Raza Rumi and Marvi Sirmed join notorious Jinnah Institute?
We are concerned to learn that two noted “liberals” namely Raza Rumi and Marvi Sirmed have joined notorious Jinnah Institute, which is currently headed by ISI-mouthpiece Ejaz Haider. While Raza Rumi has joined the Jinnah Institute as a Director and Senior Policy Advisor, Marvi Sirmed is usually involved in moderating certain meetings of the Jinnah Institute and also in presenting and promoting its reports including the notorious Extremism Watch Report which misrepresented the persecution of Ahmadis and genocides of Shias and Pashtuns in Pakistan.
Founded by Sherry Rehman (known for her petition against “armed goons of PPP who attacked her house“), The Jinnah Institute is widely believed to be an extension of the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) and Pakistan army’s Inter Services Intelligence agency (ISI). In the recent past, it has published numerous reports misrepresenting the Shia genocide and persecution and massacre of Balochs and anti-Taliban Pashtun at the hands of Pakistan army and proxies.
According to noted Pashtun activist and research scholar Farhat Taj, Jinnah Institute is the liberal face of religious bigotry in Pakistan. Other writers including Dr. Mohammad Taqi and Kamran Shafi too have criticized various pro-establishment reports by the Jinnah Institute.
However, according to Raza Rumi, Director Policy and Programs, Jinnah Institute is attempting to promote an informed discourse on foreign policy in the country.
To be fair, Marvi Sirmed has not formally joined the Jinnah Institute (at least not to our knowledge), however, her participation in the Jinnah Institute’s programs and propaganda is as objectionable as was PTI’s vice president’s participation in the rallies and meetings of Difa-e-Pakistan Council (DPC).
We really hope that Raza Rumi and Marvi Sirmed will review their decision to join or endorse those dark forces which are responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent Shias, Sunnia Barelvis, Pashtuns, Balochs and other persecuted groups.
We will keep an eye on the newly revived right-wing pseudo-liberal alliance (RPA) in Pakistani media which is in the main responsible for reinforcing and recycling the ISI-esque discourse and propaganda on issues such as Shia genocide, kill & dump of the Baloch, persecution and target killing of anti-Taliban Pashtuns and other similar crimes by Pakistan army and its proxies.
“Jinnah Institute’s (JI’s) excellent report ‘Extremism Watch’ maps conflict trends in Pakistan covering the period of September 2010 to September 2011. ” (While Marvi refers to some definitional issues and room for discussion in the said report, she makes no mention of how sufferings of Shias, Pashtuns and Ahmadis have been misrepresented in the same report.) It is the same report which was criticized by Farhat Taj and other activists because it misrepresents Shias, Ahmadis and Pashtuns. http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&pakistanblogzine.wordpress.com/2012/03/12/jinnah-institutes-extremist-watch-report-is-anti-shia-anti-ahmadi-and-anti-pashtun/

20 April 2012: Marvi Sirmed moderates an important meeting of Jinnah Institute. Tahira Abdullah and Raza Rumi too are present at the meeting.
Specimen news report
Islamabad, April 20, 2012: Two years after the passage of 18th Amendment to the Constitution, there is little clarity on the sequencing of HEC’s devolution to the provinces; and how such a transition will be managed needs to be seen, concluded experts at a roundtable organized by the Jinnah Institute. They were discussing devolution and the future of the HEC, as part of Jinnah Institute’s Open Democracy Initiative. In his opening remarks, Raza Rumi, Sr. Policy Adviser of Jinnah Institute said that devolution presented new opportunities and challenges; however the Pakistani state was not deft at change management. The roundtable was attended by civil society activist, Tahira Abdullah and others and moderated by Marvi Sirmed. (Source)
If you can’t beat them, join them.

16 Feb 2012: Marvi Sirmed, Ejaz Haider, Moeed Pirzada, Tahira Abdullah and others endorse JI's Extremism Watch Report.
This helps in connecting the dots. Doesn’t it?
Raza Rumi and Marvi Sirmed join notorious Jinnah Institute: We are concerned to learn that two noted “liberals” … http://bit.ly/KrErjs
23m salma jafar @Chiltan
@AbdulNishapuri hahaha!! me not surprised at all – ppl have ambitions Abdul – let them be.
21m Abdul Nishapuri @AbdulNishapuri
@Chiltan This also explains why both of them wanted LUBP to stop criticizing Ejaz Haider, Sethi, Sherry R and other similar “liberals”. 🙂
Let’s hope other critics of Jinnah Institute too will shortly join the train. Money, career, network, power. How could anyone refuse?
Marvi Sirmed @marvisirmed
@Chiltan Just saw your comment on a baseless post on lubp. Quite disappointed in you as I had thought you’re a mature person.
19h salma jafar @Chiltan
@marvisirmed only said u can do what u like – what’s the big deal?
15h Marvi Sirmed @marvisirmed
@Chiltan “Haha I’m not surprised. People have ambitions Abdul, let them be”. That was your comment ma’am.
14h salma jafar @Chiltan
@Owl051 @marvisirmed Thanks to u both indeed – only now I know JI is a shortcut – & that I shdn’t have laughed at Abdul’s concern.
Marvi Sirmed @marvisirmed
@Chiltan Aah! Innocent of you indeed! “ambitions” referred to what then? Anyway, good luck with your judgments. I’m done. @Owl051
15h Marvi Sirmed @marvisirmed
@Chiltan And that you are not surprised. Means you were already sure about my supposed dishonesty. Disgusting, to say the least.
15h Marvi Sirmed @marvisirmed
@Chiltan In plain words, you’re saying that in order to fulfil my “ambitions” I have chosen this supposed shortcut.
9h Marvi Sirmed @marvisirmed
@Chiltan Oh, and just for your & Lubp brigade’s information, I’m at much better place than JI. Don’t need an anchor for achievements @Owl051
Marvi Sirmed @marvisirmed
Good riddance with the rubbish. Judgmental psychos. #LUBP
Marvi Sirmed @marvisirmed
Good riddance with the rubbish. Judgmental psychos. #LUBP
Retweeted by Ali Arqam
RWasti @RWasti
Why does this Arqam guy RT everything against #LUBP? A flatterer of fake liberals, a zombie.
How can anyone stand with Ejaz Haider and Najam Sethi and proclaim themselves to be liberal? – by Mustafa Junejo
Hamid Mir – the new champion of Pakistan’s “liberals”? – by Anwar Changezi
According to Jinnah Institute’s Raza Rumi (an employee of Najam Sethi), Hamid Mir continues his great father’s legacy in journalism:
For a list of Al Qaeda’s most favoured journalists (MFJs), refer to this article: http://dawn.com/2012/05/04/al-qaedas-relations-with-pakistan-were-fraught-with-difficulties/ via @ravezjunejo
Hamid Mir, Saleem Safi, Rahimullah Yusufzai and Jamal Ismail are Al Qaeda’s most trusted journalists. Are we surprised?
Marvi Sirmed discovers a new friend in Hamid Mir (patent hater of Shias and Ahmadis, an ally of Taliban and Al Qaeda):
Marvi Sirmed @marvisirmed
@Watandost I am noticing some really welcome changes in @HamidMirGEO lately. His and @Najamsethi’s programs keep their Group’s sanity intact
Hamid Mir @HamidMirGEO
@marvisirmed @Watandost @Najamsethi I never said anything new i m saying these things since very long ta least from 1990 so i m not changed
(Comment: Above tweet reminds us of LeJ-ASWJ’s terrorist Malik Ishaq’s comment when he was released by Pakistan’s Supreme Court: jo pehlay kartay aaie hain, aaindah bhi kartay rahain ga. I will keep doing what I have done in the past.)
Marvi Sirmed @marvisirmed
@HamidMirGEO Then I’m glad to discover you janaab. Have been reading you otherwise since long. Welcome to the club @Watandost @Najamsethi
Hamid Mir @HamidMirGEO
@Watandost Many people called me and said dont speak too much truth i told them we can save Pakistan only by truth not by lies.Save Pakistan
Hamid Mir @HamidMirGEO
@MohsinHijazee Thanks.I never said anything new to Shehzad Roy.Its great that he tried to understand the problems of Balochistan.
Hamid Mir @HamidMirGEO
@iam_mudassar Govtof Pakistan never gave freedom actually media people risking their lives and paying price of freedom http://www.thenews.com.pk/article-29192-Pakistan,-most-dangerous-for-media:-RSF
View conversation
Hamid Mir @HamidMirGEO
@zishee You are mistaken.I m not fighting with any indvidual.I m fighting for a cause.They have launched a person who was a minister by Mush
Hamid Mir @HamidMirGEO
@zishee Everybody knows that whenever i raise the issue of missing persons intelligence agencies try to pressurize through their paid agents
Hassan Abbas @Watandost
But Hamid you are more articulate and effective now RT:“@HamidMirGEO: @marvisirmed @Watandost @Najamsethi I never said anything new…”
Marvi Sirmed @marvisirmed
@Watandost Am still grateful to him for responding to my letter in a very graceful manner. @HamidMirGEO @Najamsethi
Marvi Sirmed @marvisirmed
@Watandost I also reacted very aggressively when that infamous audio was planted. Even wrote an open letter to him @HamidMirGEO @Najamsethi
Marvi Sirmed @marvisirmed
@Watandost Sharp difference of opinion sometimes begets communication block. I had stopped reading his Qalam Kamaan @HamidMirGEO @Najamsethi
Marvi Sirmed @marvisirmed
@Watandost Yes that’s true. Also, I had thought he is in favour of Afghan Taliban between 1996 – 2001. I was not @HamidMirGEO @Najamsethi
Hassan Abbas @Watandost
Excellent comments of @HamidMirGEO on Geo TV’s ‘Wasu aur Main’ – Shahzad Roy’s great effort focusing in Baluchistan
Mosharraf Zaidi @mosharrafzaidi
amen. “@HamidMirGEO: @Watandost …we can save Pakistan only by truth not by lies.Save Pakistan”
Marvi Sirmed @marvisirmed
@Watandost I am noticing some really welcome changes in @HamidMirGEO lately. His and @Najamsethi’s programs keep their Group’s sanity intact
Hassan Abbas @Watandost
Best wishes “@HamidMirGEO: Many people called me and said dont speak too much truth i told them we can save Pakistan only by truth..”
Hassan Abbas @Watandost
But Hamid you are more articulate and effective now RT:“@HamidMirGEO: @marvisirmed @Watandost @Najamsethi I never said anything new…”
Hamid Mir @HamidMirGEO
@Watandost @marvisirmed @Najamsethi Hasan you know me since very long when u were a police officer once you took me to a baba ji for dua
Hamid Mir @HamidMirGEO
@Watandost Yes i believe in Sufis will definitely meet your Baba ji again
Hamid Mir (an operative of Military Intelligence) praises Sherry Rehman, founder of Pakistan army’s Jinnah Institute:
Good to see Mosharraf Zaidi, Hamid Mir, Raza Rumi & some others praising Sherry Rehman. Helps in connecting the dots. #RightWingPseudoLiberalAlliance
Hamid Mir @HamidMirGEO
@shahzadgillani @AajKamranKhan @TalatHussain12 Twitter restored in Pakistan.This is the difference between democracy and dictatorship.
Hamid Mir @HamidMirGEO
@mosharrafzaidi @SherryRehman @UsamaKhilji Sherry Rehman played important role for the restoration of twitter in Pakistan.
Hamid Mir @HamidMirGEO
@farhadjarral @SherryRehman @SenRehmanMalik Sir may be you have more information than me but i know Sherry spoke to the boss of RM sahib
Mosharraf Zaidi @mosharrafzaidi
Ambassador @SherryRehman’s excellent Op-Ed on Pak-US relations in the Chicago Tribune – http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/ct-oped-0520-pakistannato-20120520,0,2761699.story
sherryrehman @sherryrehman
@balalhaidermy commitment to minorities, women is reflected in every major public statement. Will never stop. MNA’s job diff from Ambassado
Raza Rumi @Razarumi
Ambassador Sherry Rehman on CNN’s Situation Room http://bit.ly/KtJTkf #pakistan v @USAforPAK
Raza Rumi @Razarumi
@CMShehbaz made v impt remarks on militancy in South Punjab. Good that he is cognizant of the challenge.Urgent reform/state-building reqd!
Raza Rumi parrots Najam Sethi’s lies and blames elected parliament for NATO supply blockade decision:
Raza Rumi @Razarumi
President Zardari has asked U.S. to help the Gov of Pak reach closure on the Salala episode “by following path indicated by Pak Parliament.”
beena sarwar @beenasarwar
RT @Razarumi: US should apologise,respect our parliament/settle the issue.We can then open supplies so that the US leaves Afg as planned.
Tarek Fatah @TarekFatah
Guys, u do realize it is an act of war to impose a blockade on a landlocked country like Afghanistan. @beenasarwar @razarumi Wake up.
Raza Rumi @Razarumi
@TarekFatah Understand what you are saying but as a democrat, I back the parliamentary decisions. Hope this is settled @beenasarwar
ImSoomro @ImSoomro
LOL @ “I back the parliamentary decisions” when every honest persons knows that such decisions are enforced by Pakistan army. Shame on Raza Rumi
Ayesha Siddiqa @iamthedrifter
@KamranShafi46 @omar_quraishi then you have Hamir Mir testifying before the Abbotabad Comm that OBL was 2 smart 4 anyone 2 know he was there
Let’s defend Ejaz Haider, the defender of Pakistan army!
I still remember how Marvi Sirmed chose to speak to a micro rally (total 5 participants) of Hazara ethnic party (favoured by the ISI) in Islamabad instead of joining thousands of Shias who were protesting against Shia genocide outside Pakistan’s parliament.
Only yesterday (26 May), Marvi was tweeting this crap:
Marvi Sirmed @marvisirmed
Amjad Hussain on Connection Between Military And Hazara Killings in Quetta
Hamid Mir, Ejaz Haider, Raza Rumi, Marvi Sirmed are directly or indirectly misrepresenting Shia genocide as Hazara ethnic genocide or sectarian violence. Are we surprised?
Is Ejaz Haider the same guy who always speaks Punjabi Army’s language on Balochistan and justifies Baloch genocide? http://criticalppp.com/archives/28471
Shame on Marvi and Raza Rumi. Shame on such fake liberals.
Farrukh Khan Pitafi @FarrukhKPitafi
Saqib Sherani, Economist, Abdulah Yousuf, former Chair FBR & Raza Rumi, Director Jinnah Inst discuss budget in #CapitalCircuit 2day @ 7PM
Abdul Nishapuri @AbdulNishapuri
@FarrukhKPitafi I never knew Raza Rumi is a director of Jinnah Institute.
Farrukh Khan Pitafi @FarrukhKPitafi
@AbdulNishapuri joined recently after leaving ADB (Asian Development Bank)
In Marvi Sirmed’s words, Jinnah Institute’s (JI’s) excellent report ‘Extremism Watch’, which maps conflict trends in Pakistan covering the period of September 2010 to September 2011.
It is the same report which was criticized by Farhat Taj and other activists because it misrepresents Shias, Ahmadis and Pashtuns
A loyal employee of Sherry Rehman praises her but curses her party.
Who’s afraid of Sherry Rehman?
By Raza Rumi
Source: Jinnah Institute: http://jinnah-institute.org/programs/open-democracy-initiative/ji-fos/170-whos-afraid-of-sherry-rehman-
It has been rather disturbing to witness the way Sherry Rehman has been the latest target of the purists within the ruling PPP. For years, Sherry has represented the intellectual vigour within her party. From drafting of manifestoes to holding the important portfolios, she has been an articulate defender of the PPP and its government. Her decision to resign in the wake of the judges’ saga and media handling of the 2009 Lahore-Gujranwala Long March was a matter of democratic choice.
After her resignation, she did not defame her party leadership and continued to demonstrate her loyalty. She is now a victim of an unwise ban on PPP leaders and legislators preventing them from appearing on a particular television channel. Worse, she has been lumped with the other dissenters — Naheed Khan and Safdar Abbasi — whose politics is altogether different.
The Naheed-Safdar duo has acted like a wounded couple since the time Benazir Bhutto was assassinated and Asif Zardari took over the party. It is a separate matter that sections of the electronic media have been using them as the righteous voice of the PPP in complete disregard of the fact that Ms Khan is neither elected, nor does she hold an official post in the party. Such is the intellectual dishonesty here that Ms Bhutto’s decision of not awarding a women’s seat ticket to Naheed Khan has never been discussed. Similarly, Mr Abbasi who was one of the interlocutors in the NRO deal has overnight become the biggest critic of the ordinance.
On the other hand, Sherry Rehman has no covert agenda and does not allow herself to be used as a pawn in the usual game played by anti-democracy forces. If there was a ‘ban’ on appearing on any particular television channel, the PPP should have taken its leaders and cadres in confidence, instead of issuing a decree via press conferences.
A democratically-elected party, gagging its own senior leaders is worrying to say the least. The issuance of a show-cause notice was followed by a siege of Ms Rehman’s house in Karachi by a mob, while the police stood by and did nothing. Her ailing mother and daughter were in the house and remained hostage for hours.
Since then, the PPP leadership has neither explained nor apologised for the unruly behaviour of the mob that circled her house. Sherry Rehman has served the cause of her party far better than many of its powerful stalwarts of today. Above all, she is not just a politician as she mediates multiple identities: as a legislator, a civil society activist, head of a think-tank and a voice of reason and fine intellect.
By pushing people like her to the wall, the party is only harming itself — because the party needs competent people like her.
The issue of Dr. Afridi’s sentence was also raised and the panelists agreed that this was a new complication in the bilateral relationship. Raza Rumi, Director Policy and Programs, Jinnah Institute reiterated that the Institute was attempting to promote an informed discourse on foreign policy in the country.
BLOODY eyes & Same Charachters>>>SHARE wd all u can>>>One (Zia ) made Zarar(lal) masjid on american CIA orders WHILE other Choudry give protection & orders compensation
to Terrorists of Zarar Masjid…..What about thousands of Pakistanismurdered in succides & dozens of masajids destroyed by lal masjid terrorists in Pakistan???ضیا اور چوہدری ایک جیسی آنکھیں اور ایک جیسا کردار
چوہدری افتخار المعروف کانے دجال نے ضیا کی طرف سے امریکی سی آئی اے کے اشارے پر بنائے جانے والے مرکز فساد لعل مسجد اصل ضرار مسجد کے دہشت گردوں کو پیکج دینے کا حکم دیا ہے۔۔۔۔لیکن ان ہزاروں پاکستانیوں اور درجنوں مساجد کا کیا ہوگا جسے ضرار مسجد لعل مسجد کے دہشت گردوں نے شہید کریا۔۔۔اتنا شئیر اور لائیئک کریں کہ پورے پاکستان اور کانے دجال چوہدری تک پہنچ جائے۔
SHARE wd all>>BLOODY eyes & Same Charachters>>>SHARE wd all u can>>>One (Zia ) made Zarar(lal) masjid on american CIA orders WHILE other Choudry give protection & orders compensation
to Terrorists of Zarar Masjid…..What about thousands of Pakistanismurdered in succides & dozens of masajids destroyed by lal masjid terrorists in Pakistan???ضیا اور چوہدری ایک جیسی آنکھیں اور ایک جیسا کردار
چوہدری افتخار المعروف کانے دجال نے ضیا کی طرف سے امریکی سی آئی اے کے اشارے پر بنائے جانے والے مرکز فساد لعل مسجد اصل ضرار مسجد کے دہشت گردوں کو پیکج دینے کا حکم دیا ہے۔۔۔۔لیکن ان ہزاروں پاکستانیوں اور درجنوں مساجد کا کیا ہوگا جسے ضرار مسجد لعل مسجد کے دہشت گردوں نے شہید کریا۔۔۔اتنا شئیر اور لائیئک کریں کہ پورے پاکستان اور کانے دجال چوہدری تک پہنچ جائے۔
Raza Rami and Marvi Sirmed’s joining Jinnah Institute is commendable job, strengthening the hands of military establishment, providing the best source of intellectual help, and giving the much needed legitimacy to the narrative they have always presented. The two are really deserving individuals, being third, if not first, after Ejaz Haider. They will also greatly help to embolden the liberal elite in the intellectually rich, and morally thriving nation.
Jinnah Institute has the same initials as Jamaat Islami.
Raza Rumi @Razarumi
The CIA’s fake vaccination drive has damaged the battle against polio says Heidi Larson http://bit.ly/KgZAif v @viewfromthecave
Ever thought that they may actually change the orientation of the institute? If anything LUBP should learn from PPP is that you have to stay within the system to change it. LUBP has turned into a mud slingin machine from a progressive voice of Pakistan.Perhaps you should read the articles you posted about Aitzaz Ahsan and learn something.
Marvi Sirmed and Raza Rumi have done nothing but promote a liberal thought in Pakistan. Imposing your personal view of fighting on others is not liberal, its fascist!
I can only assume that it would be Asma Jehangir, Ali Ahmed Kurd and perhaps Abdul Sattar Edhi being criticised next.
How about you censure President Zardari and PM Gilani for doling out funds for the institute first?! Any thoughts? Surely they are more powerful to withstand the pressure than Marvi or Raza?
The moment LUBP started criticizing Aitzaz Ahsan, Mubashir Hasan, Ejaz Haider, Naheed Khan, Sherry Rehman, Talat Hussain, Najam Sethi, Hamid Mir and other well respected liberals and champions of human rights, I parted my ways from this mud slinging blog. I agree with Saad that we need to stay in the system in order to reform it just as the Bengalis did in 1971 and the Balochs are doing in 2012.