Monthly Archive:: December 2011

Tirchi nigahon wali adlia – by Farian: Related post: Kayani and Iftikhar Chaudhry agree on Judicial Martial Law in January 2012 ہر گزرے دن افتخار چوہدھری کی زیر صدارت ترچھی نگاہوں والی نام نہاد آزاد عدلیہ پوری دنیا کے آگے بے نقاب ہوے چلی جا رہی

Jang Group must stop harassing Ali Dayan Hasan of Human Rights Watch: Related posts: HRW is concerned about the fear of judicial over-reach in Pakistan: Interview with Ali Dayan Hasan AHRC appeal: DG ISI Gen Shuja Pasha must be prosecuted for hatching conspiracy against democracy Critical readers of Pakistan’s politics are

Kab ho gi paida phir aik aur Benazir – by Shoaib Mir: Kab ho gi paida phir aik aur Benazir: A Tribute to Shaheed Benazir Bhutto (1953 – 2007) Note: I wrote the following tribute last year in memory of Benazir Bhutto. I am posting it again this year for my

HRW is concerned about the fear of judicial over-reach in Pakistan: Interview with Ali Dayan Hasan: Related post: Jang Group must refrain from harassing Ali Dayan Hasan of Human Rights Watch Interviewee: Ali Dayan Hasan, Director, Human Rights Watch Interviewer: Raza Rumi Source: The Friday Times HRW has consistently commented on civil-military relations in Pakistan.

30 December 2011 is a dark day for Pakistan’s judiciary: Asma Jahangir: Friday 30th December, 2011 will be remembered as one of the blackest days in Pakistan’s political history and also the blackest day of judiciary when the army-backed Supreme Court declared Nawaz Sharif’s petition on the memo controversy maintainable and

Bilawal Bhutto: Tera aik ishara, hazir hai lahu hamara – by Saria Benazir: December 27, 2007 – the day, when the entire Pakistani population was left orphan and in obscurity, the journey of Shaheed Mohtarmah Benazir Bhutto’s perpetuity began. She was not buried under mud – she was laid in a divan

Asma Jahangir -by Nazir Qaiser: اردو اور پنجابی کے معروف منفرد تیکھے لہجے اور بلند آہنگ شاعر اور ادیب نذیر قیصر روزنامہ مشرق کیلئے روزانہ قطعہ لِکھ رہے ہیں۔ ہم آج کا قطعہ قارئین کی خِدمت میں کراس پوسٹ کر رہے ہیں وہ پھر

Reflections on the Supreme Court’s judgement on the memogate inquiry -by Zubair Torwali: I had been a staunch supporter of the CJ during the lawyers’ and civil society’s movement. I even designed a flag for a Pakistan Justice Party and that flag was on my house for almost a year. I supported

Musharraf’s friends good, elected representatives bad – by Rauf Klasra: میمو کیس: مشرف کے ساتھی سچے، عوامی نمائندے جھوٹے (تبصرہ : رؤف کلاسرا )حسین حقانی کی وکیل عاصمہ جہانگیر کا میمو سکینڈل کیس پر سپریم کورٹ کی طرف سے آنے والے متوقع فیصلے پر یہ کہنا کہ یہ پاکستانی

Army-backed Judicial Coup underway: Supreme Court overrides Parliament and declares that Memogate is maintainable: Related post: Kayani and Iftikhar Chaudhry agree on Judicial Martial Law in January 2012 “It is indeed the darkest day in the history of Supreme Court of Pakistan, not because it is the worst decision ever (we have seen

New Khan Express – by Ali Aftab Saeed: Editor’s Note: We are pleased to cross post Ali Aftab’s article from Pakistan Today. The writer makes an important observation when he highlights how an “analyst” pointed out the tensions within the Lota-Enhanced PTI that have already emerged; tensions

Needed: a ‘bloody civilian’ at the ISI -by Kamran Shafi: In November 2009 I wrote an article arguing the case for a civilian head of the ISI, our equivalent of Britain’s MI5 (Security Service) and MI6 (Secret Intelligence Service); Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service (BND); France’s General Directorate for External

Protesting the Appointment of Babar Awan as VP of PPP – by Assad Khan: BABAR AWAN DOESN’T HAVE MY SUPPORT So it would seem today that the party decided to, in all honesty, dig a very shallow grave for itself. Appointing Babar Awan Vice President of the party is not only an insult

Aseefa Zardari Bhutto ka ehad -by Nazir Qaiser: اردو اور پنجابی کے معروف منفرد تیکھے لہجے اور بلند آہنگ شاعر اور ادیب نذیر قیصر روزنامہ مشرق کیلئے روزانہ قطعہ لِکھ رہے ہیں۔ ہم آج کا قطعہ قارئین کی خِدمت میں کراس پوسٹ کر رہے ہیں قرض اُتارے

When Benazir Bhutto died, Pakistan lost its prodigal daughter – By Natasha Fatah: Editor: We are pleased to cross post this heart felt tribute to Benazir Bhutto by Pakistani-Canadian journalist, Natasha Fatah. This was first published on the CBC news site. The day Benazir Bhutto was killed, is a day I will never

Benazir Bhutto- A Tale of Tears: Front Line with Kamran Shahid – 27th December 2011 – Bhutto…Ashk Angez Dastaaan: We are pleased to cross post this excellent documentary “Benazir Bhutto- A Tale of Tears”.

A letter from Garhi Khuda Bux -by D. Asghar: Dear Asif, A week or so back, when your PK 01 touched the Mauripur Air Base, many hearts sank. The detractors, opponents, adversaries, and some so called friends, were shell shocked. The Pundits and Analysts on TV screens, who

Tum kitne Bhutto maro gey – by Hasan Mujtaba: ‘تم کتنے بھٹو مارو گے‘ نظم حسن مجتییٰ جو قریہ قریہ ماتم ہے اور بستی بستی آنسو ہے صحرا صحرا آنکھیں ہیں اور مقتل مقتل نعرہ ہے سنگ ستاروں کے لیکر وہ چاند چمکتا نکلے گا ’تم کتنے بھٹو

President Asif Ali Zardari ka khitab -by Nazir Qaiser: اردو اور پنجابی کے معروف منفرد تیکھے لہجے اور بلند آہنگ شاعر اور ادیب نذیر قیصر روزنامہ مشرق کیلئے روزانہ قطعہ لِکھ رہے ہیں۔ ہم آج کا قطعہ قارئین کی خِدمت میں کراس پوسٹ کر رہے ہیں شہیدوں کا

Benazir – The rationale of my continuation – by Saria Benazir: “I know death comes. I’ve seen too much death, young death”. Benazir Bhutto is no less than an idol of worship to me – the name engraved on my compassion and psyche from my evolution and the very rationale

In defense of my Baloch brothers -by Ahsan Mehmet: To GHQ: Shame on you GHQ. In the name of ‘National Interest’ you have always acted as an imperialist force. Right from the day of partition your vultures are devouring our resources. The Bengalis resisted your colonialism and in

Some Unforgiven Crimes of Asif Ali Zardari -by Raja M Asad Abbas: While Watching different News Channels I was Wondering that what is that fact that has made Asif Ali Zardari to be one of the Most Criticized Person In Pakistan I was Wondering the Fact that why He is being

On Benazir’s 4th death anniversary, President Zardari hits out at Teen Jeem’s conspiracies against democracy: It was one of the largest shows of political strength in Pakistan’s political history after Benazir Bhutto’s arrival from exile in September 2007 (when about a million PPP workers and supporters had gathered to receive their leader at Karachi

Four types of politicians are joining Imran Khan’s PTI – by Saleem Safi: حق تو یہ ہے کہ تحریک انصاف کے وابستگان انصاف سے کام لے رہے ہیں اور نہ ان کے مخالفین۔ یہ دعویٰ کرنا بھی قرین انصاف نہیں کہ تحریک انصاف کے نئے جنم میں نادیدہ طاقتوں کا کوئی ہاتھ

Benazir Bhutto gave her life for a democratic and secular Pakistan – by Rusty Walker: On the anniversary of Benazir Bhutto’s assassination, December 27, 2007, I am submitting my first published essay in Let Us Build Pakistan. The article compared the recently murdered Governor Taseer, to Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto’s resolve for

Shaheed Benazir Bhutto: Video Presentation by S. Irfan Urfi: Benazir Bhutto, an iconic personality, an exceptional stateswoman, leader Of Pakistan’s oppressed peoples

It was a vindictive December … – by Saria Benazir: The month of December initiates, And fetches with it, A saga of struggle, Of inimitable dedication to the land, Of consummate binder to the earth, Of a gallantry, as “Benazir” as she was, A throbbing keepsake of a “Benazir”

Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed -by Nazir Qaiser: اردو اور پنجابی کے معروف منفرد تیکھے لہجے اور بلند آہنگ شاعر اور ادیب نذیر قیصر روزنامہ مشرق کیلئے روزانہ قطعہ لِکھ رہے ہیں۔ ہم آج کا قطعہ قارئین کی خِدمت میں کراس پوسٹ کر رہے ہیں اپنے لہو

She laid in the divan of roses -by Saria Benazir: At daylight of December 27, 2007, I perceived the change in the shade of the blue – then; the world gave a vision of the mountains, stooping in veneration and in admiration of someone. Later, all the gesticulates of

Benazir, a never-ending struggle – by Maleeha Manzoor: Have heard from ancestors that: once who bereaves, never comes back! But there are some meritorious people who pass away just in the eyes of world but leave behind a never-ending life – The martyr of democracy “Shaheed Mohtarma

Benazir Bhutto: The Eighth Queen of Bhittai – by Suleman Akhtar: If Bhittai were alive today, he would write about her eighth queen of Sindh. He would make her the queen of all the seven queens and would ask them to bow down to her. If he were alive, he

The AHRC appreciates the Prime Minister’s resolve to place the army under civilian rule: President Asif Ali Zardari’s return to Pakistan from Dubai, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani’s comments on the floor of national assembly and the conclusions & recommendations by the PPP core committee reveal Pakistan Peoples Party resolve to take on

Deconstruction of Imran Khan’s speech -by Hafsa Khawaja: PTI’s massive show of support, or ‘Inquilaabi Tsunami’ as Imran Khan would like to term, in Pakistan’s political powerhouse yesterday, reinforced much of what his October 30th Jalsa in the country’s cultural capital had proved. The cracks that have

Riyasat mein riyasat -by Nazir Qaiser: اردو اور پنجابی کے معروف منفرد تیکھے لہجے اور بلند آہنگ شاعر اور ادیب نذیر قیصر روزنامہ مشرق کیلئے روزانہ قطعہ لِکھ رہے ہیں۔ ہم آج کا قطعہ قارئین کی خِدمت میں کراس پوسٹ کر رہے ہیں سیاست میں

Christmas Mubarak -by Nazir Qaiser: اردو اور پنجابی کے معروف منفرد تیکھے لہجے اور بلند آہنگ شاعر اور ادیب نذیر قیصر روزنامہ مشرق کیلئے روزانہ قطعہ لِکھ رہے ہیں۔ ہم آج کا قطعہ قارئین کی خِدمت میں کراس پوسٹ کر رہے ہیں آج مسیحادھرتی

From Marvi of Malir and Shah Latif – Benazir Bhutto’s poem: Poem of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto When the world was still to be born When Adam was still to receive his form Then my relationship began When I heard the Lord’s voice A voice sweet and clear I said “yes”