Monthly Archive:: December 2012

General Nusrat Naeem of ISI implicated in fraud and bogus cheque of Rs 35 million – by Umar Cheema: FIR against ex-ISI boss lands police officers in trouble An FIR against the former deputy DG ISI (Counter Intelligence), Maj Gen (retd) Nusrat Naeem on fraud charges has resulted in the removal of a Superintendent of Police, an SHO

Both capacity and will -by Farahnaz Ispahani: In an article in this newspaper titled “Can Bilwal revive the old PPP” (December 1), a respected reporter and anchor from a family that is known for its journalistic ethics — in an age and time in Pakistan when that has

Will the people who tasked Deobandi Taliban with Benazir Bhutto’s murder ever face justice? – by Owen Bennett-Jones: Related posts: LUBP archive on Benazir Bhutto’s murder and investigation In her posthumously published book, Reconciliation, Benazir Bhutto named a man whom she believed had tried to procure bombs for an unsuccessful attempt on her life in Karachi in

The growing links between Taliban and Deobandi Sipah-e-Sahaba in Pakistan – The Economist article: Related posts: Sipah-e-Sahaba and Taliban: Brothers in arms – by Ayesha Siddiqa Sipah Sahaba and Taliban are two names of the same Deobandi militant organization Escalation: Links between violent sectarian groups and the Pakistani Taliban are growing THE bomb

In response to Imran Khan’s three reasons for talks with Taliban – by Misbah U. Azam: ON Oct 28 PTI Chairman Imran Khan gave a talk in front of almost 500 people in Silicon Valley, CA, and he gave his views about the Taliban. In so many words he virtually condoned Taliban atrocities in Pakistan.

My uncle’s assassination in Karachi -by Zahir Janmohamed: The last time I saw my uncle, Dr. Sibtain Dossa, we were sitting on a bench outside the mausoleum of Pakistan founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah. It was May 1999 and my uncle was optimistic that the Sunni-Shia violence [in fact

آگے اسپ خونی چادر اور خونی پرچم نکلے – از جون ایلیا: آگے اسپ خونی چادر اور خونی پرچم نکلے جیسے نکلا اپنا جنازہ ایسے جنازے کم نکلے دور اپنی خوش ترتیبی کا رات بہت ہی یاد آیا اب جو کتاب شوق نکالی سارے ورق برہم نکلے حیف درازی اس قصے

Saudi Monarchy is Unislamic – by Saeed Qureshi: Those who believe that Saudi Arabia has an Islamic system of government are either mistaken or ill-informed. It is outright a monarchy or kingdom that runs counter to the concept of an Islamic state. Even its name is “Kingdom

Pakistan’ Anne Frank: Mehzar Zahra, a victim of Shia genocide: Related post: Defy the odds, Mehzar – by Abbas Nasir Annelies “Anne” Marie Frank (12 June 1929 – early March 1945) is one of the most discussed Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Her diary has been the basis for

The Parsi Community in Karachi, Pakistan -by Fahad Desmukh: The Parsi Community in Karachi, Pakistan It isn’t easy these days being a Parsi. The Parsis are a community of Zoroastrians that settled in South Asia. They are followers of the religion of ancient Persia. In Pakistan they are

45 years of the PPP: “We did not come this far to fail” – by Saria Benazir: Carving the legendary parable of the Pakistan Peoples Party is a heart jerking job – the Jiyala in me cannot resist crying out the catchwords of “Zinda Hai Bhutto, Zinda Hai”; eyes smog to read an allegory of anguishes –

Pakistan Peoples Party: An ideology that has come to EXIST forever – by Maleeha Manzoor: Merely eleven years after coming to the existence, Pakistan was abandoned with the authoritarian rules of’ field marshals’ – pardon me for I call them ‘blood suckers’. It is no longer concealed how the basis of the country, established

Sanam Bhutto joins a protest in London against Shia genocide in Pakistan: LONDON: Sanam Bhutto, the sister of Benazir Bhutto who rarely takes part in any political activity, broke her seclusion on Thursday and led a protest outside Pakistan High Commission here against the wave of sectarian killings in Pakistan, which