Monthly Archive:: December 2010

Pakistan’s powerful religious right: How Islam has shaped modern Pakistan – by Urmila Venugopalan: It’s Unfortunate that native Sufi Islam in Pakistan has become threatened by Wahabi Islam(Saudi Arabia’s official Islamic ideology), especially in many areas of the northwestern area and southern Punjab. The mordancy, of course, is that Wahabism was imported into

Misinforming Pakistan -by Huma Imtiaz: As 2010 comes to a close, Pakistan’s journalists are in mourning for their colleagues that have been taken from them in incidents of bombings and targeted killings. At least eight journalists have been killed in Pakistan this year, with

Shouldn’t General Kayani step down? -by Yousuf Nazar: I have followed the VikiLeaks revelations relating to Pakistan with a yawn but was amused by how papers like the Jang, the News, the Express Tribune, the Nation, and some others rushed to print and splashed agencies’ planted material across

Top Secret: ISI Media Roll of Dishonour: Disclaimer: This post is based on my personal research and understanding of the military establishment’s strategies and tactics in Pakistani media, which I am publishing for the information and well being of the Pakistani nation. However, the post does

Why did the CIA recall its station chief in Pakistan?: Background: CIA recalls its station chief in Pakistan The CIA has pulled its station chief from Islamabad, one of America’s most important spy posts, after his cover was blown in a legal action brought by victims of US drone

Distinction between shahadat and sanad-e-yazidiat – by Ahsan Abbas Shah: صد شُکرِ مولا محرم الحرام کا ابتدائی عشرہ تمام پاکستان میں پچھلے سال کی نسبت پُر امن گُذر گیا۔ محرم کے اوائل میں ہونے والی دہشت گردی کے واقعات سے تمام مُلک میں ایک بے چینی پائی جاتی تھی۔

The fall of Dhaka: a personal narrative – by Hassan N. Gardezi: December 16, 1971 was a gray and chilly winter day in Canada. We had just turned of the TV after watching the ritual of Gen. (Tiger) Niazi surrendering East Pakistan to an Indian commander displayed on the evening news

A letter to Barack Obama from the Afghan experts: To the President of the United States: Mr. President, We have been engaged and working inside Afghanistan, some of us for decades, as academics, experts and members of non-governmental organisations. Today we are deeply worried about the current course

Lost out – by Waseem Altaf: The Report: After the fall of Dacca, eight days later, on Dec 24, 1971, the then President of Pakistan Mr.Zulfikar Ali Bhutto set up the War Inquiry Commission, commonly known as the Hamood-ur-Rehaman Commission. It examined 213 witnesses, mostly

WASHINGTON DIARY: We hypocritical Muslims —by Dr Manzur Ejaz: Aasia Bibi’s case does not make much sense. Having lived with many rural Christians — who are mostly very poor and are considered untouchables — I know that these poor souls are incapable of committing the crimes they are

Purveyors of fiction – by George Fulton: For those who don’t know Ahmad Quraishi, according to his website — — he is “a public policy writer, commentator and broadcaster”. In reality, he is widely known to be a crude propagandist for the army/intelligence nexus. At

What can Pakistan and the entire world learn from Pakistani Shias? – Abdul Nishapuri: Related articles: The Shia Question Ashura of Muharram, a burden on Pakistani economy? – by Abdul Nishapuri Protecting the killers: A response to Dawn blog on confining religious processions – by Sabah Hasan I clearly remember how in

The ISI media’s two pronged strategy: From Ahmed Quraishi to Azhar Abbas: The front end: the ISI strikes back Recently, the LUBP wrote an article titled “Pakistan Army owns up the ISI man on a suicide attack mission in India”. ‘Renowned’ nationalist, patriot, and ‘asset’, Ahmed Quraishi, took exception to our

Blasphemy laws, extremists’ reaction and life threatening comments: Related Articles: Now the whole world demands: repeal Pakistan’s blasphemy law Asia Bibi likely to be pardoned by President Asif Ali Zardari Shia physician charged with blasphemy in Hyderabad Sindh The impact of blasphemy laws on human rights It

Transparency International’s head in Pakistan abetting corruption – by Rauf Klasra: Related articles: Transparency International Pakistan Chairman’s son resigns after charges of corruption LUBP Archive on Adil Gilani The following report by Rauf Klasra confirms the blackmailing role of the Transparency International (Pakistan Chapter). NICL scam: Behind-the-scenes deal uncovered A

Holding the economy hostage – By Khurram Husain: Don’t believe the hype. This is not about protecting the poor from inflation, or stopping corruption. This is about one thing only: blood. Let me explain. The opposition to the government’s attempts to introduce a value added tax (VAT)

Please stop pestering Dr Ayesha Siddiqa!: The LUBP team is quite worried to read the following status on Ayesha Siddiqa’s facebook account. We express our full support for Dr Siddiqa in this hour of trial, and urge the Government to take a stand. After Aasia

Foreign journalists in Pakistan: Embedded in the narratives of military establishment and urban elite: Through LUBP, we have been successfully confronting and exposing the pro-military establishment and pro-urban middle class narratives of the Pakistani print and electronic media (including Pakistani blogs). (see some examples here, here and here) However, the role of foreign

Pakistan Peoples Party: Listen to the dissenting voices – By Aamir Hussaini: کارکنوں اور قیادت میں بڑھتے فاصلے کیا پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی تقسیم کی طرف جا رہی ہے؟ پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی بلوچستان کے صدر سردار لشکر رئیسانی نے دوسری مرتبہ اپنا استعفیٰ پارٹی کے شریک چیئرمین آصف علی زرداری کو ارسال

LUBP Interview with Dr Ayesha Siddiqa (Part I): Previous LUBP Interviews with Nadeem F Paracha with Kamran Shafi Introduction LUBP is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Pakistan’s leading political commentator and military analyst, Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa. Dr. Siddiqa is a regular op-ed contributor to leading

Obama and the Pakistan Dilemma -by Matthew Kaminski: America can’t win in Afghanistan as long as assorted Taliban insurgents find safe haven in Pakistan. That’s the no-brainer dressed up as revelation in leaks this week about the latest U.S. National Intelligence Estimate regarding both countries. The proposed

Sipah-e-Sahaba infiltrators (Jundullah) in the Baloch kill 38 Shias in Iran: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Jundullah Jundallah claims suicide attack at Iranian mosque By BILL ROGGIO Source: Long War Journal December 15, 2010 Jundallah, [an extremist Deobandi/Wahhabi] terrorist group [having close links with some Baloch nationalists in Pakistani Balochistan),

Hafiz Saeed makes public appearance, alongside an ex-PM, in Islamabad after over 2 years: The notorious agent of the ISI, extremist Wahhabi terrorist, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed has all of a sudden become quite active in national politics in Pakistan. Lately he has been seen meeting various leaders of Pakistan Muslim (Terrorists) League (PML)

Pakistan’s Counterterrorism Strategy: Separating Friends from Enemies – by Dr Ayesha Siddiqa: 2011 Center for Strategic and International Studies. The Washington Quarterly • WINTER 2011, 34:1 pp. 149-162. DOI: 10.1080/0163660X.2011.538362 Ayesha Siddiqa is the first Pakistan scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the author of Military Inc.:

LUBP’s appreciation for Sharmila Farooqi: This article is a tribute to Adviser to Sindh Chief Minister on Information Sharmila Farooqi on the occasion of getting prestigious Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Human Rights Award by President Asif Ali Zardari. Ms Sharmila Farooqi is one of the

Kiran’s foetus is malformed, the pregnant Christian girl who was raped: Related Article: Rape and murder of Christian girls The foetus suffers from a severe form of hydrocephalus; no higher or lower limbs are present. It is destined for certain death due to miscarriage, or, should it come to light,

Pakistan Army allegedly owns its man on a suicide attack mission in India?: Related article: Online factories of suicide bombers: An ISI production LUBP has been boldly stating for the last many years that Pakistan Army’s continued policy of support to Jihadist-sectarian militants of Taliban/ASWJ and extremist Wahhabis of Lashkar-e-Taiba / Jamatud-Dawa is

Muhammad Khan Sasoli, yet another victim of the messy war between Pakistan military and Baloch nationalists: Khuzdar (Balochistan Point): December 15, The President of Khuzdar press club and senior journalist belonging to daily Zamna Quetta, Royal TV, news agency INP, Dawnnews Tv ,Muhammad khan Sasoli gunned down today. Muhammad khan Sasoli was on his way

In condemnation of Asif Zardari, Salman Taseer and Babar Awan – by Tariq Butt of Jang Group: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Tariq Butt Apparently the following column in today’s Jang newspaper (15 Dec 2010) is written by Tariq Butt (a member of the Ansar Abbasi led Jamaat-e-Islami wing of the Jang Group), however, the column

What Maulana Fazlur Rehman has on the cards – by Ali Arqam: In a dramatic set of events on the very fateful day of 14th December, Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Islam Fazl (JUI-F) broke away from the federal coalition over the government’s decision to sack the Federal Science and Technology Minister Azam Swati without taking

Ishq-e-Hussain: A rickshaw driver’s story: In times like these when Saudi petro-dollars are lavishly available to cultivate extremism in Muslim youth and children, particularly in the Deobandi and Ahl-e-Hadith households, madrassahs and media, it is important to highlight the internal diversity of Islam, particularly

Extremist Deobandis’ attack on Ghazi Baba shrine in Peshawar: Attack on shrine in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa kills three PESHAWAR: Gunmen attacked the Ghazi Baba shrine overnight in Budhber, on the outskirts of Peshawar, and killed three caretakers. “At least five militants attacked the shrine and opened indiscriminate fire, killing three

Pakistani media coverage of Daniel Pearl’s abduction and assassination in Karachi – by Kazim Aizaz Alam: American Journalist Daniel Pearl, beheaded in Karachi, Pakistan. American journalist Daniel Pearl was killed in early 2002 in Karachi. This essay will review the coverage of the abduction and assassination of the Wall Street Journal’s South Asia bureau chief

WikiLeaks, journalists and that elusive public interest -by Jonathan Holmes: Related articles: Progressive Pakistani bloggers in support of Julian Assange Don’t shoot the messenger for revealing uncomfortable truths – by Julian Assange Assange: charges are part of campaign to close down WikiLeaks, he vows to fight extradition Julian Assange’s

Let us meet in cyber space! – By Babar Ayaz: Six months from now, business between Indian and Pakistani IT companies should be initialized and progressing and “money should be flowing both ways”. Such was the positive wish of the Indian IT delegation leader, Dr Ganesh Natarajan, at a

Condemning Swedish Bombing: Like Nazism, Islamofascism too must be confronted, says MCC: Unlike most of the Muslims organizations abroad that are either sectarian or ethnocentric, largely authoritarian, and influenced by a fear of modernity, Muslim Canadian Congress is a grassroots organization founded by Tarek Fatah, it provides a voice to Muslims

‘Generals can be served notices.’ Really? When?: جرنیلوں کو بھی نوٹسز جاری کیے جائیں گے شہزاد ملک بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، اسلام آباد عدالت نے بینچ کی تشکیل پر اُٹھائے جانے والے اعتراضات کو مسترد کردیا سپریم کورٹ کے جج جسٹس جواد ایس خواجہ