Monthly Archive:: October 2008

Imran Khan’s PTI Peshawar leader praises Taliban, calls Baitullah Mehsud as his emir (leader): The cat is out of the bag…Imran Khan is Taliban Khan and his supporters may be seen as would be suicide bombers A few days ago, Baitulla Mehsud, the notorious Taliban terrorist, was garlanded by a local president of

Confronting militancy: The Urban Taliban – by Raza Rumi: Confronting militancyMonday, October 20, 2008by Raza Rumi It is time that the vocabulary introduced by the global imperial projects is changed in Pakistan. The infamous and rotten coinage – war on terror – needs to be trashed. It was

The evidence of ISI’s involvement in Pakistani politics. Asghar Khan’s petition in the Supreme Court.: We never learn from history – 6 By Ardeshir Cowasjee IN this God-given, Jinnah-founded country of ours it is safe to assume that the majority of those who manage to be elected to our assemblies, or appointed to positions

Partners in crime: Ex-Servicemen’s Association (the new face of ISI sponsored thugs) – by Amir Mir: Partners in crime Amir Mir Hardly a fortnight after Pakistani Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani directed the officers of the Pakistan Army through an official letter not to indulge in politics and pay heed to their

We never learn from history. Hamid Gul, Aslam Beg and other corrupt Generals of the ISI – by Ardeshir Cowasjee: Hamid Gul, Aslam Beg, Roedad Khan, Akhtar Abdur Rehman, Zia-ul-Haq, Rafiq Tarar, the long list of criminals of ISI … By Ardeshir Cowasjee We never learn from history By Ardeshir Cowasjee The indefatigable old warrior of our skies is

Fallout of Karsaz FIR: If you want to try Hamid Gul, reopen Asghar Khan’s petition against ISI in the Supreme Court: New Karsaz FIR IT is intriguing that a new First Information Report about the bomb attack on Benazir Bhutto’s procession should have been registered a full one year after the Oct 18 crime that killed some 140 innocent people

Mullahs, Ulama, religious scholars in Pakistan are creating confusion in the war on terror. Khurshid Nadeem asks some important questions…: Mullahs, Ulama, religious scholars in Pakistan are creating confusion in the war on terror. Khurshid Nadeem asks some important questions… Who has the right to declare jihad? what does Islam say about those groups which intend to create a

Muslim clerics in Pakistan are creating confusion in Pakistan’s war on terror – by Khurshid Nadeem: Mullahs, Ulama, religious scholars in Pakistan are creating confusion in the war on terror. Khurshid Nadeem asks some important questions… Who has the right to declare jihad? what does Islam say about those groups which intend to create a

Hamid Mir, the media face of Taliban suggests that Pakistan is facing terrorism because Mullah Abdul Aziz of Lal Masjid was shown in Burqa on PTV: In his op-ed in Daily Jang, Hamid Mir, the media face of Taliban suggests that Pakistan is facing terrorism (suicide bombings etc) because Mullah Abdul Aziz of Lal Masjid was shown in Burqa on Pakistan Television. What a fool

Hamid Mir, the media face of Taliban suggests that Pakistan is facing terrorism because Mullah Abdul Aziz of Lal Masjid was shown in Burqa on PTV: In his op-ed in Daily Jang, Hamid Mir, the media face of Taliban suggests that Pakistan is facing terrorism (suicide bombings etc) because Mullah Abdul Aziz of Lal Masjid was shown in Burqa on Pakistan Television. What a fool

Pakistan police arrest terrorists of Sipah-e-Sahaba for involvement in the Danish Embassy bombing: June 4, 2008 Islamabad, June 4 (PTI) Pakistani police today arrested four persons, including a member of the outlawed sectarian group Sipah-e-Sahaba, for their alleged involvement in the suicide car bombing outside the Danish embassy here that killed

Suicide bombers’ Who’s Who – Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Sipah-e-Sahaba, Jaish-e-Muhammad – By Amir Mir: Suicide bombers’ Who’s WhoAmir Mir (Amir Mir is a senior journalist, and a brother of the famous TV host Hamid Mir) LAHORE: Intelligence agencies believe the endless wave of deadly suicide bombings, climaxing with one of the deadliest

Book Review: How We Missed the Story: Osama bin Laden, the Taliban, Sipah-e-Sahaba and the Hijacking of Afghanistan – Roy Gutman: BOOK REVIEW: Afghan war’s hidden blunders —by Khaled Ahmed How We Missed the Story: Osama bin Laden, the Taliban, and the Hijacking of AfghanistanBy Roy GutmanVanguard Books Lahore 2008 – Pp322 – Available at bookstores in Pakistan The book

Sectarian Strife Paralyzes Life in Pakistan’s Kurram Tribal Agency:: By Imtiaz Ali Pakistan’s Kurram Tribal Agency has been at the center of sectarian Shiite-Sunni conflict for decades. The area witnessed bloody clashes between the two rival sects of Islam long before the arrival of the Taliban phenomenon and

Taliban, Sipah-e-Sahaba, other jihadi and sectarian organizations want to convert Pakistan into a cultural wasteland, no tourism, no cricket, no music: Over the topWhen in soup… Sunday, October 19, 2008by Masood Hasan Increasingly Pakistanis have to square up to face what could be a defining moment in their lives. They can either crawl into shelters and take refuge, trembling with

Imran Khan (Taliban Khan) says there are no foreign terrorists in Pakistan’ tribal areas. What does he say about these 168 terrorists?: Pictures of Uzbek and other foreign terrorists (arrested by the Pakistan Army) who are being supported and financed by Javed Ibrahim Piracha and other supporters of Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba, who have the protection of the rogue elements of ISI

Imran Khan (Taliban Khan) says there are no foreign terrorists in Pakistan’ tribal areas. What does he say about these 168 terrorists?: Pictures of Uzbek and other foreign terrorists (arrested by the Pakistan Army) who are being supported and financed by Javed

Admiral (Retd) Fasih Bokhari’s pro-Taliban article, General Zia-ul-Haq’s Sharia, and making peace with terrorism?: Making peace with terrorism? The National Assembly Speaker, Dr Fehmida Mirza, noticed on Friday that members of parliament were generally not showing up to attend the in-camera briefings on the war on terror as required. Of the 440 legislators

Why are the Taliban and other jihadi and sectarian organizations destroying barber shops, CD shops, girls schools? Imran Khan, Hamid Gul, Read this…: The Pakistani nations is fighting for its survival against the forces of darkness, the jihadi and sectarian beasts who want to establish their tunnel-visioned khilafat in Pakistan and the world over. Criminals such as Imran Khan, Israr Ahmed, Qazi

Why are the Taliban and other jihadi and sectarian organizations destroying barber shops, CD shops, girls schools? Imran Khan, Hamid Gul, Read this…: The Pakistani nations is fighting for its survival against the forces of darkness, the jihadi and sectarian beasts who want to establish their tunnel-visioned khilafat in Pakistan and the world over. Criminals such as Imran Khan, Israr Ahmed, Qazi

Pakistan’s ex-spymaster outlines Taliban demands: General Hamid Gul (ex-ISI chief) is the ugly face of Al-Qaeda in Pakistan: Afghanistan: Hamid Gul outlines Taliban demands (AKI) The Taliban will agree to peace talks if they are recognised as a political force, if a date is set for the withdrawal of international forces, and if Taliban prisoners are released,

The failure of Army in eliminating Al-Qaeda and Taliban from Pakistan’s tribal areas.: A sting in Pakistan’s al-Qaeda missionBy Syed Saleem Shahzad Asia Times KARACHI – The Pakistani military has halted operations in Bajaur Agency in the northwest of the country, saying “the back has been broken” of the militancy there. A

Taliban Hit List: Who are Taliban’s enemies and friends in Pakistan?: Taliban Hit List: A Where’s Waldo? Pakistani Style An interesting hit list has emerged from the Taliban in Pakistan. From Syed Saleem Shahzad in the Asia Times, see if you can guess who is missing from the list. The

Hamid Gul: Al-Qaeda’s Man in Pakistan: In our last Pakistan Principal Analysis, Al-Qaeda’s Progression On Pakistan’s Demise, we spelled out the line of succession the Taliban-al-Qaeda alliance desires in order to exact control of Pakistan and its resources, including its nuclear arsenal. The end-game in

General Hamid Gul: Al-Qaeda’s man in Pakistan, the godfather of terror: In our last Pakistan Principal Analysis, Al-Qaeda’s Progression On Pakistan’s Demise, we spelled out the line of succession the Taliban-al-Qaeda alliance desires in order to exact control of Pakistan and its resources, including its nuclear arsenal. The end-game in

Remembering the victims of 18 October 2007: The gruesome attack on the mammoth reception of Banzair Bhutto by about a million supporters in Karachi: 18 October 2007: A day when the enemies of Pakistan, the supporters of Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Sipah-e-Sahaba, when the remnants of General Zia-ul-Haq in the Pakistani society, the Hamid Guls and Aslam Begs and other beast like creatures conspired to

Remembering the victims of 18 October 2007: The gruesome attack on the mammoth reception of Banzair Bhutto by about a million supporters in Karachi: 18 October 2007: A day when the enemies of Pakistan, the supporters of Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Sipah-e-Sahaba, when the remnants of General Zia-ul-Haq in the Pakistani society, the Hamid Guls and Aslam Begs and other beast like creatures conspired to

The Taliban supporter exposed: Maulana Fazlur Rehman of JUI: Maulana speaks for the Taliban? Maulana Fazlur Rehman of JUI has spoken out in the in-camera session of the parliament in Islamabad, posing as a kind of mediator between the state of Pakistan and the forces loosely described as

The abuse of freedom of press, Lal Masjid, terrorism, and the hypocricy of Qazi, Imran Khan, Nawaz Sharif, Fazlur Rehman and Chaudhary Sujaat Hussain: By Abbas AtherThe last two paragraphs are the essence of this op-ed.

Lal Masjid and media – by Abbas Ather: By Abbas AtherThe last two paragraphs are the essence of this op-ed.

Why does not Ayaz Amir resign from the PML(N)’s membership and then stage his ‘neutral’ criticism on the war on terror?: Ayaz Amir is the latest spokesman of the Taliban in the parliament. While pretending to be a neutral columnist, he always makes it a point to play to the gallery by criticizing the Pakistan’s war on terror. Why does

The so-called Jihadis (fasadis) of Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Sipah-e-Sahaba and their supporters in politics & media are worse than beasts – Haroon-ur-Rashid: In his op-ed in Daily Jang, Haroon-ur-Rashid describes how terrorist cells of Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Sipah-e-Sahaba and other fasadi (wrongly known as jihadi) and sectarian organization recruit and brain wash young boys, and prepare them for suicide attacks against innocent

The so-called Jihadis (fasadis) of Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Sipah-e-Sahaba and their supporters in politics & media are worse than beasts – Haroon-ur-Rashid: In his op-ed in Daily Jang, Haroon-ur-Rashid describes how terrorist cells of Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Sipah-e-Sahaba and other fasadi (wrongly known as jihadi) and sectarian organization recruit and brain wash young boys, and prepare them for suicide attacks against innocent

How did Imran Khan react to terrorist attacks on Benazir Bhutto and PPP rallies in Karachi and elsewhere?: Editor’s Note and update on 7 May 2013: LUBP wishes Imran Khan a quick recovery so that he can re-enter the political arena after his accident earlier today (May 7th, 2013). This was an unfortunate accident as opposed to