Monthly Archive:: December 2010

New man of Australian cricket Usman Khawaja represents much more: Source: The Australian THE first Muslim to wear the baggy green will represent his culture proudly. That’s the culture that listens to Wolfmother, spends hours on PCs playing Call of Duty and claims Ricky Ponting is a “legend” who

She died as her father did: Bravely – by Tarek Fatah: Source: Counter Currents First publication date: 28 December, 2007 It was the summer of 1966. We were mere teenagers meeting Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who had just resigned as Pakistan’s foreign minister and was about to launch a new left-wing

Channelling Naseerullah Babar: One of the strangest facts of the present day is that if there is one thing that non-PPP voters from Punjab still appreciate about Benazir’s second term in office, it is the use of Naseerullah Babar against the MQM.

Pakistanis shout for secularism, minority rights and end to Islamization: LUBP supports the following initiative and hopes that this movement spreads and grows all over Pakistan. Furthermore, while we applaud and support this development, we think it should be extended to: 1) Support for Baloch Human Rights which cannot

Benazir Bhutto: torchbearer of freedom and democracy — by Amjad Ayub Mirza: Her initial act after coming to power for the first time in 1988 was to lift the ban on student unions and to legalise labour unions. She restored the free operation of NGOs and for the first time in

Blasphemy laws: The shape of things to come – by Omar Ali: Taking Sides : The Liberals and the Right The decision of a lower court to award the death penalty to a poor Christian woman accused of blasphemy has ignited a wide debate over Pakistan’s blasphemy laws. Liberals have asked

Tripping democracy again? — by Dr Mohammad Taqi: I write these lines on the evening of December 27, 2010 at exactly the same time when Benazir Bhutto breathed her last, three years ago. Her martyrdom remains one of those immense tragedies where one cannot forget the place

The sinister side of Pakistan’s Sharif brothers – by Rajeev Sharma: For decades the Indian political and military establishments have been convinced that the deep anti-India mindset in Pakistan is rooted in Pakistan Army and the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI). However, available indications are that the rot is much deeper,

BB assassination probe: ‘Murder plot hatched at brigadier’s home’: A fresh probe has uncovered the role of nine men, including an army brigadier, in the December 27, 2007 assassination of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto. Theassassination plot was hatched in the official residence of the army brigadier mentioned

MQM and PML-N introduce each other: غیر اخلاقی بیان بازی کے بعد فائر بندی فریقین میں تلخی اور توہین آمیز بیان بازی کا سلسلہ اس وقت شروع ہوا جب مسلم لیگ (ن) کے سربراہ نواز شریف نے مظفرآباد میں ایک خطاب میں ایم کیو ایم

GEO/Jang Group shameful tactics – by M Usama Kabbir: I just happened to visit the GEO-News website this evening and was quite startled to see something ! At a glace nothing looks wrong. But if we look carefully (I have encircled the text in red), while all other

In appreciation of Malik Riaz Hussain, General Aslam Beg and Saudi dates – by Javed Chaudhry: Related articles: LUBP archive on Javed Chaudhry LUBP archive on Malik Riaz Thanks to Mohammed Hanif (@Twitter) for pointing towards this perfect Urdu column: Malik Riaz great+ General Beg greater+ secret Cardio cures+ Saudi dates+ nuke india+ pray for

We never asked you to investigate the role of ISI and MI in Benazir Bhutto’s murder: Here is a latest example of the notorious Teen Jeem Alliance (the pro-military establishment alliance of Pakistan’s judiciary, army and media). This news item was carefully censored or de-prioritized by most newspapers and TV channels in Pakistan. According to

Bhutto di beti aai si: میلے لاوو، جشن مناوو، فتح دے جھنڈے اج لہراوو بھٹو دی بیٹی آئی جے ظلم دیاں زنجیراں توڑن، مظلوماں دے رشتے جوڑن، دکھ دے دریاواں چوں گزر کے، اپنی جان تلی تے دھر کے بھٹو دی بیٹی آئی سی،

Hindus’ contribution towards making of Pakistan – by Sophia Ajaz: We talk about minorities in India but are strangely unaware of the existence of the same in neighbouring Pakistan. Even before Independence Hindus, Sikhs, Parsis, Jews and Christians existed in undivided India. There was large scale migration/exodus post partition

Pakistani Hindu families seek political asylum in India: According to the report published in various national ‘Dailies’ and in international media with regard to the Pakistani Hindu families seek asylum in India. The Times of India report says Kidnapping, killing force Pak Hindus to seek political asylum

Dawn: A “cracker” of a job confusing the public with euphemisms – by Qudsia Siddiqui: Related article: Attack on Shia students in Karachi: An ISI-Sipah-e-Sahaba production After receiving the news of the blast at Karachi University, I quickly checked the news coverage including the “Breaking News” section of DAWN. Here is how they reported

Assassinations mark worsening conflict in Balochistan – by Abubakar Siddique: Death tolls are rising in Pakistan’s Balochistan Province, adding to fear that the low-level separatist conflict in the resource-rich region is worsening. The violence is highlighted by a wave of targeted assassinations, pitting Baloch separatists against backers and forces

An account of invaluable services of the ISI to the nation – by Muhammad Ali: ISI, the Inter Services Intelligence, an agency members of whom were found guilty of raping more than 35000 women in East Pakistan. 1386 members of the famous ISI were recommended to be trailed in the Hamood ur Rehman Commission’s

Qari Saifullah Akhtar, ISI’s most valued asset, resurfaces in Punjab: About Qari Saifullah Akhtar is a senior al Qaeda military leader who operates in Paksitan. Akhtar is the influential leader of the Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami and commands Brigade 313, a unit in al Qaeda’s Shadow Army. Akhtar has direct links with

Tar village: a beacon of light with 80pc literacy -by Iqbal Khawaja: THATTA: Amid poor nationwide rate of literacy and declining standard of education in the province, Tar Khuwaja, a small village of 500 souls, 63 kilometres from here, has sprung up like an oasis with more than 80 per cent

Necessity Pushes Pakistani Women Into Jobs and Peril – by Adam B. Ellick: Cross Posted from: New York Times Her conservative brother berated Ms. Sultana for damaging the family’s honor by taking a job in which she interacts with men — and especially one that requires her to shed her burqa in favor

Attack on Shia students in Karachi: Related article: Dawn: A “cracker” of a job confusing the public with euphemisms – by Qudsia Siddiqui A bomb blast reported at the University of Karachi today injuring at least 15 students. The blast took place outside the main

Visionary vs Reactionary – Hussain Shaheed Suhrwardy: How does one differentiate between a visionary and a reactionary politician? By reading the excerpts of the speech of former Pakistani Prime Minister, Chief Minister of the United Bengal and founder of Awami Muslim League which later on became

Media and Tourism ~ a reflection – by Mahhad Nayyer: Tourism and traveling is big business in today’s world. People travel and see fascinating things. Traveling is a way to relax. People take pictures to freeze their memories. I also travel a lot after coming to America, but my Pakistani soul

MQM gives the Political Actors ventilator – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: During the last one and half years, the MQM’s role has been nothing less than an enigma. They are part and parcel of the power structure of the country. They have federal ministries albeit not as many as they

Happy new year? – by Kamran Shafi: WELL, hopefully, what with the obscurantist forces back on the march in an attempt to bludgeon into submission those who advocate the imperative and immediate need of making the blasphemy laws in this country less draconian, less obnoxious; what

LUBP Interview with Olaf Kellerhoff, Resident Representative Pakistan at Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom: Related Interviews: LUBP Exclusive: A critical interview with Nadeem F. Paracha LUBP Interview with Kamran Shafi LUBP Interview with Dr Ayesha Siddiqa (Part I) LUBP Interview with Dr Ayesha Siddiqa (Part II) Brief Introduction: LUBP is pleased

Where in a white building lay all the parables of red – by Saria Benazir: Moments too spiteful, I gaze back three years, I stumble on blood everywhere, God! Ain’t it a nightmare, I catch an austere glower, Is that all fair? Nothing sounds fine to ears, Eyes show nothing, but tears, I lost

MQM decides to quit federal cabinet: Reuters: MQM decides to resign from the Federal ministries. Tonight its party night at houses of people like Kamran Khan, Shahid Masood et al; who were striving for this to happen for long. MQM’s resigning from ministries however is a pressure

malka mar gai, badshah zindabad: On PPP’s transition from BB to Asif Zardari – by Qais Anwar: Related articles: Sleeping with the enemy: Naheed Khan and Safdar Abbasi fulfilling the ISI’s designs – by Ahsan Abbas Shah On Safdar Abbasi’s participation in Geo TV’s Capital Talk – by Abdul Nishapuri An advice to Naheed Khan –

Shaheed Benazir Bhutto: The Soul of PPP – by Aamir Hussaini: After the Judicial murder of ZAB, it was BB who was the life force for the young idealist activists of PPP. For these activists, often referred to as jiyalas, ZAB was a myth while BB was the current life

On BB’s assassination, revenge and electoral politics – by Qais Anwar: بھٹو کا قاتل کون تھا ؟ مہروں کے پیچھے ہم کتنے ہاتھ بھی تلاش کرلیں ، اس وقت سامنے صرف ایک چہرہ تھا ، ضیاء الحق کی قیادت میں متحد ملٹری ایسٹبلشمنٹ ، یہ قتل کسی قبائلی کا قتل

Benazir Bhutto: A charismatic leader – by Hamza Ameer: Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, the first women leader of a Muslim nation in modern history, a woman who represented a family filled with brilliance and a nation leading ability, a family that reached out to the needs of the

On Sadruddin Hashwani: Dr Shahid Masood’s new financier: Related article: Disgracefully dismissed: Dr Shahid Masood fired from ARY TV ……. Dr Shahid Masood flattering Hashwani I am pleased to announce that I will be a colleague and a co-worker with some of you very soon in my

General Musharraf (and his military establishment) killed Benazir Bhutto – by Hamid Mir: شہید بی بی کو اپنے قاتل کا پتہ تھا قلم کمان …حامد میر وہ نومبر 2007ء کی ایک خوشگوار صبح تھی لیکن محترمہ بینظیر بھٹو کچھ افسردہ اور پریشان نظر آرہی تھیں۔ انہوں نے مجھے زرداری ہاؤس اسلام آباد

Why Benazir Bhutto’s killer can’t be taken to task – by Amir Mir: Three years after Benazir Bhutto’s tragic assassination in Rawalpindi and almost nine months after the United Nations Inquiry Commission released its report, carrying broad hints about her probable assassins, the actual mastermind of her murder still remains at large.