Pakistan Peoples Party on the crossroads – by An LUBP Visitor
یوں لگتا ہے کہ جو کام ضیاء الحق، غلام اسحاق خان، پرویز مشرف، حمید گل اور ان کے سولین بغل بچے اپنی تمام تر قہر سامانیوں کے باوجود نہ کر پاے، وہ جنرل کیانی صاحب کے دور با برکات میں اس خیر و خوبی سے پایہ تکمیل تک پہنچے گا کہ مقتول خود پکارتے پھریں گے کہ “تم قتل کرو ہو کہ کرامات کرو ہو” . میری مراد پاکستان میں پیپلز پارٹی اور جمہوریت (اور خاکم بدہن ملک ) کے خاتمے سے ہے.
دیکھنے والوں پر واضح ہے کہ اس بار پیپلز پارٹی کی حکومت کو سن ٨٨ سے بھی کم اختیارات دے کر ایوان حکومت تک کا راستہ دیا گیا ہے. چند اہم امور روز اول سے فوجی ہییت اقتدار نے مکمل طور پر اپنے ہاتھ میں رکھے ہیں جن میں افغان پالیسی، بھارت پالیسی، بلوچستان پالیسی اور فاٹا پالیسی شامل ہیں. اس کی واضح نشانیاں افغان ٹرانزٹ ٹریڈ پر ہونے والی گفتگو کا سبوتاز کیا جانا، غیر حکومتی لشکروں کو مشرقی سرحد پر دخل اندازی کی کھلی اور مغربی سرحد پر ڈھکے چھپے انداز میں اجازت دینا، بلوچستان میں بلوچوں کے غیر عدالتی قتل اور اغوا اور غیر بلوچوں کی ٹارگٹ کلنگ سے چشم پوشی ، “اچھے” اور “برے” طالبان کی جعلی تفریق ہیں.
بلوچستان کی صورت حال تو ایک طرفہ تماشا ہے جہاں منتخب حکومت نواب اکبر خان بگٹی کے قتل کا برملا کریڈٹ لینے والے آئی جی ایف سی کو تبدیل کرنے جیسے نمایشی قدم سے بھی عاجز ہے. مقام حیرت ہے کہ تربت کے ایک چاے خانے میں “باغیانہ” بلوچی نظم پڑھنے والے شاعر کی خبر تو راتوں رات ایجنسیوں کو مل جاتی ہے اور اگلے روز وہ گھر سے اٹھا لیا جاتا ہے مگر کھلے عام ٹارگٹ کلنگ کر کے دن کی روشنی میں فرار ہونے والوں کا کوئی پتا نشان نہیں ملتا.
اقتصادی پالیسی پر ہونے والے سمجھوتے کا اثر البتہ اب سامنے آ رہا ہے. فوجی بجٹ میں اضافہ اور تعلیم اور صحت کے مصارف میں کمی پر مستزاد حکومتی مشیروں کا ان اقدامات کا دفاع کرنا ہے. اگر ان کو ہاتھ سے روکنے یا منہ سے برا کہنے کی ہمت یہ لوگ اپنے اندر نہیں پاتے تو کم سے کم دل میں تو برا سمجھیں. فوجی ٹولے کے ننگے دباؤ کو معروضی حقایق کا پھٹا ہوا جانگیہ پہنانے کی کوشش تو نہ کریں. کچھ نہیں بن پڑتا تو شیری رحمان کی طرح استعفی دے کر منقار زیر پر ہی ہو جائیں مگر اس قدر بے حیائی سے اس کی ذمہ واری تو قبول نہ کریں.
مانا کہ حقوق تو سارے غیر منتخب طبقے کے پاس ہیں اور فرایض پورے کرنے کی منتخب حکومت کو کھلی آزادی ہے. اب یہ اس ننگی حکومت کی مرضی ہے کہ کیا دھوے اور کیا نچوڑے . ایسے میں محدود ترقیاتی وسایل کا وہی حشر ہونا ہے جو اندھے کے ریوڑیاں بانٹنے کے دوران ہوتا ہے. ان اقدامات کے نتیجے میں عوام کے دلوں میں جو آتش فشاں سلگ رہا ہے، اس کا نشانہ منتخب حکومت بلکہ جمہوری نظام ہی بنے گا اور اس کے اصل فیض یاب طبقے ویسے ہی پاک و صاف رہیں گے. گویا گاجریں تو کوئی اور کھا رہا ہے مگر پیٹ درد کسی اور کو سہنا پڑے گا. اب فیصلہ پیپلز پارٹی کو کرنا ہے کہ وہ اس لولے لنگڑے اقتدار کے مینار عاج سے خود چھلانگ لگانے کی ہمت کرتے ہیں جس میں شاید ٹانگ تو ٹوٹ جاے مگر جان بچ جانے کا امکان ہے یا اس وقت کا انتظار کرتے ہیں جس میں ان کے ہاتھ پیر باندھ کر انہیں اس بلندی سے نیچے پھینکا جاے گا اور موت یقینی ہو گی
Latest Comments
یہ جو بھی صاحب ہیں کیا یہ بھول گئے کہ مشرق کی طرف جس سرحد کا وہ اشارہ کررہے ہیں، کوئی سرحد نہیں لائن اوف کنٹرول ہے۔
ایک اور بات کہ افغانستان میں سرحد پار مداخلت کا سب سے پہلے قائد عوام کے دور میں ہوا تھا اور بی بی کے دونوں دور حکومت میں بی بی نے کشمیر کی طرف نجی مالیشیا کو استعمال کیا تھا، بلکہ آغاز ہی انکے دور میں ہوا تھا۔
لیکن شاید امریکہ پرست ویزیٹر پیپلز پارٹی اور پاکستان کی تاریخ سے بلکل نابلدہیں اور انکے تبصرے سے معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ ابھی طفل اطفال ہیں
Cross border Infiltration in Afghanistan was first started in 1976 by General Naseerullah Khan Babaer in PPP govt and the cross line of control infiltration in Indian occupied Kashmir was started in BB fist govt and both BB govt support armed freedom struggle in Kashmir and support Pakisntan based Jihadi Organization
Plz correct your history
By the way who used “Mehsud” tribesman in 1948 across LOC and again in 1965 [Operation Grand Slam/Operation Gibraltar brainchild of a Quadiyani Major General Akhter Hussain Malik]?
It was 1974 ref: Major General (Retd) Naseerullah Khan Babar, Scandals & Shenanigans
40. What was theISI role in Afghanistan in the period 1974-77?
It was a top secret affair and the ISI had no role. The secret was shared between Mr Bhutto, myself, Aziz Ahmad and the then Army Chief Tikka Khan. This was for obvious reasons. The Foreign Office could with, nonchalance deny if raised at un or any other forum.
41. Who were the pioneers of the anti-Daud Afghan resistance?
These were Ustad Rabbani, Hikmatyar, Ahmad Shah Masood and a host of others who came to Pakistan after October 1973.
the cross line of control infiltration in Indian occupied Kashmir was started in Kashif Naseer says: September 25, 2010 at 6:04 am
Wrong and terribly wrong:
The crisis of intelligence came during the 1965 war. Brigadier Riaz was good enough to show me his set-up, an impressive affair judging by the sophisticated equipment and the operators at work. He told me that he had contacts inside the Occupied Kashmir and in other major Indian cities. “I will flood you with news. Don’t worry”. When the war started there was a complete blackout of news from all the intellience agencies. When I got nothing out of the ISI for two days I went to Brigadier Riaz only to learn that all his contacts had gone underground. Ref: Jang Group: Ansar Abbasi, ISI and Peace with India [Aman Ki Asha]
the cross line of control infiltration in Indian occupied Kashmir was started in Kashif Naseer says: September 25, 2010 at 6:04 am
The war in Kashmir is not jihad (May 1948; quoted in M. Sarwar, Maulana Maududi ki Tahrik-I-Islami, Lahore, 1956, pp. 331-332)
Don’t degrade its importance. I have not said that but Maulana Mawdudi said this. I do not possess such a personality. Maulana Mawdudi has categorically stated that according to ‘Quran’, it is unlawful to wage a war by a country against the country with which diplomatic relations are maintained. He has further said that it one party commits breach of agreement then the opposite party should first severe diplomatic ties with it and then resort to war-tactics instead of maintaining diplomatic relations overtly and resorting to war-tactics covertly. He stressed that Islam taught ‘us’ that if we, want to fight against anyone, ‘we’ should fight openly and if ‘we’ wish to maintain friendly relations with someone, ‘we’ should stick to that relation without any prejudice.
Yes, presently the situation is such that Jamaat receives Rs. 60,000/- for every militant killed in Kashmir out this, only 15,000-20,000/- are being given to the families of the martyrs, while as the remaining amount is eaten up by the JEI leaders themselves who have opened a factory of martyrs. JEI leaders have made money by getting others children killed. As far as they themselves are concerned, no son of Qazi Hussain Ahmad was killed either in Afghanistan or Kashmiri, ‘Jihad’ and his children are leading a luxurious life while studying in the United States. REF: Haider Farooq Mawdudi on Mawdudi and Jamat-e-Islami after Mawdudi.
As per your logic, Mumbai attacks, Faisal Shahzad attack and Canada terror plot were not planned by Gilani-Zardari duo…
A few year later, people like you will blame the duo for all the war crimes committed in Swat. ,Malakand division and Balochistan.
جناب کاشف صاحب کے میری طفلی پر تبصرے کا شکریہ. اس بڑھاپے میں ایسی باتیں دلفریب لگتی ہیں. اور امید ہے کہ جناب مغل صاحب کی تصحیحات سے کاشف صاحب کی ذہنی بلوغت بڑھ رہی ہو گی. میری تو بڑھی ہے. مشرقی سمت میں واقع ملک یعنی بھارت میں مداخلت چاہے جس نے بھی شروع کی ہو اور افغانستان پر غلبہ پا کر تزویراتی گہرائی پانے کا خواب پریشان چاہے پہلے پہل جس نے دیکھا ہو، موجودہ سیاسی قیادت اقتدار میں آنے سے پہلے اور اس کے بعد بھی بار بار کہہ چکی ہے، کہ وہ علاقائی مسایل کا پر امن حل چاہتی ہے اور اس سلسلے میں کئی عملی اقدامات بھی کے گئے جن پر فوجی ٹولے نے پانی پھر دیا. مجھے یقین ہے کہ کوئی بھی سیاست دان ہو، وہ کبھی جنگ کے راستے کا انتخاب نہیں کرے گا چونکہ اس کی تربیت اس طرز کی نہیں ہوتی. یہ فوجی قیادت ہی ہوتی ہے جو دل فریب مفروضوں کی بنیاد پر جنگ چھیڑتے ہیں اور پھر ملبہ بلڈی سویلین پر ڈال دیتے ہیں. میرا مطالعہ محدود ہے اور میں حوالے کے لیے صرف جنرل گل حسن، جنرل فضل مقیم، بریگیڈئر صدیق سالک، کرنل اشفاق حسین ، امتیاز گل وغیرہ کی کتابوں کا ذکر کر سکتا ہوں. مزید رہنمائی کے لیے بزرگوارم کاشف صاحب سے استمداد ہے.
Nur Khan reminisces ’65 war By Our Special Correspondent
September 6, 2005 Tuesday Shaban 01, 1426
ISLAMABAD, Sept 5: Air Marshal (retired) Nur Khan, the man who led the airforce achieve complete superiority over the three times bigger Indian airforce on the very first day of the 1965 war, had all but resigned the post the very day that he took command of Pakistan Air Force on July 23, 1965. “Rumours about an impending operation were rife but the army had not shared the plans with other forces,” Air Marshal Nur Khan said. Sharing his memoirs with Dawn on the 40th anniversary of 1965 war, Air Marshal Khan said that he was the most disturbed man on the day, instead of feeling proud. Air Marshal (retired) Asghar Khan while handing over the command to Nur Khan had not briefed him about any impending war because he was not aware of it himself. So, in order to double check, Nur Khan called on the then Commander-in-Chief, General Musa Khan.
Under his searching questions Gen Musa wilted and with a sheepish smile admitted that something was afoot. Nur Khan’s immediate reaction was that this would mean war. But, Gen Musa said you need not to worry as according to him Indians would not retaliate. Then he directed a still highly skeptical Nur Khan to Lt-Gen Akhtar Hasan Malik, GOC Kashmir, the man in-charge of “Operation Gibraltar” for further details. The long and short of his discussion with Gen Malik was, “don’t worry, because the plan to send in some 800,000 infiltrators inside the occupied territory to throw out the Indian troops with the help of the local population”, was so designed that the Indians would not be able retaliate and therefore the airforce need not get into war-time mode.
A still incredulous Nur Khan was shocked when on further inquiry he found that except for a small coterie of top generals, very few in the armed forces knew about “Operation Gibraltar”. He asked himself how good, intelligent and professional people like Musa and Malik could be so naive, so irresponsible.
For the air marshal, it was unbelievable. Even the then Lahore garrison commander had not been taken into confidence. And Governor of West Pakistan, Malik Amir Mohammad Khan of Kalabagh did not know what was afoot and had gone to Murree for vacations. It was at this point that he felt like resigning and going home. But then he thought such a rash move would further undermine the country’s interests and, therefore, kept his cool and went about counting his chickens — the entire airforce was too young and too inexperienced to be called anything else then — and gearing up his service for the D-day.
The miracle that the PAF achieved on September 6, to a large extent, is attributed to Nur Khan’s leadership. He led his force from up front and set personal example by going on some highly risky sorties himself. But then no commander, no matter how daring and how professional, can win a battle if his troops are not fully geared to face such challenges and that too within 43 days of change in command. The full credit for turning the PAF into a highly professional and dedicated fighting machine goes to Air Marshal Asghar Khan who was given charge of the service in 1957. Thank God, unlike the other service no darbari or sifarishi was given the job. And by the time he left on July 23, 1965, Asghar Khan had turned the PAF into a well-oiled, highly professional and dedicated fighting machine and had trained them on the then best US made fighters, bombers and transport planes. Those who flew those machines and those who maintained them on ground worked like a team, and each one of the PAF member performed beyond the call of duty to make a miracle.
The PAF performance had crucially allowed the Army to operate without interference from the Indian airforce.
“The performance of the Army did not match that of the PAF mainly because the leadership was not as professional. They had planned the ‘Operation Gibraltar’ for self-glory rather than in the national interest. It was a wrong war. And they misled the nation with a big lie that India rather than Pakistan had provoked the war and that we were the victims of Indian aggression”, Air Marshal Khan said.
When on the second day of war President Gen Ayub wanted to know how we were faring, Musa informed him that the Army had run out of even ammunition. That was the extent of preparation in the Army. And the information had shocked Gen Ayub so much that it could have triggered his heart ailment, which overtook him a couple of years later. This in short is Nur Khan’s version of 1965 war, which he calls an unnecessary war and says that President Ayub for whom he has the greatest regard should have held his senior generals accountable for the debacle and himself resigned. This would have held the hands of the adventurers who followed Gen Ayub. Since the 1965 war was based on a big lie and was presented to the nation a great victory, the Army came to believe its own fiction and has used since, Ayub as its role model and therefore has continued to fight unwanted wars — the 1971 war and the Kargil fiasco in 1999, he said.
In each of the subsequent wars we have committed the same mistakes that we committed in 1965. Air Marshal Khan demanded that a truth commission formed to find out why we failed in all our military adventures. It is not punishment of the failed leadership that should be the aim of the commission but sifting of facts from fiction and laying bare the follies and foibles of the irresponsible leaders in matters with grave implications for the nation. It should also point out the irregularities committed in training and promotions in the defence forces in the past so that it is not repeated in future.
Mr Khan believes that our soldiers when called upon have fought with their lives but because of bad leadership their supreme sacrifices went waste. And after every war that we began we ended up taking dictation from the enemy — at Tashkant, at Simla and lastly at Washington. He said at present Pakistan is engaged in another war, this time in Waziristan. This war can also end up in a fiasco and politically disastrous for the federation if it is fought with the same nonchalance and unprofessionally as we did the last three wars. He, therefore, called for an immediate change of command at the GHQ insisting that President Gen Pervez Musharraf should appoint a full-time Chief of Army Staff and restore full democracy in the country. He suggested appointment of an independent chief election commissioner in consultation with all the political parties. “Look at India. There a religious party comes in power and nobody cries foul and it goes out of power and nobody alleges rigging. We can also do this,” he added. And we must make unified efforts to restore the country in the vision of the Quaid-i-Azam. Turn it into a non-theocratic and truly democratic state. And all the three forces should model themselves on the lines set by Asghar Khan when he was commanding the PAF, he suggested.
Visitor to LUBP says: September 25, 2010 at 12:42 pm
Thanks for the compliment but I was just mentioning the newspapers and I wonder why don’t people read, read more 🙂
Brigadier Gulzar Ahmad explaining the role of celestial powers to lessen his troop casualties in 1965 war stated, “There was a hidden hand deflecting the rounds which would otherwise have taken a heavy toll of the advancing troops”. Martial Mind Pakistan Officer Corps thought-process about Defence
Columnist Hamid Hussain explores the Pakistan military mind-set.
In 1965, Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) led by Brigadier Riaz Hussain had a very poor performance. In less than 48 hours after the launching of Operation Gibraltar, ISI lost all its contacts. Instead of any accountability, Brigadier Riaz was promoted to the rank of Major General. Similarly, Director of Military Intelligence, Brigadier Irshad had very little information about the whole exercise let alone a comprehensive strategy. He admitted to then information minister when asked about the nature and purpose of operation so that ministry could project it. He innocently admitted that the beauty of the operation is that ‘even I know very little about the operation’. He rose up the ranks to become Lt. General and lead a Corps. A senior retired Lt. General while commenting about 1965 war is of the view that ‘the reputation of many senior commanders was tarnished and many others would have come to the limelight but intense personal lobbying prevented any meaningful change’. Reference: Martial Mind Pakistan Officer Corps thought-process about Defence
Columnist Hamid Hussain explores the Pakistan military mind-set.
Just one question “woh Ruhani Hath 1971 mein kahan ghus gaya tha”
البتہ محترم کاشف صاحب، میری امریکہ پرستی کو خوب پہچانے. اس “مشرق کے خداوند سفیدان فرنگی” کے قافلہ سالار کا ذکر خیر تو میری تحریر میں یکسر نہیں تھا.وہ بات سارے فسانے میں جس کا ذکر نہ تھا. وہ بات ان کو بہت ناگوار گزری ہے.. مگر بہر حال اللہ نے کچھ بندوں کو کشف قبور کا اختیار بخشا ہے تو کچھ کو باطن میں جھانک لینے کا ملکہ ، کاشف صاحب بھی اسی ثانی الذکر طبقے سے تعلق کے مدعی لگتے ہیں. اللہ مزید ترقی دے. ابھی ابھی کلی استنجا کر کے Stars and Stripes کے سامنے ڈنڈوت کروں گا کہ وہ کاشف صاحب اور اس قبیل کے دیگر صاحب حال بزرگوں سے میرا پردہ رکھے. یہ تحریر لکھنے کے دوران بھی بٹوے میں رکھی انکل سام کی تصویر تین بار نکال کر چومی کہ کہیں ہاتھ لڑکھڑا نہ جاے جواب لکھتے ہوے . بس اس بار تو ویزا کی درخواست کرتے ہوے منقبت بھی نذر گزاروں گا کہ ..مرے مالک بلا لے امریکے مجھے. ایک بار پہنچ جانے دیجئے، پھر کاشف بھائی وغیرہ کے لیے بھی کوشش کروں گا ورنہ یہ یہاں بیٹھ کر خدا پرستوں کے بھیس میں امریکہ پرستی کرنے والوں کا پردہ چاک کرتے رہیں گے.
البتہ محترم کاشف صاحب، میری امریکہ پرستی کو خوب پہچانے.
Visitor to LUBP says:September 25, 2010 at 12:59 pm
Pakistan, however, disagrees. The then ISI chief, Gen Mahmoud Ahmad, tells the ambassador “not to act in anger. Real victory will come in negotiations… If the Taliban are eliminated … Afghanistan will revert to warlordism”. Pakistan’s primary concern was that the Northern Alliance, backed by India, would return to power in Kabul.
Gen Mahmoud, who was present in Washington on 9/11, also tells the Americans it’s “better for the Afghans” to hunt Osama bin Laden. “We could avoid the fallout.” Gen Mahmoud travelled to Afghanistan twice, on Sept 17, aboard an American plane, and again on Sept 24, 2001, to discuss the seriousness of the situation with Taliban leader Mullah Omar.
Ambassador Chamberlin, however, tells him that negotiations were pointless since Mullah Omar “had so far refused to meet even one US demand”. She tells Gen Mahmoud his meetings with Mullah Omar were fine, but they “could not delay military planning”. US decided to stay engaged with Pakistan soon after 9/11 By Anwar Iqbal Wednesday, 15 Sep, 2010
البتہ محترم کاشف صاحب، میری امریکہ پرستی کو خوب پہچانے.
Visitor to LUBP says:September 25, 2010 at 12:59 pm
Wilson reveals in the book that he was introduced to Gen Ziaul Haq by the Houston socialite Joanne Herring who was appointed honorary Pakistani consul-general by the then ambassador of Pakistan, soon to become foreign minister, Sahibzada Yaqub Ali Khan, when Mr Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was prime minister. Joanne Herring, described as the “Texas Bombshell” in addition to her role as “a social lioness and hostess to the powerful”, was credited with “setting in motion a process that would profoundly impact the outcome of the Afghan war”. “In the pivotal years of the Jihad, she (Herring) became both matchmaker and muse to Pakistan’s Muslim fundamentalist military dictator Ziaul Haq as well as scandal prone Charlie Wilson,” writes Crile. Charlie Wilson’s war July 23, 2003
البتہ محترم کاشف صاحب، میری امریکہ پرستی کو خوب پہچانے.
Visitor to LUBP says:September 25, 2010 at 12:59 pm
“Herring set the stage. She had called Zia from Houston on his private line and told him not to be put off by Wilson’s flamboyant appearance and not to pay attention to any stories of decadence that his diplomats might relate. She was adamant he win over US Congressman from Texas: he could become Pakistan’s most important ally.” Crile quotes Wilson in the book as saying that “Zia would leave cabinet meetings just to take Joanne’s calls”. Charlie Wilson’s war July 23, 2003
البتہ محترم کاشف صاحب، میری امریکہ پرستی کو خوب پہچانے.
Visitor to LUBP says:September 25, 2010 at 12:59 pm
“She was Zia’s most trusted American adviser, as per Sahibzada Yaqub Khan, She absolutely had his ear, it was terrible,” “Zia would leave cabinet meetings just to take Joanne’s calls. “There was no affair with Zia,” Wilson recalls, but it’s impossible to deal with Joanne and not deal with her on sexual basis. No matter who you are, you take those phone calls.” {Page 67-68}. Charlie Wilson’s War by George Crile
He told Zia about his experience the previous year when the Israelis had shown him the vast stores of Soviet weapons they had captured from the PLO in Lebanon. The weapons were perfect for the Mujahideen, he told Zia. If Wilson could convince the CIA to buy them, would Zia have any problems passing them on to the Afghans? Zia, ever the pragmatist, smiled on the proposal, adding, Just don’t put any Stars of David on the boxes {Page 131-132}. Charlie Wilson’s War by George Crile
Brigadier Yousuf
Just how vicious a campaign the CIA was sponsoring is suggested by the Pakistan Brigadier Mohammed Yousuf, who directed the training with and distribution of CIA weapons at that time. In a matter-of-fact passage in his memoirs, he describes the range of assassination tactics and targets he was preparing the mujahideen to take on in Kabul. They ranged from your everyday “knife between the shoulder blades of a Soviet soldier shopping in the bazaar” to “the placing of a briefcase bomb in a senior official’s office.” Educational institutions were considered fair game, he explains, since they were staffed by “Communists indoctrinating their students with Marxist dogma.” {Page 335 Charlie Wilson’s War: The Extraordinary Story Of The Largest Covert Operation in History by George Crile}.
On a CIA sponsored trip to Washington that year, the proud ISI Brigadier was deeply insulted when he was led, virtually blindfolded, to the Agency’s “sabotage school” in North Carolina. Vickers {CIA Official foe Afghan “Jihad} escorted the burly Pakistani Brigadier in a plane whose windows were blacked, then in a car with its shades drawn. Yousuf, who suffers the chip on the shoulder of many proud Third World types, was deeply offended at this slight. He reasoned that if he was trusted enough to be permitted to run the CIA’s operation in Pakistan, why was the Agency treating him as if he were about to reveal the location of the sabotage school? Later Vicker and Avrakotos {CIA Officials for Afghan “Jihad”} take Yousuf and one of his colleagues out for a fancy dinner at the Four Seasons Hotel in Washington, USA. {Page 351 Charlie Wilson’s War: The Extraordinary Story Of The Largest Covert Operation in History by George Crile}.
On page 503 in Charlie Wilson’s War, the author quoted “but it was losing Zia that crushed Charlie. At the state funeral in Islamabad, with a million Pakistanis and Mujahideen crowding up to him, Charlie made his way to Akhtar’s successor, Hamid Gul, and broke into tears. “I have lost my father on this day,” he said. [Reference: Charlie Wilson’s War The Extraordinary Story of the Largest Covert Operation in History by George Crile]
. مگر بہر حال اللہ نے کچھ بندوں کو کشف قبور کا اختیار بخشا ہے تو کچھ کو باطن میں جھانک لینے کا ملکہ ، کاشف صاحب بھی اسی ثانی الذکر طبقے سے تعلق کے مدعی لگتے ہیں
Visitor to LUBP says:September 25, 2010 at 12:59 pm
Brigadier Yusuf made the most interesting remarks about the death of CIA Director, William Casey. He states that, “It was a great blow to the Jehad when Casey died”. He did not elaborate whether by this definition one should count Casey as Shaheed (warrior who dies in battle in the cause of Islam). It will quite be amusing for Americans to know that one of their former CIA director is actually a martyr of Islam.” Ref: US Vice President Joe Biden & ‘Non Functioning’ Democarcy in Pakistan – 1 [NOTE: Brigadier Yousuf was in Millat Party with Laghar and nowadays in Ex-Serviceman Society and usually in Tableeghi Jamat where all Butchers from Establishment Hide after committing Butchery]
When I got to Pakistan in February and called upon General Hamid Gul, the Director General of the ISI, I found out that political events had apparently overtaken this mandate. He told me that his agency had called off its investigation at the request of the government and had transferred the responsibility for it to a “broader based” government authority headed by a civil servant called F.K. Bandial. It was not using the resources of his intelligence service and, as far as he knew that committee had not begun the work. His tone suggested that, he did not expect any immediate resolution of the crime. Brigadier (R) Imtiaz, Death of General Zia & American Conspiracy!
مغل صاحب کی تشریحات لاکھ معلومات افزاء سہی مگر وہ جس طرح عقلیت کے جال میں پھنس کر ان سبز پوش بابوں کا تمسخر اڑا رہے ہیں جو بھارتی جہازوں کے گراے ہوے بموں اور ہندو کی چلائی ہوئی گولیوں کو “کیچ” کر کے ہماری تنصیبات اور فوجیوں کی جانیں بچا رہے تھے یقینا کاشفاں قبور کی نگاہ نکتہ رس سے اوجھل نہیں رہا ہوگا اور امید ہے کہ وہ ان کے ضعف ایمان کو دور کریں گے. جب بریگیڈئر گلزار صاحب کہہ رہے ہیں تو ٹھیک ہی کہہ رہے ہوں گے. آج ان بابوں کو ڈھونڈھنا اور بھی ضروری ہو گیا ہے کہ کم از کم ان کی خدمات قومی کرکٹ ٹیم کے فیلڈنگ کوچ کے طور پر ادھار لی جائیں .
اس سے یہ غلط فہمی بھی دور ہوئی کہ سرحد کا دفاع ہمارے ڈھول سپاہیوں نے کیا . یہ تو فلک سے اترے ہوے بابوں کا کارنامہ تھا. ویسے مجھے دیگر علوم و فنون مثلا باطن بینی کے علاوہ پنجابی زبان میں بھی اپنی کم علمی کا اعتراف کرنا ہے. مجھے پہلے گمان گزرتا تھا کہ ڈھول سپاہی کے بلیغ استعا رے سے ضیا الحق کے دور میں جرنیلوں کی روز افزوں ترقی پذیر صحت مراد ہے. پھر کسی نے بتایا کہ اس سے مراد محبوب لی جاتی ہے. واقعی محبوب اور ڈھول میں خواہ مخواہ گلے پڑنے کی مشترکہ صفت تو ہماری کمزور نظر کو بھی دکھ گئی. مزید معلومات افزائی کے لیے پھر کاشفاں حال سے امید باندھ رہا ہوں. کوئی قلزم، کوئی دریا، کوئی قطرہ مددے!
The real motive behind the multi-pronged attack on the PPP-led coalition government, seems to be an attempt aimed at preventing parliament from taking the 18th Amendment to its logical conclusion: the re-assertion of the supremacy of parliament over other state institutions. To ensure that parliament, through the 18th Amendment, is not able to assert its supremacy, a slander campaign was launched against politicians, including those who had made their way into parliament. They were dubbed as corrupt, incompetent, dishonest and not worthy of representing the people. The purpose was to downgrade the present parliament in the public eye with a view to robbing it of the credit for unanimously passing the historic 18th Amendment.
Once again, as was the case in the past on a number of occasions, parliamentary democracy is under attack from those forces that find it difficult to reconcile with the idea of political supremacy over non-political institutions. Should this attack prove fatal, it will destroy national consensus on the type of Pakistan ’s political system based on the supremacy of parliament. Any attempt to undermine the supremacy of parliament would inevitably shake the foundations of the federation.
MORE HARSH TRUTH: “LIES”of General [R] Pervez Musharraf, Sharifs & Talibans.
Lieutenant General Jamshed Gulzar Kiani’s forthright revelations on a TV channel about Kargil prove what this scribe stated more than 5 years ago.Lieut General Jamshed Gulzar Kiani called Kargil a debacle:– The Kargil Conspiracy The Nation 29 May 2003 A.H Amin
There is general consensus on the fact that military juntas are convenient agents of change employed by larger powers to bring desired policy changes in smaller countries.This is more true for Pakistan where the USA has had a record of using the military juntas as agents of change . Ayub was cultivated in the 1950s and proved his worth as USA’s collaborator par excellence in destroying democracy in Pakistan . The Zia coup was US inspired and had complete US blessings since the USA viewed Mr Z.A Bhutto as a dangerously charismatic leader capable of uniting the Islamic/Third World ! Thus Operation Foul Play of 5th July 1977 ! When Liaquat Ali Khan the then prime minister of Pakistan warned the US Ambassador to Pakistan that the Graham Report on Kashmir must be presented in the UN by 15th October 1951 he was assassinated on 16th October 1951 ! Raja Ghazanfar Ali then Pakistan’s ambassador to Iran noted that Liaquat had planned an Islamic conference to discuss Kashmir , Anglo Iranian Oil Company and Palestine !
Keeping this background in mind the fact that a deliberate conspiracy with a design to control and manipulate Pakistan’s geopolitical future with Kargil as the key point cannot be ruled out.It is possible that Kargil may have been designed as the catalyst to create a civil-military political conflict in Pakistan and as a future launching pad of a military coup. In 1998 Nawaz Sharif often criticized as a man with limited IQ took one of Pakistan’s most decisive strategic command decisions defying USA , not appeasing it as Musharraf took in September 2001 ! It is on record that Nawaz Sharif did not surrender on one telephone call from US president like General Musharraf did and defied US threats not to go on with the nuclear tests despite four telephone call threats from US president Clinton and resolutely went on with Pakistan’s Nuclear blasts ! Recently Dr Qadeer Khan speaking at a function in Karachi on 3rd April 2003 stated that Nawaz even refused an offer of bribe from Clinton wherein Clinton had offered to deposite 100 Million USD in Nawaz Sharif’s personal bank account ! All evidence proves that Nawaz Sharif’s decision to go on with the Nuclear blast was a political decision and the role of the armed forces was merely that of a technocrat consultant ! It appears that from May 1998 the US policy makers came to the conclusion that Nawaz was an irresponsible man and must be taken to task..
By September 1998 it appears that the Americans had succeeded in their manipulations . The then Army chief General Karamat at this stage started pressurizing the political leadership to include the army in the political decision making . Nawaz had done his homework well.With the ISI firmly under the prime ministers command under Lieutenant General Ziauddin one senior officer Zulfiqar presently chairman WAPDA had been sent to Ukraine to find details of kick backs given to General Jahangir Karamat in the Ukraianian tank deal with Pakistan.Full evidence was prepared of Jahangirs complicity in taking kick backs.Once Karamat asserted his political ambitions Nawaz threatened him with prosecution for taking kick backs ! Thus Jahangir Karamat’s unceremonial exit from power ! USA’s likely agent of change had been removed !
Now comes Kargil. With the appointment of Musharraf as army chief the more Machiavellian geopolitical moves were planned ! Major general Javed Hassan Khan previously military attaché to Washington where many military attaches are successfully cultivated by US intelligence was posted as Commander FCNA incharge of the forces in Gilgit ,Northern Areas including Kargil.The readers may note that this officer presently the commandant of the Pakistan Army’s National Defence College , back in early 1990s made Mughal Emperor Humayun fight in Second Battle of Panipat in his book “India- A Study in Profile�? ! The fact is that Humayun was dead while Panipat was fought and Humayun had no connection with Second Battle of Panipat ! The men who planned Kargil military operation using Pakistan’s 80 Brigade to infiltrate Indian positions in Kargil Sector were instruments of a grand conspiracy to destabilize Pakistans political government which had defied the USA and wanted to make peace with India without US involvement !
Ambition of General Musharraf and his team while planning Kargil had infected the entire military thought process ! The Kargil plan was adventurist,superpower manipulated and its intrinsic violence penetrated and cut open the very arteries of the Pakistani state, spurting out in civil military strife and finally a military coup ! The heroes of those rocky pinnacles are all dead ! Sacrificed in vain ! Diabolically launched into the valleys of death by men who now are dead earnest to make peace with India but propelled by promiscuous and unadulterated ambition wanted to sabotage Nawaz Sharif’s Lahore Peace move in 1999 ! Once Vajpayee came to Lahore on Nawaz’s initiatiave in 1999 he was a vampire but once Musharraf went to Agra later Vajpayee was an angel ! At the super power level Kargil was planned with a view to ridicule Pakistan’s political leadership , embarrass the Pakistani prime minister and to create a civil military divide aimed at a military coup in Pakistan ! Why ! Someone may ask naievely ! Because the USA views the military junta in Third World countries as a more reliable collaborator agent of change than a prime minister who repeatedly defies US threats of retaliation and a 100 Million USD bribery offer !
Thus Kargil operation was launched with an ulterior motive to divide Pakistan’s political and military leaderships ! It is an unfortunate fact of history that Nawaz Sharif was mot aided by a good defence analyst team ! Those who were with him and supposedly considered defence experts were either in secret league with Nawaz’s handpicked military man or too naieve to understand the military intricacies of Kargil ! Kargil in the final analysis stands out as the meticulously planned conspiracy catalyst employed to trigger a chain of events that led to the primacy of the military junta on 12 October 1999 ! So far the Americans have succeeded ! The Pakistani Nuclear programme is in safe hands ! Pakistan , the beautiful woman in words of General Habibullah has sold herself to , not the highest bidder , but the only bidder at a relatively low price ! The military junta has divided the society ! Bought the pillars of state ! Balkanised the political parties ! Marginalised the society introducing unjust ethnic domination in the army , reduced the Sindhis into a political minority , pitched Punjab against Sindh by Machaievellian agreement to Thal Canal and is all set to strike a deal with India which would ensure that Pakistan’s military junta is given a permanent share in the political hierarchy simply because it is USA’s best and most reliable agent of change ! Life goes on !
Kargil stands as perhaps the final military effort on Pakistans part to settle the Kashmir dispute by military means. Analysis has mostly centred around political aspects of the operation while the military aspects have been largely left to the imagination of the public.Lately it has been claimed that Kargil was launched to bail out Mujahideen as a last resort ! This is an insult to the memory of the Pakistani armed forces “Volunteers” who died in that Himalayan wasteland without a funeral and in circumstances of unimaginable misery !
Kargil operation cannot be understood unless the personalities and motives of the principal characters are examined ! Every action in history is the final culmination of a personality’s self perception,ambition and subconscious as well as conscious urges.
In this context the Kargil operation was born out of two key factors ! One was the personality of general Pervez Musharraf and the second was the unceremonial manner in which Nawaz Sharif ousted General Jahangir Karamat Musharraf’s predecessor army chief of Pakistan Army.
Musharraf as those who have served with him know which includes this scribe also has always been an intensely ambitious man ! One hallmark of his personality is that he wants to stand out as a great military commander ! Propelled by an enormous ego wherever he served he endeavoured to do something extraordinary ! However fate did not allow him the glory in battle which his other coursemates like shabbir sharif achieved ! In 1965 Musharraf was a subaltern in an artillery unit which saw little action apart from supporting operatiions by indirect fire ! The 16 SP unlike 3 SP which fired on Indian tanks with direct gunsights at Chawinda stayed in conventional artillery role ! In 1971 Musharrafs commando company was not involved in action ! Nevertheless Musharraf compensated for this lack of combat laurels by achieving laurels in army courses and in various command assignments ! His final opportunity came when he ascended to the post of army chief in a situation when the army was in a subservient position vis a vis the civilian head of state , something which was regarded by the military herarchy as worse than blasphemy ! The forced retirement of General Karamat by prime minister Nawaz Sharif was regarded as a personal defeat by the Pakistani military brass and by Musharraf who felt that he would be a far weaker army chief under a strong prime minister who had asserted civilian control over the military machine ! These two factors were the fathers of the Kargil operation ! Ambition accompanied by a perception that the Pakistani public must be convinced that the soldiers were better than politicians.
Kargil at the military level was the brainchild of three men i.e General Musharraf the army chief ,Aziz the then army Chief of general Staff and Mahmud the then corps commander 10 Corps ! Musharraf and Mahmud were motivated by intense ambition to achieve military glory and Aziz was motivated by his Kashmiri ancestry plus military ambition.The person they selected to execute the operation was again one distinguished by out of proportion ambition i.e Major General Javed Hassan , author of a book in 1990s that claimed that India was on its way to disintegration and in which mughal king Humayun was resurrected from the grave to fight at Second Battle of Panipat ! In November December 1998 just one month after Musharraf’s elevation to the post of army chief volunteers were asked for at the army level for an operation in Kashmir ! Many thousand volunteered including both officers and men from various units ! At no stage did any Mujahideen enter Kargil ! This is a piece of fiction and has no veracity ! These were attached to NLI units in the 80 Brigade sector for training.The principal idea of the plan was to infiltrate four battalions of NLI (Northern light Infantry) stationed in 80 Brigade Sector into Kargil Heights overlooking and dominating the Srinagar Ladakh road the lone Indian link with the Siachen and Leh Sectors ! The idea being to cut the lifeline of Indian supplies to Leh and Siachen Sectors ! Indian held heights in Kargil were to be occupied in February 1999 while Indian infantry had abandoned these heights at the approach of winter snow as an annual routine since 1948.In occupying the heights no fighting was involved ! The real issue was that of supplying Pakistani troops holding these heights which was far more difficult from the Pakistani side than from the Indian side !
Plans were kept secret and even the Commander 10 Corps Engineers of was not allowed to enter the Operations Room in 10 Corps Pindi. The distance involved in reaching the heights varied from 15 to 35 kilometres from Pakistan side over mountains as high as 13 to 19,000 feet .To do this each battalion was divided into two parts , one acting as porters taking supplies forward and one half occupying the heights . The heights were occupied as per the plan but the four units while doing so were severly exhausted ! In March-April the Indians discovered the Pakistani presence and reacted severely ! Severe fighting continued till July once the Indians finally re-captured the heights after Pakistani troops had been left to the mercy of Indian artillery and overwhelming troop concentrations as a result of the Blair House Accord !
A brief military examination of the plan reveals following weaknesses.(1) Failure to assess strategic repercussions of the operation at geopolitic and national strategic level .(2) Logistic failure in incorrect appreciation of supplying the troops . (3) Failure to understand that by occupying the heights the Indians were driven into a corner and had no choice but to retaliate , not for glory as was the Pakistani military’s case but for pure military survival . (4) At a more subtle level the use of the Chora-Batalik Sector as a future spring board for Pakistani operations against India was sealed since Indians heavily fortified this sector for any future war. The Pakistani planners failed to assess that war as an instrument of policy is no longer in vogue at the international level and their temporary military success would only bring greater international censure and a negative war mongering image without any corresponding military gain at the strategic level. This scribe interviewed a former commander of FCNA and 10 Corps about logistics and General Imtiaz Warraich replied as following :–
” We initiated this operation but failed to support it with comprehensive operational planning and above all buildup for essential logistic support without which no operation can succeed”……'” the principal reason for our heavy casualties and lack of progress was unimaginative and callous logistic operations to support the units”.
At one point the sepoys who had volunteered to fight and had come from many other infantry units to the NLI units refused to act as porters carrying supplies over 15 kilometres and were so exasperated that they defied Javed Hassan’s personal orders in unit durbars to carry supplies and when Javed Hassn threw his cap on the ground threatened to march over it unless they were not employed as porters ! One such volunteer told this scribe that we had volunteered to fight ,not to act as porters ! The same fact was also mentioned in ISI chief Ziauddin Butt’s secret report to Nawaz Sharif prepared by an Engineer officer on Zia’s staff in ISI ! The failure to assess the “Enemy” factor was another strategic planning failure at the highest level .I asked General Warraich this question and he stated ” Capture of Kargil Heights would totally stop all Indian movement to Leh and Ladakh Sectors unlike Pakistan in Siachen and Indians had no option but to do and die ” ! Lust for glory and honour in battle are perfectly reasonable aspirations as long as they are accompanied by commensurate military talent in the generals who are at the helm of affairs ! This was sadly lacking in the Musharraf team who planned the operation. Their egos were many times larger than their real military talent ! By promoting an intensely ambitious man to the rank of army chief Nawaz did a favour which could only be repaid by betrayal ! The plan was based not on sound military reasoning but on burning ambition and an unrealistic desire for glory by men far away from the heat of battle ! No one above major level died , yet in a report to the military secretarys branch Javed Hassan recommended retiring 75 % of officers involved in the operation below colonel level !
The prime minister was not fully briefed because of ulterior motives ! Had the operation succeeded it would have been projected as a proof of Musharraf’s Napoleonic brilliance and if it failed as it did Nawaz Sharif would have been made the scapegoat ! The operations planners were distinguished neither by loftiness of thought,nor audacity in the conduct of battle athe operational or strategic level.Thus boldness at tactiacl level was sacrificed because of operational and tactical timidity at the highest level. No one appreciated that the army men who were employed , and it is a fiction that there was a single Mujahid in Kargil , had flesha nd blood ! These men mourned by a few hundred families were sons husbands fathers and brothers !
The Kargil operation at the military level is a watershed ! Idealism that propelled many hundred to die in those Himalayan wastes is buried for good ! Now there is a new breed which dominates the army ! The ones who aim at going on lush UN secondments or to KESC,WAPDA or as well paid consulatants ! What can one conclude ! It was the human heart that failed in Kargil and this heart which failed was housed in the ribcage of men sitting in the GHQ and not on the rocky pinnacles of Kargil ! Once the supply lines were closed under Indian threat of a counter attack , these brave men all Pakistan Army regulars were abandoned to die , pounded by artillery fire , bayoneted by overwhelming numbers , weakened by starvation ! Who can hear their cries ! Our ears are covered with heaps of lies ! Truth died at Kargil ! What remains is a body guard of lies! REFERENCES: Kargil-A Military Analysis 15 June 2003 A.H Amin – Debacle-As per Pakistani ex Corps Commander Posted: Jun 2, 2008 Mon 11:04 am