Monthly Archive:: September 2010

What is wrong with Abdul Qayyum Jatoi’s statement on judiciary and generals?: Photo source: Dawn Related article: Teen Jeem – by Hamid Akhtar State Minister for Defence Production Sardar Abdul Qayyum Jatoi tendered his resignation to Prime Minister Gilani on Saturday evening. Jatoi had faced criticism for his anti-army and judiciary

Pakistan Peoples Party on the crossroads – by An LUBP Visitor: یوں لگتا ہے کہ جو کام ضیاء الحق، غلام اسحاق خان، پرویز مشرف، حمید گل اور ان کے سولین بغل بچے اپنی تمام تر قہر سامانیوں کے باوجود نہ کر پاے، وہ جنرل کیانی صاحب کے دور با برکات

Brutal extrajudicial killings by the Pakistan army – where is the media?: A very brutal video has recently been circulated on the internet. Taken by a cell phone camera it shows soldiers in Pakistan army uniform brutally killing a number of teenaged boys by first shooting them in a firing squad

Is the military cheating Orakzais? by Farhat Taj: A potentially dangerous development is afoot in Orakzai and no one in Pakistan seems to care. The military authorities and the Orakzai political agent (PA) have ordered the internally displaced persons (IDP) from the Lower Orakzai to go back

The Verdict of Dr Afia and Our Reaction -by Raza Habib Raja: Right now the media is voicing its vociferous opposition to the sentence handed to Dr. Afia Siddiqui. The entire case, even before the verdict was announced, had become an overly emotional episode for the Pakistanis. The media has been

Our expats: The Pakistanis living abroad, Part 2 – by Fawad Manzoor: In the original article( click here) I wrote about the negative contributions of our Ex-Pats with few positive ones. I was expecting the editor will hesitate in posting the article but I am glad he posted. I am also surprised that I

Parliament vs Supreme Court – by Khalid Wasti: آئین سازی پارلیمینٹ کا اختیار ہے – آئین کی تشریح کرنا سپریم کورٹ کا اختیار ہے ================================= پارلیمینٹ : اقتدار اعلی کا مالک خدا تعالی ہے سپریم کورٹ : ہم آئین کے اس حصے کی تشریح کرتے ہوئے قرار

‘Good Taliban, bad Taliban’: the ISI’s perspective: By Hakim Hazik There are two kinds of Taliban. The good ones live in Quetta. They are cuddly and roly-poly. They have generous and reassuring paunches, symbolic of the glory of Islam. They sit on hand woven carpets with

People’s government suggesting universities to generate resources of their own – by Usman Qazi: Link to the LUBP Forum discussion on this topic: ملک کو درپیش قدرتی اور مالیاتی بحران کے پس منظر میں محترمہ شہناز وزیرعلی کا بیان نظر سے گزرا جس میں ان کا روے سخن صحت اور تعلیم، خصوصا

Special Branch Report to kill Khwaja Sharif “false and baseless”: Our dearest friend, Ansar Abbasi had given the nation a eid gift on 11th September by coming up with a report “Plot to kill Justice Sharif Unearthed”. The report has been debated on LUBP the following titles: “We look

Feeding the white elephant: Defence budget hike: A report in this newspaper yesterday suggests the defence budget has been quietly hiked by an astonishing 25 per cent, from the budgeted figure of Rs442bn to over Rs550bn. As usual, neither the government nor the military has seen

PPP to continue with policy of reconciliation: CEC: Secretary-General of the Pakistan Peoples’ Party Jahangir Badar said that it was decided in the CEC meeting to continue policy of reconciliation and the PM was asked to continue dialogue process. In a media briefing after PPP Central Executive

Russian Model: Team Leadership, Sovereign Democracy, National Champions – by Shiraz Paracha: Russia has become a leading world power because of its leader Vladimir Putin’s vision and political strategy. Prime Minister Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev have introduced new concepts of team leadership and ‘Sovereign Democracy’ in Russia’s political system. The

Saylaabi Jihaad – by Gulmina Bilal: Potraying the danger from banned organizations working in flood effected areas of Pakistan

Playing ‘flood politics’ and mobilizing ‘change campaign’: The sad truth is that Sharif brothers are playing politics with the lives of flood victims and also mobilizing & leading vicious ‘change campaign’ against civilian elected government. CH Pervaiz Elahi, senior central leader of Pakistan Muslim League, has

The throb of every empathy: Bilawal Bhutto Zardari – by Saria Benazir: Unwrapping the eyes, after a sinister night, A plain scrutiny of heavens, Birds humming with merriment, Harmony in the atmosphere, I heed up to each of the influence, Then have down pat, Aah! It’s September 21, A day, too

British contribution towards helping the flood affected Pakistanis: Source: Foreign and Commonwealth Office UK Foreign Office Minister Alistair Burt alongside Minister without Portfolio Baroness Warsi, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Eric Pickles and Home Secretary Theresa May, hosted the annual Eid–ul Fitr reception on

Electricity Problems in Pakistan- by Sindhyar Talpur: Electricity or shortage of it, in Pakistan is a dire issue. It affects everyone, rich possibly more than poor but only because former rely on such luxuries more than the latter. Corruption and mismanagement in the WAPDA and Electricity

President Zardari, Is Kurram Agency a part of Pakistan?: کرم ایجنسی تنازعہ اور حکومتی ساکھ رفعت اللہ اورکزئی بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، پشاور کرم ایجنسی میں حکومت کی رٹ نہ ہونے کے برابر ہے پاکستان کے قبائلی علاقے کرم ایجنسی میں تقریباً تین ہفتوں سے جاری

سیلابی ریلا یا سیاسی رولا – by Syed Ahsan Abbas Rizvi: سیلابی ریلا تباہی مچاتا گُذر گیا ۔۔ جن علاقوں میں پانی کھڑا تھا اب سوکھنا شروع ہو گیا لیکن اِس سے قبل کے غریبوں کے ریسکیو اور ریلیف کے بعد مرحلہء آبادکاری پر توجہ دی جاتی، اندرونِ مُلک اُٹھنے

The hypocritical media – by George Fulton: Source: Express Tribune ( The media, more than most professions, draws charlatans to its ranks. It has always attracted enough bad apples to make industrial quantities of cider, and perhaps no more so than its proprietors. Britain’s press

IJI style game plan: Related articles: IJI style game plan: phase two The Project IJI – Second Edition The Islami Jamhoori Ittehad [IJI] alliance was a conglomerate formed of nine mainly rightist parties by the ISI under Lt General Hameed Gul to ensure

Beijing confirms plan for 2 N-reactors: As a follow up to the story posted yesterday, titled “China plans 1-gigawatt N-power plant in Pakistan”, please find below a confirmatory report that there are plans to build two more nuclear reactors at Chashma Nuclear Power Plant. Off

I Expect Mr. Chief Justice!!! – by Ali Raja: I think good old Greece would be the appropriate beginning, beginning for a journey of mankind, a journey of social development, a journey in chase of an organized governance structure. With an apology to those fundamentalists who tie every

Objectives of Pakistani Conspiracy Theorists – by Anas Abbas: Objective 1. To denigrate Baluchistan’s resistance movements and to present a picture where the blame of all Baluch sufferings go to foreign elements even though the real culprits are the Punjabi elite and the Pakistan army for their military

Our expats: The Pakistanis living abroad – by Fawad Manzoor: I wrote this in response to an article by Adnan R. Khan who covers Pakistan for AOL News. Title of his article was “On Being Pakistani“. He wrote the article after Faisal Shehzad was arrested in NY trying to bomb Time Square

Pakhtunwali and the Taliban – by Imran Khan: Naveed Hussain’s article ‘Militancy or a tribal backlash?‘ (Aug 15-016) defines the Taliban insurgency as a tribal backlash that is spurred by the demands of Pakhtunwali. Believing this conclusion would lead to some paradoxical realities because an overwhelming majority

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari: The Pride of Nation – by Saria Benazir: All eras coming ahead, Life coerces to bellow out, O yes! I’m not too vulnerable, Not much bleak, For there lies a trust, Obscurity never perseveres, A sunup is still to come, To inhabit the face of the orb…

sar chahiye? sar den ge hum – by Saria Benazir: A day in the existence of Pakistan, when the sun rose with a fresh anticipate _ It was September 21, 1988 , when a new Bhutto came in this world _ All out, that turned to be a ruby

The day Ahmad Kharal fell -by Shafqat Tanvir Mirza: Rai Ahmed Khan Kharal was one of the greatest freedom fighters in the Punjab rebellion of 1857. It was Sept 21, 1857, when a bard or a folk poet of dholas had said: (With the fall of Ahmad (Khan

21st September, Happy Birthday to beloved leader Bilawal Bhutto Zardari: The gloom and despair not with standing, that struck the nation. How well I know what I mean to do And where, my soul is thy pleasant hue? With the music of all thy voices, dumb We still have

The shocking neglect of Baloch flood victims – by Jumma Marri: The unprecedented monsoon clouds which seemed to have become static over Balochistan created unparalleled havoc with lives, properties and livestock. Oddly the droughts here are equally severe but they certainly are not because of the US program HAARP with

Concerns over Post-military operations developments in KP – by Idrees Kamal: Amn Tehrik (Peace Movement) , an organization of Political workers, civil society, writers, intellectuals, Lawyers, Students, Labours, Women, Poets and sensible segment of the society and comrises political workers of almost all the secular political parties working in the

Guilty if you are a Jiyala, Innocent if you are a Sharif: When it comes to passing judgments against politicians in relation to “krupt” practices, PPP and its members are declared guilty by the media and the general public. When it comes to calling a spade, a spade, media selectively talks

China plans 1-gigawatt N-power plant in Pakistan: China plans 1-gigawatt N-power plant in Pakistan Source: Dawn, September 21, 2010 BEIJING, Sept 20: China’s main nuclear energy corporation is in talks to build a 1gigawatt atomic power plant in Pakistan, an executive said on Monday. China has

Muslims and the US “melting pot” – by B.R. Gowani: The recent drama of the two groups (for and against the building of the mosque near the Ground Zero) further intensified when a gun-toting pastor threatened to burn the Qur’an. Although from a very small congregation, with the

What really happened at Nasdaq? By Shibil Siddiqi: A news story doing round on Geo TV is of a “Missed Opportunity” by Pakistan’s Consul General in New York to present the case of Pakistan at the Nasdaq. Sami Ibrahim of Geo TV can be heard saying, while

Profiling Pakistani jihadists — by Ali K Chishti: One major draw for jihadis in Pakistan is the clout a religious militant enjoys with the law-enforcement agencies. The militant organisation gives otherwise powerless men a strong sense of identity in an increasingly fragmented social structure What kind of

The alleged Plot to kill Justice Sharif: A wishful thinking of Ansar Abbasi (part 2) – by Fawad Manzoor: Related article: Part 1 Our society has many different ways of insulting other individual. It varies from class to class profession to profession and most probably family to family. Modes of insulting might be different but one thing is

Poem: Call to a nation by Aymen Zaheer: The theme of my poem is a “Call to a Nation” in representing an inner voice of an old farmer who is affected by the flood in Pakistan. Whose family was displaced by floods; sit on a makeshift ground,