The mouth-piece of Taliban, the notorious patron of rogue elements in ISI, General Aslam Beg
In his op-ed in Daily Nawaiwaqt, the mouth-piece of the Taliban, the notorious patron of rogue elements in ISI, General (retired or retarded?) Mirza Aslam Beg suggests that the Taliban attacked the Islamabad Marriott Hotel because the hotel was being used as the control headquarters of CIA. Will General Beg answer if there was a CIA headquarter in the Orakzai Jirga which was attacked by a suicide bomber killing more than 110 innocent Pakistanis; was there a CIA headquarter in Bhakkar where dozens of innocent Pakistanis lost their lives in a terrorist attack by a Taliban/Sipah Sahaba suicide bomber. Clearly, General Beg is playing to the gallery by misguiding and confusing the minds and opinions of ordinary Pakistanis.