Monthly Archive:: September 2010

Signaling Tensions, Pakistan Shuts NATO Route -by Jane Perlez and Helene Cooper: ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — American officials pressed their Pakistani counterparts on Thursday to reopen a vital supply route for American and NATO forces in Afghanistan, as relations deteriorated after the fourth strike by coalition helicopters in a week killed three members

Illegitimate daughters —by Gulmina Bilal Ahmad: Why is there not an uproar for the woes of the daughters of Pakistan who were stoned in Swat and, presently, in Orakzai Agency? Daughters like Mukhtaran Mai, of course, are not comparable with American daughters of Pakistani origin

Taliban: An anathema to Pashtun Nationalism – By Ali Arqam: Antonio Gramsci, an Italian (1891-1937) Marxist thinker, has defined the term hegemony as “the predominance of one social class over others (e.g. bourgeois hegemony). This represents not only political and economic control, but also the ability of the dominant

Viewpoint Interview with Wajahat Masood: Mullah-military nexus has subverted public opinion: Al-Qaeda, Taliban, jihadis, sectarian groups, and so-called parliamentary Islamic groups have a global agenda and as such are natural allies. Pakistan’s religious/missionary parties and the Taliban constitute “an archipelago of evil”, says Wajahat Massod. Presently working as Editor Coordination

Vultures Abound: The PPP Media Cell and Ministers – by Fawad Manzoor: Dear friends and supporters of LUBP, I am an ardent supporter of PPP and its democratic struggle. It is very clear that PPP is going into decline due to the fact that media is hell bent on doing that.

Obama’s Wars: implications for Pakistan — by Dr Mohammad Taqi: We do not know if Bob Woodward had meant to time it this way, but his latest book, Obama’s Wars, has hit the shelves exactly 14 years after Kabul fell to the Taliban, with Pakistani ‘security advisers’ present as

The BBC World Service: A mouthpiece of the British establishment – By Shiraz Paracha: On 24 September 2010, the BBC World Service television broadcast an interview with the US President Barack Hussein Obama in which the U.S. leader trashed the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for his comments at the UN General Assembly the

Terror Plot Reportedly Uncovered In Europe: Western intelligence agencies are reportedly tracking a plot to carry out terrorist attacks in Britain, France, and Germany. Citing unidentified intelligence and security officials in the United States and Europe, Western media reported that the potential attacks were allegedly

The ardent messiah seekers -by Raza Rumi: A natural disaster, largely unavoidable, has provided a glorious opportunity to all those who have been hankering to reverse Pakistan’s fragile transition from an authoritarian to quasi-democratic rule. There is hardly a new script for the much-touted change and

Pakistan, A Step Mother? – by Ali Raja: Adding predecessors and watching the meaning twist has been one of my ultimate childhood hobbies, it used to quite fun manipulating with the textbook lessons. A light jerk would shatter the whole structure. “Wise Owl” became “Unwise Owl”, “Respect

Malik ‘lodges case’ at press club against misreporting: After all, politicians are human beings and have a level of tolerance. That level of tolerance varies from person to person. Rahman Malik is at the receiving end most of the time especially from those belonging to the Taliban

Legal Intellect of a Supreme Court Judge – by Ali Raja: The other day the renowned son of the Chief Justice was intercepted while speeding @87 Km/h on maximum speed limit of 70 km/h. The chap was challaned and he wholeheartedly accepted it. A good omen it was. The very

The Taliban is NOT an expression of Pushtun Nationalism – By Qudsia Siddiqi: One of the biggest lies that have been spun by our establishment, which is the arbiter of our national narrative, is that the Taliban are an expression of “Pushtun Nationalism”. This lie has been repeated ad infinitum by reactionary

‘We need to make clear . . . the cancer is in Pakistan’ -By Bob Woodward: President Obama dispatched his national security adviser, retired Marine Gen. James L. Jones, and CIA Director Leon Panetta to Pakistan for a series of urgent, secret meetings on May 19, 2010. Less than three weeks earlier, a 30-year-old U.S.

Ministers in Waiting: My goodness the names keep changing but the song remains the same. Minus-One Formula became Bangladesh Model which became Caretaker Government which became Midterm Elections which became Patriotic Generals which became French Revolution which has now become Technocrats. Why

Kashmir Bleeds, Does Anyone Heed?- by Hafsa Khawaja: Befittingly termed once as ‘Heaven on Earth’, with millions martyred since the past 6 decades, thousands of half-widows, orphans and missing – Kashmir today is a Palestine-in-the-making of Asia. As the Kashmir intifada continues, anyone keeping a keen eye on

The dilemma of the country’s equity markets – by Ali Wahab: Source: Express Tribune When it comes to discussing people who ply their trade in the stock markets, especially local exchanges, the general perception is that they are gamblers and nothing short of vampires. Another fable we regularly hear is

Obituaries : Demises of Afaq Khan Shahid and Fatehyab Ali Khan: Senior Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leader Afaq Khan Shahid died of cardiac arrest on Sunday. He was a lawyer by profession and considered among those who were close to PPP leader Benazir Bhutto. Former Student leader, political activist, president

Comparison between 1990, 1996 and 2010 – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: Our nation is gullible to a great extent. We believe anything that is negative against the rulers, be those rulers elected or those who capture power by subjugating the rights of the nation. Positive thinking is something that has

بُحران ٹَل گیا – by Ahsan Abbas Shah: Here I am sharing a poem with you originated in my mind last night after the (anti)climax of the Swiss cases hearing in the Supreme Court…

Is Dr Shazia not a daughter of the nation?: Thousands of people hold protest demonstration across the country to mark the ‘Protest Day’ being observed against the sentence of Dr Aafia, media reported on Friday. Demonstrations were staged by political, social, student organizations and religious circles in many small and

Supreme Court’s right of interpretation and its limits – by Khalid Wasti: آئین کی تشریح کا اختیار اور اس کی حدود ========================= ذوالفقار علی بھٹو کی سزائے موت کے خلاف نظر ثانی کی درخواست پر فیصلہ کرتے ہوئے جسٹس صفدر شاہ نے اپنے نوٹ میں لکھا تھا کہ میں نے آج

What are the credentials of a judge for elevation to Supreme Court? By Ali Raja: Mr Kamran Lashari was Chairman of the Capital Development Authority (CDA) and a piece of land was leased to SIZA Foods, a franchisee of McDonalds in Pakistan. On a petition filed by ex-Senator Saadia Abbasi, the Supreme Court

Minus Three + Leash on Media – by Sikandar Mehdi: If some one got up from coma after a month or was away in some wonderland where they didnt have access to the internet or newspapers, especially Geo News, he will be in a complete state of shock to

On Pakistani Navy’s forced Impounding of Baloch’s Land in Turbat – By Aamir Hussaini: Source: Daily Aajkal

Imran Farooq’s murder linked to rows within MQM party- by Farhad Jarral: There are lots of misgivings about the MQM’s character and the way they do politics. Murderers have been awarded Governorship, Ministries and City’s Mayor post. Yesterday a letter by MQM’s chief Altaf Hussain was published on the website of

Nawaz Sharif stands by the Parliament, supports Jatoi’s statement, rejects military intervention: Related article: Mian de nare wajan ge ’اداروں میں سب سے بڑا ادارہ پارلیمنٹ‘ میاں نواز شریف کے مطابق پاکستان کی عوام کی خواہشات کی عکاس پارلیمنٹ ہے اس لیے پارلیمنٹ کی حاکمیت کو بھی نقصان نہیں پہنچانا چاہیے

Democracy at the brink? Dr Hasan-Askari Rizvi: Democracy at the brink? Dr Hasan-Askari Rizvi Daily Times 26th September, 2010 Democracy is a joint exercise of different state institutions and the political class with an emphasis on constitutionalism, the rule of law and respect for democratic principles.

Free, Independent and Responsible Media- by Farhad Jarral: Pakistani Media is now considered as fourth Pillar of State. Its fact that the media is now the power pillar of State but there should be some ethics for media to make discipline within this department. Let me talk

NRO! Conviction or What? by Ali Raja: Note:-The acquittal of Jahangir Badar from Illegal Assets Reference has proved to be another blow to the NRO myth. The tag of NRO now must die and “accused” must be the term for those under trial thus following the

Establishment’s new war – by Amjad Rashid: This is the latest style of foul-play that disgrace your opponent so much that you always win although your opponent plays right. This is surely negative thinking and it was highly condemned by the people in the pasts. But

Baloch columnist and lawyer Ali Sher Kurd martyred: It has become a trend in Balochistan that weekends arrive with the news of a death of a big figure in Baloch movement by the intelligence agencies and Pakistan army. Although in weekdays Balochs of any status are disappeared

Umar Cheema: Pakistani journalist speaks out after an attack (by the ISI) – by Jane Perlez: Related articles on the LUBP: An act of barbarity: kidnapping and torture of Mr. Umar Cheema – by Aamir Mughal Umar Cheema Saga — Other view point by Fawad Manzoor ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — An investigative reporter for a major

Immunity of the President and Nawaz Sharif’s IQ – by Ali Raja: “Immunity of The President will be decided by the Court.” Nawaz Sharif Mr. Nawaz Sharif has uttered these words in the midst of the Government/Judiciary fall out. His IQ seems to be too low for a leader. He has

Starplus Soap Operas and our TV Talk Shows – by Aasima Niazi: ٹی وی اسکرین پر کیبل نیوز آپریٹر کی چرف سے اعتزار کے ساتھ یہ خبر چل رہی ہے کہ سپریم کورٹ کے فیصلے کے مطابق چند ٹی وی نیوز چینل ، جس میں کچھ انڈین انٹرٹینمنٹ چینل اور کچھ

Politics of judicial appointments – by Asad Jamal: Politics of judicial appointments By: Asad Jamal Friday Times , September 17-23, 2010 The Supreme Court’s recent decision to allow extension for indefinite period to additional judges, who were appointed to the four high courts about a year ago,

Jang Group’s campaign against the PPP intensifies – Ansar Abbasi hell bent on sending the government home – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: It is indeed sad the way Jang has panned out to become a low in content but rich in spice tabloid. A newspaper having nearly 7 decades of existence is a sad reflection of the journalistic virtues that exist

Reverse all decisions which have been effected by NRO – by Sikandar Mehdi: Last night I watched one time government’s defender in courts, Anwar Mansoor on Rana Mubashir’s show on NEWS ONE channel. If people have forgotten who Anwar Mansoor was, he was one of the turncoats like Dr. Shahid Masood. He held