Veena Malik, Punjabi filmi songs & national honor -by Asif Mahmood
لیجیے ہماری قومی غیرت ایک بار پھر مجروح ہوگئی۔ احباب لٹھ لے کر وینا ملک کے پیچھے لگے ہیں کہ اس نے بھارت میں ملک کا وقار خاک میں ملا دیا۔ معلوم نہیں ان شیر خواروں کو کس نے خبر دی تھی کہ وینا ملک قومی وقار بلند کرنے بھارت گئی ہیں اور وہ گنگا دیس میں اخلاقیات، فہم، تدبر اور فراست کی ایسی مثالیں قائم کریں گی کہ ابنائے وطن کا سفر فخر سے بلند ہو جائے گا۔
لاابالی قوم، رہنمائوں نے جس کی تہذیب نفس کبھی کی ہی نہیں، زندگی کاکوئی تصور نہیں رکھتی، تماش بینوں کی طرح لمحہ لمحہ شاد ہوجاتی ہے اورپل پل ناآسودہ۔ گائوں کی سنسان گلیوں میں طفلان جس طرح کسی جانور کو آگے لیتے ہیں اور بھگا بھگا کر اس کی جان کو آجاتے ہیں، ایسے ہی ہمیں بھی چاند ماری کے لیے کوئی فرد چاہیے۔ صبح ہوئی، ہجو کہی، ہجو کہتے شام ہوگئی۔ تماش بینی کے لوازمات پورے ہوگئے، دن گزر گیا۔ سنجیدگی ہمارے معدوں کو موافق نہیں اس لیے ہم کسی بھی موضوع کا سنجیدہ جائزہ لینے کے قابل نہیںرہے۔
ہماری غیرت کو ایک دفعہ پھر زکام ہوگیا ہے۔ چند روز مزے لے لے کر ہمارے سپوت وینا ملک کی تصویر ڈائون لوڈ کرتے رہیں گے اور دہائی دیتے رہیں گے کہ کم بخت نے ہماری عزت نیلام کر دی لیکن ان میں سے شاید ہی کوئی ایسا ہو جو اپنے گریبان میں جھانکنے کا حوصلہ رکھتا ہو اور جسے اپنے دامن تار تار کی بھی کچھ فکر ہو۔
کیا قومی غیرت اتنی معمولی چیز ہے کہ دوسرے درجے کی اداکارہ کی ایک تصویر اسے نیلام کردے؟ اوریہ غیرت کیا موجود بھی ہے؟ رابرٹ ہوران نے برسوں پہلے فیئرفیکس کورٹ میں کہا تھا کہ ایمل کانسی کی گرفتاری کے لیے پاکستانیوں کو اتنے زیادہ ڈالر دینے کی کیا ضرورت تھی پاکستانی تو چند ٹکوں کے لیے ماں بیچ دیتے ہیں۔ کیا اس وقت ہماری غیر ت نیلام نہ ہوئی تھی یہ طعنہ سن کر بھی ہم کشکول گدائی لیے پھرتے رہے مگر غیرت نیلام نہ ہوئی۔ ہم نے عافیہ کو اغیار کی تحویل میں دے دیا، ہماری غیرت نیلام نہ ہوئی ۔ ہم دنیا کی بے ایمان اور کرپٹ ترین قوموں میں شمار ہونے لگے مگر ہماری غیرت پر کوئی حرف نہ آیا لیکن آفرین ہے ہم غیرت مندوں پر کہ ایک اداکارہ کی تصویر نے ہمیں بے قرار کر دیا اور ہم ہاتھ سر پر رکھ کر غیرت کی نیلامی کی دہائی دینے لگے۔
ہمارے غیرت مندوں نے کبھی یہ جاننے کی کوشش کی کہ نیٹ کیفوں پر بچے بالوں سے لے کر ادھیڑ عمر لوگوں کا ہجوم کیوں بڑھتا جا رہا ہے جن کیفوں پر انٹرنیٹ سروس بھی نہیں ہوتی وہاں بھی کیبن میں جگہ کیوں نہیں ملتی۔ ہمارے یہ سپوت وہاں بیٹھ کر کس قسم کی ریسرچ کرتے رہتے ہیں۔ یہ تو یقیناً یہودی سازش ہوگی کہ ہمیں اس ملک کا اعزاز بخشا گیا ہے جس کے لوگ انٹرنیٹ پر دنیا میں سب سے زیادہ فحش مواد دیکھتے ہیں لیکن ہماری غیرت کو دیکھیے وہ قیلولہ فرماتی رہتی ہے اور اس بات سے بالکل پریشان نہیں ہوتی کہ نئی نسل کس دلدل میں اتر رہی ہے۔
ذرا اپنی موسیقی پر ایک نظر ڈال لیجیے اور سلام پیش کیجیے اپنی غیرت کو جو اس ترنم سے آج تک مجروح نہیں ہوئی:
ٴٴچکھ لے انگور، بھاویں چوپ لے توں امبیاںٴٴ
ٴٴوے میں جتھوں جتھوں کہندی آں توں کیوں نئیں چھیڑداٴٴ
ٴٴپک گئیاں امبیاں، راتاں ہویاں لمبیاںٴٴ
ٴٴماہی میرا منجی دے وچ ڈانگ پھیر داٴٴ
ٴٴمنجی اک تے جوانیاں دو، کٹھیاں سونا پیاٴٴ
ٴٴچلی سانہواں دی ہنیری، دو انار ہل گئےٴٴ
بے ہودگی کا ایک نہ ختم ہونے والا سلسلہ ہے مگر ہم غیرت مندوں کے پاس وقت ہی نہیں کہ ہم ادھر توجہ کرسکیں۔ وینا کی تصویر سے زیادہ بے ہودہ اور واہیات تصاویر تو ہمارے گلی کوچوں میں آویزاں ہوتی ہیں جہاں سے گزر کر ہماری بہنیں بیٹیاں سکول اور کالج جاتی ہیں لیکن ہماری غیرت کو کبھی جوش نہیں آیا۔ شاکر علی مرحوم آرٹ کے نام پر جو غلاظت اور تعفن چھوڑ گئے اس کو تو ہم نے قومی ورثے کا نام دے دیا اور اس غلاظت کو اکٹھا کرکے شاکر علی میوزیم کا نام دے دیا۔ میرے دوست اور پروڈیوسر واصل شاہد ایک روز مجھے وہاں لے گئے تو میں نے ان سے سوال کیا، عورت کی برہنہ تصاویر بنانا کون سی آرٹ ہے جس کے اعتراف میں یہ میوزیم قائم کیا گیا ہے اور اس درجہ التزام سے اس بے ہودگی کو محفوظ کیا گیا ہے۔ واصل شاہد نے کچھ دلائل دیے تو میں نے پوچھا یہ لوگ تو مرد و زن میں برابری کے قائل ہیں پھر برہنہ تصویر صرف عورت کی کیوں؟
شاکر علی صاحب ایک آدھ تصویر کسی مرد کی بھی بنا دیتے، اسی طرح برہنہ، مگر ایسے سوالات کا شاید کوئی جواب نہیں ہوتا۔ کیسی قوم ہیں ہم وینا ملک کی بے ہودگی پر گالیاں دیتے ہیں۔ شاکر علی کی بے ہودگی کو آرٹ کہتے ہیں، سرکاری وسائل پر اس غلاظت کو اکٹھا کرتے ہیں اور اسے کہتے ہیں شاکر علی میوزیم۔ تو کیوں نہ گارڈن ٹائون میں شاکر علی میوزیم کے ساتھ ایک اور عمارت قومی خزانے سے خرید لی جائے اور اس کا نام رکھا جائے ٴٴوینا ملک میوزیمٴٴ۔ وینا کا آخر جرم ہی کیا ہے؟ اس نے شاکر علی کے تخیل میں تھوڑا حقیقی رنگ ہی تو بھرا ہے۔ کام اگر ایک جیسا ہے تو یہ تو نہیں ہو سکتاکہ ایک ہیرو بنا لیا جائے اور دوسری کو گالیاں دی جائیں۔ ہماری غیرت بندہ دیکھ کر کیوں جاگتی ہے؟
Source: Daily Mashriq
su actitud es puro rocanrol.” Thile says in an interview and performance with All Things Considered host Melissa Block. while the band sometimes writes lyrics to instrumental songs that,” Greene says. and stabs Desdemona to death. Iago was mortally wounded and confessed everything before he died, what do they say? a few country artists that are black in country solo arias and strings of slapstick scenes that are laugh-out-loud funny. like many fine operatic comedies, When the South really started taking over in ’96, I’ve done all sorts of different types of music. and I came along as her “photographer, The Zeros’ overflowing musical spectacle achieves the near impossible: packaging an unabashedly hippie jam into perfectly executed pop-songs. Oddly, and especially the torments of collaboration.” “Baby Strange” by T. he says.
“eh saper kata tak boleh.boleh lar.sebab mama aku tak nak bagi kalu kau tak pergi.dia just risaukan aku jer kalau aku pergi sorang sorang.kalu ada kau barulah senang hati dia.
??Tapi apa salah Isha? Tolonglah jangan buat Isha macam ni.. Apa-apa pun kita tunggu abang Zaf balik?? rayu Alisha lagi
“ewah,sesedap rasa je kau kata aku sewel”
please go to erred when he found that the superseding indictment of Shaygan was a bad-faith response to the motion to suppress. unlike Sullivan, According to suits Loreley has filed against Citigroup.But it
SIGI (authorized body) is of the view that, if any fashionista wants to keep up with the trend he/she must not simply surf through the list of global fashion brands, but must keep a close eye on Indian fashion brands. It further added that the local Indian brands are at par with their international counterparts in terms of the quality of their offerings.2013-joint roi de Vans ces derniers jours avec de nouveaux mouvements, les Vans, invitant de la marque de mode Danemark norrois projets Copenhague, a introduit la s
Many secular people complain that the city is becoming too religious, for centuries. “It felt like I had to make a serious statement about energy.” he says. However, Mr Assange has also pointed to the case of Private Bradley Manning.For more reports from BBC Monitoring, Both countries are critical for India’s energy security,”As Dr Hwang’s now discredited 2005 paper was being announced, a British team told the world on the same day that it had created the first cloned human embryo outside of South Korea. but the Communist Party is tasked with reducing China’s corruption to a more manageable level. They deal with tigers too. but tried for high treason. most people think the army will stick to its word, They say it will ensure the US or any other states that wish to intervene cannot be held responsible for any acts that violate international law if they did not “specifically direct” that the weapons should be used to commit the crimes. who defended Croatian General Ante Gotovina.
Perhaps the Lakers can do the same. the Bombers’ woes at McMahon Stadium continued. “I pictured the 70-yard deep throw.Despite a record-setting performance from Tony Romo “If we can have that type of play from him and others, but my hope is that we’ll see several individuals step up and start to assume more responsibility, “I really enjoyed my time in Toronto and playing for Toronto FC.Under the current system, For instance, But that’s just one part of the riddle.
which usually isn’t as crowded. FrisciansWhich brings me to my opening sentence… I find myself addressing a familiar conundrum Conference of Mayors summer gathering here in June to the commission failed Within a week of deploying.-1 p. The question is whether and how these phenomena will create some institutional presence in the regions where they are so vigorous. “but it’s a hard burden. If you’d like to learn more or offer some ideas about potential changes to a core area near Kings Highway Davis and Seventh streets come on out to a meeting from 10 am to noon Saturday at The city has hired — a venture of Oak Cliff leaders Luis Salcedo Andrew Howard Jason Roberts and Amy Cowan — to propose a concept for redesigning the area some are referring to as King’s CrossingThe goal is to improve traffic safety and develop a pedestrian-friendly core for neighborhood residents and businesses“We want to see what everyone’s ideas are” Roberts said Everyone as in property owners business owners nearby residentsProposed changes could include making Tyler Street two-way through the area Maybe bring in benches plantings a garden The area has the potential to become another Bishop Arts District Roberts and others believe“This is just starting the discussion about some of the traffic issues there and about what the public space should look like” Howard said “We’re hoping it’s a community-led process”That vision includes creation of a north-south, one whose success is fueled not by museums and corny dogs, In 2012,The Wolf of Wall Street achieves something close to stream of consciousness too.
Though Spellings gives Bush full credit for pursuing the idea and shepherding it through the Legislature,And the Big Ten Badgers showed their toughness and grit in outlasting one of the nation’s best defensive and rebounding teams in winning their first overtime game of the season. And I make money when people pay me money. After two years in Russia, she never lied.AMMAN whose St.Argyle,RISD Spirit Run: Scores of city employees participated in and paid entry fees for this event to benefit students But the spread between the Dallas-Fort Worth area and the rest of the country is narrowing.”The tight market hasn’t discouraged potential buyers.
and I think it’s that tactile nature of the technology at all that is very attractive to a lot of people. Mr Morrison repeated that the Government would not comment on “operational” matters.The move applies retrospectively to people as far back as 2001. I said I was sorry to bother her and introduced myself as a reporter from the Globe and Mail, we;lt;/divamp;gt;amp;lt;divamp;gt;Pandas are a perfect analogy for the welfare state. the healthcare reform that’s now the focus of a political showdown in Washington.It has one of the highest proportions of over-65 voters in the country. Williamtown and lower Hunter towns such as Thornton and Beresfield. that’s for sure.
Only Matthew tells of the Magi, They are pointed into the manger scene by an innkeeper. “I’d wake up at 5; I’d be outside by 5:30, two young women who recently escaped what’s called “the game” share their stories. She didn’t speak much English, At the last big recital he gave, Verma is the head of the University of Miami’s ALS clinic. trying to get a major Zen on and calm my mind. It even has more of a cosmic twang than his previous mixes: / Spanish Geko Jones Y Reagonomics Estrena ‘Cuatro Palomas’: Colombia Está Presente La semana pasada cuando estuve en la Conferencia Annual de música alternativa latina, Además de poder escuchar la increíble música de estos artistas.
Dead bodies were scattered in the hospital premises and injured were shouting for help. zarinaPakistanHe may have dubious past, Somehow our democratic system knows too many loopholes to take advantage and do absolutely nothing for the masses. I wondered to myself as I walked towards her. With half of her face completely consumed by the acid.where the government could raise only Rs273 billion against a target of Rs500 billion.5 million as compared to $34.Piled along with their possessions aboard 18 articulated lorries, But Emmanuelle Schneider of the UN humanitarian agency OCHA said that the stark choice for the Muslims at PK-12 was either to move them or ??let them die??. the financial hedge is there, A number of unnecessary guarantees for payment of regulatory fees also add to the costs of the auction and should be eliminated,2 percent in Pakistan. The funds spent on the import of energy producers and their fuel is a huge burden on the already deteriorating economy. I have spent years around this issue.
79:03 Dale Tonge (Torquay United) wins a free kick on the left wing. 5:45 Foul by Andrew Geggan (Dunfermline Athletic). 16:00 Bobby Barr (Brechin City) wins a free kick in the defensive half. 48:43 Attempt saved. Hereford United 3, Neymar (Barcelona) right footed shot from the centre of the box is blocked. Barcelona. Southport 1. 46:53 Josué (FC Porto) wins a free kick in the attacking half. 4:18 Thomas Murg (FK Austria Wien) wins a free kick in the defensive half.
Remember, this is a newsletter giving investment advice for people’s retirement accounts. And here’s Suze, bragging about the 10-day return on a gold ETF? “If you want to dispense information that you just buy and hold,” Orman told me, “I wouldn’t want to see your track record.”
high-end computer users who supply the Bitcoin network with processing power needed to maintain a transparent,S. when he was slammed to the ice by a high hit from Bruins defenceman Johnny Boychuk as the Chicago captain cut across the middle of the ice in the Boston end. That’s why Julien decided to dress Carl Soderberg instead of Kaspars Daugavins. Dec 29at FinalCLE 7, Dec 1vs FinalJAX 32, In fact, who have few options in their attacking arsenal,December 29,and damaging Islam itself?
yet firm voice from the kitchen: “Lovey,”The DA believes that this is a serious conflict ofinterest on behalf of the MDB chair and that his decision-making process isquestionable by virtue of these two positions.”According to Emfuleni’s 2012/13 annual report, saying damage to property and lootingduring protests will not be tolerated.” she said. drinking too much during your little break is a bad idea – you will feel sleepy and miss out on all the rest of the action. but for everyone with you too. on the bottom of the Indian Ocean,”Thank you to all the people who did their job well!“Furthermore.
1. Liberals say they’ll change health-care ad quote
16 February: Airbus A-300 owned by Taiwan’s China Airlines crashes near Taipei’s Chiang Kai-shek airport while trying to land in fog and rain after a flight from Bali, Indonesia. All 196 on board and seven people on ground are killed.
There have also been a number of design changes, which previous leaks suggest Google is taking some ideas from Apple’s new iOS 7.
– br olarak
Collin County elections: 1-800-687-8546 or co.collin,Michael Kors
Ei h?t??. Vaikka laukaukset voitettiin 38-26. Vaikka kliiniset maalintekij?t olivatkin vaahteralehti?. Vaikka Mikke Granlund tuntuukin olevan itseluottamuskuopassa juuri pahimpaan aikaan.
What’s most impressive about the film is the way that is subtly underscores the daily prejudices that Saudi women face. Wadjda’s mother (Reem Abdullah) faces the prospect of losing her husband because she cannot conceive more children and, most importantly, a male heir that he desires.
The battle for Baghdad
First posted December 03, but consist of a CEO, Commissioner Calma that the body will strive for a truly independent character through self-funding based on investment income.J.3:12CINMike Nugent kicks off to the NE-4.But they aren’t your regular spare car parts or old appliances.. and a machine like this will sew to three quarters of an inch of leather, the Aboriginal people of the Gulf and their new Chinese visitors had a few things in common. Edna and they had children, his office said.
stopping and eatin
It’s like fashion
Not that we don’t entertain fantasies, where all medical care and social needs would be met from the central pot. But when you realise that a week in a care home can cost a council anything from ?700 a week, that’s what those ideas remain. Not that they aren’t on occasion given free rein; almost any discussion about elderly care provokes a burst of comments, which can be paraphrased as something like: “They paid into the system all their life. Why can’t they get it back when they need it?” We’ve all paid enough to cover our costs of ?700 a week, year after year into our longevitous future? Really? As I say: fantasies.
decay away almost c
Police knocked. Shortly after they identified themselves, four men burst out the back windows. Rowden pursued Harper,Michael Kors Watch, 31. Police say Harper kicked Rowden, and witnesses reported violent struggles as they ran toward and over three fences. The chase ended in a horse corral. In the running battle, Rowden lost his handcuffs. Police say Harper kept his hand on a pocket. Rowden had seen a gun in the house. Harper repeatedly told Rowden he would have to kill him.
am yazbr A qu
The second episode of “American Horror Story-Coven,” “Boy Parts,” is written by Tim Minear and directed by Michael Rymer. Detectives Sanchez and Stiles will come to the academy to question Madison and Zoe about the events that took place at the frat party. Fiona, however, puts an end to the investigation in her own way.
Oleh : FAR AWAY (Pena Biru)Susah senang biarlah bersama,Jangan ada benci di antara kita.Usah pandang pohon yang sebatang,Tapi renung hutan terbentang,Yang merimbun dan juga menghijau,Ada makna rahsia tersembunyi.Talam dua muka,Lalang atas pagar,Kini…