Pakistan’s urban, elitist liberals must not uncritically promote Sherry Rehman

“My identity is that I am Pakistani; we are first class citizens here, no matter how pushed around we are.” – Sherry Rehman (interview with Huma Imtiaz in 2009)
Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine
Related posts: Some gems from Declan Walsh’s article promoting Sherry Rehman
Where Ansar Abbasi and Mosharraf Zaidi converge: “PPP killed Sherry Rehman’s bill”
Adil Najam and his pseudo-liberals’ outpouring of sympathy for Sherry Rehman – by Sarah Khan
I was shocked but not surprised to see a swift somersault in Pakistan’s urban elite’s discourse on Twitter on 23 November 2011 in the aftermath of Prime Minister Gilani’s decision to replace Ambassador Husain Haqqani with Sherry Rehman.
Sherry’s appointment as Pakistan’s Ambassador to the USA provided urban elites (aka fake liberals) with an opportunity to do the following:
- Replace their incessant applause for Husain Haqqani with that for Sherry Rehman;
- Overcome the acute grief on the forced resignation of Ambassador Husain Haqqani;
- Promote Sherry Rehman in Pakistani and international media as a champion of human rights.
It is the last point in the list above that is the focus of this post. In the present post, I want to highlight how elite media as well as elite human rights groups (e,g., HRW, HRCP in Pakistan) are unduly and dishonestly presenting and promoting Sherry Rehman as a champion of human rights.
The elite media is a term used to describe newspapers, TV channels and other media that influence the political agenda of a powerful elite. According to Noam Chomsky, “[t]he elite media set a framework within which others operate.” The term denotes a structural position within the mass media, however, it is equally applicable to NGOs (so called rights groups, civil society etc) which too act on specific economic or political agendas to promote perspectives and interests of the powerful elite.
Human rights crisis in Pakistan
For starters, it is hard to ignore three major human rights issues, in fact human rights crises in Pakistan.
- Genocide of the Baloch people by Pakistan army and its various sub-organisations (FC, MI, ISI etc);
- Genocide of the Shia Muslims by various subsidiaries and proxies of Pakistan army (e.g., blockade and mass murder of Toori Shias (Pashtuns) in Kurram agency, genocide of Hazara Shias by ISI-backed Sipah-e-Shahaba (aka Lashkar-e-Jhangvi) in Quetta, mass murder of Shia Muslims in D.I.Khan and other areas of Pakistan by ISI-backed SSP-LeJ);
- Genocide of the Pashtun people by Pakistan army and its various proxies (e.g., TTP, JeM, LeT) by pursuing a policy of strategic depth which treats Pasthun people as necessary collateral damage to promote and secure Pakistan’s strategic interests in Afghanistan and India.
Thousands of Balochs, Pahtuns and Shia Muslims have been killed in the last few years as a result of Pakistan army’s direct or indirect policies of strategic depth in Afghanistan, kidnap, kill & dump policy in Balochistan and Jihad Enterprise links with Jihadi and sectarian militants (e.g. TTP-SSP-LeJ-LeT etc).
Now let me ask: What is Sherry Rehman’s position on the three human rights crisis situations listed above?
Barring a token statement or two (if any), where is her activism on these issues? Has she ever organized any vigils for the innocent Balochs routinely killed and dumped by Pakistan army? Has she ever written columns on the ongoing blockade of Shia Tooris of Kurram Agency by the ISI-TTP-SSP network? Has she ever presented a resolution in Pakistan’s parliament to inquire into the ongoing slaughter of anti-Taliban Pashtuns at the hands of ISI-backed Taliban terrorists?
Jinnah Institute’s report violated human rights of Pashtuns and non-Pashtuns
On the contrary, Sherry Rehman has played a criminal role in promoting and reinforcing Pakistan army’s pro-Taliban policy in Afghanistan and Pashtun areas of Pakistan through her Jinnah Institute. In the Jinnah Institute’s report on Afghanistan, there is only one mention of Afghanistan’s Hazara ethnic Shias and Tajiks, which is: “Iranian support for Hazaras and Tajiks is limiting Pakistan’s ability to reach out to non-Pashtun groups.” (p.37). This part was so obviously written by Ejaz Haider (‘the Hazaras of Quetta are Iranian agents’ fame), a known affiliate of the ISI and apologist of LeJ.
Shia genocide in Af-Pak by Taliban/Haqqanis was not given any attention in Sherry Rehman’s report. For her and her foreign policy elie, there is no future for Shias in Afghanistan. Mazar-e-Sharif and Bamiyan massacres never took place. Ironically, Sherry Rehman is uncritically supporting same Taliban who have massacred hundreds of Toori Shias and other Pashtuns in the last several years.
Furthermore, given Taliban’s brutalities against women, how can a genuine women rights activist directly or indirectly support Pakistan army’s pro-Taliban policies?
According to Dr. Mohammad Taqi, Sherry Rehman’s known views on Afghanistan mirror that of the Pakistan Army, especially regarding giving a prominent role to Siraj Haqqani network and Mullah Omar in any future Afghan settlement. The military establishment has clearly prevailed over Asif Zardari through the appointment of Sherry as Pakistan’s Ambassador. Through pro-military establishment report on Afghan policy, Sherry Rehman effectively abandoned fellow countrymen, Pashtuns, and violated their human rights. Sherry Rehman’s report suggesting an “adequate Pashtun representation” in Afghanistan was not just interference in Afghanistan’s internal affairs but also a case of misreporting the facts. Her report wrongly suggests that a solution for Afghanistan should not be opposed by Pakistan’s Pashtuns while disregarding that the majority of Pakistani Pashtuns have always opposed the Talibanisation of the region (e.g.,, ANP, PMAP etc).
In order to develop her credentials as a human rights activist, Sherry Rehman must show a bold stance on genocides of the Balochs, Pashutns and Shias by the Deep State and must condemn not reinforce Pakistan army’s pro-Taliban policies and strategies.
Progressive legislation or personal promotion?
There is ample evidence which suggests that Sherry Rehman proposed an amendment in the notorious anti-blapshemy law without due consultation with her colleagues in the PPP. In doing so, she forgot that as an urban elite, she remains detached and dissociated from ordinary Pakistani people.
Unlike other female politicians (e.g., Dr. Fehmida Mirza, Hina Rabbani Khar, Firdous Ashiq Awan), Sherry Rehman does not have roots in masses, hence is unable to win in direct election from any constituency in Pakistan. Her entry into parliament was possible only through reserved quotas for women.
Therefore, it is unethical and self-promoting of her to submit a senstive bill into the parliament without due political legwork in Pakistan’s streets and also within her own party. On several occasions, Sherry Rehman has submitted bills in the parliament in her capacity as a private member thus clearly indicating that self-promotion, not party’s interests, are her main priority. Were she really sincere in amending the blasphemy law, she would have organized mass-level awareness raising campaigns in various cities and provinces of Pakistan in order to generate the much needed public support on this issue. By failing to raise public support and also by failing to engage with parliamentarians within her own party, Sherry Rehman demonstrated that her brand of rights activism remains shallow, insignificant and self-promoting.
Benazir Bhutto’s role ignored
This must also be acknowledged that due credit of Sherry Rehman’s legislative work for women’s rights must be attributed to her political mentor Shaheed Benazir Bhutto, who was the mastermind of PPP’s progressive policies on women’s and minorities’ rights. This fact is often dishonestly and conveniently ignored by urbane elite flatterers and promoters of Sherry Rehman.
While Sherry herself acknowledged BB’s role in at least one interview, she and her flatterers often present her as the only champion of human rights in the PPP depriving the central leadership of the PPP of the due credit for the party’s progressive vision and policies. Here is an extract from Sherry’s interview in 2010:
“Then I went to London for a year and a half to write the book, Benazir would often come there and we would meet. I remember making her manifesto for women’s politics. She was very strong on gender empowerment, and she wanted educated women to come into politics. I said to her, ‘How many of us will you bring in, how many of us will you groom? I’m not the type, and I say what I think! She said, ‘that’s exactly what I want, I do want opinionated people’. The political journey with her…at that stage of my political career, I don’t think I would have survived without her constant inspiration. She protected and groomed all the young women who she thought she needed to.”
“She (BB) was the guru.” Sherry describes her experience working with the late Ms Bhutto as incredible. “She’d call from Dubai at 2:30 AM and say ‘have you put in that bit about boarding schools for children’, and I’d say ‘yes I have or should we do it’, and we’d have an argument,” reminisces Sherry. “She’d ring me back saying, ‘I know you’re awake, I know you’re thinking about these things’ and I’d say, ‘well, so are you!’ she laughs, “And we would go into another discourse. We were always exchanging ideas; she was ahead of her times, she predicted everything, the terrorism, the poverty. She said there were huge challenges in front of us, we have to do this reconciliation move and that’s how we need to carry the nation forward, it’s not going to be the old way. When she died, like most of us, I was in a daze. We just went along, picked up the pieces, and somehow, doing it as a debt to her, something we owed her.”
Opportunistic resignation
Sherry Rehman’s resignation as Minister for Information is often (mis)represented by herself and her urban elite flatterers as an evidence of her principled stance on media freedom and restoration of judiciary. It is however a fact that she opportunistically resigned in 2009 amid controversy over Zardari’s alleged failure to restore Chief Justice Iftikar Chaudhry and also the allegation that Zardari government had ordered cable operators to block Geo TV that had been critical of him. Both of the reasons she described for her resignation were flimsy. Geo TV was never banned, and Iftikahr Chaudhry was reluctantly restored after pressure from Pakistan army. In the hindsight, it is not difficult to understand Zardari’s reluctance in restoring a judge who frequently releases jihadi and sectarian terrorists (Hafiz Saeed, Malik Ishaq etc), remains solely focused on anti-PPP cases (e.g., NRO), takes no action on ISI’s role in disappeared persons case, and turns a blind eye to genocides of the Balochs, Pashtuns and Shias.
It is a known fact that Sherry Rehman resigned in 2009 as she was convinced that the PPP’s government was about to fall, hence she thought it apt to set-up a pro-military think tank (Jinnah Institute) instead of being a part of an about to collapse government. According to Dawn, Although Ms Rehman’s act of sacrificing her ministry was widely hailed by civil society, lawyers and even journalists, the PPP leadership also removed her from the position of the party`s information secretary. President Zardari was so angry with the former information minister that during one of the meetings with senior party members he criticised her for leaving the party at a difficult time and stated that she had jumped out of the ship believing that it might sink.
Specimen of promotion in media
Here are a few example of how elite media within and outside Pakistan promotes Sherry Rehman as a champion of human rights.
Washington Post
Islamabad appoints rights activist as US ambassador after scandal claims predecessor
The government appointed a liberal lawmaker and rights activist as its U.S. ambassador Wednesday, swiftly replacing an envoy who was forced out amid allegations he sought Washington’s help in trying to rein in Pakistan’s powerful military. Sherry Rehman, who has faced militant death threats for speaking out against Pakistan’s anti-blasphemy laws often used to persecute Christians, appeared to be a candidate acceptable both to the army and the weak civilian government.
Ali Dayan Hassan, Pakistan director for Human Rights Watch, said the army would prefer a retired general “who would talk their talk in D.C.”
“Sherry is highly unlikely to do any such thing,” Hassan said. “But she represents someone everyone can live with, including the military. The civilian leaders are happy to take ownership of her, and she has resonance in influential and urban sectors of Pakistan.”
Former federal information minister and human rights campaigner Sherry Rehman has been appointed Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States within 12 hours of Husain Haqqani’s resignation. In your opinion, will Sherry Rehman’s political portfolio make her a credible Ambassador to the US?
Express Tribune
Indeed, in 2009, he (Zardari) had asked her to resign from the information ministry during the heat of tensions with a media group. She switched her imaginative talents and employed the hardworking tenacity to build up a think tank. The Jinnah Institute that she had established took no time to get registered by relevant quarters. As a lightening rod of the same think tank, she remained active on track II as well to find out ways of establishing peace with India and seek a doable strategy to deal with Afghanistan. Her vocal stance on women-related issues, diligent working for some women-empowering legislation and above all her efforts to inject sanity in blasphemy laws augmented her credentials.
Nusrat Javeed in Express Tribune
Human Rights Watch
KenRoth Kenneth Roth
New #Pakistan ambassador to US @sherryrehman has strong rights background–probably not what ISI would have wanted. Kamran Shafi
@KenRoth Yes, but she will not speak on BalochistanAliDayan Ali Dayan Hasan
Rights campaigner @SherryRehman’s appointment as #Pakistan’s ambassador to DC is a “welcome development” says @HRW ’ Ali Dayan Hasan
While the military will now seek greater influence over #Pakistan’s US policy, @sherryrehman- a progressive democrat will seek to temper itAliDayan Ali Dayan Hasan
@SherryRehman as #Pakistan ambassador to the US suggests that the military has failed to assume complete control of Pak-US relations.AliDayan Ali Dayan Hasan
All those who struggle for human rights and civilian supremacy in #Pakistan owe both @sherryrehman and @husainhaqqani a debt of gratitudeAliDayan Ali Dayan Hasan
#Pakistan needs rights-defenders such as @sherryrehman and @husainhaqqani in leadership positions. Congratulations Sherry.ijazkhan Ijaz Khan
@AliDayan @SherryRehman @HRW Wow Really? We need to keep the difference between politician even if struggling for rights & a rights activist
Elitist Awards
As a logical outcome of her promotion by elitist media and NGOs, Sherry Rehman has received a number of awards.
In January 2009, she was hailed “Democracy’s Hero” in a report of the International Republican Institute as a result of her close association with former prime minister Benazir Bhutto’s campaign for democratic rule in Pakistan. However, the reference received mixed coverage in Pakistan.
In the same year, Rehman was also named among the “100 Most Influential Asians” by UAE magazine, Ahlan.
The March 2011 issue of Newsweek Pakistan ranked her on its cover as “Pakistan’s Most Important Woman”.
Foreign Policy magazine has identified Rehman as one of 2011’s Top Global Thinkers.
Elitist Lifestyle
Here is a snapshot of Sherry Rehman’s lifestyle in her own words. Read this and honestly decide if such an elitist life style person can ever understand the miseries of the poor and the have nots of D.I.Khan, Khuzdar, Bannun and Jacobabad? Can she ever understand the miseries of the poor Pashtuns, Saraikis, Balochs, Shias etc?
Sherry Rehman has an aura about her that conveys authority, respect and even pin drop silence. And one witnessed this firsthand recently when an entire cafe in Karachi fell silent and stared in awe when Sherry walked in, perhaps a testimony to her increasing popularity because of her resignation as Minister for Information. When I walk into her Karachi residence, a remnant of the British Raj, I am escorted to her library, arguably one of the best I’ve seen in Karachi. With aqua-coloured walls, and modern art pieces by Anwar Maqsood staring at you, it reflects Sherry’s love for modern art, which she says is more vibrant to her. But the room is not without the old fashioned touches: fanoos lamps dot the room and wooden shelves bearing thousands of books are lit with softly glowing overhead lights. One spots a worn-in leather recliner with a footstool and a yellowing globe of the world. As I wait for Sherry, I peruse the titles and spy a collection of Faiz’s poetry, biographies of world leaders and the anthology of Sadequain’s paintings The Holy Sinner. Then Sherry walks in wearing a kurta shalwar with her Hermes bag and in one breath, apologizes for making me wait, inquires after my health and asks whether I’d like tea or coffee.
“People at Herald used to say you never wore the same outfit twice, would you agree?”
“Hardly! My darzi (tailor) is sitting upstairs, stitching my kurtas. I really like kurtas and white shalwars.”
instep exclusive: There is nothing as attractive as a woman who knows what she wants and how to get it. There is also nothing as impressive as a person willing to give up power but unwilling to compromise on principle. Sherry Rehman is both. – By Huma Imtiaz
Wrath of the have-nots
On Oct. 23‚ 2010 protestors gathered outside Rehman’s Clifton home to burn her effigy and hurl invective. “I am in shock that speaking on any channel can result in such demonstrations of violence against an unguarded house‚” she told reporters after the demonstration.
Sherry says she got to know the late Ms Bhutto during BB’s second term as PM. “During her second term, she would always carry with her, in a kind of dialogue, certain journalists such as myself, Zahid Hussain, Najam Sethi, Zafar Abbas and Arif Nizami. We were invited almost every month to tell her what we thought she was doing right or wrong. She used to listen to everything we said and engaged us in all kinds of interesting discourses.
All of the above names of journalists are pro-etsablishment. This includes Sherry R.
Sherry Rehman is a champion of her own rights. Period.
Very biased article against the only respectable person in Zardari League. I agree with Shakir Hussain:
shakirhusain: I hope the PPP realizes that after sherryrehman they don’t have anyone who can speak,read,or write in the English language
Haqqani and his supporters cheer Sherry
Usman Manzoor
Thursday, November 24, 2011
It is worth mentioning here that the supporters of Husain Haqqani were upset by his resignation and a campaign was run on Twitter to support him. Thousands tweeted to support Haqqani and joined the #TeamHH on Twitter. However, after the announcement of appointment of Sherry Rehman as Ambassador to the US, the #TeamHH had something to cheer for the first time ever since memogate controversy emerged.
Shehrbano Taseer, daughter of Salman Taseer and a member of #teamHH, tweeted that “PPP is the only party that empowers Pakistani women – a hearty congrats to Sherry Rehman, our new ambassador to the US”.
The Director General of Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation, Murtaza Solangi, who uses Twitter frequently, said, “So no bureaucrat, no retired general will represent Pakistan. A politician with good human rights record and an intellectual: Sherry Rehman!”
Another proud member of #teamHH, Marvi Sirmed posted over one hundred tweets regarding Haqqani and Sherry. One of her tweets read, “Repeat: Sherry Rehman makes a good choice. Brilliant move by the President. Simply Brilliant!”
Sherry Rehman – A profile (compiled by Laibaah)
Shahrbano Rehman, better known as Sherry Rehman, was born on 21st December 1960 in Karachi.
Born to a prominent Sindhi family – her father was a lawyer and her mother was the first female vice president of the State Bank of Pakistan. Sherry Rehman’s father Hassanali Abdur Rehman Zubedi also worked as the Sindh University’s vice chancellor.
She was educated at Smith College and later at the University of Sussex where she studied Art History and Political Science.
Rehman practiced as a professional journalist for 20 years, writing for national and international publications.
She worked as Editor-in-Chief of Pakistan’s leading newsmagazine, The Herald (Pakistan) for 10 years and served as a member of the Council of Pakistan Newspaper Editors (CPNE) from 1988-1998.
She was elected to the Pakistani parliament in 2002 under a reserved seats scheme for women.
She served as a Member of National Assembly (MNA) from 2002 to 2007 as the Central Information Secretary. During this time, she was also President of Policy Planning for the Pakistan People’s Party Parliamentarians and served on the Foreign Relations Committee of the party.
In March 2008, Sherry Rehman was re-elected as an MNA from the Sindh province on the list of reserved seats for women.
In 2008, she was appointed national minister for information and broadcasting – sworn into her position by President Musharraf.
In 2008-2009, she declared assets of Rs210 million.
During her tenure in parliament, Sherry Rehman authored five bills tabled in the National Assembly: Women Empowerment Bill, Anti-Honor Killings Bill, Domestic Violence Prevention Bill, Affirmative Action Bill and Hudood Repeal Bill.
She also moved two bills for the media – the Freedom of Information Bill and the Press Act, which prevents journalists on duty from being arrested under the 1999 Press Ordinance.
In January 2009, she was hailed “Democracy’s Hero” in a report of the International Republican Institute as a result of her close association with former prime minister Benazir Bhutto’s campaign for democratic rule in Pakistan. However, the reference received mixed coverage in Pakistan.
In the same year, Rehman was also named among the “100 Most Influential Asians” by UAE magazine, Ahlan.
The March 2011 issue of Newsweek Pakistan ranked her on its cover as “Pakistan’s Most Important Woman”.
Foreign Policy magazine has identified Rehman as one of 2011’s Top Global Thinkers.”
Rehman resigned as Federal Information Minister in 2009, due to differences of opinion with President Asif Ali Zardari on imposing restrictions on the media (Geo TV) and accused the government of dragging its feet over restoring an independent judiciary.
After her resignation Ms Rehman worked founded and chaired the Jinnah Institute, a think-tank reported to be ideologically close to the army.
Her career on the backbenches effectively came to an end in late 2010, when she provoked the wrath of hardline Islamists and religious groups by submitting a private member’s bill seeking to abolish the death penalty for blasphemy after a Christian mother was sentenced to death.
For a time, she was confined to her home in Karachi with concerns over her safety mounting when her fellow campaigner, PPP politician Salman Taseer, was murdered by his bodyguard in January 2011. That concern was heightened when two months later, Pakistan’s Minorities Minister Shahbaz Bhatti was also killed in Islamabad. She criticised the government’s refusal to adopt law reforms.
Analysts say that her appointment as US ambassador is a face-saving formula which removes Ms Rehman from the dangers threatening her in Pakistan while at the same time putting in place a representative who is far less threatening to the military.
On 23rd November 2011, Sherry Rehman was appointed Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States. This appointment comes 12 hours after Husain Haqqani was asked to resign by Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani in the wake of the Memogate scandal.
Ms Rehman is married to banker Nadeem Hussain.
Other sources
mazdaki Mohammad Taqi
@marvisirmed @alidayan Let history be the ultimate judge:I wrote months ago & say again @sherryrehman does Army’s bidding on #Afghanistan
mazdaki Mohammad Taqi
@AliDayan @sherryrehman @marvisirmed My friends, Sherry Rehman’s appointment shows #PakArmy in total control of foreign & #Afghan policy
marvisirmed Marvi Sirmed
Sir ji @javeednusrat, the USIP/JI report you cited in last night’s program, was anything but an ‘alternative policy’ as you said. It was not.
ijazkhan Ijaz Khan
Ejaz Haider appointed by Elite Lady 2 replace her at JI; still any doubts abt her appointment? Any room 4 democratic optimism?
mazdaki Mohammad Taqi
Afghan view MT“@AbasDaiyar: @sherryrehman a liberal on domestic affairs,but her Jinnah Institute report on #Afghanistan was GHQ’s version”
mazdaki Mohammad Taqi
@sanjeevmiglani @atnussan Sherry Rehman from June ’10
Laibaah1 Laibaah
RT @AbdulNishapuri The author of “Between Mosque and Military” has been replaced by author of “USIP-JI Report on Afghanistan”. Let’s rejoice
Laibaah1 Laibaah
RT @bashirgwakh Shery Rahman has the same views as Pakistani establishment. See her Jinnah Institute report on Afghanistan.
Laibaah1 Laibaah
MT @Nadeem_Gehla Advice for Sharry Rehman “Stay away from Memos, Mangoes and Urban Burgers”
Laibaah1 Laibaah
RT @pseudorebel the PPP haters to come up with some elaborate explanation of how Zardari has stabbed Sherry in the back by making her amb
Laibaah1 Laibaah
How to identify liberal proxies of GHQ in Pakistani media and blogs #SherryRehman
Laibaah1 Laibaah
Jinnah Institute and USIP’s research —by @mazdaki #SherryRehman
Laibaah1 Laibaah
Public prosecutor in Taseer murder case and the CFD’s stance – by Barrister Waseem Ijaz #SherryRehman
Laibaah1 Laibaah
Much more than a pro-Sherry Rehman petition: A critical view on the PTH-LUBP differences #SherryRehman
Laibaah1 Laibaah
On Newsweek Pakistan’s 100 women: Shaking Pakistan with lipstick? – by Nabiha Meher #SherryRehman
Laibaah1 Laibaah
Pakistan’s Civil Awards FCS Style #SherryRehman
Laibaah1 Laibaah
On Safdar Abbasi and Sherry Rehman’s participation in Geo TV #SherryRehman
Laibaah1 Laibaah
Liberal face of religious bigotry: A response to Jinnah Institute – by Farhat Taj #SherryRehman
Laibaah1 Laibaah
Where Ansar Abbasi and Mosharraf Zaidi converge: “PPP killed Sherry Rehman’s bill” #SherryRehman
Laibaah1 Laibaah
Adil Najam and his pseudo-liberals’ outpouring of sympathy for Sherry Rehman – by Sarah Khan #SherryRehman
Laibaah1 Laibaah
The real agenda of LUBP fascists: On PPP’s attack on Sherry Rehman’s house – by Ali K. Chishti #SherryRehman
Laibaah1 Laibaah
Pursuing Pakistan’s interests in Afghanistan? A rebuttal to Sherry Rehman’s Jinnah Institute’s report #SherryRehman
Laibaah1 Laibaah
Some gems from Declan Walsh’s article promoting Sherry Rehman #SherryRehman
Laibaah1 Laibaah
A critical view on Sherry Rehman’s elitist report on Afghanistan – by Khanzada Achackzai #SherryRehman
Laibaah1 Laibaah
#SherryRehman archive:
Laibaah1 Laibaah
hmmm RT @murtazasolangi Sheikh Rasheed & Ayaz Amir endorsed @sherryrehman as the new #Pak#ambassador#US & said it is a #good#choice.
TarekFatah Tarek Fatah
If @sherryrehman comes with approval of #Pakistan generals, then does she not represent the estblishment? Enlighten me.
iamthedrifter Ayesha Siddiqa
@aliarqam @razarumi @akchishti at least Moeed Y will be a regular feature at the ambassador’s residence
iamthedrifter Ayesha Siddiqa
@KamranShafi46 @Razarumi @akchishti there is a long list of journalist who are now part of the “THINK TANK’ world
iamthedrifter Ayesha Siddiqa
@seemasirohi @acorn no sombre news just the reality EH was always on the other side
iamthedrifter Ayesha Siddiqa
@asmiather @marvisirmed @javeednusrat no HH wasn’t doomed yeterday and he knew abt it he cleared his residence before returning to PK
iamthedrifter Ayesha Siddiqa
@tallstories @javeednusrat writing on the wall is in a script that can only be read with help of gadgets with special lens I don’t have it
iamthedrifter Ayesha Siddiqa
now we will have more Afghan endgame type reports from Jinnah Institute and all dead generals brought to life
iamthedrifter Ayesha Siddiqa
@chahsanriaz EH = Ejaz Haider, JI = Jinnah Institute (Sherry Rehman’s empire)
iamthedrifter Ayesha Siddiqa
@marvisirmed @javeednusrat so they knew exactly what were their plans for HH
iamthedrifter Ayesha Siddiqa
@acorn no my dear I meant Jinnah Institute – the news is equally big as it indicates J. institute;s general drift
iamthedrifter Ayesha Siddiqa
my butterfly says ppl knew 5 days ago that EH was moving to Isloo to join JI does that mean the entire plan to replace HH was pre-decided
iamthedrifter Ayesha Siddiqa
breaking news: my butterfly has just reported Ejaz Haider to replace Sherry Rehman as head of Jinnah Institute can sherry plz confirm
iamthedrifter Ayesha Siddiqa
@KamranShafi46 @najamsethi perhaps it will help the powerful fight HH’s aura in DC
iamthedrifter Ayesha Siddiqa
@omar_quraishi agreed consensus that favors the mil more than AZ
acorn Nitin Pai
An ostensible civilian facade for a military-run government is worse than a purely military government.
NasimZehra Nasim Zehra
@iamthedrifter Ill-informed buterfly hence unfounded speculation! EH & SR discusing EH joining JI for a while-SR offered amb less 36 hrs ago
iamthedrifter Ayesha Siddiqa
@UroojZia BTW, sherry invited me for a seminat at JI 5 days ago that I cldn’t attend due to change of job but rest were all hawks so no pnt
NasimZehra Nasim Zehra
@iamthedrifter Ayesha I was there and a good diverse group. Disappointing that u wld write-off a discussion by simply labeling it.
iamthedrifter Ayesha Siddiqa
@NasimZehra perhaps you dnt know a few things but now we know what slant will the institute have which may reflect on S> but her choice
You praised Haqqani, then praised Sherry (USIP-JI report fame). King is dead, long live the king!
Kayani-Pasha made sure Sherry of JI-USIP report replaces Haqqani of Mosque-Military Pakistan. What a great fall!
tammyhaq Ayesha Tammy Haq
Congratulations @sherryrehman on being appointed ambassador to the US.
marvisirmed Marvi Sirmed
Feeling so proud of PPP leadership. What a brilliant move. Here it is in your face boots! Ambassador @sherryrehman! Bravo
Razarumi Raza Rumi
.@sherryrehman like a pragmatic democrat works thru dialogue, consensus & negotiation. Establishment will not have issues with her approach.
marvisirmed Marvi Sirmed
Exactly! RT @Fahdhusain: Plus I don’t think establishment will have problems with her appointment.
marvisirmed Marvi Sirmed
Sherry Rehman new Pak envoy to US. Good move President sahib. Real good move Congratulations Ambassador @sherryrehman
Nadeem_Gehla Ahmad Nadeem Gehla
Advice for Sharry Rehman “Stay away from Memos, Mangoes and Urban Burgers”
Nadeem_Gehla Ahmad Nadeem Gehla
RT @NadeemfParacha The wonderful wily ways of Asif Ali Zaradri: ‘Sherry Rehman appointed Pakistan’s ambassador to US’
Nadeem_Gehla Ahmad Nadeem Gehla
A little correction. HH was not a leader of people’s party. He was an employee of PPP govt @laalshah @shakirhusain @Razarumi
AliDayan Ali Dayan Hasan
All those who struggle for human rights and civilian supremacy in #Pakistan owe both @sherryrehman and @husainhaqqani a debt of gratitude
mo2005 Mona
Lol. “@Darveshh: From marsia to qasida: Twitter.”
Chiltan salma jafar
Mourners of yesterday become the Celebrators of 2day – Propoganda of threat 2 democracy also proved wrong! political foresight nahi hai nah!
Chiltan salma jafar
See- all fears and speculations of a retired military general or bureaucrat were unfounded!
marvisirmed Marvi Sirmed
Civilian government still holding out. Bravo RT @abbasnasir59: @sherryrehman Heart congrats. What a choice. Good luck.
Fahdhusain Fahd Husain
Her Jinnah institute report was co authored by moeed yousaf. It was taken very seriously in Washington circles. Would serve her well
Razarumi Raza Rumi
.@sherryrehman like a pragmatic democrat works thru dialogue, consensus & negotiation. Establishment will not have issues with her approach.
Razarumi Raza Rumi
Let us be clear. There can be no other @husainhaqqani but after the setback yesterday @sherryrehman’s appt is simply good news.
shero1985 Sheryar Mehmood
Wt happened to twitter, last time I checked impression was no1 can replace HH & now suddenly it has become SR can handle it better than HH.
Chiltan salma jafar
@shero1985 Hypocrisy – or Ignorance- Whatever – I also feel sick
The king is dead, long live the king! Interesting somersaults of sycophants on Twitter. #memogate #Pakistan #UrbanElites
The author of “Between Mosque and Military” has been replaced by author of “USIP-JI Report on Afghanistan”. Let’s rejoice
Style Stripped
Our fashion forward ambassador @sherryrehman to the US love the red Togo birkin! Thumbs up
As usual, a slanderous post on LUBP. You guys think everyone works for deep state?
Quite the opposite. I read LUBP posts only because they don’t follow the mainstream lies. We may disagree with some of their discourses, but their uniqueness and independence is something they must be proud of.
By the way, this is an excellent post. Keep up the good work, folks.
I must admit that I am a fan of Sherry Rehman. However, this post has really made me think about her human rights credentials.
What is her position on kill and dump policy in Balochistan? What has she done to highlight and stop Shia massacre?
It seems that her choice of human rights topics has been very selective, i.e. only those topics which do not offend or involve Pakistan army.
Very sad 🙁
Those who are sceptical of mainstream politician should keep in mind , it was Sassi Palejo , only directly elected provincial MP ;Who presented a resolution against Hudood ordinance in Sindh Assembly way before Sherry Rehman Tabled her private member bill in NA .
LUBP is nothing but a propaganda tool for Zardari…
What a Shame!!!
Pakistan Blogzine at its best as always…hard hitting and honest. But the word genocide is used too loosely…need to revisit the definition of Genocide, with due respect please.
excellent post. undoubtedly, it was benazir bhutto who started women empowerment in pakistan during her 1st govt., in 88, by taking pratical steps and establishing 1st women bank, women police stations and creating women ministry. despite opposition 4m several quaters she championed the cause of ”human rights” and ”women empowerment”through out her life. these pseudo- liberals like sherry rehman cant even come close to benazir stature as a human rights activist
by the way, ms. Donia Aziz ,an MNA, who moved the ”’historic”anti-women practices bill 2008 in the national assembly and get it passed unanimously, is completely ignored by our”elite media”. After long and hectic efforts for more than 3 years to build consensus on this anti women practices bill,ms donia, finally achieved a milestone 4 the pakistani women. yet, she is no where to be seen on our much evolved and ”independent” media.while sherry rehman is being ”falsely” projected as the champion of human rights or women emancipation in pakistan. Can some one shed light on the ”concrete” and ”concise ”steps taken by ms rehmann to improve or empower the lot of women and minorities in pakistan .
Pakistan Blogzine is no doubt the best political / current affairs blog in Pakistan. I like LUBP too but it is too pro-PPP.
Laibah and Salma’s posts add to LUBP’s critical value. Thanks for cross-posting, anyways 🙂
How do you define genocide and why can’t that be used in case of the Baloch or Shia? What alternate term do you suggest please?
Fahim thanks for asking for clarity so politely.
Pakistan has ratified the Convention on Genocide which defines Genocide as follows (now please the initial sentence carefully before reading the points below it:
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with ‘intent to’ destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
My problem is the “intent to destroy” for which we don’t have evidence… are the killing of various groups with intent to destroy group a, group b or group c?? OR is there any other motive behind it? Because u see ‘the intent to” lies at the heart of this definition and helps in interpreting it. because then we have to support through evidence the unveiling of that “intent”. I am working on getting more clarity for all my friends if I get any different interpretation from legal counsel I will share.
Hope this statement of mine is not blown out of proportion as many commentators without reading and understanding the statement have a habit of doing this; because this is a very very sensitive issue and we need to, as Pakistanis, handle it very carefully….so our voice is heard internationally and not just heard but also responded to… and not shoved away as an emotional stance.
More later
@Fahim, must answer your question. Once people are on one page on the definition then we can decide the alternate term…in my case for now I use extra judicial killing (Baloch) about Shia I am still studying as the motive ‘intent’ needs to be proven, is it to ‘destroy’ them or to create anarchy or to harrass and threaten them or is it sheer hatred and religious intolerance? I agree with Laibbah that the organization LEJ is supported by ISI but my investigation is on…what is ‘the intent’ of killing Shia…. to comply with the given definition we have to be sure.
Smart Choice By President Zardari !
Great: It is fact that elite will never tolerate PPP in politics. But issue is that they can not understand politics of Pakistan and politics of democracy and PPP.
needless discussion….now every ambassador..will think not plan against..ownself.ISI will get him…no matter how smart they are..what may be the country they are posted..thanks RABB
Thank you for detailed and very well argued reply.
I think sometimes the impact itself is an indication of the intent.
Also in the case of SSP-LeJ, even the intent is clearly spelt out.
What a dumb article by whoever is the writer. Sherry Rahman is not Hulk Hogan that she could fight all oppressive and nefarious designed forces. But, one thing she could do, raise her weak voice. If at all, she did not raise voice against all ills, she did for some. Does not she deserve some commendation in the wake of Pakistan’s environment being gripped under “save the skin” scenario. Has the author ever heard or read about Aung San Suu Kyi. A woman weaker than Sherry Rahman in physique living in Myanmar. Besides 1991 Nobel Peace Prize, she got Rafto and Sakharov prize for voice of the human rights. What did she do? She did not fire a bullet, she did not lead any procession, she just raised voice against oppression, and remained committed shoulder to shoulder with the oppressed ones. Sherry, by no means, is anywhere near to that stature. But at least, she did not advocate for any wrong acts, be that it is our establishment, President or any other mighty force enforced upon us. Tell me if there was any. The writer has pictured the brutal scenario of Baluchistan, sordid target killings of Shiites (latest two innocent scouts on first day of Muharram), 40,000 innocent civilians and 10,000 military jawans and officers – all victims of Terrorism, below poverty syndrome, no new industry no jobs and many more. Yes they are big time, but what has Sherry to do with all this? All she could do – raise a voice, a weak voice with tears in her eyes.
Sherry is a pick of Establishment for being elevated as ambassador to USA, is a personal opinion of the writer and not binding on others. She may be or may be not, without proof we can not say for sure. But then when had the Establishment not the upper hand?
I’m sorry but what does someone’s lifestyle have to do with them connecting with the people. Jinnah was one of the highest taxpayers in England. Owned a vast number of mansions all over the subcontinent did that in any way stop him from connecting with his fellow oppressed muslims.
Laibaah1 Laibaah
It is the same champion of human rights whose dandy human rights agenda has no place for cases such as Jalil Reki:
1 minute ago Favorite Reply Delete
Laibaah1 Laibaah
The same champ Sherry Rehman has now approached the US Congress conveying her concerns on the Balochistan hearing:… 2/2
2 minutes ago
Laibaah1 Laibaah
Does any one remember how the usual suspects promoted Sherry Rehman as a champion of human rights in #Pakistan? 1/2
FO takes exception to US Congress hearing on Balochistan
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has conveyed its serious concern over the US Congress committee’s meeting to be held on Wednesday exclusively on the issue of Balochistan.
Foreign Office Spokesman Abdul Basit told the news agency Pakistani embassy in Washington has taken exception to the scheduled meeting of the US Congress committee on foreign affairs to deliberate the issue of Balochistan.
The official website of US Congress displayed the notification and topic of the meeting. A Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher will chair the hearing. Rohrabacher recently, in an article, expressed support for an independent Balochistan. “Perhaps we should even consider support for a Balochistan carved out of Pakistan to diminish radical power there (in Pakistan),” Rohrabacher wrote in his article.
“Our embassy in Washington is already in touch with the organisers of the hearing of the committee. They know how we feel about it. Our concerns have been forcefully conveyed in Washington,” Basit said when he was asked about US legislator’s planned deliberation over the most sensitive issue of Pakistan.
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Pakistan’s urban, elitist liberals must not uncritically promote Sherry Rehman