Monthly Archive:: December 2012

After the slaughter of 21 soldiers and 40 Shia, General Kayani says thank you and releases 4 more Taliban militants: Consistent with its policy of gratifying and sponsoring Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba Taliban, Pakistan army has released four senior Taliban militants involved in human rights crimes in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The move has angered many Pakistanis who are

A story of the ‘others’: Hazara Shias lose all hope in Pakistan -by Farahnaz Zahidi: Context: More than 20,300 Shia Muslims have been killed in Pakistan by Deobandi militants belonging to Sipah Sahaba Taliban (SST). At least 700 of these slain Shias are Shia Hazaras and 300 are non-Hazara Shias of Quetta. Pakistan army

Killing a Shia through false job advertisement: A true story from Peshawar – by Ali Taj: This is the story of a young man by the name of Fiaz Hussein. His only fault, he was a Shia Muslim. He was identified by his killers due to his name (Hussein) and address (a Shia locality). He had completed his

After the massacre of 20,000 Shias, Nasim Zehra denies existence of Shia genocide in Pakistan – by Ali Aqeel: Related post: Name and Remind: Nasim Zehra’s silence on Shia massacres in Pakistan – by Mustafa – See more at: As I write these lines, dozens of Shia families in Lahore, Jhang, Multan and other parts of Pakistan are

Pakistani (Fake) Civil Society’s continued denial of atrocities by Sipah Sahaba Taliban: Related posts: #ShiaGenocide: After killing 21 paramilitary soldiers in Peshawar, Deobandi militants kill 40 Shias in Mastung Pakistan, Social Media, and Two Big Massacres – by Mohammad Murtaza Shia Muslim pilgrims from Punjab and KPK refute HDP’s ethnic propaganda

Rape-protectionism in Pakistan and the role of political parties: Rape is a heinous crime. It is reflection of a system that is based on coercion and intimidation for those daring to confront the status quo. In India, the realization has reached its people who are shocked to see

Shia Muslim pilgrims from Punjab and KPK refute HDP’s ethnic propaganda with their blood – by Anwar Changezi: Related posts: #ShiaGenocide: After killing 21 paramilitary soldiers in Peshawar, Deobandi militants kill 40 Shias in Mastung Pakistani (Fake) Civil Society’s continued denial of atrocities by Sipah Sahaba Taliban Pakistan, Social Media, and Two Big Massacres – by Mohammad

Pakistan, Social Media, and Two Big Massacres – by Mohammad Murtaza: Related posts: #ShiaGenocide: After killing 21 paramilitary soldiers in Peshawar, Deobandi militants kill 40 Shias in Mastung Pakistani (Fake) Civil Society’s continued denial of atrocities by Sipah Sahaba Taliban Shia Muslim pilgrims from Punjab and KPK refute HDP’s ethnic

Was Benazir Bhutto a victim of the system? -by Ammara Ahmad: Benazir Bhutto was arguably one of the most powerful people in Pakistan. She was Pakistan’s first woman prime minister and the head of its largest political party gunned down by extremists in 2007. As the world mourned the fifth

#ShiaGenocide: After killing 21 paramilitary soldiers in Peshawar, Deobandi militants kill 40 Shias in Mastung: Related posts: Pakistani (Fake) Civil Society’s continued denial of atrocities by Sipah Sahaba Taliban After the massacre of 20,000 Shias, Nasim Zehra denies existence of Shia genocide in Pakistan – by Ali Aqeel Pakistan, Social Media, and Two Big

A response to Right and Left alliance against Bilawal and PPP – by Shaheryar Ali: Editor’s Note: The post came after Marxist intellectual, author and novelist Tariq Ali had a talk on Pakistan with Harry Kreisler, part of the series “Conversation with history” series by University of California. It has responded to Tariq Ali’s

#LeviesJawans: We condemn brutal murder of 21 Pakistan soldiers by Deobandi militants. Still indecisive, Gen Kayani?: Related post: #ShiaGenocide: After killing 21 paramilitary soldiers in Peshawar, Deobandi militants kill 40 Shias in Mastung Here’s a message from irrepressible Noam Chomsky to an indecisive Pakistan army chief General Kayani: ‘If you want to stop terrorism, then

Some pictures of Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri’s grand rally at Minar-e-Pakistan Lahore: Dr Tahirul Qadri attracted an awe-inspiring crowd of at least one million Pakistanis of all religious and ethnic backgrounds, Sunni, Shia, Punjabi, Muhajir, Pashtun, Sindhi, Baloch, Hindu, Sikh etc, at Minar-e-Pakistan, Lahore on Sunday 23 Dec 2012, as he

Tahir-ul-Qadri’s grand rally in Lahore is a public referendum against Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba Taliban: Related posts: Thank you, Allama Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri, for bold fatwa against Takfiri suicide bombers Takfiri Deobandis are the biggest threat to Pakistan and Islam – by Zaid Hamid Minhajul Quran International Chief and Sheikhul Islam Allama Dr Tahirul Qadri

General Kayani has surrendered Pakistan to Deobandi militants – by Cyril Almeida and Saleem Safi: Related posts: General Kayani’s role in #ShiaGenocide in Pakistan General Kayani’s ostrich policy about Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba Taliban -by Saleem Safi General Kayani’s dilemma: Taliban are Pakistan’s assets or liability? – by Saleem Safi Adapted from a

Red Alert : Sipah Sahaba Deobandi militants are planning to infiltrate into FIA, police and army -by Ali Taj: Recently we read how Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba Taliban are threatening Shia Muslims of Pakistan with death and destruction. Now here is a Red Alert: Sipah Sahaba Deobandi militants are planning to infiltrate into Pakistan security forces

Hakimullah Mehsud slaps Rehman Malik: New video of Taliban (Pakistan branch) chief Hakimullah Mehsud shows his deputy Wali-ur Rehman discussing killing of ANP leader Bashir Ahmad Bilour. In a related recent picture, Hakeemullah Mehsud’s deputy Waliur-Rehman and spokesman Ihsanullah Ihasan are shaking hands with

Forensic examination reveals that Sipah Sahaba behind murder of both Sunni and Shia in Karachi: Source: The following news report is adapted, with minor editing, from daily Dawn, to illustrate Sipah Sahaba’s role in murder of Shia Muslims and moderate Sunni clerics. Karachi: As the city descends into fear amid a renewed wave of

Discourse of Shia genocide in Pakistan: A Sipah Sahaba leader speaks – by Omar Ali: Related post: Lack of will, not the law, is responsible for acquittal of Takfiri terrorists in Pakistan Source: Adapted with minor editing from Brown Pundits, to clarify that Takfiri Deobandis, not Sunnis, are responsible for Shia genocide in Pakistan.

Of “good” Shia mullahs and “bad” Shia activists: A response to Ali Murtaza Zaidi: Pakistan’s military establishment and its media proxies have created a most disengenuous classification to protect their Taliban assets – a fake classification of “Good Taliban” for all those killers who they consider as assets. This confusion is reinforced not just

PML-N supports Sipah Sahaba’s long march to Islamabad: PML-N once again shows its partnership with Takfiri Deobandi terrorists of Sipah Sahaba Taliban (SST) and Takfiri Wahhabi terrorists of Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD). According to the Ulama-e-Deoband, largest internet portal of Deobandi activists, PML-N has announced to support Sipah Sahaba’s

Lack of state-protection enabled Benazir Bhutto’s murder, same is enabling Shia genocide – by Rusty Walker: Part 2 Part 1 of this article can be read here: How would Benazir Bhutto view Shia genocide today? – by Rusty Walker Where were the promised security forces for protection of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed upon her triumphant

Blasphemy of Chief Qazi Abu Arsalan by Bilawal – by Riaz Malik Al Hujjaji: Today has been a very upsetting day for me. For days, PTI Sipah Sahaba Taliban supporters like me were hoping that Bilawal’s Urdu accent would suck so that we can then crack jokes on this for the next three

No bullet can kill the “Benazir” in my heart! – by Saria Benazir: “I know death comes. I’ve seen too much death, young death”. Benazir Bhutto is no less than an idol of worship to me – the name engraved on my compassion and psyche from my evolution and the very

The year belonged to the Taliban -by Murtaza Haider: If it were a boxing bout, the year 2012 would belong to the Taliban and the militants. In the ongoing civil war in Pakistan that left almost 6,000 dead this year, 1,100 more civilians and members of the security

Pakistani Christians demand arrest of Sister Birgitta Almeby’s killers: Hundreds of Pakistani Christians on Tuesday, December 25 took part in peaceful protest rallies across Christian Colonies for the murder of the Sister Birgitta Almeby. All Christians were holding banners and placards and they also chanted anti-terrorism slogans. Some

Souls March delegates provide concrete suggestions to Pakistan Consul General in New York to stop Shia genocide: Exactly two weeks after the 10,000 Souls March in NYC, a delegation of Souls March and Imamia Medics International representatives met with Consul General Faqir Syed Asif Hussain at the Consulate of Pakistan to discuss the targeted killing of

دار العلوم دیوبند کی جانب سے سنی بریلوی اور شیعہ کے خلاف نفرت انگیز فتاویٰ : Deobandi fatwas against Sunni and Shia: Related post: Darul Uloom Deoband’s fatwa in support of Hazrat Yazid – by Abdur Rahim Kandhalvi Summary: Hate archive: At least 20,000 Shia Muslims and 10,000 Sunni Barelvi Muslims have been killed by Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba Taliban

Maulana Fazlur Rehman’s message to Sipah Sahaba: Related post: اکابردیوبند علما شیعہ مسلمانوں کی تکفیر کو درست نہیں سمجھتے جمیعت علماء اسلام کے سربراہ، متحدہ مجلس عمل کے مرکزی رہنما اور پاکستان میں دیوبندی مسلک کے قائد مولانا فضل الرحمٰن نے سپاہ صحابہ کے نیم خواندہ

Sahibzada Fazal Karim of Sunni Itehad Council attacked by Takfiri Deobandis of Sipah Sahaba: On the same day when Mullah Aurangzeb Farooqi Deobandi (of Ludhianvi group) of Sipah Sahaba was attacked by Malik Ishaq Deobandi group in Karachi, Takfiri Deobandi terrorists of Sipah Sahaba Taliban tried to kill a leading Sunni Barelvi cleric,

Bilawal’s speech at Benazir Bhutto’s fifth death anniversary offers hope but misses out on crucial issues: As critical supporters of Pakistan Peoples Party, we welcome and applaud Chairman PPP’s bold and eloquent address at Garhi Khuda Buksh. To millions of Pakistanis, a new PPP leader has clearly emerged and done so in an impressive manner.

Why do Takfiri Deobandis of Sipah Sahaba Taliban want to kill Maulana Muhammad Khan Sherani Deobandi?: Senior Sunni Deobandi scholar, central leader of Jamiat-e-Ulma-e-Islam (JUI-F) and Chairman Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) Senator Maulana Muhammad Khan Sherani has said the need for the unity of Muslim Ummah is the only solution to the political and

Even death could NOT silence Benazir! – by Maleeha Manzoor: Heart is torn into pieces and eyes haze while pioneering to carve my letters about fortune’s relentlessness with the millions, being suppressed since the day this country came into existence. But the murkiest December 27; 2007 – it so far chronicles the tale of

Tribute to Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto – By Syed Jaffer: Chale jo hoge shahadat ka jaam piker tum Rasool-e-Pak ne banhoon main leliya hoga Ali tumhari shuja’at pay jhomte honge Husain pak ne irshad yeh kya hoga Tumnhe Khuda ki razain salam kehti hain The above verse is in

Takfiri Deobandi terrorists of Sipah Sahaba threaten to kill Sunni Barelvi scholars علامہ عبدالتواب صدیقی کے سپاہ صحابہ کے بارے اہم انکشافات: علامہ عبدالتواب صدیقی کے تکفیری دیوبندی ٹولے سپاہ صحابہ کے بارے میں اہم انکشافات شہید مفتی سرفراز نعیمی کی برسی کے موقع پر اہلسنت علما سے خطاب پاکستان میں مسلمانوں کی اکثریت یعنی تقریبآ پچاس فیصد سنی بریلویوں پر

Dr Abul Qadeer Khan rejects false propaganda by Takfiri terrorists of Sipah Sahaba: Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, Pakistan’s leading nuclear scientist and the founder-chairman of the Tehreek-e-Tahaffuz-e-Pakistan (Movement for the Protection of Pakistan), has strongly denied any kind of contacts with Takfiri terrorists of Sipah Sahaba. In a statement issued on Twitter

Of good liberals and good Taliban: A response to Feisal Naqvi and Najam Sethi – by Riaz Bin Al-Malik Hujjaji: After reading the latest editions of The Express Tribune and The Friday Times – especially those written by Good Liberals like Feisal Naqvi’s “There Will Be Blood” and Najam Sethi’s current The Friday Times editorial “Terrorism and National Consensus”,

ANP condemns Shia genocide: Awami National Party (ANP, Sindh Chapter) has condemned Shia genocide taking place in all parts of Pakistan, particularly in Karachi, at the hands of Takfiri terrorists who are also target killing moderate Sunni Muslims, Ahmadis, Christians and other communities.

“Not enough Shias killed in Pakistan yet to describe it as genocide”, says Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy: Source: World Shia Forum In 2012 alone, more than 600 Shia Muslims of diverse ethnic backgrounds have been killed in Pakistan at the hands of Deobandi militants using varioius aliases and labels including Sipah-e-Sahaba (ASWJ aka LeJ), Taliban (TTP), Jundallah

Is it still not our war? -by Shama Junejo: “When they are united from Afghanistan to Karachi, then why we are still scattered and reluctant to own that this is not out war. They say that it is only ANP’s war. ‘No’ now they are killing us first,