Monthly Archive:: October 2008

Intellectual terrorists (Dehshat Nigar) – This column criticises the supporters of Taliban & Sipah-e-Sahaba e.g. Ansar Abbasi, Mushtaq Minhas etc: Dehshat Gard and Dehshat Nigar By Asadullah Ghalib (Express) Perhaps, this column is also a criticism on Aftab Iqbal for his unwarranted anti-India

Mr and Mullah – Haroon–ur-Rashid (Taliban’s misguided notion of Islam): We must be able to distinguish Islam from the misguided concepts of Islam of Mullahs who are concerned with Zahir (appearance) not Batin (essence), who are concerned with Ibadaat (prayers) not Mua’milaat (ethics of everyday life). In this op-ed

Mr and Mullah – Haroon–ur-Rashid (Taliban’s misguided notion of Islam): We must be able to distinguish Islam from the misguided concepts of Islam of Mullahs who are concerned with Zahir (appearance) not Batin (essence), who are concerned with Ibadaat (prayers) not Mua’milaat (ethics of everyday life). In this op-ed

Post-retirement Musharraf: A God Fearing Pakistani Legend – LUMS and NCA Students Visit Musharraf: President Musharraf Receives Visitors At Army House In his latest appearance, former President Musharraf receives students from LUMS Lahore and NCA Rawalpindi. Here, one of the students, Amyn A. Ghulamali, says the former President was gracious and upbeat. He

Post-retirement Musharraf: A God Fearing Pakistani Legend – LUMS and NCA Students Visit Musharraf: President Musharraf Receives Visitors At Army House In his latest appearance, former President Musharraf receives students from LUMS Lahore and NCA Rawalpindi. Here, one of the students, Amyn A. Ghulamali, says the former President was gracious and upbeat. He

Suicide attacks in Pakistan are haram and najaaiz: Ulema’s decree: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 LAHORE: Muttehadda Ulema Council (MUC) has said in its unanimous decree (fatwa) that suicide attacks in Pakistan are haram and najaaiz. According to sources, a meeting of the Muttehadda Ulema Council was held in Lahore

PML(N), JUI, Imran Khan, Qazi – Friends of Taliban in Pakistan: Friends of the TalibanTuesday, October 14, 2008 As the joint session of parliament, called to create consensus on the issue of terrorism and the battle against it, continues, it seems evident the Taliban have friends in high places. The

Qazi Hussain Ahmed and Imran Khan, State Your Position…: State your position THE quest for a consensus on the war on terror must continue, though it remains to be seen whether the in-camera briefing by the military to the MPs leads in that direction. Whatever little bit has

How can Pakistan win the war on terror? Some suggestions: 1. The Government must keep a close eye on the extremists of Jaish-e-Muhammad, Sipah-e-Sahaba and the extremist Deobandi Madrassahs which have been actively involved in jihadi activities in Afghanistan and Kashmir. 2. The Government must ‘practically’ abolish all kinds

The Taliban war in Karachi: The Taliban war in Karachi As student wings of political parties kill each other in Quaidabad, and Nazimabad, Karachi gradually becomes the theatre of a war between religious and secularist forces; the leader of Mutahidda Qaumi Movement (MQM), Mr

Son of the soil, great Pakistani leader Asfandyar Wali Khan, and the supporters of terrorists in Pakistani media e.g. Mushtaq Minhas: While the terrorists of Taliban/Al-Qaeda/Sipah-e-Sahaba are actively involved in acts of terror in various areas in Pakistan, their supporters in politics and media are busy in dirty disinformation campaign against those great sons and daughters of Pakistan who are

Son of the soil, great Pakistani leader Asfandyar Wali Khan, and the supporters of terrorists in Pakistani media e.g. Mushtaq Minhas: While the terrorists of Taliban/Al-Qaeda/Sipah-e-Sahaba are actively involved in acts of terror in various areas in Pakistan, their supporters in politics and media are busy in dirty disinformation campaign against those great sons and daughters of Pakistan who are

The beginning of the Talibanization of Lahore? Hall road traders burn CDs after being threatened by terrorists of Sipah-e-Sahaba/Taliban: Monday, October 13, 2008by Ahmad Rafay Alam A significant event passed by relatively unnoticed last week when media reported that traders on Lahore’s Hall Road deliberately set alight thousands of pornographic VCDs and DVDs. The Anjuman-e-Tajiran had resolved to

The beginning of the Talibanization of Lahore? Hall road traders burn CDs after being threatened by terrorists of Sipah-e-Sahaba/Taliban: Monday, October 13, 2008by Ahmad Rafay Alam A significant event passed by relatively unnoticed last week when media reported that traders on Lahore’s Hall Road deliberately set alight thousands of pornographic VCDs and DVDs. The Anjuman-e-Tajiran had resolved to

The supporters of Taliban e.g. Imran Khan, Hamid Gul, Ansar Abbasi, Mushtaq Minhas, Kashif Abbasi are mentally sick…: In his column in today’s Jang, Masood Ashar criticizes those elements of the Pakistani society who are explicitly or implicitly supporting the terrorist activities by Taliban/Al-Qaeda/Sipah-e-Sahaba and other jihadi and sectarian organizations.

The supporters of Taliban e.g. Imran Khan, Hamid Gul, Ansar Abbasi, Mushtaq Minhas, Kashif Abbasi are mentally sick…: In his column in today’s Jang, Masood Ashar criticizes those elements of the Pakistani society who are explicitly or implicitly supporting the terrorist activities by Taliban/Al-Qaeda/Sipah-e-Sahaba and other jihadi and sectarian organizations.

Pakistani Fatwa Against Suicide Bombing: Amir Mir is a brother of the renowned TV anchor Hamid Mir.………. By Amir Mir (2005) A group of 58 religious scholars from Pakistan representing all major schools of Islamic thought issued a Fatwa (edict) on May 19, 2005

Fatwa by Mufti Rafi Usmani and Mufti Muneeb-ul-Rehman in support of Aamir Liaquat Hussain and drity propaganda by the supporters of Taliban: This site has moved to, click this link if you are not redirected

Fatwa by Mufti Rafi Usmani and Mufti Muneeb-ul-Rehman in support of Aamir Liaquat Hussain: We believe that the current dirty, sectarian propaganda against Aamir Liaquat Hussain is a reaction by the pro-Taliban groups, the extremists of Sipah-e-Sahaba, the Gustakhan-e-Rasool elements within the Pakistani society, who have become hostile to Aamir Liaquat Hussain because

Imran Khan, mental hospital and Zardari-phobia – By Abbas Ather: In his column in daily express on 20 June 2008, Abbas Athar suggests that Imran Khan should build a mental hospital. Abbas Ather also suggested the name of a possible first patient, i.e. Imran Khan himself. Imran Khan’s advisors

Imran Khan, mental hospital and Zardari-phobia – By Abbas Ather: In his column in daily express on 20 June 2008, Abbas Athar suggests that Imran Khan should build a mental hospital. Abbas Ather also suggested the name of a possible first patient, i.e. Imran Khan himself. Imran Khan’s advisors

Taliban leader killed by SAS was Pakistan officer, report by Christina Lamb: From The Sunday TimesOctober 12, 2008Taliban leader killed by SAS was Pakistan officerChristina Lamb in Kabul British officials covered up evidence that a Taliban commander killed by special forces in Helmand last year was in fact a Pakistani military

Imran Khan’s double-tongue in Australia: Terrorists will never attack cricketers because public will just turn against them…: In his recent interview with an Australian News Agency, Imran Khan claimed that cricketers would never be under any threat from terrorists…Terrorists rely on support from the masses because that’s where they get their recruits, and cricket is a

Imran Khan’s double-tongue in Australia: Terrorists will never attack cricketers because public will just turn against them!: In his recent interview with an Australian News Agency, Imran Khan claimed that cricketers would never be under any threat from terrorists…Terrorists rely on support from the masses because that’s where they get their recruits, and cricket is a

Pakistan needs financial and logistic aid to sustain the war on terror: Global crisis and war on terrorismThe International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned on Saturday that “debt-ridden banks were pushing the global financial system to the brink of meltdown” and “the rich nations had so far failed to restore confidence”. According

Tribal Shias as cannon-fodder to fight the Taliban menace: Pakistani security establishment is playing a dangerous game by forcing Shias of tribal areas to rise against Taliban. On 10 October, Army forced Shia tribe Alizai to form a lashkar in Orakzai agency while providing little protection and logistic support

The drug trade is funding the Taliban’s terrorist activities in Afghanistan and Pakistan: Are NATO forces invovled in this business?: Afghanistan’s narco menace SO closely linked are the problems of insurgency and drug trafficking in Afghanistan that it is no surprise that Nato has extended its mandate to crush the narcotics trade in the country. But the success of

Taliban are under pressue; no need to negotiate with them now.: Taliban are clearly under pressure from both sides of the border. Particularly on the Pakistani side of the border, there are clear signs that Taliban are fast losing the support of ordinary citizens including Pashtuns in the tribal area.

It is time to root out the anti-State, pro-Taliban media in Pakistan: Terrorism’s psy-war is bad newsThe terrorists have killed at least 40 people and wounded 90 in the Orakzai Tribal Agency from among a jirga gathered on Friday to form a lashkar against the Taliban. The jirga had already burnt

The mouth-piece of Taliban, the notorious patron of rogue elements in ISI, General Aslam Beg: In his op-ed in Daily Nawaiwaqt, the mouth-piece of the Taliban, the notorious patron of rogue elements in ISI, General (retired or retarded?) Mirza Aslam Beg suggests that the Taliban attacked the Islamabad Marriott Hotel because the hotel was

Aslam Beg: The mouth-piece of Taliban: In his op-ed in Daily Nawaiwaqt, the mouth-piece of the Taliban, the notorious patron of rogue elements in ISI, General (retired or retarded?) Mirza Aslam Beg suggests that the Taliban attacked the Islamabad Marriott Hotel because the hotel was

Nothing has changed: ISI is still the over-all real axis of power in Pakistan: Why is PML (N) adopting a dubious role on the war on terror? Does not Chaudhary Nisar Ali know that the real power in Pakistan does not lie with the parliament but with the Pakistan military.

Talking to the Taliban: Implications for Pakistan: The talk in Afghanistan of sitting down with the Afghan Taliban and thrashing out a solution to the conflict is now overt. To nudge the initiative forward, the Governor of NWFP, Mr Owais Ghani, has reiterated his earlier stance

Those who say ‘this is not Pakistan’s war’ must answer this question: The message of the blasts! As the in-camera session of the parliament was listening to a briefing from the Army, the anti-terrorist squad headquarters was suicide-bombed with a car, leaving six wounded. Elsewhere, eleven people were killed in Dir

Ansar Abbasi, the notorious Taliban supporter, how many American soldiers were killed in Bhakkar bombing?: Ansar Abbasi, the notorious Taliban supporter, tried to justify the terrorist attacks on Islamabad Marriott by writing a pack of lies that there were many American marines in the hotel who were busy in some secret operations, and that’s

Ansar Abbasi, the notorious Taliban supporter, how many American soldiers were killed in Bhakkar bombing?: Ansar Abbasi, the notorious Taliban supporter, tried to justify the terrorist attacks on Islamabad Marriott by writing a pack of lies that there were many American marines in the hotel who were busy in some secret operations, and that’s