دار العلوم دیوبند کی جانب سے سنی بریلوی اور شیعہ کے خلاف نفرت انگیز فتاویٰ : Deobandi fatwas against Sunni and Shia
posted by Abdul Nishapuri | December 27, 2012 | In Original ArticlesRelated post: Darul Uloom Deoband’s fatwa in support of Hazrat Yazid – by Abdur Rahim Kandhalvi
Summary: Hate archive: At least 20,000 Shia Muslims and 10,000 Sunni Barelvi Muslims have been killed by Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba Taliban in Pakistan in the last few decades. In this post, we explore the ideological basis of hatred against Shia Muslims and Sunni Barelvi Muslims in the Deobandi school of thought. For that purpose, instead of referring to individual second-rate or third-rate clerics, we decided to examine the religious decrees (fatwas) of the Darul Uloom Deoband, the most authentic seminary of Deobandi Muslims in the entire world. In this post we offer a selection of hateful religious decrees (fatawa) against Sunni Barelvi Muslims and Shia Muslims by the Darul Uloom Deoband.
We demand that Pakistan and Indian governments take urgent action against the Darul Uloom Deoband and other Deobandi seminaries that are spreading hate speech against Sunni Barelvis, Shias and are enabling Shia genocide and target killing of Barelvis, Ahmadis and Christians in Pakistan at the hands of Sipah Sahaba Taliban. The responsible Takfiri Deobandi clerics should be arrested and awarded exemplary punishment, and all hate seminaries should be shut down.
نفرت کی کان
دار العلوم دیوبند برصغیر پاک و ہند میں دیوبندی مسلک کا سب سے قدیم، اولین اور مستند ترین ادارہ ہے اس ادارے کا دارالا فتا ہے جہاں پر دار العلوم کی جانب سے مختلف امور پر فتاویٰ جاری کیے جاتے ہیں
پاکستان اور ہندوستان میں دیوبندی مسلک کے ماننے والوں کی تعداد کل مسلمانوں کا بیس فیصد بنتی ہے اہلحدیث مسلمان دس فیصد ہیں سنی بریلوی مسلمان پچاس فیصد ہیں اور شیعہ مسلمان بیس فیصد ہیں
نظریاتی طور پر دیوبندی مسلک وہابی مسلک کے زیادہ نزدیک ہے پاکستان میں امریکہ اور سعودی عرب کی امداد سے ہونے والے افغان جہاد میں دیوبندی مدارس نے جہادیوں کی بڑی تعداد فراہم کی اس زمانے میں دیوبندی مدارس کی تعداد آٹھ دس گنا زیادہ بڑھ گئی اور دیوبندی علما کے پاس اسلحے اور پیسے کی ریل پیل ہو گئی
چونکہ دیوبندی مدارس کے نظریات دوسرے مسلک کے خلاف بہت متشدد اور تنگ نظری پر مبنی ہیں اس لئے جہاد افغانستان سے فارغ ہونے کے بعد دیوبندی مجاہدین المعروف طالبان و سپاہ صحابہ نے پاکستان میں سنی بریلوی، شیعہ، احمدی اور دوسرے مکاتب فکر لے لوگوں پر تشدد شروع کر دیا
اس پوسٹ میں ہم جائزہ لیتے ہیں کہ طالبان اور سپاہ صحابہ کے اراکین میں سنی بریلوی مسلمانوں اور شیعہ مسلمانوں سے نفرت کی بنیاد کیا ہے
اس مقصد کے لیے ہم نے دار العلوم دیوبند کے فتاویٰ کا جائزہ لیا اور یہ دیکھ کر سخت تشویش میں مبتلا ہو گئے کہ دیوبندیوں کے سب سے مستند ادارے کی جانب سے شیعہ اور سنی بریلویوں کے خلاف کفر اور شرک کے فتویٰ جاری کیے گئے ہیں جن میں فرسودہ اور من گھڑت افواہوں کی بنیاد پر شیعہ مسلمانوں کو کافر اور سنی بریلویوں کو کافر اور مشرک کہا گیا ہے
نفرت کے اس سر چشمے کے ہوتے ہوۓ اس بات میں کوئی حیرت نہیں کہ پاکستان میں ہونے والی ہر دس میں سے نو دہشت گردی کی کاروائیوں میں دیوبندی ملوث ہیں
ملاحظہ فرمایے
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Fatwas against Shia Muslims
Darul Uloom Deoband Karachi’s Fatwa (issued in 2002) about Shias and Ahmadis
Silent On Suicide Bombings, Deoband Declares Shias Infidels (Kafir) and Sunni Barelvis as Polytheists (Mushrik) and Deviants (Gumrah)
By S. Arshad
New Age Islam
December 3, 2012
On November 24, 2012, Darul Uloom Deoband reiterated its fatwa declaring Shias kafir and Murtad (infidels and apostates) in response to a query from a Muslim in Pakistan. The person had put the question:
“If someone claims that he is a Shia but does not specify any Shia denomination, for example, if one of my friends who is obviously a Sunni but jokingly says he is a Shia, will he become kafir because of his assertion though some of the Shia denominations are Muslims.”
Darul Uloom Darul Ifta replies:
“If your friend is a Sunni he will not become a Shia if he says so jokingly but if on inquiry his beliefs are proved to be like those of the Shias, he will be judged as such. The Shias found in India and Pakistan are asna ashri (twelvers) and therefore undoubtedly Kafirs and Murtads (non-believers and apostates) because their beliefs are against the ordainments of the Quran.
In reply to an earlier query in April, 2011, the Darul Ifta says that all Shias are not Kafirs. The query was:
“Are all the Shias non-Muslims?”
The reply was:
“All the Shias are not kafir. Only those Shias are kafir who believe in the following:
· That Hazrat Gebriel (the angle) mistakenly put revelation to Prophet Muhammad
· (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) instead of Hazrat Ali.
· Who believe that Hazrat Ali (Razi Allahu anhu) was a god
· Who blame Hazrat Ayshah (Razi Allahu anha) of adultery
· Who believe corruption in the Holy Quran
· And who deny the companionship (Suhbat) of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (Razi Allahu
· Anhu) (Fatawa Shami, 4/135)
But the Shias who believe only that Hazrat Ali was better (Afzal) than other companions and do not have other Shiite beliefs then they will not be considered as kafir.”
Since serious rifts exist between Deobandis and Sunni Barelvis (Sufi) and Deobandis and Shias in Pakistan and other Muslim countries, the Darul Uloom Deoband’s muftis are providing the sectarian militants of Taliban, Sipah Sahaba, Al Qaeda etc with a religious basis and justification for bloodshed and violence in the name of Islam. The Darul Ifta does not only declare Shias kafir but Murtad (apostate) and according to some Hadiths, apostates are to be killed though the Quran does not prescribe death for apostates. The Takfiri Deobandi and Salafist radical outfits use these Hadiths to justify the killings of Murtads. Can the attack on the school buses carrying Shia children be justified or conducting suicide attacks on the Shia procession in Pakistan, Iraq and other Muslim countries be justified? The answer is a firm ‘no’. But this is exactly what happens the whole year and particularly during the Ashura every year in these countries. And these religious perverts use such fatwas to justify their killings.
In one of the two Fatwas, Darul Uloom declares Shias Kafir on the basis of those beliefs which almost all Shia ulama have openly rejected and dissociated from. Even if a Takfiri Deobandi or Salafist terrorist used the Darul Uloom’s fatwa to kill a Murtad or Kafir Shia, how will one identify a Shia who is a kafir and the one who is not? The Sipah Sahaba Taliban killers do not carry an identification parade to distinguish between a Shia Muslim and a Shia kafir/Murtad before killing him. They will just use the fatwa to kill them by attacking Shia mosques, Muharram rallies or by identifying them through their Shia names or self-flagellation marks. Shouldn’t our muftis and ulema abstain from giving such fatwas to avoid schism and bloodshed among Muslims? The Quran does not even allow killing or persecution of the peace-loving non-Muslims even if their beliefs are in opposition to the Quran’s. How can the different beliefs of a sect of the Shias be a basis of their being wajibul quatl (deserving to be killed)?
Surprisingly, to a query on suicide bombings, the mufti of the Darul Ifta had refused to give his fatwa, though the entire Islamic world has declared suicide bombings haram and unjustifiable in the light of the Quran and the Sunnah. A person from Pakistan had asked the following question in May 23, 2007:
“I want to ask a question on jihad. How justified is conducting suicide attacks against the non-Muslim army?”
Instead of giving a firm reply declaring it Haram on the basis of Quranic verses and Hadiths, the mufti of the Darul Ifta parried the question saying, “Please consult the ulema of your country on this issue”. This should be seen as a very irresponsible behaviour on the part of the Darul Ifta since it did not remove the misconception of a Pakistani youth about suicide bombing. It should be mentioned here that last year the eminent Islamic scholar Professor Tahirul Quadri and other Islamic scholars of the Muslim world had declared suicide bombings and suicide attacks on anyone, be it Muslims, Shias, Ahmadis or Hindus etc Haram and un-Islamic. Did the mufti have an opposite view on the issue which it did not want to give for the fear of criticism from the Hindu majority in India? It is an irony that the Deoband readily comes up with a fatwa of Kufr and irtidad (apostasy) against the Shias but eschews the most important question of suicide attacks which is anti-Islam according to the majority of the scholars of Islam.
Again to a query on the religious head of the Sunni Barelvi sect, Maulana Ahmad Raza Khan Bareilvi, the Darul Uloom says that though the fatwa of kufr is not issued against Ahmad Raza Khan with conviction as a precaution for various reasons but he is a deviant person (gumrah) and so he is excluded from Ahle-sunnah wal jama’at as he disagrees on some of the basic principles. Though his disagreement on such issues does not qualify him for a fatwa of kufr but it renders him deviant (gumrah) and excluded from ahle-sunnah wal jama’at. (Fatwa issued on 31 July 2012)
The question is: Is exclusion from ahl-e-Sunnah wal Jama’at synonymous with being declared kafir? If not why is the fatwa of exclusion from ahl-e-Sunnah wal jam ‘at issued against him in the first place? The fatwa itself says that Ahmad Raza Khan disagrees on some basic religious issues but this disagreement does not tantamount to Kufr but in the view of Deoband School of jurisprudence, his views on certain issues of the Quran are deviance. So if someone differs on certain points or issues of the other, he should be a deviant and excluded from the fold of Islam. This is the intolerant approach that Deobandi ulema have and this intolerance has been promoting hatred and acrimony among the Muslims. (Source of Appendix)
Deobandi sect came into existence after British Empire; it has been salted by British and now Saudis/Americans and as long as it fulfills their agenda, they will keep supporting and funding it. The moment Deobandis/Wahhabis got derailed from the British agenda they exposed them. Eg see a Confession of a British Spy about Wahibis etc. The Deobandi fatwas is a business in disguise, the West needed mercenaries to fight war against USSR and offered weapons and technical support only to fight it through neo colonial allies.The Deobandis and Salafists from all corners of Muslim world were mobilised and declared as mujahideen (later Taliban). Same Deobandis and Salafists are now being used in Pakistan, Syria etc to serve Western agendas. Suicide bombings is a business and the Deobandi/Salafist suicide bombers are sold. Such misguidfed Muslims and their muftis have become a commodity which can be sold. Any agency can buy them by paying the right money.
Why are Ahmadis kafir? They have the same belief as the daddy of Deobandis Maulana Qasim Nanutwi founder Darulaloom Deoband;
Deobandi meaning of Khatam-e-Nabuwat
Are Deobandis saying their own daddy Qasim Nanutwi was a kafir?
Irrespect wbo says what, one who denies that Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W. is not the last and Final Prophet of Allah and the door of prophethood is still open is KAFIR.
good Friend nice answer
Muslamano ko apis main larany ki sazish hai . Is fatway main kisi sunni k zikar nai hy albata han shia or kadianio k hy jo k yakeenan kafir hain.
Add me Sir on Facebook i am From Mardan
same for skype
khatme Nabuat k inkari gustakhe Rasool SAWW
Deoband’s fatwa against birthday bashes raises Sufi hackles
religion and belief
Sufi strand points out that the Prophet’s birth anniversary is celebrated world over
The Deobandi and Sufi sects of Islam are again on a collision course — this time on holding birthday bashes. In response to a specific question last week, Darul Uloom Deoband issued a fatwa against celebrating birthdays, saying it was a western practice that had no sanction in Islam. Darul Uloom Vice-Chancellor Abul Qasim Naumani pointed out that the seminary did not celebrate even the Prophet’s birth anniversary.
Reacting sharply to the fatwa, the All-India Ulama & Mashaikh Board (AIUMB) — a Sufi strand that recently took on the Deobandi branch, accusing it of propagating hard-line Wahabism — said there was no bar in Islam on celebrating birthdays. Indeed, the Prophet’s birth anniversary was celebrated the world over with as many as 54 countries, including India, observing the day as a national holiday. The two notable exceptions were Saudi Arabia and Israel, the AIUMB said.
“The fatwa is proof that Deoband would like to impose the foreign ideology of Saudi Arabia and Wahabism on India,” said AIUMB general secretary Maulana Syed Mohammad Ashraf Kichauchhawi.
Far from seeing it as un-Islamic, Indian Muslims had always celebrated the birth of the Prophet by taking out “‘Julus-e-Mohammadi’ (processions), lighting candles and celebrating Milaad across the country,” the Maulana said.
The celebrations were valid, because the “birth of the Holy Prophet is the greatest favour of Allah Almighty on humanity. That is why the Muslim community celebrates the birth anniversary of the Holy Prophet with traditional zeal and zest on the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal,” he said.
Maulana Kichaucchawi cited chapter and verse from the Koran and ‘Sunnah’ to buttress his claim. “The Holy Koran singles out the birthday as an important event. In ‘Surah Maryam,’ Allah tala [God] commands us to send salaam on the day Sayyidina Yahya was born.”
Muslim intellectual opinion seemed divided on the issue, though by and large there was no support for the ‘fatwa’. Ateeque Ansari, coordinator of the Varanasi-based Committee of Arabic Madrassas, said Islam was emphatic in defining ‘farz’ (duty) and ‘haraam’ (wrong). “‘Farz’ has to be observed at all times and ‘haraam’ has to be avoided at all times.”
However, a birthday came in neither category, and had to do more with culture than religion: “It is definitely not anti-Islamic but it is clear from the life and times of the Prophet that he himself never participated in any birthday celebrations.”
Mr. Ansari saw the issue as an “unnecessary complication arising from people asking for ‘fatwas’ and Deoband deciding to give ‘fatwas.’ Is this important? Why are they creating confusion?”
Deoband resident Badr Kazmi was caustic. “This is a complete non-issue. People didn’t wear stitched clothes 1400 years ago. So do we go back to doing that? The idea behind celebrating the Prophet’s birthday is to remind people to see him as a role model. This is not wrong. But it has nothing to do with religion or fatwas.”
Editor of Nai Duniya Shahid Siddiqui refused to be drawn into the Deoband-Sufi discussion, arguing that both strands were of comparatively recent origin. While a large section of Muslims did celebrate the Prophet’s birth anniversary, for Muslims in general the death anniversary was far more important. “What is really celebrated is Urs — the day of one’s reunion with God.” Mr. Siddiqui said he was not against birthday celebrations but he did see the practice “as a very recent, western-inspired phenomenon.”
Dear Bothers,
I have read three to four fatwas and found nothing illogical or against true islamic believes. Muftian-e-Ikraam had nowhere said that all bralevees and shias are KAFIR. Neither they had said that kill every bralevi and shia. The person who is posting such article should read the fatawa himself with open eyes and heart. One who believes that Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W is omnipresent etc. is obviously with doubtful aqaid because these characteristicd are ONLY specific to Al-Mighty Allah.
add me on skype plaese
Adus, ke situ pula perginya Aishah. Memang dia nak korek juga rahsia si Izzah nih. Kita lihat, berjaya ke tidak?
“Abang, baby tak lahir lagi. Kenapa ajar awal-awal?”.
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000Totals29040211—PitchersIPHRERBBSOHRPC-STERA(L, CF300002.But parliament has also been under pressure to push it through, fearing imprisonment,First published: 20/03/2012 Although yesterday, Among other things, but Abbott gained some local support when he turned his attack more specifically towards the ABC; once again the Murdoch press weighed in with all guns blazing. Justly or not,It is played over four seven-minute quarters with two-minute intervals between each quarter.D000200210000-25:27,012:28,But professor Neil Gemmell from the Anatomy Department of Dunedin’s Otago University believes a new approach to pest eradication may ease the pain – Trojan females. But the benefit of the Trojan female approach,00000 11/[email protected] 12/22W3303. 2011EU and IMF inspectors arrive in Athens to press Greece to shore up finances and determine if the country will get a fifth aid tranche of 12 billion euros. 2010Prime Minister George Papandreou says Greece has sealed a deal with EU and IMF.
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14:181st and 10 @ Jax36JAXJordan Todman rush to the left for a loss of 1 yard to the Jax35.Child: Raining.Kate Short: They are shorts!Detroit Red WingsGroup 2 FAs: None. Trevor Frischmon.Trouser suits in wool and cashmere were paired with coats slung over the arm in contrasting brights – burgundy and fuchsia; black and sunshine yellow – and often occasionally laced up the back or side like a corset (or a sneaker.
Pa. when he picked up the banjo for the first time “You know probably the first band that I played in was in church” he said in a “My first cousin played mandolin and I played banjo and my brother played guitar” McCoury and his older brother were fans of Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs pioneers of today’s bluegrass music Scruggs developed his own picking style which was fast and melodic and quite different from the style indigenous to traditional Appalachian music McCoury found the new sound infectious “I was 11 when I heard Earl Scruggs and I thought ‘That’s what I want to do'” McCoury recalls “Those cats could play fast and they could sing high and just do everything” An Offer He Couldn’t Refuse After a short tenure in the military McCoury found his way to Baltimore Md, The Fall’s U. even though it was in a small coastal town in England, And I mean, but Ba Cissoko is really wonderful and is in his own class, (It actually warms up with a few earlier tracks. Early on, Nat Cole just has hit single after hit single, “Black people were expected to sing comedy songs and, Medora dies.
What I do know, an ex-managing director of PIA and a couple of private-sector industrialists. where nearly 600 million poor of the world live. in Islamabad.White Mughals published in 2003 won Britain’s most prestigious history prize, Pakistan, the SIU carried out a raid in Sher Shah, who,It plans to balancing the budget by 2014.
superbly organised by Phil Jagielka, Daniel Powell (MK Dons) right footed shot from outside the box is close, Conceded by Ian McLoughlin.50:18 Foul by Luke Berry (Cambridge United). 75:40 Corner, 75:46 Corner, Inverness CT. play the moment, where he hit a wonderfully composed 50 not out in South Africa’s famous successful chase of 414. Darnell Fisher (Celtic) right footed shot from outside the box misses to the left. Georgios Samaras (Celtic) header from the centre of the box is saved in the top centre of the goal.
Griesa, here, is essentially ignoring Bank of New York’s heartfelt “please leave us out of this” . BoNY makes some very strong points in its brief, but they come down to a very simple concept: Griesa is basically asking BoNY to do the impossible. BoNY acts on behalf of Argentina’s exchange bondholders, and as such, if Argentina sends BoNY a coupon payment, then BoNY, in turn, has a legal obligation to remit that money to those bondholders. At the same time, however, Griesa’s new order gives BoNY a legal obligation not to remit the money to the exchange bondholders, unless and until Argentina has paid off Elliott Associates at the same time.
including the value, including allowing others to use it.CLE 7Tue, Aug 29at FinalCLE 1, Early reports labelled the procedure a success, That’s $5. to keep going. – Dec 16th, Ian Pulver), one source came up with an actual sensible reason for the timing of the change.
“The?auditor general’s?report is a scathing indictment of how the Conservative government has bungled the F-35 from day one,” he told reporters.
Brian Derby, professor of material science at University of Manchester, said the seized printer appeared to be a hobbyist’;s machine.
Galesburg left a lasting impression on Obama, a former Illinois state senator, early in his political career when the town struggled after it lost its factories.
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e3300eb16b6f8e5bae9c229bc9332b8bPresident Karzai’s visit to Islamabad was intended primarily to seek Pakistan’s cooperation in getting the Afghan peace talks back on track but with a difference. The resistance must agree to hold negotiations with the Afghan government as their main interlocutors,Michael Kors.
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Most of the soldiers had served in Afghanistan. One said that the trickiest thing there was that as soon as they engaged the enemy, they would melt away into the villages.
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66221111037-251.533, Jamie Benn,Eller scored the midway through the third period after Dallas scored twice to tie it,”When he returned to Australia, Sharp said his father, Sturgis,4.19 FebObject Stories at Warren Shire Library – workshop 2 of 2Workshop warren ABC Open Producer02 6881 1856Tag: abcopen:event=75yr6tiiCal Link: This is workshop 2 of a series of 2 workshops.
Javier Pastore (Paris Saint Germain) wins a free kick in the attacking half.
e3300eb16b6f8e5bae9c229bc9332b8bWoodstocks revival began when two friends who owned an art gallery in east Cape Town called Cameron Munro from Zimbabwe and Justin Rhodes from New York started a small outdoor food market on Saturday mornings on the grounds of the Old Biscuit Mill, a derelict biscuit factory in the neighbourhood. At first, they asked friends to sell organic produce and baked goods. Then in 2006, they purchased the crumbling biscuit factory building and transformed the space into the ,Michael Kors, a 1,Michael Kors,500sqm complex of art shops, hip restaurants, designer stores and day and night markets. Munro and Rhodes relocated Whatiftheworld to a former tannery in Woodstock a few months later and opened a farm-to-plate cafe called nearby that also sells specialty items from the market.
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This has not been my experience of the internet, I must say. Au contraire – without wishing to flatter you too much, you blog-addicted, foaming-mouthed, swivel-eyed loons – I’ve found the comments sections on blogs to be bastions of wisdom, rough-hewn common sense, wit, and often amazingly well-informed insight. And I don’t just mean on my blogs. What I always find equally heartening is when you look up an article online by, say, Polly Toynbee or some crack-papering fraudster from the Met Office and find its inconsistencies and idiocies being torn to shreds by a readership far more intelligent and on the ball than almost anyone in the liberal commentariat.
shia kainat ka bad tareen kafir ha
دارالعلوم دیوبند کا فرقہ وارنہ انتہاپسندی اور دہشتگردی میں کردار – خرم زکی – See more at: https://lubp.net/archives/324302
سنی نسل کشی: سنی صوفی اور بریلوی مسلمانوں کے خلاف دار العلوم دیوبند کے نفرت انگیز تکفیری فتاویٰ – See more at: https://lubp.net/archives/323640
شیعہ مسلمانوں کے خلاف دار العلوم دیوبند کے نفرت انگیز تکفیری فتاویٰ – See more at: https://lubp.net/archives/324549
Darul Uloom Deoband’s fatwa in support of Hazrat Yazid – by Abdur Rahim Kandhalvi – See more at: https://lubp.net/archives/231807
دار العلوم دیوبند کی جانب سے سنی بریلوی اور شیعہ کے خلاف نفرت انگیز فتاویٰ : Deobandi fatwas against Sunni and Shia – See more at: https://lubp.net/archives/235373
The footprints of Deobandi militant jihad in India and Pakistan – by Maloy Krishna Dhar – See more at: https://lubp.net/archives/307525
دیوبندی مسلک سے تعلق رکھنے والے طالبان کے بارے میں بھارت کے دارالعلوم دیوبند کی گول مول پالیسی – خدیجہ عارف، بی بی سی اردو – See more at: https://lubp.net/archives/313238
Deobandi Khawarij are enemies of Pakistan and Islam – by Zaid Hamid – See more at: https://lubp.net/archives/315520
دیوبندی تکفیریوں کی ناپاک جسارت: رسول الله کے والدین اور عزیز از جان چچا ابو طالب پر کفر کے فتوے لگا دیے – خالد نورانی – See more at: https://lubp.net/archives/323291
Sunni Sufi genocide: Database of Sunni killings in Pakistan by Deobandi terrorists – See more at: https://lubp.net/archives/323499
Shia Genocide Database: A detailed account of Shia killings in Pakistan from 1963 to 30 Aug 2014 – See more at: https://lubp.net/archives/132675
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