Husain Haqqani, memogate and urban elites’ pandemonium on Twitter
Source: Pakistan Blogzine
Related posts: Husain Haqqani’s resignation and urban elites’ sham-e-ghariban on Twitter
A critical analysis of Husain Haqqani vs Mansoor Ijaz saga
Express Tribune must not distort facts about Husain Haqqani
There is a great pandemonium of urban (fake) liberals on Twitter. Mansoor Ijaz has published his BBM conversations with an unknown government official. Admiral Mullen has finally acknowledged that the memo in fact existed and was delivered to him. Najam Sethi has predicted that Husain Haqqani might soon lose his job. Husain Haqqani himself has offered to resign.
With the much speculated resignation of Husain Haqqani in sight, there is an environment of mourning in the circle of Pakistan’s urban elites on Twitter.
غلام بھاگتے پھرتے ہیں مشعلیں لے کر
محل پہ ٹوٹنے والا ہو آسماں جیسے
(Loose translation: Slaves are running around in a state of frenzy as if the sky is going to fall on the palace.)
It is quite entertaining to see known PPP-phobes or Zardari-phobes to see competing with each other praising Ambassador Haqqani and highlighting his indispensability to Pakistan and PPP. Those who usually keep complete silence on violation of the Namoos (honour) of PPP leaders (Zardari, BB, ZAB, Nusrat Bhutto etc) are shedding crocodile tears for the Namoos of Husain Haqqani. With friends and mourners like these, Haqqani does not need foes. Do supporting voices of PPP haters, Zardari phobes add to his credibility?
Unfortunately, some progressive writers too have allowed themselves to be a part of the Namoos-e-Haqqani Network (NHN) because of tribal loyalties and short-term socio-economic interests.
Dear urban elites and their middle class paraphernalia, dear lovers of Iftikhar Chaudhry and Imran Khan, dear closet affiliates of ISI, do you really think PPP needs your advices and sympathies?
Here are a few examples from Twitter:
NasimZehra Nasim Zehra
Amb HHaqqani represented Pk thru difficult period & worked closely with Pak security institutions.On memo gov not suing FT is trouble 4 HHanthonypermal Anthony Permal
Fact is – and no offence to anyone – @husainhaqqani brings class to the PPP’s usual crass. @AamnaTaseer @marvisirmed @Razarumievo8X8 k
by tammyhaq
hh is the only intelligent man in ppp today.UroojZia Urooj Zia
‘If @husainhaqqani does leave his post, we will have lost our most effective lobbyist for the country.’ Ahofifiharoon Fifi Haroon
Why are we taking Mansoor Ijaz’s word over that of @husainhaqqani ? What makes him credible? Anyone can claim anything, doesn’t make it truemazdaki Mohammad Taqi
Lets face it, after Benazir passed @husainhaqqani is the foremost Pakistani consistently standing up for civilian supremacy over militaryAbdulNishapuri Abdul Nishapuri
The more ISI hates Husain Haqqani, the more he should be worthy of our respect.beenasarwar Beena Sarwar
I hope Prez Zardari does not accept the resignation letter. We need @husainhaqqani in Washington for Pakistan’s sakeshobz Shoaib Taimur
IMHO The only great Ambassadors to the US so far have been Dr Maliha Lodhi and Husain Haqqani so far (in this modern era) #pakistanAliDayan Ali Dayan Hasan
Undisputed Fact: @husainhaqqani has been a strong supporter of human rights of #Pakistanis in DC both as ambassador & beforemarvisirmed Marvi Sirmed
RT @akchishti Hussain Haqqani remains a true patriot. He has served #Pakistan by giving 100% even in the toughest of times with honesty.marvisirmed Marvi Sirmed
Perfect :))) RT @akchishti: So Hussain Haqanni as Senator? #PakistanDrAwab Awab Alvi
@MohsinHijazee what implications? @husainhaqqani offers to resign #A2ZFail refuses to accept, issue deflected, face saved – continue to lootDrAwab Awab Alvi
@saroshmahdi for me he was “respectable” @husainhaqqani / not much I can say for the other s*** load of PPP leaders & other propagandists 🙂DrAwab Awab Alvi
If @husainhaqqani has resigned, I for one am saddened to have lost a very respectable & engaging PPP leader on Twittercpyala Cafe Pyala
It should be pointed out that @najamsethi also said that the Mansur Ijaz drama was orchestrated by you know whos of Pakistan.cpyala Cafe Pyala
@abbasnasir59 That Mansur Ijaz gave ISI the info that implicated HH, that GenK has now demanded HH be removed, that HH will go in few days.tammyhaq Ayesha Tammy Haq
@abbasnasir59 they want to decide who should be ambassador and who shouldn’t. Wonder if the president will agreefaisalkapadia FK
No matter what the world says, to my knowledge @husainhaqqani did his utmost to serve his nation as ambassador to the U.S and is a patriot!
SamadK Samad Khurram
@cpyala @abbasnasir59 @tammyhaq Zardari should give a big slap to everyone else by giving @husainhaqqani an extension.Razarumi Raza Rumi
@dasghar Pakistan’s powerhouse cannot cohabit with the extraordinary calibre of @husainhaqqani. They have been gunning for him from day one!cpyala Cafe Pyala
@SamadK Don’t think he’s in any position to slap anyone. Let’s be realistic. @abbasnasir59 @tammyhaq @husainhaqqanitammyhaq Ayesha Tammy Haq
@cpyala so r u suggesting that the establishment will win & @husainhaqqani will be removed? Two cheers for democracy @samadk @abbasnasir59cpyala Cafe Pyala
@tammyhaq Yes. Am suggesting that when you have a guilty conscience, diffic to take a moral stand. @samadk @abbasnasir59@tammyhaq
@cpyala guilty conscience? @samadk @abbasnasir59cpyala Cafe Pyala
@tammyhaq Gambled. Got caught spot fixing. Mazhar Majeed ratted them out 🙂 @samadk @abbasnasir59tammyhaq Ayesha Tammy Haq
@cpyala 🙂 can’t see prez pushing him out though @samadk @abbasnasir59husainhaqqani Husain Haqqani
by tammyhaq
Thank you all for the outpouring of support & concern. I am at work & will continue 2 serve #Pakistan.tammyhaq Ayesha Tammy Haq
Yes gd idea “@SamadK: @cpyala @abbasnasir59 @tammyhaq Zardari should give a big slap 2 every1 else by giving @husainhaqqani an extension.”Umers Umer Zamir Shah
by tammyhaq@
@tammyhaq @husainhaqqani ,seems like they want someone like commando Musharaf as US Ambassador!Civilians r just not patriots enough for themtammyhaq Ayesha Tammy Haq
@KamranShafi46 @mazdaki we all need to remind the establishment the the Haqqanis they want are in the tribal areas not DCcpyala Cafe Pyala
by tammyhaq
Najam Sethi has openly announced today why @husainhaqqani is on his way out (Hint: Mansur Ijaz). Just to point out that There will be a post SOON about why we had a strong hunch there was more to the Mansur Ijaz saga that met the eye.tammyhaq Ayesha Tammy Haq
@jalalhussain well let’s cancel that one we don’t want them to do anything but defend r frontiers leave foreign policy alone @husainhaqqanitammyhaq Ayesha Tammy Haq
@shobz they want to continue to run the country just wish they would do their jobs and let @husainhaqqani do histammyhaq Ayesha Tammy Haq
Looks like our establishment doesn’t want an ambassador who works for the democratic government but one that works for them @husainhaqqaniRezhasan Rezaul Hasan Laskar
someone [Ansar Abbasi] speaks on behalf of his masters on #Memogate Ayesha Tammy Haq
WORD “@SamadK: @tammyhaq Clearly interested in the wrong Haqqanis. @husainhaqqani”tammyhaq Ayesha Tammy Haq
when did we agree that it was ok 4 #ISI 2 decide who shd b ambassador & 4 how long? @husainhaqqani can only b appointed removed by dem govtabbasnasir59 Abbas Nasir
@tammyhaq I doubt the PTI jalsa wld’ve so weakened AZ he’d succumb to pressure. He’ll indict himself if he sacks HH anyway. @cpyala @samadkabbasnasir59 Abbas Nasir
@cpyala Thanks. Is that why Kayani met Prez today. Haqqani wasn’t acting on his own, was he? If all this is true and not more disinfo.RiazToori Riaz Ali Toori
Praying 4 ur more strength Rt @husainhaqqani Thank u all fr d outpouring of support & concern. I’m at work & will continue 2 serve #PakistanmSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
His Excellency @husainhaqqani sounds bold, clear and confident while clarifying his stance about the allegations made by MI.TarekFatah Tarek Fatah
@dhume01 @husainhaqqani This is an attempt by the #Pakistan Army & ISI to undermine the authority of the elected democratic government.HumaImtiaz Huma Imtiaz
@cpyala Since I woke up really late to this Mansoor Ejaz story, is there buzz on who new amb would be if HH gets sacked?TarekFatah Tarek Fatah
#Pakistan Army flexes muscle: Demands removal of @husainhaqqani ambassador to US. Instead, Generals with links to #Taliban should go.newpakistan New Pakistan
With the Americans taking such a critical view of #Pakistan, seems like we would want someone like @husainhaqqani in DC. 1/2 You can’t play good cop-bad cop without a good cop. And bad cop-bad cop is a losing strategy. 2/2newpakistan New Pakistan
Also true MT @Jamash a lot of times @najamsethi said things which never turned out the way he said they wouldanthonypermal Anthony Permal
Not stupid, ridiculous at such a time! Cannot swap HH’s integrity for someone else’s chamchagiri @jehan_ara @husainhaqqani @tammyhaq @shobzjehan_ara jehan_ara
I think it would be really stupid to remove @husainhaqqani as Ambassador to the US. How does @najamsethi know this? @tammyhaq @shobzmazdaki Mohammad Taqi
MT“@ArifMaryam: @husainhaqqani since when does the army get to decide who should be ambassador?!” Army bluffing again – must be called outSamadK Samad Khurram
@abbasnasir59 @tammyhaq @cpyala Is it really the Mansoor Ijaz story that’s triggering it? He’s known to be shady – linked Iraq with Osama!BinaShah Bina Shah
Visited NYC Consulate, impressed with efficiency when I applied for new NIC. Kudos to @husainhaqqani for his hard work & dedication.ahraza_ Agha Haider Raza
@FiveRupees @husainhaqqani way back in October 08 – The Nation had given HH 48 hours; stating Maliha Lodhi was to become new head of missionFiveRupees Five Rupees
Am highly skeptical of news/rumors that @husainhaqqani is about to lose his job Heard this stuff before. Let’s see.fifiharoon Fifi Haroon
Am sure @cpyala will dig up the real story on Mansur Ijaz. Certainly most of r mainstream media r content with reiterating the scandalshobz Shoaib Taimur
@Razarumi are they so petty that they want to get rid of HH?Razarumi Raza Rumi
Let’s hope not. But @najamsethi would not have discussed if it was not that serious RT @shobz:they so petty that they want to get rid of HH?shobz Shoaib Taimur
@tammyhaq @Razarumi do they really think they can send a better ambassador? @husainhaqqani is A-Grade material.tammyhaq Ayesha Tammy Haq
@Razarumi yes but as Prez set example not 2 a day 2 feed in2 superstition – Isloo where the Prez is Prez & the goats r afraid @shakirhusainanthonypermal Anthony Permal
Fact is – and no offence to anyone – @husainhaqqani brings class to the PPP’s usual crass. @AamnaTaseer @marvisirmed @Razarumi
If known Zardari-phobes Tammy Haq of PTI, Dr Awab of PTI, Ali Chishti of MQM, Cafe Pyala, Samad Khurram of pkpolitics etc are supporting him, Husain Haqqani is clearly in wrong company!
یہ چمن یونہی رہے گا اور ہزاروں جانور
اپنی اپنی بولیاں سب بول کر اڑ جائیں گے
Interestingly not many PPP Jiyallas are crying for Hussain Haqqani. It’s funny to see Tammy Haq so much fascinated by Haqqani
Aap Log Haqqqani Kay Khilaf Mazmoon Kyhun nahin Chaptay? Paisay laitay Ho?
What’s wrong if urban dwellers like Ambassador Haqqani? He is much better than Aapa Firdous and Rehman Malik Dakait!
Huma Imtiaz has been tasked by Express Tribune and Hussain Haqqani himself to promote him.
LUBP don’t support Aabpara industry in this dirty game against the democratic set up.
So what’s so wrong with people writing in support of HH against the ISI/military.??
The mouthpieces of establishment are at fire against Ambassador Hussain Haqqani and we people too. Whenever someone is charged for some misconduct, but it is sad indeed that everyone here is yearning one thing or the other without any prove or probing into issue. Let the issue by probed into and let the truth come out. It is totally unfair to accuse someone until charges proved. I guess this memo was drafted months ago, why suddenly Mansoor Ijaz remembered to bring this paper afore. Who is pulling his strings to malign Hussain Haqqani and democratic Government of Pakistan? Hussain Haqqani has publicly denied about this memorandum. Mansoor Ijaz should be brought into justice and should be asked to give solid evidences against Hussain Haqqani. This transcript is totally fake and a deep hatched conspiracy. We have just opened a Pandora box, without facts behind well interwoven story to dislodge democratic Government.
I think you are missing a point here. There is a consensus building in Pakistan that Military should focus on the job that it is paid to do and not interfere in the affairs of state which is what is needed in a truly democratic setup.