human rights organizations Archive

In denying Malala the credit she deserves, we belittle ourselves: Malala stood for up for education and the rights of female students since 2009-10. Those were the dark days when the Pakistani State was in retreat in front of the Takfiri sectarian terrorists of the Taliban. During that

(Muhammad Faisal Younus) حقوق نسواں اور پاکستانی معاشرہ – محمّد فیصل یونس: کچھ دنوں پہلے اسلام آباد میں ایک ریلی نکالی گئی جس کا مقصد خواتین کے بنیادی حقوق کے لئے آواز بلند کرنا تھا. یہ ریلی کافی کامیاب رہی اور ملک کے روشن خیال حلقوں کی جانب سے پزیرائی بھی

The Decline of Human Rights and Social Order in Pakistan – by Muhammad Faisal Younus: Freedom of expression is the constitutional right of every citizen under Article 19 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but Pakistan is well known for violating basic human liberties and is notorious for its dictatorship and sometimes extremist mindset.

’پیلٹ گن مارتی نہیں زندہ لاش بنا دیتی ہے‘: بھارت کے زیرِ انتظام کشمیر میں سکیورٹی فورس مظاہرین کو منتشرکرنے کے لیے پیلٹ گن یعنی چھرے والی بندوق کا استعمال کر رہے ہیں۔ یہ بندوق جان لیوا نہیں ہے لیکن ان بندوقوں کے سبب کئی مظاہرین کو شدید

Pity the nation that has to silence its writers – Arundhati Roy: I write this from Srinagar, Kashmir. This morning’s papers say that I may be arrested on charges of sedition for what I have said at recent public meetings on Kashmir. I said what millions of people here say

In Kashmir, Indian security forces use pellet guns that often blind protesters: These are pallet gun wounds and nearly 300 cases admitted in various hospitals and about 150 surgeries performed so far and doctors are not hopeful on majority of these cases that they will gain their eyesight and 14

The nation that executed 47 people In 1 day sits on the U.N. Human Rights Council: Yet Saudi Arabia has already brought its influence to bear on the council. In late September, Saudi pressure squashed a draft Human Rights Council resolution by the Netherlands to establish an international inquiry into human rights violations in Yemen’s

Biased UN resolution against Houthis is a green signal for Salafi Saudis to conduct the genocide of Sunnis and Shias in Yemen: Saudi Arabia’s aggression against Yemen has taken a heavy humanitarian toll that is being ignored by the global media. In nearly a month of indiscriminate bombing, thousands of innocent lives have been lost including hundreds of women and children. Organisations

اداریہ تعمیر پاکستان:گزرنے والا سال مظلوم مذھبی و نسلی اقلتیوں کے لیے امید کم اور خوف کا سال زیادہ تھا: آج دو ہزار تیرہ کا آخری دن ہے اور کل 2014ء کی شروعات ہونے والی ہے-گزرنے والا سال پاکستان میں انسانی حقوق کی صورت حال کے حوالے سے 2012ء سے مختلف نہیں تھا ستمبر 2013ء میں وزرات قانون،انصاف و

HRW slams Saudi Arabia after 7 jailed for ‘inciting protests’ on Facebook: Human Rights Watch has slated Saudi Arabia for violating international human rights obligations after it jailed seven people for up to 10 years for ‘inciting protests’ via Facebook. The indicted denied charges and said they were tortured into confession.

Human rights and cultural ideals -by Naseer Ahmed: Current Pakistani social discourse mostly is about a cheap variety of sentimentality. This cheap sentimentality is used by decision makers to dodge the real questions and real problems. If you ask people about the reasons behind violation of rights,

Did Ali Dayan Hasan (of HRW) recant statement against ISI?: The newly appointed Director General of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) may have attained an understated and unsung victory for his intelligence agency considering the recent and highly surprising statement by Human Rights Watch’s Pakistan head Ali Dayan Hasan that

Jang Group’s Hizb-ut-Tahrir wing inciting vigilante justice against Ali Dayan Hasan of HRW: We at LUBP condemn yet another targeted incitement of vigilante justice Jang Group’s Ahmed Noorani, a notorious journalist belonging to Ansar Abbasi gang and links close to banned organizations like Hizb ut Tahrir and Sipah Sahaba Pakistan against the

Progressive journalists’ silence on Shia genocide in Pakistan: Name and Remind Policy: [poll id=”9″] The Shia Muslims in Pakistan are the most targeted faith group in terms of sheer numbers. In the first 50 days of 2012 (from 1 Jan to 20 Feb), more than 100 Shias have been massacred through

Jang Group must stop harassing Ali Dayan Hasan of Human Rights Watch: Related posts: HRW is concerned about the fear of judicial over-reach in Pakistan: Interview with Ali Dayan Hasan AHRC appeal: DG ISI Gen Shuja Pasha must be prosecuted for hatching conspiracy against democracy Critical readers of Pakistan’s politics are

You don’t have the right to keep misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan: A comment on HRCP 2010 Report: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: LUBP: Intellectual dishonesty in misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan Ahmadiyya Times: Activists slam rights organization statement as ’very weak,’ lacking integrity Today, the first thing I received on Twitter was the following message from

Jalil Reki’s murder is a test case for rights champion Sherry Rehman – by Laibaah: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine While elite media and human rights organizations are currently busy in projecting Sherry Rehman (Pakistan’s new Ambassador to the USA) as a champion of human rights in Pakistan, here is a first opportunity for Ambassador Rehman

Pakistan’s urban, elitist liberals must not uncritically promote Sherry Rehman: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: Some gems from Declan Walsh’s article promoting Sherry Rehman Where Ansar Abbasi and Mosharraf Zaidi converge: “PPP killed Sherry Rehman’s bill” Adil Najam and his pseudo-liberals’ outpouring of sympathy for Sherry Rehman –

Javid Naseer Rind, another Baloch journalist silenced by the Deep State – by Laibaah: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine Another Baloch journalist, Javid Naseer Rind, was killed today. His mutilated dead body was recovered from Khuzdar. Javid Naseer Rind, the former Deputy Editor of Daily Tawar, a leading anti-military-state Baloch newspaper published in Urdu

Shia genocide, complicity of judiciary and the attempts to stifle dissent – by Haider Karrar: Today Pakistan is in the midst of a low grade war against its minority Shia Muslim population. This is the same Pakistan whose founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah had said: “Minorities, to whichever community they may belong, will be safeguarded.

I want the Baloch to get back the true Meaning of Life! Do you? – by Salma Jafar: Cross-posed from Pakistan Blogzine A topic so close to my heart that it’s hard to write on, but on Laibaah’s request here is a take on the issue of Balochistan and in particular the issue of missing persons which

A comment on AHRC’s statement on Balochistan – by Laibaah: Cross posted from Pakistan Blogzine Asian Human Rights Commission has issued a comprehensive statement on the state of Baloch genocide in Pakistan which is currently being carried out by Pakistan army, its various sub-organizations and agencies (FC, ISI, MI

Hamid Mir, Shia Hazaras do NOT need your crocodile tears! – by Laibaah: Related posts: Pakistani Shias and other rights activists protest the misrepresentation of Shia massacres by Human Rights Cartel Intellectual dishonesty in misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan For the last few days, we have seen a new trend in Pakistani

Pakistani Shias and other rights activists protest the misrepresentation of Shia massacres by Human Rights Cartel: Pakistan’s Shia, Hazara and other volunteer human rights activists reject Amnesty, HRW and HRCP’s biased and misleading reports and statements on the systematic and ongoing Shia massacres in Pakistan. Volunteer rights activists are deeply offended by the deliberate attempts

Human Rights of Pakistan Army – by Riaz Malik Hajjaji: Related posts: Appeal to international community: Impose travel restrictions on all senior officers of Pakistan army Urgent Petition: Stop Pakistan Army’s Crimes against Humanity On BBC’s Secret Pakistan and Ejaz Haider: Their denials and propagandists – by Abbas Daiyar

Story of Laibaah: Death of free speech in Pakistan – by Sumantra Maitra: Cross-posted from Daily World Watch Hey guys! Yet another of my post starting with a “sorry” to you all. I have not been regular, I know, guilty as charged. Preparations of shifting to New Zealand, being one of the

Amnesty’s statement masks Deep State’s role in Shia massacres in Pakistan: Cross-posted from: Pakistan Blogzine It was amusing as well as educating to see how some urban (seemingly) liberal Pakistani tweeps and media persons uncritically recycled and reported the Amnesty and HRCP’s recent statements on the systematic and ongoing Shia

Activists slam rights organization statement as ’very weak,’ lacking integrity – by Ahmadiyya Times: Related posts: Bold statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on Shia massacres in Pakistan under the patronage by Pakistan army An open letter to Kenneth Roth, Executive Director of HRW: A call for help from Pakistan Ahmadiyya Times

Pakistani Shias, rights activists reject HRCP’s statement on Shia killings in Pakistan: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: Intellectual dishonesty in misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan Laibaah, the liberal fascist, must refrain from attacking human rights defenders A humble request to Mustafa Qadri (Amnesty) and Ali Dayan Hasan (HRW) Petition: Silence of

A humble request to Mustafa Qadri (Amnesty) and Ali Dayan Hasan (HRW) – by Laibaah: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: Appeal to HRW, Amnesty, HRCP: Don’t ignore or misrepresent Shia genocide in Pakistan Laibaah, the liberal fascist, must refrain from attacking human rights defenders Resources on Shia genocide in Pakistan SOS from Hazara Shias

Petition: Silence of Human Rights Organizations on Shia Genocide in Pakistan: Please sign this petition here: To: Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, United Nations Human Rights Commission, European Union, Governments of Pakistan, USA, UK and other countries Silence of Human Rights Organizations on Shia

CARTE BLANCHE: Defaming Pakistan —by Mehmal Sarfraz: It is said that a wounded animal is most dangerous. Our military is behaving like a wounded animal and trying to shut down all dissenting voices. The military operation in Balochistan is a clear example of how the army

Human Rights Watch calls for Independent Inquiry into Saleem Shahzad’s killing: Inter Services Intelligence suspected of involvement has long been above the law. All aspects of this crime, including the possibility of links to the ISI, need to be independently investigated and prosecuted. The ISI and other military and intelligence-related

Family waits to see if mother, accused of blasphemy, will be hanged: The town cleric, who made the initial complaint against Bibi, called her death sentence one of the happiest moments of his life.
"Tears of joy poured from my eyes," Qari Salim told CNN.
The clerics tears are in stark contrast to

If I am missing – by Saeeda Diep: Friends, comrades This is to bring into your notice my constant harassment by the intelligence personnel; if i am missing you might have an idea. Here is the letter i have sent to a higher official. May 19, 2010