LUBP must not discredit progressive and liberal Pakistanis

16 Feb 2012: Ejaz Haider, Marvi Sirmed, Fahd Husssain and others endorse JI's Extremism Watch Report in which suffering of Pashtuns, Ahmadis and Shias was misrepresented.
Editor’s note: The present post is latest in our series of posts which comprise Criticism of LUBP. As an independent blog, we welcome dissenting views and critical voices, and feel neither threatened nor intimidated by those who criticize or misrepresent our posts. Please note how Mr. Ejaz Haider juxtaposes LUBP (an independent progressive, pro-human rights blog) with the ISI-sponsored Difa-e-Pakistan Council (right-wing extremists) while implicitly presenting the Jinnah Institute as the moderate middle, a voice of (European?) liberal, progressive Pakistanis (who appear to be very ‘realist’). Happy reading! (end note)
7h Fahd Husain โ@Fahdhusain
@ucsher11 @ejazhaider @marvisirmed she [Marvi] has a deep belief in what she says which is a rare and extremely admirable quality.7h ejaz haider โ@ejazhaider
@Fahdhusain i second that! @ucsher11 @marvisirmedMarvi Sirmed โ@marvisirmed
@ejazhaider Thanks @fahdhusain and thanks sires ๐ And @ucsher11 sahib, EH’s and my friendship is too strong to be blown by an Op-Ed ๐6h Marvi Sirmed โ@marvisirmed
@ejazhaider @fahdhusain Just n case you haven’t read the crap Someone needs to get a life. Really!6h ejaz haider โ@ejazhaider
@marvisirmed subhanallah! iss mulk kay dau he maamay hain; DPC and LUBP @fahdhusainMarvi Sirmed โ@marvisirmed
Buhahaha RT @ejazhaider: subhanallah! iss mulk kay dau he mamay hain; DPC and LUBP @fahdhusainbeena sarwar โ@beenasarwar
@marvisirmed @ejazhaider @fahdhusain Seriously. Petty minds. So much focus on attacking those who speak up for human rights & democracy.Fahd Husain โ@Fahdhusain
@marvisirmed @ejazhaider wow! unbelievable. And sad.7h Marvi Sirmed โ@marvisirmed
@Fahdhusain My biggest objection is, couldn’t they find better pictures of mine? :(((( @ejazhaider6h Marvi Sirmed โ@marvisirmed
@beenasarwar Actually, always. You name anyone progressive who speaks for people’s rights, they discredit her/him @ejazhaider @fahdhusainLuscious โ@znt2002
@ejazhaider @marvisirmed @fahdhusain Lib are endangered species in the land of the pure. They need supp not criticism. Get plenty of latter6h Marvi Sirmed โ@marvisirmed
@znt2002 EH doesn’t call himself a lib I think. I call him realist @ejazhaider @fahdhusain6h ejaz haider โ@ejazhaider
@marvisirmed i am a lib in the european, not pakistani sense @znt2002 @fahdhusain
Retweeted by Marvi Sirmed3:46 PM – 30 May 12 via web ยท Details
THE MAN WHO LOOSES NO OPPORTUNITY TO ABUSE OUR GOVT IS “PROGRESSIVE”? Not to mention he speaks about “democracy and human rights” according to Beena Sarwar?! Hahah and they say PPP WALLAHS ARE LIARS! Can these fake liberals get any lower than this?!
“ejaz haider โ@ejazhaider
@marvisirmed i am a lib in the european, not pakistani sense”
Wow do the European liberals support the killing of innocent people?! Marvi Sirmed calls him a realist. So in her view, killing the Baloch who ask for rights is realistic?! Fake liberals, everyone! Fake bloody liberals! ๐ก
From Twitter:
Abdul Nishapuri โ@AbdulNishapuri
#LUBP has no intention to bow down to direct & indirect pressure by office bearers and affiliates of the pro-army Jinnah Institute.
#LUBP does not recognize pseudo-liberal thugs of the Jinnah Institute as liberals or progressives. No question of unity with them!
“Unity of liberals” is a dishonest tactic & discourse by pseudo-liberals in order to censor & suppress critical voices.
Clearly several ‘liberals’ who used to honestly criticize Jinnah Institute have either joined JI or become silent. Do we need to name them? Shame all around!
I think this post is more disparaging to those criticizing LUBP.
When I was a fan of Marvi Sirmed, I always found it offensive and outrageous when someone called her an ‘attention-seeker’. I realize today the remark was never so wrong. She was enough of an attention-seeker to ascend to the lofty tower of Jinnah Institute.
Z.A Bhutto supported a kill and dump policy in Balochistan too.
In fact, I would say that the Baloch look at the PPP along with everything else from the rest of Pakistan with a jaundiced eye. It’s too late for a lot of murdered Baloch anyway.
SHANGHAI’S stocks closed flat yesterday amid a cautious sentiment ahead of a slew of economic data to be released on Friday. The Shanghai Composite Index dipped 0.12 percent to 2,448.88 points. The market adopted a wait-and-see attitude before the release of the Consumer Price Index for April on Friday. Zhu Yu, economist at Goldman Sachs in Asia, predicted an annual rise in the key gauge of inflation to ease to 3.5 percent in April from 3.6 percent in March.