MQM and PML-N introduce each other
غیر اخلاقی بیان بازی کے بعد فائر بندی
فریقین میں تلخی اور توہین آمیز بیان بازی کا سلسلہ اس وقت شروع ہوا جب مسلم لیگ (ن) کے سربراہ نواز شریف نے مظفرآباد میں ایک خطاب میں ایم کیو ایم پر فوجی آمر کا ساتھ دینے، کراچی میں بارہ مئی کے قتل عام اور ٹارگٹ کلنگ کا الزام عائد کیا۔
جس کے جواب میں الطاف حسین نے کراچی میں اپنے کارکنوں سے خطاب میں کہا کہ وہ کراچی یونیورسٹی کے سند یافتہ فارماسسٹ ہیں اور اگر اس دوائی سے مسلم لیگ (ن) کے رہنماؤں کی طبیعت ٹھیک نہیں ہوئی تو وہ ان کے لیے کسی دوسری دوائی کا انتظام کریں گے۔
اس بیان پر مسلم لیگ (ن) کے رہنما چوہدری نثار نے بدھ کو شام گئے قومی اسمبلی کے باہر صحافیوں سے بات کرتے ہوئے کہا تھا کہ الطاف حسین نے جو زبان استعمال کی ہے وہ ان کی تاریخ ہے کیونکہ ان کی تربیت ہی ایسی ہوئی ہے۔
انہوں نے مزید کہا کہ الطاف حسین جب لندن سے بولتے ہیں تو ہوش میں نہیں رہتے اور میڈیا ان کی تقریر براہ راست نشر نہ کرے۔ ان کے بقول پاکستان میں انقلاب کی بات کرنے والے الطاف حسین نے ملکہ برطانیہ سے وفاداری کا حلف اٹھایا ہوا ہے اور وہ پاکستان میں فوجی آمر پرویز مشرف کے کندھے پر سوار ہوکر حکمرانی کرتے رہے اور ایم کیو ایم کی بنیاد بھی ایک فوجی آمر ضیاءالحق نے رکھی۔
انہوں نے متنبہ کیا تھا کہ اگر الطاف حسین نے اپنا لب ولہجہ درست نہیں کیا تو وہ ان کی طلاق یافتہ بیوی کی وہ باتیں سامنے لائیں گے جو انہوں نے الطاف کے متعلق عدالت میں کی تھیں۔ انہوں نے یہ بھی کہا تھا کہ الطاف حسین کے بھارت کے دورے کے وقت نظریہ پاکستان کے خلاف بیان اور دیگر معاملات بھی عوام کے سامنے لائیں گے۔
مسلم لیگ (ن) کے رہنما کے اس بیان کے فوری بعد ایم کیو ایم کے رکن قومی اسمبلی حیدر عباس رضوی نے پارلیمان کے باہر میڈیا سے بات کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ چوہدری نثار نے جو زبان استعمال کی اس پر انہیں شرم آنی چاہیے۔انہوں نے مزید کہا کہ آمریت کی گود میں آنکھ کھولنے والے نواز شریف، ضیاءالحق اور جنرل جیلانی کی پیداوار ہیں اور آج بھی رات کو برقعہ پہن کر جرنیلوں سے ملتے ہیں۔
ایم کیو ایم نے پنجاب کی ہر ماں، بیٹی، باب، بیٹے، بچے، جوان اور بزرگ کی توہین کی ہے اور یہ ان کا جرم ناقابل معافی ہے۔
صدیق الفاروق
اس موقع پر ایم کیو ایم کے ایک اور رکن وسیم اختر نے انتہائی جارحانہ رویہ اپناتے ہوئے کہا کہ پنجاب میں کرپشن، ہر گھر میں مجرے اور جسم فروشی ہو رہے ہیں انہیں مسلم لیگ (ن) روکنے میں ناکام ہوگئی ہے۔
انہوں نے کہا کہ شریف برادران کی دو فیکٹریاں تھی لیکن اب بتیس ہیں، یہ کہاں سے بنائیں؟۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ سیاسی رہنما جب ملک سے باہر جاتے ہیں تو کتاب لکھتےہیں یا قوم کی رہنمائی کرتے ہیں لیکن شریف برادران بال لگواتے ہیں۔
انہوں نے چوہدری نثار علی خان کو انگلش فلم کے مزاحیہ کردار ’مسٹر بین‘ سے تشبیہ دی تھی اور کہا تھا کہ وہ وِگ لگا کر پھرتے ہیں۔وسیم اختر نے یہ بھی کہا کہ اگر لیگی رہنماؤں نے اپنا رویہ ترک نہیں کیا تو لاہور کی عوام انہیں رائیونڈ میں بند کر دے گی اور انہیں مارے گی۔
Source: BBC Urdu
ن لیگ اور ایم کیو ایم کے ایک دوسرے کی قیادت پر انتہائی سخت الزامات
اسلام آباد(نمائندہ جنگ/ایجنسیاں) مسلم لیگ (ن) اور ایم کیو ایم نے ایک دوسرے کی قیادت پر انتہائی سخت الزامات لگائے ہیں۔
قومی اسمبلی میں قائد حزب اختلاف چوہدری نثار نے ایم کیو ایم کے قائد الطاف حسین کے بارے میں کہا کہ وہ جب لندن سے بولتے ہیں تو ہوش میں نہیں ہوتے ہمیں اس بات پر مجبور نہ کیا جائے کہ ہم ان کی سابقہ اہلیہ کا بیان ریکارڈ پر لائیں۔
جوابی حملہ کرتے ہوئے متحدہ قومی موومنٹ کے رہنما حیدر عباس رضوی اور وسیم اختر نے کہا کہ ن لیگ کی قیادت کو شادیاں کرنے سے فرصت نہیں ملتی۔ ملک تباہ ہو رہا ہے اور وہ بال لگوانے لندن جا رہے ہیں،مناظرے کا چیلنج دینے والے دم دبا کر بھاگ گئے۔
پارلیمنٹ ہاؤس کے باہر پریس کانفرنس سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے چوہدری نثار نے کہا کہ الطاف حسین جو زبان استعمال کر رہے ہیں وہ انہیں زیب نہیں دیتی۔ وہ قوم سے معافی مانگ کر عوام کی سیاست کریں۔ الطاف حسین کی تاریخ ہی ایسی ہے جیسی زبان وہ استعمال کر رہے ہیں ۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ انقلاب کی باتیں کرنے والے کل مشرف کے حلیف تھے اور آج نا م نہاد جمہوری حکومت کا حصہ ہیں ۔ ایک طرف تو وہ انقلاب کی باتیں کرتے ہیں اور دوسری طرف وہ حکومت سے علیحدہ ہونے کیلئے تیار نہیں ہیں ۔ چوہدری نثار نے کہا کہ نواز شریف نے مظفر آبا د میں ایم کیو ایم کے متعلق سیاسی بات کی لیکن ایشیا کے انقلابی لیڈر نے اس کے جواب میں جو زبان استعمال کی وہ ان کو زیب نہیں دیتی ،شاید ان کی تاریخ اور تربیت ہی ایسی ہے۔ ایم کیو ایم ایک سیاسی جماعت ہے جس کا ہم احترام کرتے ہیں تا ہم میں آزاد میڈیا کو کہنا چاہتا ہوں کہ وہ اس بات کا احساس کریں کہ جب یہ صاحب لند ن سے بولتے ہیں تو وہ ہوش میں نہیں ہوتے جو شخص ہوش میں نہ ہو اس کی تقریر اور بیان براہ راست ٹی وی پر نہ دیکھا یا جائے ۔
چوہدری نثاری علی خان نے کہا کہ 12مئی 2007کو جو کچھ ہوا وہ تاریخ کا حصہ ہے وہ پوری دنیا نے دیکھا نواز شریف نے کوئی غلط بات نہیں کی حقائق بیان کیے ہیں انہوں نے کہا کہ ان کی سیاست منافقت اور شدت اور گولی کی سیاست ہے۔ا نہوں نے اپنی پارٹی کے چیئر میں طارق عظیم کو مخالفت کرنے پر گولیوں کا نشانہ بنایا اور سابق وفاقی وزیر طارق محمود کو بھی گولیوں کا نشانہ بنایا گیایہ مشرف کے کندھوں پر سوار ہو کر حکمرانی کرتے رہے یہ بھی ایک حقیقت ہے کہ ایم کیو ایم کی بنیاد جنرل ضیاء الحق نے رکھی تھی۔انہوں نے کہا کہ اگر الطاف حسین ایسی زبان استعمال کرتے رہے تو ہم ان کی سابقہ اہلیہ کا وہ بیان جو ان کے کردار اور جمہوری رویے کے بارے میں ہے اسے منظر عام پر لے آئینگے۔
چوہدری نثارعلی خان نے کہا کہ وہ انقلاب پاکستان میں لانے کی بات کرتے ہیں اور خود ملکہ برطانیہ کی وفاداری کا حلف اٹھایا ہوا ہے اور بر طانیہ کا پاسپورٹ انکے پاس موجودہے انہوں نے کہا کہ مشرف کے دور میں الطاف حسین نے بھارت جا کر نظریہ پاکستان اور ہندوستان کی تقسیم کے بارے میں جو بیان دیا تھا وہ بھی منظر عام پر لایا جائے گاانقلاب لانے والا لیڈر 19سال سے وطن واپس کیوں نہیں آیا ۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ جو زبان ذوالفقار مرزا نے استعمال کی اس پر وہ خاموش کیوں ہیں اور ان کے حلیف بنے بیٹھے ہیں ۔ا نہوں نے کہا کہ نوازشریف نے کبھی بھی پاکستان کے مفاد کیخلاف بات نہیں کی فوجی آمر نے انکو زبردستی جلا وطن کیا تھااور نواز شریف نے فوجی آمر سے کوئی معافی نہیں مانگی تھی بلکہ فوجی آمر کے دور میں ہی وطن واپس آئے، الطاف حسین بھی وطن واپس آئیں اور فوجی آمروں کا ساتھ دینے پر قوم سے معافی مانگیں ۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ ہم الطاف حسین کا ایک میڈیکل سرٹیفیکٹ بھی سامنے لائیں گے ۔
متحدہ قومی موومنٹ کے رہنما حیدر عباس رضوی نے چوہدری نثار کی جانب سے الطاف حسین کے حوالے سے دیئے گئے بیان پر اظہار افسوس کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ چوہدری نثار کو ایسی زبان استعمال کرتے ہوئے شرم آنی چاہئے۔ مسلم لیگ ن والوں نے مناظرے کا چیلنج دیا تاہم اس کے بعد دم دبا کر بھاگ گئے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ مسلم لیگ ن قیادت میں آکر شادیاں کرنے سے ہی فرصت نہیں ملتی اور ہمیں معلوم ہے کہ کس کی بہن بیٹی کے ساتھ کس طرح شادیاں ہوئی ہیں۔ پنجاب میں پروٹوکول کے نام پر کروڑوں روپے خرچ کئے جا رہے ہیں مسلم لیگ ن خواتین کے کنونشن میں قرارداد پیش کی گئی جس میں میاں نواز شریف کو شاہ جہاں اور بیگم کلثوم نواز کو ممتاز محل کا خطاب دیا گیا ہے کیا نواز شریف کیلئے امیرالمومنین کا خطاب کافی نہ تھا۔
حیدر عباس رضوی نے مزید کہا کہ مسلم لیگ ن جنرل جیلانی کی پیداوار ہے ضیاء الحق کی پیروکار ہے اور مشرف کا شکرگزار ہونا چاہئے کہ ایک سو بیس صندوقوں اور نوکروں کی فوج لیکر اس ملک سے بھاگے تھے تاہم آج فوج کے خلاف ہی باتیں کر رہے ہیں جبکہ برقعہ پہن کر رات کی تاریکی میں فوج ہی سے ملاقاتیں بھی ہو رہی ہیں۔
اس موقع پر وسیم اختر کا کہنا تھا کہ مسلم لیگ ن کے قول و فعل میں تضاد ہے مسلم لیگ ن کے لیڈر بال لگوانے برطانیہ جا رہے ہیں جبکہ ملک تباہ ہو رہا ہے۔
Source: Jang, 30 Dec 2010
Dawn News Package: Chaudhry Nisar vs Wasim Akhtar and Haider Abbas Rizvi
Tonight with Jasmeen (the noise machine): Zaeem Qadri vs Mustafa Kamal
Hazrat Zaid Hamid’s analysis of MQM and PML-N Fight. ‘Politicians are corrupt’ the main theme that Mr Zaid Hamid shares with Ansar Abbasi, Haroon Rasheed, Ejaz Haider and Mosharraf Zaidi.
Bhit Shah address: Altaf warns govt against sending ISI chief to US court December 26, 2010
Same Altaf back in 2001 against Our Beloved Pakistani Armed Forces:
Speech by Mr. Anwar MQM at Seminar on Positioning Pakistan in
“War Against Terrorism”
Chairperson Sindhi-Baloch Forum
Conway Hall, London WC1
Mr. Chairperson
I am extremely delighted to have been invited to speak to the distinguished guests and the members of the public from your Forum. The subject of the discussion of this Seminar “Positioning Pakistan in “War Against Terrorism” is an extremely complex one. The word “Positioning” signifies choice whereas in case of Pakistan, Pakistan had no choice of positioning herself. In the governance of Pakistan or in its foreign policy, the ruling oligarchy of Punjab does not consider political or public consensus. It was imposed by a single telephonic conversation between the senior members of the U S Administration and the President General Parvez Musharraf, which according to the news reports was as follows? U.S. “What did we just say? The Taliban are your guys. Osama-bin-Laden has their protection. We have just lost 6000 people. We are in no mood for games. You join us, or face our wrath too”. That in fact, decided the “Positioning” of the Government of Pakistan in “War Against Terrorism”.
Before the tragic terrorists attacks on the Twin Towers in New York and Washington on 11th. September 2001, the “Positioning” of Pakistan was crystal clear. I am quoting two excerpts from the statements of the President of Pakistan General Parvez Musharraf; the first one was made on 5th. February 2000 that stated: “Jihad is not terrorism, Mujahideen organisations are not terrorist organisations. Jihad had been revived during Afghan war and now it is Jihad in Kashmir. Muslims from different parts of the world are coming together to support their oppressed brothers and sisters”. On 14th. August 2001, he said: “The Taliban are the dominant reality in Afghanistan, and the international community should engage rather than isolate them”. Those statements should be clear enough to establish the position of Pakistan pre- and post 11th. September 2001 tragedy.
The Military and the ISI had created the Taliban and hundreds other terrorists groups, trained them, fed them, nourished them and then armed them in the name of “Jihad”. It then, connected them with Osama-bin-Laden and his Al-Qaeda to conquer the entire Afghanistan in search of strategic-depth in case of an Indian attack. Expecting Pakistan to fight terrorism is like asking Frank stein to destroy his own monster.
While supporting the United States, Great Britain and the International Community in dismantling the Taliban and Al-Qaeda network, the ISI continually played the double game. It continued its logistic support to the Taliban, formulated their war strategy including supply of arms and men. The MQM continuously kept informing President George W Bush and the Prime Minister Rt.Hon. Tony Blair about the double game and duplicity of the ISI. The intelligence information gathering of the MQM was validated by the voluminous International Press reports about the double game of the ISI, later on.
I, on behalf of the MQM and the permanent citizens of Sindh offered fullest and unconditional support to the United States and Great Britain in combating and eradicating terrorism from face of the earth including Afghanistan. I offered them humint resources for intelligence gathering and monitoring of “Madrassas” in Sindh province and Punjab. I organised “Rally Against Terrorism” in Karachi in which, over 300,000 men, women and children participated to show their solidarity with the International Community on 26th. September 2001. This was the first demonstration of its kind in favour of the United States and Great Britain, in any part of the world. The “Rally against Terrorism” was followed by the province-wide vigil on 27th. September 2001. Terrorism and violence, in any shape or form, cannot and will not be tolerated, whether committed by the Governments’, groups or individuals, in any part of the world. We must endeavour to make the world free of violence, terrorism, hatred and vengeance.
However, my heart throbs for Pakistan. Blood within my veins gushes for Sindh. Annexation of 17 villages of Sindh to the province of Punjab by the colonialists and expansionists Establishment will not be tolerated. If, expansionism of Punjab to the detriment of Sindh continues, I swear, Mohajirs and Sindhis will have no alternative but to seek the right to self-determination. Kalabagh Dam will never be built. Due shares of Sindh under the NFC and in other spheres of life including employment must be attained.
The President of Pakistan General Parvez Musharraf, on his trip to the United States and Turkey, repeatedly said that Afghanistan is a multi-ethnic country. All ethno-linguistic and cultural groups shall be included in the broad-based government. He repeatedly cited the “Pashtun” segment. Similarly, the religious parties and Jihadi groups claimed that they would not accept the Government of the Northern Alliance or any one nation. They persist that a broad-based government in Afghanistan should be formulated in which all ethno-linguistic groups should be represented including the “Pashtun”. There is a “Hadith” in which the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said, “You should only preach what you practice”. Parvez Musharraf should form a broad-based government in Pakistan, first, before preaching for a broad-based government in Afghanistan. All the ethno-linguistic groups of Pakistan should be equitably represented not only in the governance of the state but also in all walks of life including the Army and other institutions. He should also make public announcement in regards to giving equal rights to all the ethno-linguistic cultural minorities of Pakistan including the religious minorities. The religious minorities should be incorporated into the “Joint Electoral System” instead of voting rights under “Separate Electoral System”.
The present and past ruling oligarchies, Punjabi Establishment and the political and religious leaders claimed that those seeking rights on the basis of ethnicity are the agents of Jews, Christians and the Hindus and also anti-Islam. They also claim that in Islam, there is no ethnicity and having recited the “Kalama” (verse) the ethno-linguistic and cultural identity transcends into one identity that is Islam. The same religious and political parties that proclaimed nationhood on the basis of Islam are now advocating the formation of a broad-based government in Afghanistan and the inclusion of “Pashtun” alongside of the other ethnicities. I had been all along telling that religion does not supersede ethno-linguistic and cultural affinities and religions do not form nations. I challenge the religious and political leaders to have a public debate with me over this subject.
Nations are born in accordance with the teachings and maxims of the revered and blessed saint of Sindh, Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai RH that the land of Sindh belongs to people who live on it whether he is a Hindu, Christian or Muslim or non-Muslim. This land is the land of those who live on permanent basis and it provides sanctuary to people belonging to all faith under her wings. The ideology of religion is not dependent on the geographical boundaries and those confine it into geographical boundaries, commit wrong. I ask the Jihadi and religious groups who claim of the renaissance of Islam and hoisting of Pakistani flag on the Red Fort of Delhi shall not make Sindh, a centre of their fanaticism and go to Punjab to carryout their terrorism and patronisation of the terrorists. They claim Lahore as the heart of Pakistan but demonstrate in Karachi.
I re-iterate that the permanent citizens of Sindh are united on the issues of the Kalabagh Dam and NFC Award and on the injustice practised against them in other sectors including employment and recruitment in the Army and other national institutions. I call upon the Establishment of Punjab that if a single village of Gothki were annexed to Punjab then the people of Sindh would not like to live with Pakistan. I do not care if another case of treason is registered against me on this account. If those villages are annexed to Punjab then we will struggle in unison and snatch those villages back to form the part of Sindh, again.
The MQM is brining political awareness amongst the permanent citizens of Sindh and building bridges to narrow the gap between Sindhis and Mohajirs. The understanding and harmony between both the communities is being harnessed and an understanding of this is developing amongst Mohajirs and Sindhis. “Divide and Rule” policy of the rulers and feudal oligarchy will not work any more and nor would the process of colonisation of Sindh. The grass roots Sindhis are joining the MQM and a realisation is dawning upon both that a unified struggle is now inevitable against the common enemy. The Mohajirs have accepted Sindhis as a ground reality in Sindh and Sindhi brethren should also accept Mohajirs as a ground reality, we both have to live and die for Sindh. We must choose the way of compromise over conflict. We must remember that united we stand and divided we fall. If we remain divided, both Mohajirs and Sindhis would never get their rights and the Establishment of Punjab will continually rule over us and we will continually remain as its salves. We have to choose freedom over slavery.
Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen.
Speech given by Mr. Anwar on behalf of Mr. Altaf Hussain who could not attend the function because of his brother- in-law’s serious health condition.
Organisers: World Sindhi Congress & Baloch Voice (Sindhi Baloch forum) 2.12.01
Mr. Bean meeting with Pir Sahab
Latest News: 18:50 GMT
Sindh Chief Minister Liaquat Ali Jatoi is leaving for London tomorrow morning to join the talks
18:47 GMT
During the meeting Mr. Altaf Hussain and Ch. Nisar Ali Khan talked to the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif over the phone
18:45 GMT
Talks are still continuing
16:00 GMT
Ch. Nisar Ali Khan, Pakistan’s Federal Minister for Petroleum & Provincial Co-ordination, holding talks with Mr. Altaf Hussain, Founder & Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM), at the MQM International Secretariat in London on Wednesday evening.
Ganja, Sexual Pervert and what not as declared by Mr. Wasim Akhtar with Pir Sahab
Mr. Bean with Pir Sahab
12th March, 1998.
MQM demands arrest of Benazir, Babar.
ISLAMABAD: Leaders of the Mutahidda Qaumi Movement (MQM) have demanded of thegovernment to register criminal cases against the Leader of the OppositionBenazir Bhutto and former interior minister Naseerullah Khan Babar on the charge of killing scores of MQM workers.
Senator Aftab Sheikh during a news conference here on Thursday at the Parliamentcafeteria toldjournalists that the MQM was reiterating its demand on the basis of a recentstatement of Interior Minister Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain in which he had alleged that around30 MQM workers were brutally murdered in the mountainous region of Islamabad on the orders offormer interior minister Naseerullah Babar.
“This is not an assertion of a common man. Interior Minister Shujaat Hussain hasstated these facts before Senate Standing Committee on Law and Order,” the MQM senator saidand added: “The real facts are placed before the government and it is now upto them to arrestthe murderers of MQM workers.”
Flanked by Dr Farooq Sattar, Kanwar Khalid Younas and others MQM leaders,Senator AftabSheikh said that since 1987 over 15,000 MQM workers were either missing orkilled under thepatronage of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto.
“We are demanding from the government to arrest Benazir Bhutto, Naseerullah KhanBabar and theother accused involved in extra-judicial killing of innocent MQM workers,” thesenator said and added: “Cases should be registered against them and they all should be tried ina court of law for killing innocent citizens.”
“The worst kind of state-sponsored terrorism was witnessed during the previoustenure of PPP,” Aftab Sheikh said, adding: “One of the major charges emphasised by formerpresident Farooq Leghari while dismissing the Bhutto government was the extra-judicial killing ofMQM workers and the ouster of that regime was even endorsed by the apex court of the country.”
As far as the last meeting with the prime minister is concerned, Aftab Sheikhsaid, we demandedabolition of “no-go areas”, besides the arrest of those nominated in differentFIRs for killing 108 MQM workers during the past one year.
When asked whether they approached the interior minister for registration ofcases and recovery of bodies of MQM workers, Aftab Sheikh said their repeated attempts to contactShujaat Hussain bore no fruit as he was not available on telephone.
14 JANUARY 1999
This is karma. The Sharif’s left no limits unsurpassed when they used every possible libelous statement, forged pictures and false propaganda to defame BB. Even two years back they floated pictures of Zardari and Salman Taseer’s children in a quest to defame them.
MQM went overboard but if anyone deserves this kind of statement it is Sharif family and their cronies.
Dunya TV-Tonight With Najam Sethi
Bhit Shah address: Altaf warns govt against sending ISI chief to US court December 26, 2010
26 February 2002
Mr Kofi Annan
Secretary General
The United Nations
U N Plaza, New York 10017
Dear Secretary-General
I hope that you are in good health and spirit. I know that you are one of the busiest person in the world and, therefore, I will try and keep this letter short, as much as possible which is about the subject mentioned above.
After the horrific terrorist acts against the United States of America on 11th September 2001, the United Nations, United States of America and the entire sovereign nations, peace loving political leaders including Mr Altaf Hussain, Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM), the third largest political party in Pakistan and the second largest in the province of Sindh, strongly condemned the cowardly acts of terrorism in the United States of America. MQM held the biggest rally on 26th. September 2001 in Karachi (port city of Pakistan) to demonstrate its solidarity that it stands shoulder to shoulder with the international community against all sorts of terrorists’ acts and terrorism throughout the world. MQM also offered its unconditional support to the international community against all sorts of terrorism.
As you would know that one of the journalists of the Wall Street Journal, Mr Daniel Pearl was kidnapped on 23rd January 2002 in Karachi. The kidnappers put certain demands for the release of Mr Daniel Pearl. The present Military Government of Pakistan and its high officials were assuring the entire world that the Authorities and police will recover Mr Daniel Pearl alive within two or three days but failed.
Pakistan’s interior minister on Friday predicted a “major breakthrough” and more arrests within 48 hours in the search for Daniel Pearl. The official rejected a claim from Pearl’s self-confessed kidnapper that the Wall Street Journal reporter is dead.
Los Angeles Times, Breakthrough Expected in Kidnap Case, Pakistan Says, February 16, 2002
No one has explained why Sheikh Omar was held in ISI custody for a week before civilian authorities were informed of his arrest. Two former ISI officers have been questioned about Pearl’s murder.
The Observer, Vicious Web of Intrigue that Trapped Daniel Pearl, February 24, 2002
Mr Daniel Pearl was decapitated ruthlessly. What plans had been made by the ISI in collusion with Ahmed Omar Sheikh while he was in its custody only God knows! The Interior Minister of Pakistan and even President General Pervez Musharraf were not aware of this plan.
Not only in Pakistan but also throughout the world, the educated and politically aware people know that the ISI is above all the institutions and even above the law in Pakistan. ISI is a State within a State. ISI is not answerable to the Presidents, Prime Ministers or anyone else.
‘They are a state within a state… ‘The ISI is the only institution powerful enough to
dare to disobey the President.’
The Guardian, Torture, treachery and spies – cover war in Afghanistan, November 4, 2001
The ISI is responsible for harbouring the terrorists’ not only in Pakistan but also throughout the world under the pretext of “Jihad”. The ISI is not at all happy with the decisions taken by the present Government for eradicating religious fanatics, as they are its own creation.
The ISI and only the ISI is behind this barbaric killing of Mr Daniel Pearl because the ISI wanted to give the message to the USA that by supporting the present Government the USA will not be able to achieve its goals and the United States of America must deal with the ISI and not with anybody else; and if the United States of America would continue to support the present Government then they have to face and see many more barbaric acts.
From early on in the Pearl investigation, ISI involvement was evident.
The Observer, Vicious Web of Intrigue that Trapped Daniel Pearl, February 24, 2002
Dear Secretary-General,
The ISI has become a monster and until and unless the ISI is disbanded or dismantled, my apprehensions are that the ISI will continue to form, fertilise, harbour, train and provide financial support to create more and more religious fanatical groups like Jesh-e-Mohammad and others.
The intelligence agency’s past actions indicate that its interests – or, at a minimum, those of former agency officials – have often dovetailed with the interests of Mr. Pearl’s kidnappers, as reflected in their original demands. New disclosures of links between Mr. Sheikh and two recently dismissed agency officials only intensify suspicions about its role in this case.
The New York Times, Death of Reporter Puts Focus on Pakistan’s Intelligence Unit, February 25, 2002
Dear Secretary-General,
I request you to convey my apprehensions to the International Community including the United States of America and its allies and to use your good office to ask the Government of Pakistan to dismantle the ISI. I would also request you that for the dismantling of the ISI, full support and active involvement of the United Nations, USA and the International Community would be required otherwise the present Government or any other Government in Pakistan would not be able to dismantle the ISI.
I also request you that if the United Nations Organisations and international community seriously and sincerely want to see the entire world free from any source of terrorism, they must take serious and practical steps and actions for completely wiping out the ISI otherwise, it would be too late for the world’s sorrow and tears. The killings of innocent people would be the fate of the world.
Thank you for giving me your precious time.
Yours truly,
Dr Imran Farooq
GOOD RESEARCH nice post !
London — 31 October 1999
Negotiations between Dr. Imran Farooq, Convenor of MQM Co-ordination Committee, and the resigned members of the MQM to resolve the differences started today at the International Secretariat in London. Discussion commenced at 10 a.m. GMT and lasted until 4.00 p.m. During the meeting, the resigned members pointed out the reasons of differences with the Co-ordination Committee, which formed the grounds for their resignations. They also discussed the current situation in the country in detail. Dr. Imran Farooq assured the resigned members that their point of view and suggestions falling within the parameters of the of the law of the land and the Constitution will be seriously considered and accommodated by the Co-ordination Committee. Dr Imran Farooq asked the resigned members to withdraw their resignations on the grounds of the assurances given by the Co-ordination Committee, which they duly withdrew at the end of the negotiations.
Dr. Imran Farooq informed the MQM Co-ordination Committee at Nine Zero in Azizabad, Karachi, about the details of discussions and the results arrived here in London. The Co-ordination Committee ratified the decision of Dr. Imran Farooq and welcomed the members within their fold. They termed this step as a positive in the struggle for the attainment of rights. Members who had withdrawn their resignations included Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, Dr. Ishrat Ul Ebad, Nadeem Nusrat, Mohammad Anwar, Saleem Shahzad, Anees Ahmed Advocate, Syed Zulfiquar Haider Advocate, Wasay Jalil and Dr. Sagheer Ansari.
Bhit Shah address: Altaf warns govt against sending ISI chief to US court December 26, 2010
DAWN/The News International, KARACHI 30 December 1999, Thursday, 21 Ramazan 1420
Policemen involved in extrajudicial killings being rewarded, alleges Altaf
LONDON: Chief of Muttahida Qaumi Movement Altaf Hussain said on Wednesday that he would keep the nation informed about the secret planning of the law enforcement agencies to commit genocide of Mohajirs.
According to press release issued from London, Altaf said the MQM Intelligence Bureau had collected information based on solid proofs over a long period of time of the secret hands involved in the planning of carrying out genocide of Mohajirs. He said he would inform the people about these proofs so that the nation could understand the facts regarding the genocide of Mohajirs and in the light of these facts could comprehend the reasons and rationale behind his strategy.
Altaf Hussain said that on the one hand the present government and its officials were claiming that they would take action against the police personnel involved in the extrajudicial killings, but on the other hand, the information collected by the MQM Intelligence Bureau revealed that personnel involved in the extrajudicial killings of Mohajirs were placed on high offices, they were being rewarded and commendations were bestowed upon them by the higher officials of the present government.
Altaf Hussain said that according to the MQM Intelligence Bureau, a week ago, Corps. Commander Karachi, General Muzaffar Usmani invited the ‘most notorious’ SHOs (Station House Officers) of Karachi, involved in the extrajudicial killings of Mohajirs in general and the MQM workers in particular. Not only he invited them, he embraced them, praised them for extrajudicial killings of the MQM workers and presented them with expensive Rolex watches, Altaf Hussain said.
He said that having read this, the MQM workers in general and the Mohajir intellectuals in particular should understand clearly the conspiracy and should not have any hopes from the high ranking Mohajir officials.
Altaf Hussain, quoting information of the MQM Intelligence Bureau, said that on December 4, 1999, the ISI (Inter-Service Intelligence Agency) Chief for Sindh met the ring leader of ‘Haqiqi terrorists’ in the barrack number 74 of Malir Garrison where he also arranged a telephone conversation between the ring leader of ‘Haqiqi terrorists’ and the D G (Director General) ISI.
Altaf Hussain demanded of the Chief Executive, General Pervaiz Musharraf and senior officials of the GHQ (General Headquarters) to have the report of the MQM Intelligence Bureau verified. He also appealed to the MQM workers not only to read his statements minutely but also save them as part of their record. He finally stated that he would continue to have the report of the MQM Intelligence Bureau published in the newspapers from time to time.
London – 24 December 1999
Dr Imran Farooq, Convenor of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) in his statement said that certain important officials of the present military government are openly supporting the Haqiqi terrorists. He said that the MQM Investigation Team is investigating the facts regarding the reactivation of Haqiqis in Karachi since 12 October 1999. According to MQM Investigation Team, preparations are being put together to launch a fresh operation against Mohajirs and the MQM. For that purpose, a high-ranking official of the Army and his subordinates are not only guiding the Haqiqi terrorists but are also helping them to infiltrate throughout the city as well as providing them with funds and ammunition. According to the MQM Investigation Team, certain officials of the Army and their agents are bribing the MQM leaders to change the allegiance. The information further revealed that on the eve of 23 December 1999, a Brigadier along with his staff went to Bait-Ul-Hamza (Headquarters of Haqiqi Terrorists) and met its ringleader and handed over a large sum of money. Dr Imran Farooq requested the Chief Executive General Parvez Musharraf to depute one of his trusted officers to verify the findings of the MQM Investigation Team. If General Parvez Musharraf desired then the names and the ranking of the officers involved in reorganising, patronising, arming and funding the Haqiqi Terrorists, can be relayed through newspapers. Dr Imran Farooq demanded of the Chief Executive to have this information thoroughly investigated and intervene to stop the patronisation of Haqiqi terrorists by those Army Officers.
Recently Lt. Gen. (Retired) Nasir Akhtar on a TV Show declared that MQM and their member are his brothers, now read what Altaf Hussain had said
London – 12 December 1999
Mr Altaf Hussain, Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM), in a statement said that when his silence is broken, the truth and the whole truth comes out, that is liked by a few people while the majority of those at the helm of affair find it extremely bitter. He said that two months ago, Nawaz Sharif’s oppressive and tyrannical Government was ousted and the nation had a sigh of relief and felt that they would be relieved of the unlawful and unconstitutional machinations of the agencies and its barbarism. The people felt that those political plunderers and pirates arrested would be brought to book and punished while the innocents would be provided justice.
Mr Altaf Hussain said that one hundred forty (140) million people had a sigh of relief on the ouster of Nawaz Sharif Government and on the announcement of the agenda of the new Government that included the promise of the arrests of the plunderers and pirates. Two months have elapsed and with the exception of two and a half dozen of persons, none of the dinosaurs have been arrested. Mr Altaf Hussain stated that people had been waiting for the reduction in the rising prices, recovery of 21.3 billion rupees of looted national wealth, they felt that if not three square meals a day, at least two square meals would be made available. However, with the elapse of two months, justice and relief has not been made available to the common people and the well known plunderers of the national wealth have not been arrested so far while the announcement to raise the price on petrol, diesel and kerosene oil has been made.
Mr Altaf Hussain said that kerosene oil is not used by wealthy people but the ninety-eight (98) per cent of the down trodden people and the present Government should not take such steps that would increase the burden of these people while the wealthy people living a luxurious life remain unaffected. He stated that we hear different and fresh news about the accountability, the Government claims that every one will face accountability including politicians, bureaucrats, judiciary and the armed forces. Those prominent figures arrested since 16th. November on the account of accountability included a former Air Marshal and we now hear that a former Naval Admiral would also be arrested for misappropriating funds in the submarine dealings.
Mr Altaf Hussain appreciated the arrests of these prominent figures but said that it should not only confined to the Air Force and Navy but corrupt Army officers should also be held accountable. He said that in this connection, he would take the name of Lt. Gen. (Retired) Nasir Akhtar, who was the corps commander of Karachi for several years. He said that not only the businessmen and traders are aware of the record of corruption he had set in his tenure but also the civil and military officials are aware.
Mr Altaf Hussain stated that an investigation should be commissioned to find out the details of his personal properties and possessions and also the numbers of his petrol pumps and landholdings. During his tenure, the army personnel were stationed at his petrol stations for security, which was misuse of his authority, and this act is against the rules and the conduct of the Army. Mr Altaf Hussain said that he would wait for the actions of the Chief Executive, General Parvez Musharraf, Members of the National Security Council and the Cabinet in this regard. He also said that he is astounded that no action has been taken against those Generals concerning their corruption and distribution of secret funds to the political parties.
Finally, he appealed to General Parvez Musharraf and his associates that if they can not provide relief to the common man by reducing the prices then they should stop price hikes because the ninety-eight per cent down trodden people can not afford the weight of further inflation.
Bhit Shah address: Altaf warns govt against sending ISI chief to US court December 26, 2010
Lamenting the Chief Executive of Pakistan General Pervez Musharraf, on his shameful and irresponsible remarks as well as unfounded allegations made against Mr Altaf Hussain, founder and leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) in an interview to the British newspaper The Guardian, Dr Imran Farooq, Convenor of the MQM said that if national interest is genuinely dear to General Musharraf, he should then try and punish the Army Generals who have plundered and dismembered the country.
In a statement issued from London, Dr Imran Farooq condemning the outrages allegations made by the Chief Executive said that Mr Altaf Hussain is the undisputed leader of over thirty million Mohajirs and the ninety-eight per cent of the Middle Class and down trodden people of Pakistan. He has never worked against the national interest in the past nor is he working against the national interest now. His only crime is that he has never compromised on his principles or traded his conscience to the Army Generals. He has always worked for the abolishment of the antiquated feudal political system of Pakistan and raised his voice for the rights of the ordinary people.
Dr Imran Farooq said that the abolishment of the archaic feudal political system is against the vested interests of the Army Generals. Whenever, their interests are hurt, the Army Generals term those actions against the national interests. He said that in accordance with the policies of the Army Establishment, General Parvez Musharraf is also denouncing the peaceful political struggle of Mr Altaf Hussain, against the national interests, which manifests that the national interests are not dear to General Parvez Musharraf but the interests of the Army Establishment are.
Dr Imran Farooq stated that if national interests are genuinely dear to General Pervez Musharraf and he has the moral courage then he should bring those Generals to book and hang them who were responsible for the dismemberment of Pakistan in the aftermath of the publication of the Humood-ur-Rahman Commission Report. He demanded exemplary punishment to those Generals who committed blood bath of their fellow brethren in the former East Pakistan, were involved in smuggling, trafficking and led a licentious lifestyle damaging the interests of the country instead of protecting the geographical boundaries of Pakistan. He said that those responsible for the surrender of the ninety-three thousand soldiers in the former East Pakistan and belittling Pakistan should be severely punished.
Dr Imran Farooq lashing out against General Pervez Musharraf said that on the one hand, General Musharraf has levelled shameful and baseless allegations against Mr Altaf Hussain under the rubric of national interest while on the other hand, advised people to forget the tragic dismemberment of Pakistan instead of adhering to the public demand of trying and punishing the Army Generals responsible for the fragmentation of our beloved country.
Dr Imran Farooq addressing General Parvez Musharraf said that he and other Army Generals instead of dropping a few tears on the tragic break-up of Pakistan in the aftermath of the publication of the Humood-ur-Rahman Commission Report are levelling baseless and unfounded allegations against patriotic people of working against the national interests.
Dr Imran Farooq declared that General Pervez Musharraf himself and other Army Generals are the biggest traitors who are responsible for repeatedly abrogating the Constitution of the country but they, however, fail to see their own images even after the publication of the Hamood-ur-Rahman Commission Report. He asked, why General Pervez Musharraf does not arrest and punish himself and other Army Generals who repeatedly impose Martial Laws in the country trampled the Constitution under their boots and dismantled democracy causing irreparable losses to the country. He asked, why does General Pervez Musharraf not arrest and punishes those Generals who took billions of dollars in kickbacks and commissions in the arms deals and filled their own coffers damaging the national interests.
Dr Imran Farooq said that talk of national interests is not befitting to those who impose Military Rule in the country, trample the Constitution under their boots, loot and plunder the country and honourably set free into exile those sentenced by the Courts for heinous crimes. He said that Mr Altaf Hussain is a public leader and he does not need a certificate of working in the national interest from General Parvez Musharraf. He said that Mr Altaf Hussain is a leader of millions of people and went abroad on their insistence. Mr Altaf Hussain is staying in London on the insistence of the party leaders and workers and guiding them from London in accordance with their desire. Dr Imran Farooq condemning the remarks of General Pervez Musharraf that Mr Altaf Hussain has no place in the politics of Pakistan said that Mr Altaf Hussain does not need permission to return to Pakistan from General Pervez Musharraf or any other Army General. He said that the public has accepted Mr Altaf Hussain as their leader and have reposed their confidence in him and his leadership repeatedly then who is General Musharraf to declare that Mr Altaf Hussain has no place in Pakistani politics?
Dr Imran Farooq demanded a public apology from General Pervez Musharraf for hurting the sentiments of millions of people by making shameless and irresponsible remarks as well as levelling unfounded allegations against Mr Altaf Hussain. He demanded for the withdrawal of his allegations and remarks. Meanwhile, the Co-ordination Committee of the MQM has called for an urgent meeting to discuss the matter.
Bhit Shah address: Altaf warns govt against sending ISI chief to US court December 26, 2010
The Coordination Committee of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) has asked from the Chief Executive General Parvez Musharraf to answer the following questions, so that the people of Pakistan could come to know who is the real traitor and working against the interest of the country.
Question No 1: Was Pakistan disintegrated by the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 2: Who committed the act of dishonouring the Pakistani Flag and the surrender of 93000 personnel of Pakistan Army in front of the Indian Army, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 3: Who signed the documents of surrender in front of the Indian Generals, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 4: Who handed over a large area of Siachen to India, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 5: Who retreated from Kargil, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 6: Who is accountable for not liberating Kashmir till today, the privileged Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 7: Who grabbed the lands of Sindh Province, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 8: Who owns the thousands of acres of valuable properties in the country, including that in Defence, Clifton etc. of Karachi, the retired and serving Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 9: Who made billions of rupees by taking commissions and kickbacks in Defence Deals, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 10: Specify whether the Army Generals amassed billions of rupees on the basis of their salaries or through other means? How much wealth Altaf Hussain has accumulated within and outside the country?
Question No 11: Who was involved in the Mehran Bank Scandal, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 12: Who distributed billions of rupees from the national exchequer amongst the corrupt politicians, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 13: Who introduced the culture of Corruption in the country’s politics, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 14: Who trampled the country’s Constitution under their boots, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 15: Who ridiculed the country’s Constitution, Courts and the Law, by taking fresh oath of allegiance from the Judges of the Supreme Court and the High Court, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 16: Who allowed the corrupt politicians involved in looting the national exchequer to leave the country with their ill-gotten wealth, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 17: According to General Parvez Musharraf, the convicted Nawaz Sharif was released and sent abroad on the request of a friend country. On the other hand, refusing to accept several requests of the friend countries, who hanged Zulfiquar Ali Bhutto of Sindh– the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 18: Who is responsible for the Ojhri Camp Incident in Rawalpindi, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 19: Who is responsible for the Crash of C-130 Plane, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 20: Who conspired for the failure of operations Trojan Horse and Black Cobra, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 21: Serving their masters, who opened fire upon the Kaabat-Ullah (The House of Allah Almighty), the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 22: Who carried out the massacre of Muslims in Palestine and Somalia, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 23: Who is responsible for the massacre of Bengali Muslims, the dishonouring and gang rape of Bengali Muslim mothers and sisters, the loot and plunder; and the smuggling of valuable goods from the then East Pakistan – the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 24: Who is responsible for the bombardment in Balochistan, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 25: Who is responsible for the massacre of Sindhis in 1983 and the bombardment upon them, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 26: Who massacred more than 15000 innocent Mohajirs, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 27: Following the instructions of foreign Masters, who introduced the heroin and kalashinkov culture in Pakistan, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 28: Who is involved in the smuggling of arms, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Bhit Shah address: Altaf warns govt against sending ISI chief to US court December 26, 2010
Mirpurkhas – 24 February 2001
Mr Altaf Hussain, Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM), has stated that in Pakistan it is always the Army Generals and not the people who have dislodged the elected governments and abrogated the Constitution. Therefore, those who are raising the slogan of democracy today should first start a movement against those Army Generals who are responsible for dismissing the elected governments and should announce that in future any army general who abrogates the Constitution would be hanged in public. He was addressing a gathering of journalists, intellectuals, lawyers, writers, poets and general public at Mirpurkhas in Sindh, Pakistan.
Mr Hussain said that the people of Sindh are deprived of their rights. They are even deprived of clean drinking water and forced to commit suicide due to unemployment. He said that we should ponder whether it is only the Establishment that is responsible for the deteriorating condition of Sindh province or we are also responsible for this? He said that a few people in the subcontinent, to gain favours and titles, aided the British Army in occupying the entire province. He said that the majority of the so-called nationalist leaders of Sindh by raising the slogan of the rights of Sindh have attained nothing for the people of Sindh but instead have made enormous personal gains. Pakistan Peoples Party came into power three times at the Federal as well as the Provincial level but what it achieve for Sindh? Similarly, what did Pakistan Muslim League achieve for Sindh? Mr Z A Bhutto drafted the 1973 Constitution, however, this Constitution could not even protect him or the Governments of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and Pakistan Muslim League (PML). Today once again, slogans for democracy are being raised. Now the people of Sindh must ponder what is meant by such democracy? When in the democratically elected National Assembly the question for the rights of Sindh is raised then the standpoint of the Members belonging to Sindh province is opposed by the Members belonging to the Punjab province who are in majority regardless of their affiliation, either with the PPP or the PML. Similarly, before the creation of Pakistan, Hindus were in majority and the Muslims were in minority, therefore, the leaders of the Muslim League feared that after the independence of the Undivided India the Hindus would rule, being in majority, therefore, this lead to the concept of two-nation. After the creation of Pakistan, Bengalis were in majority and according to the democratic norms they had the right to govern, however, despite enjoying majority in the General Elections of 1970, the slogan of Idhar Hum – Udhar Tum (We Rule Here and You Rule There) was raised and the Army, in violation to all the democratic norms, despite transferring power carried out a military operation against the Bengali people, which resulted in the disintegration of the country. In the 1956 Constitution, the Bengalis despite being in majority accepted the rule of parity in the larger interest of the country, however, today the Establishment of Punjab does not accept the demand of applying parity for the smaller provinces.
Mr Hussain said that today one must ponder on the slogans being raised for democracy. Is it that once again the same game of power politics is being played to grab power for oneself and one’s family so that the national exchequer could be looted to increase one’s personal wealth within and outside the country? Such a democracy would not achieve anything either for the oppressed people of Sindh or Pakistan and the feudal system would continue to flourish. He demanded that it is essential that a new constituent assembly is formed with equal representation of all provinces, to constitute a new Constitution according to the spirit of the 1940 Resolution on the basis of equality of all the provinces. The Army should be reconstituted in such a manner that from the Army General to an ordinary soldier, every province must have equal representation. Mr Hussain said that Zulfiquar Ali Bhutto being a Prime Minister belonging to Sindh was hanged over an allegation of issuing instruction for a murder, whereas Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif being from the Punjab province are allowed to honourably leave the country despite being convicted by the courts. Leaders from Sindh and Balochistan including Dr Farooq Sattar are being incarcerated on false and fabricated charges engineered by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), whereas, the plunderers of national wealth and billionaire sons of Army Generals belonging to Punjab are roaming freely.
Mr Hussain said that the patriotism of the people of Sindh is under suspicion because majority of Hindus live here who are considered as “security risk” by the Establishment, however, in Punjab the Sikhs are invited and welcomed, the Jamaat-e-Islami openly declares that they and the Sikhs have the same God. If Hindus are non-Muslims then so are the Sikhs, but inviting Sikhs in Punjab is not considered as “security risk” because both of them speak the same language. To meet their relatives, the people of Sindh have to go to Lahore where while crossing the Wahga Border, they have to pay heavy bribes. But the Khokhrapar Border in Sindh is not opened as it is considered to be a “security risk”. Mr Hussain invited the people of Sindh to jointly struggle for the rights of Sindh and if force would be used to crush our peaceful struggle then nobody should object if the people of Sindh would demand for the right to self determination according to the United Nations Charter.
Mr Hussain said that now he has been awarded the British citizenship, he would like to assure the people of Sindh that to present the Sindh Case he would visit Geneva, other democratic countries and the human rights organisations throughout the world. Mr Hussain emphasised that the Urdu Speaking Sindhis and the Sindhi Speaking Sindhis have to live and die together, therefore, both should get united and struggle for the rights of Sindh. Similarly, those Punjabis and Pakhtoons who are permanent settlers in Sindh should also struggle alongside their Sindhi brothers for the rights of Sindh province. Mr Hussain demanded that the Khokhrapar Border should be opened, the victims of earthquake in Sindh must be compensated and provided aid, aid should be provided to the victims of drought in Thar and Sindh province should be provided its due share of water and in the NFC Award.
As per the News International dated February 16, 2008, Saturday. – He alleged that PPP co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari was ready to strike deals with the PML-N, the MQM and even President Pervez Musharraf. Mumtaz Bhutto said begging for votes, in the name of the blood of Benazir Bhutto, was against the sacrifice she had rendered. They should pursue her killers and expose them before the nation, he told the PPP leaders. PPP exploiting Benazir’s name: SNF chief By our correspondent Saturday, February 16, 2008
Mr Mumtaz Ali Bhutto, Leader of Sindh National Front (SNF), called upon MQM Founder and Leader Mr Altaf Hussain at the MQM International Secretariat in London today. Both the leaders exchanged views on the international scenario in relation to Iraq, problems faced by Pakistan and the country’s overall political situation. Both the leaders expressed their sorrow over the loss of innocent lives in the attack on Iraq. The leaders also discussed the consequences of the Iraq War in the region and expressed their concern. Both leaders agreed that because of the war in Iraq, Pakistan is also passing through a precarious phase. It is therefore essential that decisions are made in the national interest.
Both the leaders agreed that national integration is the need of the time and this can only be achieved by providing full provincial autonomy to the provinces. It is essential in the present international scenario to resolve all the matters immediately.
The leaders expressed that the situation of Pakistan in the light of international scenario is very alarming. It is the national obligation of Federal Government and the Establishment to understand and realise the miseries of people of Pakistan at large and the people of smaller provinces in particular. So, the due rights of the provinces and provincial autonomy should be given as soon as possible with a view that justice should not only be done but should also be seen to be done. Both the leaders emphasised on the unity of rural and urban people of Sindh and assured that they will cooperate and make every possible effort to bring the rural and urban people closer. They further agreed that the time has come that leaders of Sindh should come forward for the attainment of the rights of Sindh.
After historic Press Conference we are singing a song:
Yeh ganpat chal daaru la
Bhaai main bhaai tu fhikar na kar
Usaki maa ki usaki behen ki jo dekhe idhar
Apun ko bata de kabhi ho gayi fantar
Yeh ganpat chal daaru la
Yeh ganpat chal daaru la
Bori mein Band Lashayin for Punjab – a message from Altaf Hussain for Punjab.
Altaf Hussain Warning to Wadeeras of Punjab
دہن بگڑا…سویرے سویرے…نذیر ناجی
نوازشریف نے آزاد کشمیر کے جلسے میں ایم کیو ایم پر سیاسی تنقید کی تھی‘ کسی فرد یا لیڈر کو نشانہ نہیں بنایا تھا۔ ایم کیو ایم کی طرف سے جواب میں کسی کی ذات کو ہدف نہیں بنایا گیا‘ پاکستانی سیاست کے مخصوص انداز میں ردعمل ظاہر کر دیا گیا تھا۔دونوں طرف سے جو کچھ ہوا‘ وہ مقررہ پاکستانی حدود کے اندر تھا۔ مگر بدھ کے روز چوہدری نثار علی خان کو جانے کیا سوجھی؟ کہ بغیر کسی وجہ اور اشتعال انگیزی کے ‘وہ ایم کیو ایم اور اس کے قائد پر برس پڑے اور ان کی نجی زندگی کے حوالے دے کر لڑاکو عورتوں جیسی طعنہ زنی شروع کر دی۔ ایم کیو ایم کے کارکن اپنے لیڈر سے جو محبت کرتے ہیں‘ وہ ان کے سیاسی کلچرکی جان ہے۔ اس جماعت میں‘ لیڈر کے احترام کو فوقیت دی جاتی ہے اور کارکن اس پر فخر کرتے ہیں۔ شاید کارکنوں اور قیادت کے درمیان یہی وہ رشتہ ہے‘ جو ایم کیو ایم کو ایک مضبوط اور منظم جماعت کی حیثیت دیتا ہے۔ملک کی دیگر سیاسی میں توڑپھوڑ ہوتی رہتی ہے اور بعض جماعتوں کے منتخب اراکین‘ لوٹے بھی بنتے رہتے ہیں۔ مگر ایم کیو ایم اقتدار میں ہو یا اپوزیشن میں ‘ اس کے اراکین کو آج تک نہ کوئی وزارتیں دے کر لوٹا بنا سکا اور نہ خوفزدہ کر کے۔ یہ اس جماعت کا امتیازی وصف ہے۔ جب چوہدری نثار علی خان نے الطاف حسین کو ان کے نجی معاملات کے حوالے سے نشانہ بنایا‘ تو ایم کیو ایم کے اراکین اسمبلی کا مشتعل ہونا یقینی تھا اور وہی ہوا۔
وسیم اختر اور حیدر عباس رضوی نے ‘ نثار علی خان کے مصرعہ طرح پر ایسی ایسی گرہیں لگائیں کہ چوہدری نثار کا شہوار تخیل ان کی گرد کو نہیں پہنچ سکتا۔ یقینا وہ ان دونوں لیڈروں کی جوابی مضمون آرائیاں سن کر حیرت میں ڈوب گئے ہوں گے کہ کیا اس زمین میں ایسے ایسے مضامین بھی باندھے جا سکتے ہیں؟ انہوں نے صرف اہل زبان ہونے کا فائدہ نہیں اٹھایا‘ خیال آرائی میں بھی اپنی برتری ثابت کر دی اور عملاً بتا دیا کہ اگر ان کے لیڈروں کی ذات اور اہل خاندان کو ہدف بنایا جائے گا‘ تو پھر کوئی محفوظ نہیں رہ سکتا اور تہمت طرازیوں کی حدیں نہیں ہوتیں۔ یہی وجہ ہے کہ شرفا اس میدان میں اترنے سے گریز کرتے ہیں۔ سیاست میں تو بطور خاص پھونک پھونک کر قدم رکھنا پڑتا ہے اور یہ احتیاط کرنا پڑتی ہے کہ تنقید کی حدیں کہاں پر ختم ہوتی ہیں؟ اور ابتذال اور بازاری پن کہاں سے شروع ہوتا ہے؟ الطاف حسین کی سابقہ بیگم صاحبہ نہ سیاست میں ہیں‘ نہ ہی ان کا سیاست سے کبھی واسطہ رہا ہے۔ نہ جانے چوہدری صاحب نے کیسے انہیں سیاسی محاذ آرائی میں گھسیٹ کر ‘ ان کے حوالے سے الطاف حسین کو چرکہ لگانے کی کوشش کی؟ اور جواب میں جب چرکے پہ چرکہ لگا‘ تو چوہدری نثار اور ان کے ساتھیوں کے منہ کھلے کے کھلے رہ گئے۔ بلاشبہ ایم کیو ایم کے دونوں لیڈروں نے ساری حدیں پھلانگ دی تھیں۔ مگر ان کے پاس جواز موجود تھا‘ انہیں موردالزام ٹھہرانا دشوار ہو گیا۔ البتہ یہ سبھی نے کہا کہ وہ کچھ زیادہ ہی آگے نکل گئے۔ ایسا نہیں ہونا چاہیے تھا۔ چوہدری نثار کے حملے اور ایم کیو ایم کے جوابی حملے کے کچھ ہی دیر بعد لندن سے فاروق ستار بھائی کا ٹیلی فون آیا۔ میں نے بلاتوقف عمومی ردعمل انہیں پہنچا دیا‘ جو ایم کیو ایم کے دونوں لیڈروں کی خلاف توقع سخت زبانی پر عام لوگوں میں پیدا ہوا تھا۔ فاروق ستار نے وعدہ کیا کہ وہ میری یہ بات الطاف بھائی تک پہنچا دیں گے اور یہ بھی کہا کہ کچھ دیر بعد آپ سے انور بھائی بات کریں گے۔ تھوڑی ہی دیر کے بعد انور بھائی کا ٹیلی فون آیا اور انہوں نے کہا کہ آپ کے تاثرات الطاف بھائی کو پہنچا دیئے گئے ہیں اور آپ کا یہ مشورہ بھی کہ انہیں بلاتاخیر اس سلسلے کو رکوا دینا چاہیے۔ کیونکہ اگر اس سطح کی تکرار آگے بڑھی‘ تو نتیجہ کھلی گالیوں کی صورت میں سامنے آ سکتا ہے۔ اس حد تک جانے سے گریز کرنا چاہیے اور پہل الطاف بھائی کی طرف سے ہوتو بہتر ہے کہ انہیں یہ انداز اور لہجہ پسند نہیں آیا اور فوری طور پر یہ سلسلہ بند ہونا چاہیے۔ انور بھائی نے کہا کہ آپ ٹی وی دیکھنا شروع کر دیں‘ چند ہی منٹ کے اندر الطاف بھائی کی طرف سے ممانعت کی خبر آنے والی ہے۔ ٹیلی فون بند کرنے کے چند ہی منٹ بعد‘ ٹی وی سکرین پر ٹکر آنا شروع ہو گیا۔ دوسری طرف نوازشریف بھی صورتحال کا اندازہ کر چکے ہوں گے۔ کیونکہ کچھ ہی دیر بعد ان کی طرف سے بھی اپنی پارٹی کے کارکنوں کو یہ ہدایت دینے کی خبر آ گئی کہ ایم کیو ایم کے ساتھ تکرار کا سلسلہ فوری طور سے ختم کر دیا جائے۔ بہت اچھا ہوا کہ دونوں لیڈروں نے بروقت مداخلت کی۔ الطاف بھائی کی ممانعت کا اثر یہ ہوا کہ اگلے ہی روز وسیم اختر اور حیدر عباس رضوی نے اپنے لہجے کی تلخی و ترشی پر اظہار افسوس کیا اور کہا کہ وہ الطاف بھائی کی ذات پر بے جا حملہ برداشت نہیں کر سکے اور فوری ردعمل دے دیا۔ چوہدری نثار کی طرف سے کسی تاسف کا اظہار نہیں کیا گیا اور اگر انہوں نے کیا ہے تو کم ازکم میری نظر سے نہیں گزرا۔ البتہ اس بات پر ضرور چہ میگوئیاں ہو رہی ہیں کہ چوہدری نثار علی خان کو الطاف حسین پر ذاتی حملہ کرنے کی ضرورت کیوں پیش آئی؟ وہ عموماً اس طرح کی بیان بازی نہیں کرتے اور مخالفین کے گھریلو معاملات کو زیربحث لانے میں تو انہیں کبھی دلچسپی نہیں رہی۔ وہ سیاسی امور پہ بات کرتے ہیں اور تنقید کرتے وقت بھی تہذیب کا دامن ہاتھ سے نہیں چھوڑتے۔ اس دن انہیں کیا ہوا؟ اس کے بارے میں طرح طرح کی قیاس آرائیاں ہو رہی ہیں اور لوگ اس کے پس منظر میں چوہدری صاحب کے مقاصد تلاش کرتے نظر آتے ہیں۔ ہو سکتا ہے چوہدری صاحب کا کوئی بھی مقصد نہ ہو اور انہوں نے اپنے لیڈر کے ان خیالات کو آگے بڑھانے کی کوشش کی ہو‘ جن کا اظہار انہوں نے آزاد کشمیر میں کیا تھا۔ لیکن نوازشریف کے لہجے میں تو ایسی شدید تلخی تھی اور نہ ہی ذاتیات کے حوالے سے کوئی بات ان کے منہ سے نکلی تھی۔ پھر چوہدری صاحب نے اچانک یہ رخ کیوں دے دیا؟
MQM Attacks Maulana Fazlur Rehman
Dr. Imran Farooq (MQM) Letter against ISI and Pakistan Army to UNO.
Muhammad Saleh Zaafir & Jang Group Hate Muhajirs, Altaf Hussain and MQM.
Altaf seriously ill, spokesman denies Saturday, April 03, 2010\story_3-4-2010_pg1_4
LAHORE: The mysterious absence of MQM chief Altaf Hussain from the political scene has raised several doubts about his health, with sources claiming Altaf is currently undergoing treatment in Germany. However, an MQM spokesman expressed his ignorance of such reports. The exact nature of Altaf’s illness is not clear as yet, as MQM spokesman Salahuddin did not deny or confirm the rumours.
He said Altaf was out of London and his location could not be disclosed due to security concerns.
The spokesman said Altaf had addressed the party on March 16 and was in good health at the time. Sources disclosed that PML-Q President Shujaat Hussain had recommended a homeopathic doctor in Germany to Altaf. Former prime minister Shujaat and former Senate chairman Waseem Sajjad have both been under the doctor’s care for some time. The MQM chief also did not meet the president during Asif Ali Zardari’s last trip to the United Kingdom. The sources said that since that time, Altaf has been under treatment. It was reported that Altaf had ignored the president, however, MQM denied this impression. A party spokesman said at the time that the PPP and MQM had cordial relations and Altaf had not met Zardari because he was not in London. staff report
Rehman Dakait was MQM Activist.
MQM activist ‘unveils’ party’s plans Bureau Report Week Ending : 29 June, 1995 Issue : 01/25
ISLAMABAD, June 27: Hashimuz Zafar for whose release MQM had given a 48-hour ultimatum to the government at a press conference, held at the PID press centre on Tuesday, claimed that the MQM wanted to create a general desperation where the people of Karachi would be left with no other option but to support the demand of a separate province.”The present spate of terrorism will continue till March 1996 when the MQM has planned to put forth the demand of holding a referendum on the issue of a separate province,” he alleges.
“If the government does not accept the demand for a referendum, the MQM would raise the issue at the international level and project it as a denial of the right of self-determination for creating a parity- between Karachi and Kashmir,” he said. Hashimuz Zafar in this regard referred to an open letter of Altaf Hussain of 1994 in which he had reportedly hinted that “agencies” wanted to create Sindhu Desh and greater Punjab and make Karachi a satellite state of a greater Punjab.
Obviously such a situation would not be acceptable to the people of Karachi and they would prefer independence rather than becoming a satellite state of a greater Punjab, he said. Given the geographic importance of Karachi, Western and regional powers would willingly throw their weight behind the demand and force a solution of both the Kashmir and Karachi issues, he added. Zafar accused a former minister and brother of a serving general Chaudhry Nisar Ali, for leaking details of the army operation in Sindh to Altaf Hussain.
He also alleged that leaders of the ANP in Karachi had been supplying arms to the MQM. He also named some PML MNAs from Karachi as the financiers of the MQM. Zafar seemed well prepared for the press conference. He had notes with him and in a very systematic way he not only gave details of his crimes but also briefed a hostile press about the MQM’s operational mechanism, its alleged Indian connections, strategy and ultimate goals.He was very confident and conducted the press conference like a seasoned media manager. He also gave full details about eight terrorist groups and their area of operation at present active in Karachi.
Hashimuz Zafar, 25, and resident of house No C-17 Sir Syed Town, North Karachi, said he had joined the All Pakistan Muhajir Students Organisation at the age of 17 when he was studying in Government College of Technology.
He confessed to involvement in numerous crimes, Including the murder of MQM Chairman Azim Ahmed Tariq.
The organisational set-up of the MQM, which comprised units, sectors, zones and main centre at Nine-Zero, he said, was disbanded before the military operation. Now an underground information centre was maintaining a link with 22 different sectors. Some time Altaf Hussain, through Nadeem Nusrat, issues orders to the sectors-in-charge for carrying out different operations on mobile phones. Pagers were also being used to maintain a link and convey messages, he said. The sector in charge of Landhi, Amir Siddique, and the sector in charge of Malir, Qamar Ghalib, are currently manning the information centre,” he claimed.
Giving details of various groups active at the sector level, he said the Khalid Taqi Butt group was active in the old city area, Liaquatabad, Lines Area, Society, Clifton, Defence and PIB Colony. The Farooq Dada group was operating in Pak Colony, Baldia Town, Nazimabad, and Gulbahar. The Faheem Commando group is active in Federal B. Area, North Karachi and Nazimabad.
Tahir Rafi, Arif Qureshi, Khuram and 10 other boys were the members of the Mubeen Thunta group controlling the Malir and Model Town areas. Then there were other groups, like those headed by Javed Khan, Javed Michael, Asfar, Khaliq Anjum, Kamal Ansari alias Par, and Muhammad Shahid. The MQM, he said, was regularly maintaining a hit list which was update from time to time. Names of the members of MQM Haqiqi political rivals, defectors and known police officers were on this list. Altaf Hussain, he said, personally checked this but list and gave approval. However, a source disclosed that the programme of press conferences would continue for quite some time as a number of MQM “activists” had been arrested in Islamabad during the last one month. One by one all of these would be presented before the press and electronic media.