You don’t have the right to keep misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan: A comment on HRCP 2010 Report

Systematic massacres of Shia Muslims remain equally ignored by Pakistani media and human rights groups.
Source: Pakistan Blogzine
Related posts: LUBP: Intellectual dishonesty in misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan
Ahmadiyya Times: Activists slam rights organization statement as ’very weak,’ lacking integrity
Today, the first thing I received on Twitter was the following message from Amnesty International:
amnesty AmnestyInternational
Happy Human Rights Day!
Next I received a tweet which directed me to a Pakistani blogger Sana Saleem’s article titled “You do not have the right to remain silent” published in daily Dawn, to mark the celebration of human rights around the world.
The catchy title and the subject itself gave me hope that finally someone has decided to break Pakistan’s urban elite’s and media’s silence onthe ongoing and systematic Shia target killings in Pakistan by Pakistan army backed Jihado-sectarian groups (Lashkar-e-Jhangvi LeJ, Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan SSP, Tehrik Taliban Pakistan TTP etc).
However, my hopes were soon dashed when I read that the only reference to Shia massacres in Sana’s post was this vague sentence:
“Violence against various Muslim sects claimed the lives of 418 people and injured 963.”
The above statement reminded me of the much cited LUBP post: Intellectual dishonesty in misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan
Apparently, the main source and motivation of Sana Saleem’s article is the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan’s (HRCP) annual report 2010 which has been recently released to document and highlight the state of human rights (or lack thereof) in Pakistan.
Thinking that Sana Saleem perhaps did not adequately interpret the HRCP’s annual report, I decided to review the report myself with a view to read its findings on the ongoing target killings of Shia Muslims in Pakistan.
(It may be noted that according to an estimate, more than 1000 Shia Muslims have been target killed in various areas of Pakistan, including Parachinar, Quetta, Karachi, Dera Ismail Khan, Lahore and other areas in the last three years. In terms of sheer numbers, Shia Muslims are the largest target killed faith group in Pakistan followed by Barelvi Muslims, Ahmadi Muslims, Christians and others.)
The following is a quick summary of my findings after reviewing the HRCP’s annual report 2010.
- The HRCP’s State of Human Rights in 2010 annual report is a blatant attempt at obfuscating the target killing of Shia Muslims in Pakistan.
- The report ( masks and misrepresents the largest target killed faith group in Pakistan (ie, Shia Muslims). Read and weep!
- HRCP dishonestly misrepresents Shia genocide as acts of equal violence amongst various Muslim sects. How LeJ-esque, how vague!
- HRCP misrepresents Shia massacres in Pakistan by ISI-backed LeJ-SSP-TTP as random “violence against various Muslim sects”
- In the entire HRCP report, there is no mention of how Pakistan’s military establishment enables LeJ-SSP in Shia genocide in Pakistan.
- On no point is the complicit role of Pakistani judiciary highlighted which routinely releases known terrorists eg Malik Ishaq, Hafiz Saeed, Qari Saifullah Akhtar.
- On no point in its report, HRCP mentions the silence and/or misrepresentation of Shia massacres in Pakistan’s mainstream media.
- Showing either its incompetence or dishonesty, HRCP report offers no statistics on total number of Shia Muslim target killed in 2010, which according to an independent estimate is between 300 and 400.
- On pp.125-6, the HRCP report masks Shia genocide in an ambiguous heading “sectarian violence”, while the same report deems it apt to have a dedicated section on human rights of Sikhs, Hindus, Ahmadis. There is no dedicated section on Shias and their genocide!
- Not a single time in HRCP’s report, it acknowledges that 95% of religious violence against Shias, Barelvis, Ahmadis, Christians etc is committed by radicalised Deobandis of LeJ-SSP-TTP.
- HRCP report very dishonestly presents LeJ-SSP as a Sunni group. For God’s sake, LeJ-SSP terrorists represent their Saudi-ISI masters, not peaceful Sunnis.
- HRCP mentions Barelvi, Shia and Ahle-Hadith sects by name. However, it does not refer to one group. Guess who?………….. ….err….Deobandis! (Is it a coincidence that SSP, LeJ and TTP are all Deobandi groups!)
- HRCP’s report mentions 2 women killed when houses collapsed due to rains in Dera Ismail Khan; the report, however, makes no mention of dozens of Shias killed by SSP-LeJ in D.I.Khan!
- HRCP has a consistent pattern of ignoring and misrepresenting the largest target killed faith group in Pakistan. Very Sad!
- In September 2011, Zohra Yusuf of HRCP issued a similar, vague statement on Shia killings in Pak. Here’s a commentary:
- Apparently HRCP comprises incompetent or dishonest people. Can’t they read good research done by others, eg Murtaza Haider and cite in their reports?
What a pity that on Human Rights Day, Pakistan’s most target killed faith group Shia Muslims find little consolation in HRCP’s annual report!
Then we have urban bloggers, eg Sana Saleem who lecture us on “You do not have the right to remain silent” based on an uncritical reading of HRCP and other mainstream media reports.
Of course, how many in our mainstream media reported the two recent videos of Shia Muslims being slaughtered by security forces backed LeJ-SSP terrorists?
I request all rights activists and journalists to call out the HRCP’s hypocrisy in masking and misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan. I urge everyone to review how HRCP has misrepresented Shia killings in its annual report. It is important to join our weak voices together to confront the criminal silence in the mainstream media and urban elites.
Comments from PB:
Ch. Azmat
December 10, 2011 at 1:55 pm
I too read the report and was deeply saddened to see how Shia target killings have been wiped out.
Fahim Siddiqui
December 10, 2011 at 1:55 pm
Once again, I commend you on taking a bold, first stance on an issue of double standards of our media and HR groups.
Jawaid Iqbal Geoffrey
December 10, 2011 at 1:56 pm
Shias are creating fitna!!! Fit Na?!!!!!
December 10, 2011 at 1:57 pm
Typical bullshit by Laibaah and co. We have a Shia President and Prime Minister. Everyone is being killed, not just Shias. Shame on you for giving it sectarian colour.
Pakistan will have peace once there is an end to drone attacks and the US war on innocent Muslims.
Chiltan salma jafar
@Laibaah1 tx for pointing out I will read the report and will take it up with HRCP ppl in Islamabad!
Chiltan salma jafar
@Laibaah1 @SchimiHusseyn @mazdaki @drawab @sanasaleem Thanks a lot Laaibah, all ur comments ‘ll be taken up with HRCP nxt week I promise
Laibaah1 Laibaah
@Chiltan Thanx, Salma. I knew I could count on you.
mabbas009 Abbas Khan
@AzadPashtun @Laibaah1 see a model of imam Hussain wahdat no diffrence between comunities on the basis of religion all r equal human
Laibaah1 Laibaah
@mabbas009 Sunnis and Shias are united against LeJ-SSP terrorists. LeJ-SSP represents Saudi-ISI masters, not Sunnis. @AzadPashtun
AzadPashtun Azad Pashtun
Kurram, Kohat and Hangu will sure be mentioned when it comes to violence against Shias. So many have lost their lives here.
Laibaah1 Laibaah
@AzadPashtun Sadly, on Human Rights Day in Pakistan, HRCP ignores the largest target killed faith group:…
AzadPashtun Azad Pashtun
@Laibaah1 I see how it says 418 people of ‘various sects’ when it should clarify who. I bet very few of the 418 are Sunnis.
Laibaah1 Laibaah
@AzadPashtun This is the state of a premier human rights body in Pakistan. I dare AbbasNasir, MosharrafZaidi & EjazHaider to write on this!
mustafaa80 Mustafa Ahmed
@Laibaah1 I read your criticism of #HRCP report and Sana Saleem’s baby-esque naivety. Kudos!
Laibaah1 Laibaah
@mustafaa80 Dear Mustafa, Thank you. Let’s hope that Sana Saleem and HRCP will reconsider the silence on Shia massacres in Pakistan
airtiza Syed Ali Irtiza
This is an affront to the values of equality, justice and human rights. #HRCP ignored Shia genocide in its report.…
SaeedAhmad63 Saeed Ahmad
@Laibaah1 Better blame House of Saud for Shias’ plight in Pakistan… They r da real culprits behind 1000 troubles in da whole Muslim world.
Laibaah1 Laibaah
@SaeedAhmad63 Saudis need operatives in Pakistan, which are ISI and ISI backed LeJ-SSP-TTP types. HRCP supports them by twisting facts!
Zardari Shia, Gillani Shia, Kayani Shia Hain
Koi Zulm Nahin, Subb Prpganda Ghalt
If this is the state of HRCP, what can we expect from Hamid Mir, Orya Maqbool Jan and Ansar Abbasi?
Sana Saleem is a good blogger.
Zardari Sahab Ahl e Tasheeyo hyn, likin Na geelani sahab aur na Kayani shia hyn… Jin k pass information sahi nhi hyn wo sahi kerlyn.,..!!!
Zardari Sahab Ahl e Tasheeyo hyn, likin Na geelani sahab aur na Kayani shia hyn… Jin k pass information sahi nhi hyn wo sahi kerlyn.,..!!!
Some relevant insights from Twitter
SaeedAhmad63 Saeed Ahmad
@Laibaah1 Better blame House of Saud for Shias’ plight in Pakistan… They r da real culprits behind 1000 troubles in da whole Muslim world.
Laibaah1 Laibaah
@SaeedAhmad63 Saudis need operatives in Pakistan, which are ISI and ISI backed LeJ-SSP-TTP types. HRCP supports them by twisting facts!
Chiltan salma jafar
@Laibaah1 tx for pointing out I will read the report and will take it up with HRCP ppl in Islamabad!
Pakistannews Pakistan News
Human Rights Day: HRCP urges respect for the Baloch –
atifahmads Atif S Ahmad
BUT failed to name TKN! # RT @BashaNazir: HRCP ‘Ahmadi minority faced threats, discrimination and violent attacks’
BalaachMarri TheBaloch
HRCP to hold Dec10 as ‘Day of Solidarity with People of Balochistan’ Another day another empty solidarity.
Chiltan salma jafar
Read this biting truth on Pakistani Media – Land where truth goes to die – Mehreen Zahra-Malik:
Razzzuu Raza Haider
@Laibaah1 agreed and we condemn it whatever was published in Tribune it was simply a piece of crap..
Laibaah1 Laibaah
@Razzzuu Tribune article was a minor incident as compared to dishonest masking of Shia target killings in HRCP’s annual report. Please read
morafi rafi
#HumanRightsDay should be renamed #LipServiceDay
Laibaah @Laibaah1 Reply Delete Favorite · Open
Dr. Shakeel Afridi is a benefactor, not a traitor
22m Laibaah @Laibaah1 Reply Delete Favorite · Open
Dear Sana Saleem, Shakeely Afridi is a benefactor of Pakistan. Shame on you for trying to tarnish his image. Whose agenda are you serving?
24m Laibaah @Laibaah1 Reply Delete Favorite · Open
Dear Sana Saleem: You don’t have the right to remain silent on Shia Muslims:
24m Laibaah @Laibaah1 Reply Delete Favorite · Open
Dear Sana Saleem, You write a whole article in defence of one person. Remained completely silent on 39 Shias killed in Parachinar. Why?
27m Laibaah @Laibaah1 Reply Delete Favorite · Open
Dear Sana Saleem, You dishonestly criticized the boldest and most honest anti-establishment researcher (Farhat Taj). Shame on you!
30m Laibaah @Laibaah1 Reply Delete Favorite · Open
RT @sanasaleem Farhat Taj wants us to award Dr. Afridi. Perhaps, it’s time she meets health workers suffering consequence of his stunt& more
My Question to those who talking that only shias are not targeted in Pakistan,
plz tell me Did you ever see a Shia Terrorist?
did you listen that a Shia Terrorist burnt any Holy Place?
Yesterday an Imam Bargah Burnt in a Town Qambar in my City Larkana by Sipah Sahaba lantis and how amazing the FIR filled against Shias after everything the Truth comes to us and FIR filled against SSPs'(LeJ) Terrorists.
My ALLAH is seeing everything.
Proud to be a Shiyan-e-Haidar-e-Qarar.
For latest misrepresentation of state-sponsored #ShiaGenocide in Pakistan, refer to HRCP’s latest statement:
Sectarian killings won’t stop sans tackling root cause: HRCP
April 11, 2012
HRCP press releases Human Rights Commission of Pakistan
Lahore, April 11: The continuing spilling of blood in sectarian killings in Quetta and Gilgit Baltistan manifests a blatant failure to address religious intolerance in society, which constitutes one of the biggest threats for the country, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) said on Wednesday.
The Commission said in a statement: “HRCP is alarmed by the continuing sectarian bloodshed in Pakistan, particularly in Quetta and Gilgit Baltistan. The killings demonstrate a disturbing pattern and appear to be part of a well-planned sequence. It has been stated that miscreants from Afghanistan have been involved. That may be one problem but it certainly is not the only one. The mindless bloodshed that we witness day in and day out is rooted in religious intolerance cultivated by the state. Politics in the name of religion has substantially worsened what was already an appalling situation. It is alarming that no one responsible for these killings has been nabbed in years. The people are paying the price of indifference with their lives. Rather than wasting time on addressing mere symptoms,the root cause of the problem must be identified and addressed. Instead of living in denial, we must now identify the policies that strengthen extremism and promote faith-based hatred in society. These constitute the single biggest threat to Pakistan.
In these perilous times, all those who believe in people’s rights, human dignity and Pakistan’s future must not remain silent. Otherwise the consequences for the country will be unimaginably disastrous. It is time for the government, all democratic-minded political parties and conscious citizens to join hands to think of a way out of this brutal vortex in order to rescue the state that has been held to ransom by extremism and obscurantism.”
Zohra Yusuf
this way People are bound to find this really important. I think the second paragraph pretty much says everything.
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You don’t have the right to keep misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan: A comment on HRCP 2010 Report
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