laibaah Archive

Did Ali Dayan Hasan (of HRW) recant statement against ISI?: The newly appointed Director General of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) may have attained an understated and unsung victory for his intelligence agency considering the recent and highly surprising statement by Human Rights Watch’s Pakistan head Ali Dayan Hasan that

Jalil Reki’s murder is a test case for rights champion Sherry Rehman – by Laibaah: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine While elite media and human rights organizations are currently busy in projecting Sherry Rehman (Pakistan’s new Ambassador to the USA) as a champion of human rights in Pakistan, here is a first opportunity for Ambassador Rehman

Pakistan’s urban, elitist liberals must not uncritically promote Sherry Rehman: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: Some gems from Declan Walsh’s article promoting Sherry Rehman Where Ansar Abbasi and Mosharraf Zaidi converge: “PPP killed Sherry Rehman’s bill” Adil Najam and his pseudo-liberals’ outpouring of sympathy for Sherry Rehman –

Husain Haqqani’s replacement with Sherry Rehman was jointly engineered by Uncle Sam and Pakistan Army – by Laibaah: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine This is not a definitive post, however, there are some indications to suggest that at least some USA officials were, to some extent, on board with Pakistan army in trapping and ultimately deseating Ambassador Husain

Memogate: Pro-establishment fake liberals and right wingers’ coordinated plan against democracy: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related post: Husain Haqqani’s resignation and urban elites’ sham-e-ghariban on Twitter Usual suspects have approached the Lahore High Court to place Ambassador Husain Haqqani’s name in the Exit Control List! This is a serious development which

Express Tribune must not distort facts about Husain Haqqani – by Laibaah: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: Husain Haqqani, memogate and urban elites’ pandemonium on Twitter A critical analysis of Husain Haqqani vs Mansoor Ijaz saga It is now well established that by virtue of his influential position as Pakistan Ambassador

Husain Haqqani, memogate and urban elites’ pandemonium on Twitter: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: Husain Haqqani’s resignation and urban elites’ sham-e-ghariban on Twitter A critical analysis of Husain Haqqani vs Mansoor Ijaz saga Express Tribune must not distort facts about Husain Haqqani There is a great pandemonium of

Why Imran Khan should be worried about PTI’s Vice President Shahid Qazi’s resignation – by Laibaah: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine Imran Khan and his political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) suffered its biggest blow yet as one of its main leaders from Balochistan resigned, alleging that the party was toeing the line of Pakistan’s all powerful military establishment.

A critical analysis of Husain Haqqani vs Mansoor Ijaz saga: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: Deconstructing Husain Haqqani – by Aamir Mughal and Sarah Khan Express Tribune must not distort facts about Husain Haqqani Husain Haqqani, memogate and urban elites’ pandemonium on Twitter Mullen throws Husain Haqqani under the

Please forgive Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan – by Laibaah: Source: Pakistan Blogzine The following statement by Dr. AQ Khan has been recently published in several newspapers: Instead of criticizing Zardari and Nawaz, Imran must suggest solutions ISLAMABAD: Dr Abdul Qadeer, a renowned scientist, has said that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf

Javid Naseer Rind, another Baloch journalist silenced by the Deep State – by Laibaah: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine Another Baloch journalist, Javid Naseer Rind, was killed today. His mutilated dead body was recovered from Khuzdar. Javid Naseer Rind, the former Deputy Editor of Daily Tawar, a leading anti-military-state Baloch newspaper published in Urdu

Best of both worlds: Imran Khan’s PTI Lahore rally in pictures – by Laibaah: Shahzad Roy omitted “naik woh hai jisay moqa nai mila” at his PTI jalsa performance. Imran Khan said to Nawaz Sharif: “mian saab jaan deo, sadi wari aan deo” Source: Pakistan Blogzine Imran Khan’s PTI rally in Lahore on

Imran Khan’s Vice President Ejaz Chaudhry’s links with sectarian terrorists!: Source Related post: Imran Khan’s Lahore rally offers no hope to Pakistan’s religious and ethnic minority groups There is consistent and irrefutable evidence of Ejaz Chaudhry’s (Vice President and Incharge Youth and Students Affairs of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf) links

Imran Khan ke naam khula khat – by Laibaah: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine Related post: Imran Khan’s Lahore rally offers no hope to Pakistan’s religious and ethnic minority groups پاکستان تحریک انصاف کے چئیرمین جناب عمران خان کے نام ایک کھلا خط میں انصاف کی طالب ہوں جناب

Ajmeer Shah, you will not be mourned – by Laibaah: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine You will not be mourned. Right wingers hate you because of your operations against the soldiers of Islam (TTP, LeJ, SSP etc). Urban liberal elites (aka fake liberals) do not consider you worthy of much

On LUBP’s apology to Najam Sethi club: Why can’t we respect free speech even if we disagree? – by Salma Jafar: The national media in Pakistan has become too sordid and boring despite the freedom it had to turn itself into credibility amongst its audience; apparently it has lost it. Because people like me no more watch the talk shows

Shia genocide, complicity of judiciary and the attempts to stifle dissent – by Haider Karrar: Today Pakistan is in the midst of a low grade war against its minority Shia Muslim population. This is the same Pakistan whose founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah had said: “Minorities, to whichever community they may belong, will be safeguarded.

Shahbaz Sharif’s unfair restrictions on PTI’s public meeting in Lahore: Source: Pakistan Blogzine While I am no supporter of Imran Khan’s PTI (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf), I consider it every political party’s right to organize political campaign and jalsas (public meetings). Apparently, PML-N’s government in Punjab (led by Chief Minister Shahbaz

Najam Sethi’s role in the Baloch resistance movement of 1970s – by Laibaah: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine For a counter view, read this post: LUBP must not consciously malign Najam Sethi **** Najam Sethi, according to some of his “urban liberal” colleagues (some of whom are employees/columnists of The Friday Times or

A comment on AHRC’s statement on Balochistan – by Laibaah: Cross posted from Pakistan Blogzine Asian Human Rights Commission has issued a comprehensive statement on the state of Baloch genocide in Pakistan which is currently being carried out by Pakistan army, its various sub-organizations and agencies (FC, ISI, MI

Nadeem Afzal Gondal Chan’s brave stance against generals and judges: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: On General Musharraf’s betrayal by General Kayani – by pejamistri PML-N’s NRO with Musharraf and secret meetings with General Kayani Critical analysts of Pakistani politics have always insisted that the restoration of CJP

I condemn liberal fascists’ attack on Hamid Mir – by Riaz Malik Hajjaji: About the author I will not tolerate any criticism of patriotic journalists like Hamid Mir. If one were to reach the pinnacle of investigative journalism, one would then have to strain their neck further upwards to see the exalted

Hamid Mir, Shia Hazaras do NOT need your crocodile tears! – by Laibaah: Related posts: Pakistani Shias and other rights activists protest the misrepresentation of Shia massacres by Human Rights Cartel Intellectual dishonesty in misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan For the last few days, we have seen a new trend in Pakistani

Pakistani Shias and other rights activists protest the misrepresentation of Shia massacres by Human Rights Cartel: Pakistan’s Shia, Hazara and other volunteer human rights activists reject Amnesty, HRW and HRCP’s biased and misleading reports and statements on the systematic and ongoing Shia massacres in Pakistan. Volunteer rights activists are deeply offended by the deliberate attempts

Censorship tactics and the ‘unity of liberals’ – by Alamdar Mengal: LUBP editors, writers and supporters are often harassed and falsely accused for engaging in personal attacks, abuse, ISI-tagging and using pen names. Such accusations are also hurled at other bloggers and writers who take a bold, anti-establishment stance (e.g.

Rezaul Hasan Laskar: An Indian journalist in Pakistan embedded in ISI’s narratives: Disclaimer: While we may not agree with the entirety of this post, we nonetheless are concerned about how foreign correspondents in Pakistan are gradually embedded in the wishy washy, vague, ambiguous discourse developed by the ISPR mouthpieces in Pakistani

The strange case of Laibaah Ahmad Marri – by Sumantra Maitra: Cross-posted from Citizen Journal For the uninitiated, Laibaah Ahmad Marri is a US based, Baloch activist, who was suspended from Twitter. The interesting part is, she was suspended, for the “fourth” time, after being reported as a “bot”…even

Human Rights of Pakistan Army – by Riaz Malik Hajjaji: Related posts: Appeal to international community: Impose travel restrictions on all senior officers of Pakistan army Urgent Petition: Stop Pakistan Army’s Crimes against Humanity On BBC’s Secret Pakistan and Ejaz Haider: Their denials and propagandists – by Abbas Daiyar

Story of Laibaah: Death of free speech in Pakistan – by Sumantra Maitra: Cross-posted from Daily World Watch Hey guys! Yet another of my post starting with a “sorry” to you all. I have not been regular, I know, guilty as charged. Preparations of shifting to New Zealand, being one of the

Amnesty’s statement masks Deep State’s role in Shia massacres in Pakistan: Cross-posted from: Pakistan Blogzine It was amusing as well as educating to see how some urban (seemingly) liberal Pakistani tweeps and media persons uncritically recycled and reported the Amnesty and HRCP’s recent statements on the systematic and ongoing Shia

Activists slam rights organization statement as ’very weak,’ lacking integrity – by Ahmadiyya Times: Related posts: Bold statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on Shia massacres in Pakistan under the patronage by Pakistan army An open letter to Kenneth Roth, Executive Director of HRW: A call for help from Pakistan Ahmadiyya Times

Pakistani Shias, rights activists reject HRCP’s statement on Shia killings in Pakistan: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: Intellectual dishonesty in misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan Laibaah, the liberal fascist, must refrain from attacking human rights defenders A humble request to Mustafa Qadri (Amnesty) and Ali Dayan Hasan (HRW) Petition: Silence of

Intellectual dishonesty in misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan: Local Pakistani residents gather around the bodies of Shiite Muslims after an attack by gunmen in Mastung. Related posts: Petition: Silence of Human Rights Organizations on Shia Genocide in Pakistan You know you are a Pakistani Shia when… 50

Cyril Almeida’s invitation to army to save Pakistan from Zardari: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine According to Cyril Almeida writing in Dawn, 16 Sep 2011: Army must consider that “the costs of non-intervention [i.e. not removing Zardari from presidency] are higher than the benefits of the status quo.” Critical readers

A comment on Sadanand Dhume’s WSJ article on the plight of Pakistan’s Shia: Source: Pakistan Blogzine We are pleased to cross-post an unusual article in Wall Street Journal which highlights the silent systematic mass murder of Shia Muslims in Pakistan by the Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP), Taliban (TTP) etc which is on going

A humble request to Mustafa Qadri (Amnesty) and Ali Dayan Hasan (HRW) – by Laibaah: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: Appeal to HRW, Amnesty, HRCP: Don’t ignore or misrepresent Shia genocide in Pakistan Laibaah, the liberal fascist, must refrain from attacking human rights defenders Resources on Shia genocide in Pakistan SOS from Hazara Shias

Petition: Silence of Human Rights Organizations on Shia Genocide in Pakistan: Please sign this petition here: To: Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, United Nations Human Rights Commission, European Union, Governments of Pakistan, USA, UK and other countries Silence of Human Rights Organizations on Shia

Let’s wipe out the PPP: On Daily Times’ editorial on Shahbaz Taseer’s kidnapping: Related post: PSF activists support Mumtaz Qadri? Poor reporting by the Daily Times: A plea to Shaheed Taseer’s family – by Shahid Khakwani There are a number of key problems in Daily Times’ Editorial on Shahbaz Taseer’s kidnapping: 1.

Human rights activist @Laibaah silenced by Urban Elite Tweeples – by Alamdar Ahmad Mengal: Editor’s Disclaimer: While we may not agree with some of the contentions offered in this post, we wholeheartedly support the principle of Free Speech and condemn those fascists who ganged up to silence Laiba Marri’s voice on Twitter ……….

The Kufi Shia sellouts of the military establishment – by Laibaah: Syed Mushahid Hussain, Nasim Zehra, Ejaz Haider, Mosharraf Zaidi, Syed Talat Hussain, Shireen Mazari, Meher Bokhari and Abbas brothers: Take a bow in front of your Yazid Masters! While the massacre of Shias in Pakistan continues unabated, these establishment apologists
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