Monthly Archive:: December 2010

Disgracefully dismissed: Dr Shahid Masood fired from ARY TV: Related article: Finally, Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman kicks Dr Shahid Masood out of Geo TV After his disgraceful exits from PTV and Geo TV, it is now confirmed that Dr Shahid Masood, the ‘renowned’ asset of the military establishment in the

A perspective on Pakistan’s Balochistan problem – by Tanveer Qaiser Shahid: Source: Express, 24 and 25 Dec 2010

An (unofficial) ISI spokesperson writes on former CIA head in Islamabad: مفرور سی آئی اے چیف احمد قریشی پاکستان کو سی آئی اے کے ایجنٹوں سے پاک صاف کرنے کا عمل شروع ہوچکا ہے اور ان کے ساتھ ساتھ ہی حکومت میں موجود ایسے عناصر کی بھی چھانٹی کی جارہی

Don’t take human rights lessons from Iran and Saudi Arabia – by Qudsia Siddiqui: This is in reference to “Kill the sectarian killers: Will Pakistan follow the Iranian example?” published by a fellow editor, Sarah Khan, on December 20, 2010. In her post, Sarah was giving the example of how Iran executed 11

“Opposition to RGST is shortsighted and irresponsible”, Asad Sayeed’s interview to The News: RGST has turned out to be an explosive issue which is likely to alter the political landscape if not overturn it entirely. Meanwhile, the public as well as the stakeholders who are doing politics around it remain ignorant about

An open letter to the leadership and workers of the PPP – by Shuja: With the drop out of the JUI from the ruling coalition, the PPP government suddenly looks vulnerable. And the fact is that it has become vulnerable. The possibility of the revival of defunct MMA has already been raised. The

Salmaan Taseer should be careful in his comments on Benazir Bhutto’s murder: Related post: Baseless slander in the name of Shaheed Salmaan Taseer: Twitter In a recent tweet (23 December 2010), Mr Salman Taseer (Governor of the Punjab province) commends a “research” which concludes that Baitullah Mehsud was Benazir Bhutto’s

Azam Swati vs Hamid Saeed Kazmi: Related article: The Barelvi-Deobandi feud and ‘becharay’ Pakistani – by Tanvir Qaiser Shahid Source: daily Express

Pakistani heroes of Bangladesh – by Hasan Mujtaba: بنگلہ دیش اور اس کے پاکستانی ہیرو بنگلہ دیشی حکومت اور عوام کی طرف سے ان کی حمایت کے لیے مانے اور جانے والے اس وقت کے مغربی پاکستانی سیاسی رہنماؤں اور دانشوروں میں جو نام ہیں وہ ہیں

Rulers and taxes – by Khurram Hussain: This is an interesting article that is praising the government in the way it is trying to handle the RGST issue. It is also tracing the history of efforts on revenue generation. Things were not going well for

A post on how to bring to end the conflict in Afghanistan – by TLW: Specially contributed to the LUBP, this post was first published at These Long Wars blog Pakistan, Iran and Russia. The middle one completely hated by the US, the former and latter, sort of trusted. Russia must bring pressure to bear

Shame on the PPP government and its ambassador-at-large: Editors’ note: The following is a disturbing news report. We would like to know the purpose of such trips by its ambassador-at-large and the benefits that Pakistan has received in return. If Mr Klasra’s story is verified and if

On Pak-China Friendship and CIA-ISI feud: The Pamir Knot and beyond – by Dr Mohammad Taqi: The relationship between the US and Pakistani intelligence agencies appears to be moving from playing uneasy footsie to a fairly sordid affair. The blowing of the CIA’s Islamabad station chief’s cover, allegedly at the behest of the host country’s

JUI breakup: Evading North Waziristan Operation – by Faruq Adil: Related article: Maulana Fazlur-Rehman and the military establishment’s new game – by Nazir Naji

Three high ranking TTP officials killed in Afghanistan: Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) leader Hafizullah and two of his aides were killed in Afghanistan on Wednesday, according to official sources. Hafeezullah was the head of the TTP in the Upper and Lower Dir areas of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province before

On General Musharraf’s betrayal by General Kayani – by pejamistri: In a recent interview General Pervez Musharraf has admitted that he was indeed betrayed by no other than his own generals. Saleem Safi (Geo TV) asked him out of the politicians he acquainted with during his era whom he

Ideology of Benazir Bhutto and a conservative society – by Aamir Hussaini: Benazir Bhutto was the first politician of Pakistan who took a liberal stance on several difficult issues, which was vehemently resisted by the military establishment and its conservative partners in media and politics. For example, BB wanted Pakistan to

General Pasha hazir ho: ISI chief summoned by a US court for complicity in the Mumbai terror attacks: Related article: Why did the CIA recall its station chief in Pakistan? ISI on the run, refuses to explain its role in drone attacks! The Mumbai lawsuit in Brooklyn Last month, a lawsuit filed in Brooklyn, which was brought

Maulana Fazlur-Rehman and the military establishment’s new game – by Nazir Naji: Related article: JUI breakup: Evading North Waziristan Operation – by Faruq Adil بات وزارت عظمیٰ کی ہے سویرے سویرے…نذیر ناجی جب جنگ میں دو متوازی سوچیں چل رہی ہیں‘ تو سیاسی عمل اس سے کیسے محفوظ رہ سکتا ہے؟

Updated: An open letter to the PPP – by Shams Rehman: With the dropping out of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) from the ruling coalition, the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) government suddenly looks vulnerable. And the fact is that it has become vulnerable. The possibility of the revival of the defunct

My name is Samawia, I was born into the wrong family, in the wrong place: Introduction This is my picture. Do you remember me? My name is Samawia. I am two-and-a-half-year-old. Do you recognize this name? Samawia (or Samavia) is an Arabic name which means ‘from heaven’. I was born in Tajpura. Do you

LUBP Interview with Dr Ayesha Siddiqa (Part II): Previous LUBP Interviews with Ayesha Siddiqa (Part I) with Nadeem F Paracha with Kamran Shafi LUBP: There is a growing perception that there has been an over-emphasis on the “feudal” tag by our urban chattering class who selectively orchestrate

The Shia Question – by Imran Khan: Related article: What can Pakistan and the entire world learn from Pakistani Shias? Cross-posed from I Opyne The term “Jewish Question” has been used in a variety of ways, but its most common usage has been an anti Semitic one;

Christians will observe Christmas as a ‘protest day’, Sandul prays for Aasia Bibi: President Asif Ali Zardari yesterday said that his government would not allow the blasphemy law to be used for the settling personal scores. “The government,” he insisted, “will take all appropriate measures, whether administrative, procedural or legislative to stop

On Ejaz Haider and his kudos to Pakistan army: The dominant narrative in the (ISI and JI dominated) Pakistani media is to congratulate each other, security agencies (police, rangers, army) in particular, on their ‘success’ in preventing terrorist attacks during the Ashura of Muharram. Once against the official

Afghan peace, attacks during Ashura and the fake Wikileaks – by TLW: Specially contributed to the LUBP, this post was first published at These Long Wars blog If there is one thing that has “obsessed” me over the last few days of being too farigh over the internet, it’s Afghan peace.

Can the Left become relevant to Islamic Pakistan? – by Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy: The left has always been a marginal actor on Pakistan’s national scene. While this bald truth must be told, in no way do I wish to belittle the enormous sacrifices made by numerous progressive individuals, as well as small

Prayer of the Penitent: My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with your

Is China not an emerging imperialist power? – by Aamir Hussaini: In political dictionary definition of imperialism is the policy of extending a nation’s authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political hegemony over other nations. If we see role of government of China in our

Kill the sectarian killers: Why can’t Pakistan do the same?: Related article: Rigi’s execution in Iran: Why can’t Pakistan do this? Despite our reservations about an authoritarian, theocratic regime in Iran, the country offers a worthy example by punishing rogue elements (sectarian terrorists of Jundullah and Sipah-e-Sahaba) who have

Policy of reconciliation: President Zardari again extends ‘hand of friendship’ to Mian Nawaz Sharif: President Asif Ali Zardari on Sunday extended, once again, hand of friendship to Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PMLN) Quaid Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif. In his reply to a letter addressed to him by the PML-N Quaid, the president said the

Ansar Abbasi’s appeal to Pakistani media owners: امربالمعروف ونہی عن المنکر کس سے منصفی چاہیں… انصار عباسی 22 نومبر 2010ء کو جنگ میں چھپنے والے میرے کالم بعنوان ”اگر حیاء نہ رہے…….“ پر مجھے قارئین کی طرف سے بے پناہ ردعمل ملا۔ مجھے یہ جان کر

Pakistan’s most lucrative product – by Zalaan: پاکستان کی سب سے نفع بخش ایجاد دنیا کے سارے ممالک ایک بڑی تجارتی نمائش میں شریک ہوئے جہاں وہ اپنے ملک کی بنی ہوئے اشیا بیچ رہے تھے بنگلادیش نے کہا ہمارے پاس چاول ہیں ،گارمنٹس ہیں

Pakistani Shia Muslims call for end to 4-year siege of Parachinar: Tens of thousands of Shia Muslims in a Pakistani tribal region called for end to a 4-year siege of northwestern city allegedly by Taliban militants, as the blockade has increased difficulties of the people. (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) –

Abbas brothers II: Why I wrote on them – by TLW: Related articles: The Abbas brothers: A depressing tale – by TLW The ISI media’s two pronged strategy: From Ahmed Quraishi to Azhar Abbas I am a questioning sort of person. I question that which makes me curious, or that

Updated: Asma Jahangir’s SCBA on blasphemy law: ye dagh dagh ujala: In a unanimous resolution today, SCBA warned government against pardoning Aasia Bibi. The meeting was chaired by the SCBA president Asma Jahangir . Later addressing a press conference, Ms Jahangir criticised the government’s performance and its failure to