Veena Malik Archive

Mufti sahib ye kia baat hui! Mufti Abdul Qavi joins Imran Khan’s PTI: In a dramatic development and consistent with PTI’s Islamist, right-wing inclinations, Mufti Abdul Qavi, a conservative Mullah of Pakistan, announced to join PTI in a crowded press conference. The press conference was held in presence of Imran Khan, Javed

Truth be told -by Sana Bucha: There’s been a startling moment in Pakistan’s foreign policy – a moment that not only crystallizes what this country is about but demonstrates the pitfalls of irregular combat in the age of terror. The moment was tragic and deliberate

Veena Malik, Punjabi filmi songs & national honor -by Asif Mahmood: لیجیے ہماری قومی غیرت ایک بار پھر مجروح ہوگئی۔ احباب لٹھ لے کر وینا ملک کے پیچھے لگے ہیں کہ اس نے بھارت میں ملک کا وقار خاک میں ملا دیا۔ معلوم نہیں ان شیر خواروں کو کس نے

Selective ray of hope emanates from Veena Malik to Declan Walsh – by Sana Jokhio: After partially waking up from the deep denial of the extremists, Pakistan’s educated elites (commonly known as FCS, i.e., Fake Civil Society) and their English-speaking media counterparts are once again falling back on narratives that are full of omissions,

Let’s fry Munni – by Waseem Altaf: Maulvi Abbas Ansari opened his mouth “We are the defenders of this great fort of Islam and would not allow anyone to spread obscenity. And tell me, would you do everything you did with those guys in front of

Islami media committee – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: In light of the recent attitude of the media which has been trying to play the role of wakeel-e-shaitaan by bringing the momineen and various other ahl-e-kitab into direct confrontation over various deeni and muashrati masail, there is need

The liberal fiasco in Pakistan – by Suleman Akhtar: "Mocking the religious beliefs of others is not necessarily the emblem of liberalism. To assert on the liquidation of all pluralistic cultural as well as social traits cannot escalate an individual from braggart to liberal. To castigate the nasty

Veena Malik and a cleric – by Sangeen Khan: Indian conspiracy my dear; its all Indian conspiracy! RAW has just turned the tables on Zaid Hamids. This is beginning of the end of the ISI’s project of inculcating pakistani nationalism, which was, given its inherent faulty composition, doomed

Veena Malik and the case for moderate Islam – by Taha Kehar: Veena Malik’s stint on the popular reality TV show, Big Boss, may have been condemned for its extreme notoriety but it will always be remembered as a courageous testament to the absurdity of our clerics. Over the last few