Monthly Archive:: December 2011

Obama ka khitab -by Nazir Qaiser: اردو اور پنجابی کے معروف منفرد تیکھے لہجے اور بلند آہنگ شاعر اور ادیب نذیر قیصر روزنامہ مشرق کیلئے روزانہ قطعہ لِکھ رہے ہیں۔ ہم آج کا قطعہ قارئین کی خِدمت میں کراس پوسٹ کر رہے ہیں جنگ کی

Enough is enough – by Shiraz Paracha: You have ruled us enough You have ruined us enough You have raped our beloved country enough You have destroyed our future and shattered our dreams Enough is enough. Your concepts are weird, your plans are insane You are

Sleeping with the Enemy: US Partnership with Saudi-Wahhabis – by Rusty Walker: If I may ask the reader, would you conduct business with a country where Human Rights Watch list multiple egregious acts against its own society? HRW, travelers and oppressed citizens there (using fake identity or risk imprisonment) confirm the

An open letter to Prof Saleem Ali – by Mustafa: Related post: In defence of Shia rituals on Ashura – by Fawad Manzoor To a not-so-victim, from a real victim! Mr. Saleem Ali, I read your articles and followed your twitter timeline in an attempt to understand your argument

Politics of Rape: Rahila Tiwana 15 December 1990: The CIA (Crime Investigation Agency ) treated me like notorious criminal. Repeatedly they pulled my hair and slapped me on my ace . The wanted to make a false sexual allegation against Asif Zardari (Benazir Bhutto’s jailed husband )

Memogate “dying” – Opposition prays to get Zardari through God’s route!: It seems like the Memogate scandal, if there was any, is losing steam quickly. Conflicting statements from “Pakistani Nizad Amreeki Businessman” Mansoor Ijaz, which sway between the much liked “Get-Zardari” to no so liked “Damn-ISI” chants, are making the

Shafqat Mahmood, Imran’s new media czar, was his strongest critic – by Umar Cheema: ISLAMABAD: As Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) is flooded with newcomers, the appointment of a fresh recruit, Shafqat Mehmood, as secretary information has raised many eyebrows as he was one of the ardent critics of Imran Khan, terming him a “signal

Aaj ke Mansoor ka Aijaz dekh – by Nazir Qaiser: اردو اور پنجابی کے معروف منفرد تیکھے لہجے اور بلند آہنگ شاعر اور ادیب نذیر قیصر روزنامہ مشرق کیلئے روزانہ قطعہ لِکھ رہے ہیں۔ ہم آج کا قطعہ قارئین کی خِدمت میں کراس پوسٹ کر رہے ہیں ڈور ہے

Change: Imran Khan wants to reconcile with the almighty USA: In order to successfully carry out the fraudulent scheme of an election manipulation (pre poll and post poll), Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf’s Kaptaan is planning to gain support of the international establishment, with national establishment’s ‘trump card’ already in his

On Najam Sethi’s Punjabi ethnocentric, pro-establishment propaganda: Related Post: Najam Sethi parrots Deep State’s lies by equating Pashtuns with Taliban – by Salma Jafar A manufactured perspective about the Pakistani media is that the sauve English speaking types are somehow more objective in their reporting and

Let’s burn a Shia mosque and desecrate an Ahmadi mosque: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: If they burn a Quran, they’re evil Attack on Shia mosque in Peshawar kills 7 (Guardian – 2008) Here is a documentary proof of how Shia Muslims in Pakistan are routinely harassed, persecuted

Pakistan’s Modernity: Between the Military and Militancy – by Ayesha Siddiqa: In Pakistan economic progress does not automatically translate into liberal progressive modernity mainly due to the nature of the state. Pakistan’s modernity is structured along two axes: neo-liberal nationalism and right-wing radical nationalism. While the neo-liberal nationalism axis depicts

Bruce Riedel on Kargil — Why the PPP govt had not moved the courts to try Mian Sahiban? -by Taj Haider: 1. Some excerpts from Bruce Riedels’ book on Kargil crisis are given hereunder: looking at the hue cry PML (N) is raising on the completely concocted issue of the so-called “memogate” one wonders as to what these pious accusers

10 years later, Afghanistan isn’t just better, it’s much better – by Charles Kenny: Change Afghanistan can believe in 10 years later, life isn’t just better — it’s much better. BY CHARLES KENNY After 10 years of war and reconstruction, and as tens of thousands of international troops and aid workers in Afghanistan

President’s illness and the memo-phobes – by Moazzam Raza Tabassam: میموگیٹ کیس میں بغیر کسی نظرثانی درخواست سپریم کورٹکا وفاق کو سننے کا فیصلہ صدر آصف علی زرداری کی بیماری کوسیاسی بحران بنا کر پیش کرنے والوں کو ایکبار پھر بے نقاب کرگیا۔میمو گیٹ پر شور و غوغا کرنے

Here we go again -by Saroop Ijaz: We have reached a point where inside information, rumours and political analysis have lost significance or even the morbid thrill, primarily because it is becoming impossible to tell them apart. The president leaving the country is not supposed to

‘Marde Hur’ Zardari – by Nazir Qaiser: اردو اور پنجابی کے معروف ٖ منفرد ٖ تیکھے لہجے اور بلند آہنگ شاعر اور ادیب نذیر قیصر روزنامہ مشرق کیلئے روزانہ قطعہ اور ہفتہ وار کالم تحریر کریں گے۔ ٟادارہٞ کوئی بحران ہو‘ یا بیماری دِل نے ہمت

Veena Malik, Punjabi filmi songs & national honor -by Asif Mahmood: لیجیے ہماری قومی غیرت ایک بار پھر مجروح ہوگئی۔ احباب لٹھ لے کر وینا ملک کے پیچھے لگے ہیں کہ اس نے بھارت میں ملک کا وقار خاک میں ملا دیا۔ معلوم نہیں ان شیر خواروں کو کس نے

Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan’s Khudai Khidmatgar Movement Revived in India: Editor’s note : We present to our readers this excellent documentary by NDTV on revival of Bacha Khan’s non-violence movement of Khudai Khidmatgar by the youth of Delhi , India . With Thanks : NDTV!

The Myth of National Sovereignty: On May 2nd U.S. special forces entered deep inside Pakistan’s territory, effectively killing world’s most wanted terrorist, and leaving undetected. This raid by some is considered a breach of Pakistan’s national sovereignty. Although there are arguments which suggest that

ICG Report: Radical parties threaten Pakistan’s fragile democracy: Religious intolerance, sectarian violence and radical Islamic parties threaten to undermine the democratic reforms on which Pakistan’s stability depends. Islamic Parties in Pakistan , the latest International Crisis Group report, examines the internal workings, policies and agendas of these

Memo or no memo: Let’s just hang them – by Banda-e-Ali: He told the Americans about OBL hideout…. He knew what America was going to do…. He told US what to do, remember Kerry Luger…? He even wrote a Book about Pakistani army and its links with the Mullahs… He

Urban middle class, extremism and biases – by Dr. Zaeem Zia: In my opinion the word extremist has been too narrowly defined. Extremists are not only those who kill but are also those who have a narrow and intolerant mindset. Thus extremism is another term for the intolerance, and it

The Express Tribune Editorial: Is the ‘Get Zardari’ campaign democratic?: President Asif Ali Zardari got sick and had to go to the UAE to get medically looked after. The media began to talk most blatantly about his ‘exit’ from Pakistan without realising what it would look like to anyone

How people of FATA see Pakistan-TTP talks: Tom Hussain Special to The News ISLAMABAD: Confirmation by the prime minister on Saturday that talks with the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) are part of “an ongoing process” represents a delicate and potentially dangerous point in the militant insurgency. If

You don’t have the right to keep misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan: A comment on HRCP 2010 Report: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: LUBP: Intellectual dishonesty in misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan Ahmadiyya Times: Activists slam rights organization statement as ’very weak,’ lacking integrity Today, the first thing I received on Twitter was the following message from

Black Coats, Black Character – This is Pakistan’s Judiciary – by Daredevil: Once again Pakistan’s judiciary is playing the role of a political squad which is against democracy as well as against humanity. It is doing every effort to topple democracy – sometimes by trying to sabotage the constitution in the

Nawaz Sharif and the Memo Case – by Taj Haider: 1. Mian Nawaz Sharif and other petitioners in the Memo case have said that they have not accused anyone, but have merely requested the court for an inquiry. 2. That they have not accused anyone is understandable on two

Pakistan’s judiciary remains politically oriented at the cost of human rights: Chairperson of Baloch Human Rights Organisation (BHRO) Nargis Baloch appealed to the apex court to take suo motu action of human rights violation by state agencies in Balochistan. She lashed out at the role of Pakistan Army in the province

Balochistan: A story of discrimination – by Salma Jafar: A Human Rights Day Feature Prelude: Often I wonder how can the Pakistani rulers and civil society be happy and content as they are, when one integral part of the country not only bleeds but is pining to cut

An Ahmadi Muslim’s Plea: Be My Voice – by Kashif N. Chaudhry: Editor’s Note: We would like to recommend to our readers this excellent article by Kashif N. Chaudhry, which was originally published in the Huffington Post. It is a succinct analysis of how our fellow Ahmadi countrymen are being persecuted

Make mine spicy – by Sindhyar Talpur: I once went to dine out with this Gentleman, an acquaintance of mine. He advised that due to his health condition, he was only able to dine on soup. I agreed and we went to a place, reputed

Al-Qa’eda’s new war: The main targets are Shia innocent civilians – by Ahmed Rashid: Sectarian bloodshed, in Afghanistan and Egypt, is a tool to thwart democracy and diplomacy Lahore, Pakistan From a distance, the devastating attacks on Shia Muslims in three Afghan cities this week looked like the type of sectarian religious attacks

The ANP and revenge attacks —by Farhat Taj: If terror attacks in Pakistan is Pakhtun revenge, then the ANP must be involved in the attacks. Surely, ANP and non-ANP victims of terrorism share the same culture and social setup By now the notion that several of the

Zarteef Khan Afridi – A common man: Most of the time, history is recorded and told from perspective of powerful and elite, we are told about princes, kings, generals, thinkers and the leaders, what is mostly ignored is those who were enslaved, plundered and lived

Zardari is a career – by Abbas Zaidi: Source: Daily Times Zardari has spawned an entire genre of yellow journalism. He has never sued, jailed, or harmed anyone for levelling the basest and meanest allegations at him “Pakistan’s nuclear assets are not safe as long as Zardari

Pakistan khappay, Zardari jeay: Tuesday’s so-called breaking news made it seem as if president was being forced out of his job by the military; rumours swept Pakistan that a silent coup was under way. First, the good news: Thank God, President Asif Ali

Getting rid of Zardari is what unites them – by Ayaz Amir: Samurai who refuse to learn Before anything else, the first order of national business should be a ban on the teaching of history. For this is a country with no use for history. We have been going around in

New low: DT editorial on Lashkar-e-Jhangvi’s attack on Afghan Shias: One might have thought a new low for Pakistan’s reputation would have been a little difficult to achieve given the attention it gets on a daily basis for ‘strategic depth’-led support for criminal and extremist elements within and without