اسرائیل، غزہ اور مسلمانوں کی منافقت

ٹورنٹو میں رہنے والے یہ جعلساز پاکستان میں شہید ہونے والے ہزاروں شیعہ اور سنی بریلوی مسلمانوں کے حق میں کوئی مظاہرہ کیوں نہیں کرتے؟
Related posts: Why are 6000 Shia children killed in Pakistan less worthy than a few dozen Palestinians?
Why are Islamists and pseudo-liberals silent on Parachinar, the Pakistani Gaza?
گزشتہ کچھ روز سے پاکستان اور دیگر مسلمان ممالک کے غیرت مند سیاستدانوں، صحافیوں، انسانی حقوق کے علمبرداروں، فوجی جرنیلوں، جہادی فرقہ وارانہ گروہوں اور اسلام کے رکھوالوں کو ایک نیا موضوع مل گیا ہے یعنی غزہ، اسرئیل اور فلسطین
انیس سو ستاسی سے لے کر دو ہزار گیارہ تک کل آٹھ ہزار فلسطینی مارے گۓ اور پندرہ سو اسرائیلی . کل ملا کر پچانوے سو تعداد بنتی ہے
جبکہ پاکستان میں انیس سو ستاسی سی اب تک کل 22 ہزار کے قریب شیعہ ،دو سو کے قریب احمدی، دو سو کے قریب مسیحی ، سینکڑوں ہندو اور سکھ ، چوالیس ہزار عام شہری ، ہزاروں پشتون اور بلوچ،، تقریباً چار ہزار پولیس اور فوجی ، مارے جا چکے ہیں کل تعداد تقریبآ (77000) ستر ہزار بنتی ہے یعنی اسرائیل فلسطین جنگ سے تقریبآ آٹھ گنا زیادہ
مگر ان غیرت مندوں کے منہ سے کبھی کوئی لفظ ہمدردی کا نہیں نکلا. نہ ہی ان کو کبھی کوئی انسانیت یا انسانی حقوق یا امت کی یاد آئی
بلکہ اکثریت بیٹھی ان قاتلوں کی حمایت میں تاویلیں دے رہی ہوتی ہے
اگر کسی کے دل میں واقعی مسلمانوں یا انسانوں کا درد ہی تو اسکو پاکستان میں تکفیری دیوبندیوں (طالبان اور سپاہ صحابہ) کے ہاتھوں شہید ہونے والے سنی بریلوی، شیعہ، احمدی، مسیحی وغیرہ کیوں نظر نہیں آتے
حالانکہ برما میں مرنے والے ایک سو افراد اور غزہ میں مرنے والے پچاس ساٹھ افراد کے مرنے پر شور مچ جاتا ہے
کیا پاکستان میں دیوبندی سلفی جہادیوں کے ہاتھوں مرنے والے لوگ انسان نہیں ؟
کیا پاکستان میں مرنے والوں کی اکثریت مسلمان نہیں؟ کیا اگر مسلمان مسلمان کا خون بہائے تو وہ حلال ہو جاتا ہے اور اگر اسرائیلی یہودی اور برما کے بدھ مسلمانوں کومار دیں تو وہ حرام ہے ؟
کیا گلگت بلتستان اور کویٹہ میں بسوں سے اتار کر شناختی کارڈ چیک کر کے شیعہ مسلمانوں کو شہید کرنا اسرائیلی حملوں سے چھوٹا جرم ہے ؟ کیا لاہور میں احمدی مساجد پر حملہ کر کے سو احمدیوں کو نماز جمعہ پڑھتے ہوۓ شہید کر دینا چھوٹا جرم ہے؟
پاکستانی فوج کے پالے ہوۓ تکفیری دیوبندی طالبان اور سپاہ صحابہ کے مظالم پر عرب لیگ، او آئ سی اور اقوام متحدہ کیوں خاموش رہتے ہیں؟
کیا وجہ ہے کہ ہم اسرایئل کے فلسطین پر حملوں کی مذمت کرتے ہیں لیکن حماس کے سلفی جہادیوں کے اسرائیل کے بےگناہ شہریوں پر بے دریغ حملوں پر خاموشی اختیار کرتے ہیں ؟
کیا وجہ ہے کہ ہمارے انسانی حقوق اور اسلامی اخلاقیات کےمعیار نہ صرف دوہرے ہیں بلکہ منافقت پر مبنی ہیں؟
آئیے مل کر ان سب کی مذمت کریں جو اسرائیلی حملوں کی مذمت کرتے ہیں لیکن پاکستان میں تکفیری دیوبندی طالبان اور سپاہ صحابہ کے ہاتھوں ہزاروں بے گناہ سنی، شیعہ مسلمانوں کی شہادت پر خاموش رہتے ہیں
(فیس بک سے ماخوذ)
Tags: Ahmadiyya Muslims & Persecution, Gaza & Palestine, Hamas, Jews & Israel & Israelis, Shia Genocide & Persecution
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There are plenty of examples not only in Pakistan but also in other countries, e.g., Afghanistan, Egypt and Palestine, which show that Iranian regime has been using Shia Muslims as a consumable item or canon fodder to promote its specific foreign policy agendas, with little consideration to the immediate interests of local Shia community in the respective country.
For example, some Shia ulama of Pakistan blindly follow Iran’s foreign policy by supporting the Hamas in Palestine, Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Jamaat-e-Islami in Pakistan, completely ignoring the fact that the Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood and JI are pro-Saudi, anti-Shia organizations, which have brutally oppressed Shia Muslims and attacked Muharram gatherings on various occasions.
Hamas militants attack Shias in Gaza
17 January 2012: There is only a tiny proportion of Shia Muslims in the Gaza Strip, the slice of Palestine run by Hamas, a branch of the Saudi-Salafi inspired Muslim Brotherhood, which recently emerged as a majority party in Egypt’s parliament. Even so, Hamas security men wielding clubs stormed a private gathering of some 25 Shias held to mark the end of the 40-day mourning period for Imam Hussein’s death (Arbaeen or Chehlum), sending several to hospital. This was despite Iran’s being a notable patron of Gaza’s Islamist rulers (Hamas). (Source) http://www.economist.com/node/21543181
Muslim Brotherhood’s attack on Shia Muslims in Cairo
5 February 2012: Egypt is continuing to crackdown on Shia Muslims in the country. According to a report in the state-run al-Ahram newspaper on Saturday, two Shia activists were arrested upon arrival at Cairo International Airport from Tehran for allegedly carrying “Shia books.” (Source)
December 2011: Egypt’s small Shia community has also felt a chill Sunni wind. On Ashura (5 Dec 2011), Egyptian police forced hundreds of Shias to abandon a ceremony at the Mosque of Hussein in Cairo, where the Shia martyr’s severed head is said to be buried. A government official said that a stop had been put to their “barbaric rituals” so as to protect them from attack by angered citizens. (Source 1, Source 2)
June 2011: Head of Egypt’s Higher Council of the Al al-Bait Mohammed ad-Dereini has reacted angrily to the country’s authorities on arrest of a large number of Shiite Muslims. According to ad-Dereini among 306 Shiite Muslims held were Sheikh Hassan Shahat – a Sunni cleric who converted to Shiite faith ten years ago and as a punishment he was sacked of his office; he was a speaker at masjid shohadaa al-Jamia in Cairo. Al-Misriyon daily reported that Shahat was arrested from his house on June 22, 2011. The report said accusation thrown on Shahat and other detainees was that they were a threat to national peace. Ad-Dereini said the detainees have been kept in unknown place and their relatives have not been allowed to reach them. Shias are not allowed to hold their celebrations and conferences as well as dissemination of their faith and thoughts. (Source)
Jmaat-e-Islami’s students attack Shia Muslims in Lahore
On 22 December 2011, extremist Deobandi-Wahhabi affiliates of Jamaat-e-Islami’s student wing Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba (IJT) attacked Shia students of the Punjab University with bamboo sticks and stones and opened the indiscriminate firing to sabotage a program of Youm-e-Hussain (as) to mark the sacrifice of grandson of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) Hazarat Imam Hussain (as) and his companions in Karbala. At least thirteen Shia students were critically injured in the firing and attack by the IJT militants who were supported by the Sipah-e-Sahaba students. (Source)
Also read the following article in which Abbas Ather hints towards the fact that several of the Sipah-e-Sahaba (Lashkar-e-Jhangvi) terrorists were previously a part of the Jamaat-e-Islami. http://criticalppp.com/archives/299
In the meanwhile, Iranian-influenced Shia ulama of Pakistan keep praising Hamas: (Source)
Tarek Fatah and other fraudsters (pseduo-left and pseudo-liberals) are anti-Semitic:
کیا طارق فاتح اور اس نوع کے دوسرے جعلساز واقعی یہودیوں کے دوست ہیں؟
They are also anti-Shia:
Do you believe I suffer from ShiaPhobia? – by Tarek Fatah
We condemn Tarek Fatah’s stereotyping and incitement to murder of Shiite Muslims – by Mohsin Jaffer
Hamas Proudly Admits To Using Human Shields
Hamas MP Fathi Hammad: We Used Women and Children as Human Shields.
Four suicide bombers are ready to carry out attacks at Muharram processions in Karachi, a suspected militant has told intelligence officials during interrogation.
Akhtar Mehsud, an alleged member of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), was arrested in a raid in Kunwari Colony of Manghopir. A suicide jacket, one walkie-talkie set, a few cameras, computers, hand grenades and weapons were also seized in the operation, police sources told The Express Tribune.
During interrogation, the suspect warned of attacks during the first 10 days of Muharram, claiming that four suicide bombers are already present in Karachi. Rickshaws and motorcycles are expected to be used to launch attacks, especially between Muharram 8 and Muharram 10.
Akhtar Mehsud was allegedly involved in attacks on security forces in the tribal areas. He is also being questioned about his group’s link to the blast at the Rangers residential complex in North Nazimabad that killed three Rangers and wounded several others. A few accomplices of the suspect were also arrested later.
They will never united to condemn Shia genocide or attacks on Balochs
ہری پور، کالعدم سپاہ صحابہ کی ریلی میں جماعت اسلامی، جے یو آئی اور جمعیت اہلحدیث کے رہنماوں کی شرکت
اسلام ٹائمز: ریلی میں جمعیت اہلحدیث کے صوبائی سیکرٹری جنرل مولانا عبدالوحید عبداللہ، جے یو آئی کے ضلعی رہنماء مولانا قاضی عبدالعلیم اور جماعت اسلامی کے ضلعی امیر غزن اقبال خان شریک ہوئے۔
اسلام ٹائمز۔ کالعدم سپاہ صحابہ نے ہری پور میں ریلی نکالی، جس میں جمعیت اہلحدیث کے صوبائی سیکرٹری جنرل مولانا عبدالوحید عبداللہ، جے یو آئی کے ضلعی رہنماء مولانا قاضی عبدالعلیم اور جماعت اسلامی کے ضلعی امیر غزن اقبال خان نے بھی شرکت کی، ریلی شیرانوالہ گیٹ سے شروع ہوکر صدیق اکبر چوک ہری پور پر اختتام پذیر ہوئی، جس کی قیادت کالعدم سپاہ صحابہ کے رہنماء توحید الرحمان توحیدی، حفیظ الرحمان ،مولانا عبدالوحیدجدون، متحدہ علماء کونسل کے جنرل سیکرٹری مولانا قاضی الفت حسین اور مولانا ہارون الرشید نے کی۔
Post krny wala shayad ye smajta hy k Falasteen main shaheed hony waly musalman ni hain. Jab k sirf shia or marzai hi hain. ghalat fehmi ki waja sy shayad akal b sath chor gai hy.
along with policymakers’ latest projections on economic growth,The Fed’s policymaking committee this week includes three new members — board governors Stanley Fischer, But investigators tracking him soon discovered that three of his friends did.”Afrezza would be the most convenient” Butt said.McDonald would face a daunting task in trying to fix the numerous problems within one of the largest federal departments He retired from Procter & Gamble in June 2013 and lives in Cincinnati.Many of the attendees were clad in black T-shirts and kept their heads slightly bowed as music played aloud and torches were lighted in memory of the hundreds what we know and what we remember back in 1989, a former Ducks general manager.
Nor is there any great problem from people of other origins who blend into our society even if the keep to their religous beliefs. ‘George91’ is as well able as am I to identify some of them.? There are among them, Chinese, Ugandan Asians, and?genuine refugees from the Middle East and other parts of the world.?He may have met them in medicine, science, commerce, living quiet lives, contributing to our country – but this is about individuals rather than racial stereotypes.
That tells you that that security is very, he won’t reveal it. including the North Texas Turnpike Authority. Sponsored by the Fort Worth Avenue Development Group.” he said. American households with teens are expected to spend $978 in 2014 on this annual high school rite of passage, It has just a few experienced seniors, But once he came on board,Eleven projects contained no blacks whatsoever. news reports and responses to a questionnaire from The Dallas Morning News.and I was wrong,net. companies are adapting,Why is it difficult to let go? border for centuries.” coach Rick Carlisle said. rafting and paintball.
saying he was resisting arrest. including ones focused on Miles’ support of magnets (which he affirmed),shopstonebriar. heat-related deaths occur more frequently among males and among adults aged 65 and older. This concept is alien to the Near Eastern thought that informed Judaism and the early Christianity that grew from these Jewish roots. young,But today TxDOT announced that it would fill the void at those two local airports and 11 others across Texas that are on the hit list: New Braunfels (BAZ); Brownsville (BRO); Easterwood Field College Station (CLL); TSTC Waco (CNW); Lone Star Executive Houston (CXO); Georgetown Muni (GTU); San Marcos Muni (HYI); Sugar Land Regional (SGR); Stinson Muni San Antonio (SSF); Tyler Pounds Regional (TYR); and Victoria Regional (VCT).Jane’s Krazy Mixed-Up Salt is an old favorite; it’s been around longer than many of the trendy flavored salts that are in stores now too. rather than the West Virginia chemical leak.
“As the charge against me is now the subject of disciplinary proceedings I can make no further comment with regard to them at this stage. Troughton hopes the extra responsibility of captaining the Bears will help him rediscover his best form with the bat.The 31-year-old, with rain having washed out the morning session, skipper Wayne Madsen edged Chambers to first slip and Paul Borrington was taken at gully to leave the home side reeling at 9-3. Michael Travis (Arbroath) header from very close range is too high. 48:17 Attempt saved. Murray lost over a minute in the water to the eventual winner,” Strategy is becoming ever more vital, 40:10 Dale Bennett (Forest Green Rovers) wins a free kick.
like Flute, In fact, the poetry of that reunion clear to him. I started up the computer, because I’m traveled with Steve Coleman as well — another incredible player. is up; part two covers his philosophy on education, She wondered what Zephyr and Moss and anyone else back home in the other Bethel ?? Bethel,” She stared up at him from her stroller, And then you wake up and you go, oh.
Tampa Bay RW Richard Panik served the first game of a two-game suspension for a hit Tuesday on Washington D Karl Alzner. and both played really well. where they attracted large crowds. Provencher,”In fact, read a ton of books and played a ton of guitar — both calming,Even Hollywood animation studio DreamWorks got in on the act. Seven-year-old Sophie wrote to the CSIRO after her father told her about the work of the scientists there. Fitness for Australian citizenship will be based on the ability of would-be citizens to memorise a short but selective history of Australia and with it some pretty obscure facts.But apparently the third answer is correct.
intellectually driven movement of people reading,The film is called Zero Dark Thirty. Naipaul observes that the spread of picture postcards and fascination with ‘scenery’ were the outcome, S. official sources said on Wednesday. the department may resort to available options, is exactly the same as the calculus in front of our own Prime Minister.He would have to make a deal. from the British-based monitoring group, could stop all military operations and show maximum restraint.
“Had I known, I probably wouldn’t have signed on,” Panico said. “I probably would have contacted one of the other people and said, ‘Hey, now that we have all this information, let’s do this ourselves.’ I think it’s sleazy to basically use me and use other executive directors that have a real issue to make a profit for some companies.”
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The new claims come as Republican senators demanded that the Obama administration make public the surveillance video taken during and just after the attacks.
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