل، غزہ اور مسلمانوں کی منافقت Manufacturing consent – by Leila Ebadi Why are 6000 Shia children killed in Pakistan less worthy than a few dozen Palestinians? Islamist and pseudo-liberal supporters of Hamas militants, Al Qaeda, Taliban

ہزارہ نسل پرست پارٹی اور عزاداری امام حسین: کوئٹہ میں رہنے والے شیعہ اور سنی، بلوچ، پشتون ، ہزارہ اور پنجابی حضرات جانتے ہیں کہ ہزارہ نسل پرست پارٹی (ہزارہ ڈیموکرٹیک پارٹی) کے پاکستان کی فوج، فرنٹیئر کور اور آئی ایس آئی سے گہرے روابط ہیں دوسرے

Aafia, Malala and our mindset? -by Farhad Taimoor: “The eyes see only what the mind is prepared to comprehend” – Robertson Davies The recent shooting of 14 year old Malala Yousufzai has sparked an angry reaction across the country resulting in a widespread public outrage against the

Shaheen Sehbai’s Plagiarism -by Dr. Zulfiqar Ali: There is no doubt that Pakistan has been persistently passing through very delicate times (Intehahi Nazuk daur). However we are very lucky to have such vibrant and virtuous media. Its anchors have made sure the smooth sailing of the

HRW’s Letter to Pakistan on Its Candidacy to the UN Human Rights Council: H.E. Raja Pervaiz Ashraf Prime Minister of Pakistan Islamabad, Pakistan Dear Prime Minister, With elections to the United Nations Human Rights Council quickly approaching, and with Pakistan standing as a candidate, we are writing to urge your government to

اسلام کے خلاف سپاہ صحابہ کے تکفیری دیوبندیوں کی ایک اور سازش – از ابو الخیر قادری: Did Hazrat (r.a.) Umar die on 1st Muharram? Takfiri Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba celebrate martyrdom of Hazrat Umar on 1 Muharram only to disrupt the Ashura of Muharram in memory of Imam Hussain and other members of the

A Pakistani liberal blogger Ali Chishti praises ASWJ’s Ludhianvi, wants tighter blasphemy laws against Shia Muslims: Related posts: ISI-sponsored anchors are promoting Takfiri terrorists to boost Shia genocide in Muharram Let’s deflect tattoo scandal from Deobandis to Shias: Liberal blogger Ali Chishti and Sipah Sahaba in action Onward march of an agency-connected propagandist A few

شیعہ نسل کُشی کے مخالف دیوبندی علماءکے قاتل کون؟ حصّہ اوّل – خالِدبنوری: دیوبندی مکتبِ فکرکے حامِل افراد میں شیعہ نسل کُشی میں مُلوّث مختلف نام بدلنے والی دہشت گرد تنظیم سپاہ صحابہ پاکستان کو مدارس میں سرگرمیوں سے روکنے، مدارِس کے طلبہ کی اس میں شمولیت کی حوصلہ شِکنی کرنے اورشیعہ

Why are 6000 Shia children killed by Deobandi terrorists in Pakistan less worthy than Palestinian children?: Related posts: Israel, Gaza and hypocrisy of Muslims (Urdu) Why are Islamists and pseudo-liberals silent on Parachinar, the Pakistani Gaza? Why are 6000 Shia children killed in Pakistan by Deobandi terrorists (Taliban TTP, Sipah-e-Sahaba ASWJ) less important than a

اسرائیل، غزہ اور مسلمانوں کی منافقت: Related posts: Why are 6000 Shia children killed in Pakistan less worthy than a few dozen Palestinians? Why are Islamists and pseudo-liberals silent on Parachinar, the Pakistani Gaza? گزشتہ کچھ روز سے پاکستان اور دیگر مسلمان ممالک کے غیرت

In praise of Hazrat Yazid ibn Muawiya – by Deobandi and Salafi-Wahhabi Ulema: Related post: مفتی تقی عثمانی نے دیوبندی مکتب فکر کو ناصبیوں اور تکفیریوں کےہاتھ فروخت کر دیا The following are a few examples of some prominent Salafi-Wahhabi (Ahle Hadith) and Deobandi scholars of Saudi Arabia, India and Pakistan who

(کرپٹ” زرداری اورصادق وامین فرشتوں کی اصل کہانی (5″: پاکستانی آزادعدلیہ کی طرح سوئس عدالت کو “شریف” کرنے کی کاوِش تحریر: امام بخش ([email protected]) قارئین گرامی! میں نے پچھلی قِسط میں “صادق و امین فرشتوں” یعنی شریفوں اور “آزاد” ججوں کی سوئس کیس کے بارے میں “کرپٹ” آصف
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