Justice for Rukhsana: This is how urban elites exploit oppressed women’s miseries in Pakistan
Update: There is currently a campaign on Twitter to express support for Rukhsana. #JusticeForRukhsana. Please join to show your support for a double oppressed woman who is finding no voice in Pakistan’s elite dominated mainstream media.
Rukhsana, the acid attack victim and a main character in Oscar winning “Saving Face” movie, describes how her miseries were exploited by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, the film-maker. She claims that her miseries have aggravated in the aftermath of the movie, that she has been left alone contrary to promises and assurances by the film maker.
Rukshana was promised the following by Sharmeen: 3 million rupees, construction of house on 5 marla plot in Multan, plastic surgery
None of the above promises were fulfilled.
Instead, Sharmeen bribed the Acid Survivors Association so that they refrain from supporting Rukhsana’s legal case against her.
Sharmeen is an urban, elite woman from Karachi who is known for political contacts with elite politicians, media persons, film directors and judges.
Similar charges have been levelled by other oppressed women against her in the past.
Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy wants to get my sister harmed: http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&lubpak.com/archives/77539
بی بی سی کی نامہ نگار نوشین عباس سے بات کرتے ہوئے نوید مظفر خان کا کہنا تھا کہ دستاویزی فلم بنانے سے پہلے شرمین عبید چنائے کے ’دی ایسڈ سروائیورز فاؤنڈیشن پاکستان‘ کے ساتھ کچھ معاہدے ہوئے تھے جن کے مطابق اس فلم میں کام کرنے والے تمام افراد صرف اس شرط پر کام کرنے پر رضا مند ہوئے تھے کہ اس فلم کی پاکستان میں کسی قسم کی پبلک سکریننگ نہیں ہوگی۔
Let’s see who do Pakistan’s rights activists support: a poor woman (the exploited) or an elite woman (the exploiter)?
While the following news item found its way in an Urdu newspaper (Jang), all other media in Pakistan including The News, Express Tribune, Dawn etc refrained from publishing this report. Shows the power of elite network in Pakistan!

Source: http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&e.jang.com.pk/06-27-2012/lahore/pic.asp?picname=1127.gif
One 27 June 2012, #JusticeForRukhsana remained the top trend on Twitter in Pakistan.
Here are two snapshots including a flimsy reaction by Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy.
Video reports:
Express Tribune
Acid victim Rukhsana, featured in Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy’s Oscar winning documentary Saving Face, has alleged that the filmmaker promised to give her Rs3 million and a house, and also promised to help her with plastic surgery for working in the film, but did not fulfil any of her promises. But the filmmaker has denied all accusations.
ARY News (Headlines 28 June, 2012) Acid attack survivor sues Sharmeen
Related posts:
Twitter has spoken against Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy: #JusticeforRukhsana – by Aaj TV
Rukhsana Bibi kay tezaab say jhulsay zakhmon ki royalty – Wasi Shah (Nai Baat)
From facebook:
This report from Dawn dated 29 February 2012:
“MUZAFFARGARH: Rukhsana Bibi, a central character in Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy’s ‘Saving Face’, is yet to see the film but is happy to know that it has won an Oscar. Rukshana’s husband threw acid on her in 2009. While a meeting with Rukhsana materialised after some difficulty, an effort to talk to other victims was frustrated when their close relatives refused them permission to talk to the media. Rukhsana says her son, Zainul Abideen, was born in Islamabad during the shooting of the film. He is six months old, and his mother wishes that just as the ‘Saving Face’ has won its makers laurels, the fame could help her somehow give her family a house of their own. And she has already decided what profession she wants her son to follow when he grows up: she wants her son to be a plastic surgeon.”
Her dream remained a dreams, thanks to double oppression.
Sharmeen Obaid @sharmeenochinoy
@UmarCheema1 @asadrana74 The allegations are all lies, her family wants to extort money- i have no comment
Isn’t Sharmeen Obaid the same person who oversaw the hideous picture of Shaheed Mohtarma with her father’s murderer. I find it hard to believe her denials on this story.
“Well, disgusting is what those jiyalas felt looking at that picture that oh-so-cleverly showed their recently slain leader on the lap of a reactionary military dictator who sent her popularly elected prime minister father to the gallows and whose vicious intelligence agencies were probably involved in the mysterious death of her youngest brother, Shahnawaz Bhutto.”
Umar Cheema @UmarCheema1
An acid victim and central character of ‘Saving Face’ says @sharmeenochinoy let her down;promised royalty never given
Interesting debate on facebook:
Fatima Ali @FatimaAli52
#JusticeforRukhsana if the female was promised for some money by Ms #Chinoy, then she must be paid
Syed Haider Karrar @HaiderKarrar
#Shame on @sharmeenochinoy if she failed to fullfil the promises she made to the acid victim woman #JusticeForRukhsana
IrfanTariq Javed @irfantariq
#JusticeforRukhsana: @sharmeenochinoy her urban elite #Fakelbertrolls exploit oppressed women’s miseries in #Pakistan #savingface
Abdul Nishapuri @AbdulNishapuri
In elite vs poor, we stand by the poor. #JusticeForRukhsana:
PTI Nazariati @PTInazariati
Why are PTI (Imran group)’s trolls silent on poor women’s exploitation by Sharmeen. http://cdn.criticalppp.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/sharmeen-and-imran.jpg #JusticeForRukhsana
PTI Nazariati @PTInazariati
We dare @ImranKhanPTI to speak against poor women’s exploitation by her elite friend Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy. #JusticeForRukhsana
Laibaah @Laibaah1
I urge everyone to express support for Rukhsana, acid attack victim in Pakistan. http://shar.es/sKVWa Please RT #JusticeForRukhsana
Sana Saleem @sanasaleem
@Laibaah1 thanks. just read the #tag, will speak to Sharmeen about this and it is really unfortunate.
Shahzadi Tauseef @ShaiziCheema
@Laibaah1 My Q is why @sharmeenochinoy is neglecting this issue, she should reply. Her time-line is telling 2 hours ago she was sign in
Oscar for Saving Face made me elated: Rukhsana
By: Our Staff Reporter
March 02, 2012
MUZAFFARGARH – “It really hurt me, if I hear about the acid-throwing incident happen anywhere in the world. So, the win of an Oscar by ‘Saving Face’, truly made my happy, says 26-year-old Rukhsana Yasir, the pivotal character of Academy award-winning documentary, while talking to TheNation en route to Islamabad from Jatoi, Muzaffargarh the other day.
Speaking in Saraeki language, she showed satisfaction that now there is a law against acid throwers in Pakistan and this case now can be tried in Anti-Terrorism Court and the accused can be sentenced life-term imprisonment plus fine of Rs1 million. Rukhsana said that even strict law could not stop such heinous crime unless the end of ignorance, illiteracy, intolerance and hatred from the society. She informed TheNation that eight acid-throwing cases were happened after the approval of new law and total reported case had soared to 705.
Responding about her performance in documentary, She said that she was not agree to take this bold step of appearing before the camera but Acid Survivors Foundation’s volunteer Mureed Abbad convinced her to do so.
The former victim of acid throwing said although she had pardoned her husband and mother-in-law (who had thrown acid on her) and got them released yet the sword of divorce is still hanging on her. She maintained that she opted the way of reconciliation for the future of her three children little children.
Rukhsana Yasir belongs to a village of District Muzaffargarh in the neighbourhood of Meerawala’s Mukhtar Mai. She grew up in Basti Allah Baksh prior to her marriage after which she moved to the village of Bet Mir Hazar. Soonafter her marriage at the age of 18, Rukhsana discovered that her sister-in-law had developed an illicit relationship with a youth of the area. In order to protect the family’s name, Rukhsana interfered in the matter, which enraged her sister-in-law.
Meanwhile, Rukhsana’s father-in-law decided to give her two rooms to live in the house whereas everyone had only one. As a result, her sister-in-laws along with her mother aggravated and started teasing and physically torturing Rukhsana.
One day, they drugged Rukhsana’s three-year-old daughter maliciously, after which they burnt Rukhsana’s room as well as all her belongings. Rukhsana’s sister-in-law along with her mother and with the consent of her husband burnt her with acid.
After several court proceedings, Rukhsana was given custody of her two children and her husband was sentenced to prison. Rukhsana was therefore forced to bail her husband out of prison for the sake of her own family especially for her ailing children. Rukhsana was treated at Nishtar Medical Hospital after which she was advised to come to Acid Survivors Foundation (ASF) Pakistan for her further treatment.
Rukhsana’s decision to settle for a compromise was an unfortunate result of her poor family background and also due to the fact that she was not educated. This is not only highlights the valuable work of ASF but also highlights the importance of education of women.
Regardless of the advances that have been made in gender equality in our own country, there are still cultures where women are more than merely subservient to men. As Rukhsana says when she is told her pregnancy will delay reconstructive surgery, women do not have it easy in Pakistan. That’s why, until recently, men were able to get away with disfiguring their wives, for whatever twisted reason. It’s also why her husband’s sister and mother participated in the attack on Rukhsana.
Rukhsana Bibi,the central character of Oscar Winner Documentary Film “Saving Face” , claims that Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy cheated her by backing out of promises she made to her prior to shooting this film.
Rukhsana says misery and sufferings are the only awards for her that she is receiving after being a central character of film “Saving Face” by Sharmeen Obaid’s .Sharmeen Obaid won millions of dollars by showing this film to world aimed to damage the image of Pakistan.
Chinoy also pressurized her to take divorce, claims Rukhsana.
Media of Pakistan celebrated the winning of Oscar by Sharmeen without investigating the background realities.
What i want to know is what people like you and me are doing for survivors like Rukhsana? All we talk about is how this person let her down, and that organisation let her down but is anyone here everyone doing anything for her or for people like her? Are we not at all Pakistani’s? If Rukhsana is living in such conditions why has no one stepped forward to help. Instead we have taken two steps back to finger point at someone else.
Let us refrain from verdict.
We do not have the facts yet. We must not forget that in such situations many people of extended family get involved and things become muddy. We have seen in Raymand Davis case, what happened amongst family members.
We do not know if her family members may have instigated after Oscar to demand more. When movie was started there was no guaranty that it would be so successful etc. As per other side they will make the house but she cannot sell it.
She is saying that Obaid wanted her to get divorce. This seems strange (not impossible) that she got divorce from the person who did her so much harm not by her own will.
If we do the same thing Mullahs do whenever evils West is involved, then no one will listen to our genuine concerns also.
wtf…Sharmeen Obaid is busy.. busy in making more money
Humanity at its worst !
Tauseef @Tauseef_Afzal
So the Oscar bubble got burst….@sharmeenochinoy is exposed badly….buhat bari lanat…full story
Ravez Junejo @ravezjunejo
Its about time Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is exposed for being the rank opportunist she really is. #JusticeForRukhsana #SavingFace #Pakistan
Adnan Siddiqi @kadnan
oh man #JusticeforRukhsana trending worldwide anyone to save Sharmeen Chinoy? Social media is lethal!
Aneeq Fasi @aneeqfasi
the more Sharmeen Obaid keeps silence on this, the more ppl will accuse her. She should speak up. #JusticeForRukhsana
M Sarosh Ejaz @SaroshEjaz
Real face of Sharmeen obaid-chinoy. via @rameeshaaa http://criticalppp.com/archives/81706 #Pakistan
Hibah M.Rafiq @HibahAqsa
A very critical response to “Saving Face”. @sharmeenochinoy Could you please explain this?
Maria Khan @MariaKhan16
Justice for Rukhsana: This is how urban elites exploit oppressed women’s miseries in Pakistan http://shar.es/sI39b via @sharethis
Burhan Ahmed @ohbunnie
#JusticeForRukhsana @sharmeenochinoy explain yourself? more details at
Ali Imtiaz @IAmAliImtiaz
@CMShehbaz @SenRehmanMalik @ImranKhanPTI @AliZafarsays @realsanambaloch Do something pls. http://criticalppp.com/archives/81706 #JusticeForRukhsana
Schumaila Husseyn @SchimiHusseyn
This is how urban elites exploit oppressed women’s miseries in Pakistan http://criticalppp.com/archives/81706 #JusticeForRukhsana
Muhammadyar Qaisrani @MYQaisrani
Allegation of exploitation against Oscar-winning Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy by acid victim of Multan
Laibaah @Laibaah1
Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy is reading all tweets but pretending like this creature: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-z0O-EEg25t0/T-JQAYtSxKI/AAAAAAAAH3o/CcsTEjRp2PE/s1600/ostrich_head_in_sand.jpg #JusticeForRukhsana
Tatom @tatom2k
Suddenly thr z Baichainee among Liberal Elites 2 save soul of Sharmeen Chinoy & all Rumis, Beenas, etc. r in action nw #JusticeForRukhsana
Aoun Sahi @AounSahi
Rukhsana was not ready2work with Sharmeen at first but she convinced her on her conditions n also promised her some incentives.Talkd 2witnes
Muhammad Naeem @nmuhammad
Exploitation of the poor RT “@rameeshaaa: And we thought we were proud of u Sharmeen! #JusticeforRukhsana #ShameonSharmeen #SharmeenChinoy
Laibaah @Laibaah1
Today, Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy is most hated name in Pakistan social media. She exploited an already oppressed woman. #JusticeForRukhsana
Laibaah @Laibaah1
Who else but a PTI cyber leader Dr Awab tried to defend Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy. Jeetay Raho #JusticeForRukhsana
sophia ahmed @sophiaahmed
It remains the duty of documentary makers to address the case of victims also. Anyhow I hope Sharmeen addresses this issue as she is hero
anjum kiani @AnjumKiani
@PTI_tsunami Sharmeen Chinoy Exposed http://e.jang.com.pk/06-27-2012/pindi/pic.asp?picname=513.gif& http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-18177673 & http://cafepyala.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/not-quite-real-thing.html?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=pulsenews #justiceforRukhsana #SavingFace
Schumaila Husseyn @SchimiHusseyn
Wow! She blocked me too RT @HaiderKarrar @SchimiHusseyn Sharmeen blocked…she can’t face the truth… #JusticeforRukhsana #ShameOnSharmeen
Laibaah @Laibaah1
By this speed, Sharmeen Chinoy will block 90% of Twitter in next two hours. She can’t hide her true face from people! #JusticeForRukhsana
PTI Nazariati @PTInazariati
#JusticeForRukhsana is now the top trend in Pakistan. What a great shame for Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy and her flatterers in PTI-I.
Syed Haider Karrar @HaiderKarrar
Congrats to all, #JusticeforRukhsana is trending on Pakistan Twitter. A full force slap on Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy’s face. Via @laibaah1
PTI Nazariati @PTInazariati
Will @ImranKhanPTI explain why is his social media propagandist Dr Awab supporting Sharmeen Obaid? #JusticeForRukhsana
@Laibaah1 Terrible. A lot of serious criticisms have also been emerging on Sharmeen after the Oscar win.
anjum kiani @AnjumKiani
JusticeForRukhsana is TRENDING in #Pakistan! Sharmeen Chinoy & the #FakeliberalTrolls Can censor & Blackmail TV but not Social media!
PTI Nazariati @PTInazariati
Why are PTI (Imran group)’s trolls silent on poor women’s exploitation by Sharmeen. http://cdn.criticalppp.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/sharmeen-and-imran.jpg #JusticeForRukhsana
Abdul Nishapuri @AbdulNishapuri
Not a single English newspaper in Pakistan cared to publish Rukhsana’s story. Shame on Elite Mafia! #JusticeForRukhsana
Karrar @KarrarrHussain
“@Laibaah1 Dear Sir @omar_quraishi: ur web desk did a quick post on Raja Rental. Why no such alacrity on #JusticeForRukhsana. Top trend now”
usman mir @uzman0
Dont know abt thir disputes or promises bt atleast documentary royalty is hr right #JusticeForRukhsana @sharmeenochinoy
Mansoor Qadir Keerio @Mansoor_keerio
Shame on @sharmeenochinoy who used an acid victim woman and bribed her to gain popularity & multi million projects #JusticeForRukhsana
Syed Haider Karrar @HaiderKarrar
Please everyone show your support for the double oppressed, acid attack victim woman #JusticeForRukhsana
Laibaah @Laibaah1
We seek #JusticeForRukhsana, a double oppressed woman of #Pakistan
Trendsmap Karachi @TrendsKarachi
#justiceforrukhsana is now trending in #Karachi
Farhad Ahmed Jarral @farhadjarral
RT @MUsamaKabbir: RT @Laibaah1: Wake up Pakistanis. #JusticeForRukhsana is top trend in Pakistan, step forward, …
Ahmad Noorani @Ahmad_Noorani
#JusticeForRukhsana is trending top in Pak. Plz guide what is the issue & its background. Is she from Swabi? Whose brother was also killed?
Fatima Ali @FatimaAli52
We support #WomenRights. We support #JusticeForRukhsana. Shame on @sharmeenochinoy and her urban flatterers.
Ailia Zehra @AiliaZehra
#JusticeForRukhsana is trending in Pakistan. Dear @sharmeenchinoy, do you have something 2 say?
Dear monitor, there were hundreds of tweets on this topic. You missed quite a few very interesting revelations about Sharmeen Chiony which are being said on Twitter.
Today I have lost trust in humanity.
Shame on you, Sharmeen. I don’t have anything further to say.
Sharmeen Lobby: Shameless Defenders of Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy. These disgraceful people chose to flatter an urban elite woman but least sympathy for a double oppressed woman.
Awab Alvi @DrAwab
Fully support @sharmeenochinoy & her amazing work, new twist to accuse her work is just another ploy to critique achievers, Stay Strong !!
Raza Rumi @Razarumi
Pakistan is an unfortunate country. An Oscar winner filmmaker and activist @sharmeenochinoy is being attacked from day one by sev lobbies.
Raza Rumi @Razarumi
#Acidvictim’s unsubstantiated/dubious charges MT @Brizzle111: We know pak mentality .Trying to benefit from @sharmeenochinoy ‘s fame.
Raza Rumi @Razarumi
#acidvictim MT @usmanmanzoor:…but i smell a rat in this Rukhsana’s story; i think i have every right to be skeptic
beena sarwar @beenasarwar
Agree. RT @newpakistan: Sad how many people thrive on throwing dirt on anyone trying to do some good for Pakistan. @sharmeenochinoy
beena sarwar @beenasarwar
RT @fispahani: Having suffered lies and orchestrated media campaigns myself I want proof before I believe a word against @sharmeenochinoy
Hamid Mir @HamidMirGEO
@muggermuchh Let Shermeen Chinoy give her version and then we can decide what is the reality?May be there is some misunderstanding.
New Pakistan @newpakistan
Funny that same people who assume @sharmeenochinoy guilty also quick to defend Hafiz Saeed as “innocent until proven guilty”! #predictable
Faizan Lakhani @faizanlakhani
@YasinAly personally, I can’t believe what is being said about @sharmeenochinoy & as @faisalkapadia said, she is pride of Pakistan.
Raza Rumi @Razarumi
LOL RT @usmanmanzoor: If u doubt Rukhsana’s motives of defaming @sharmeenochinoy; U r dubbed as supporter of Liberal Fascists
Marvi Sirmed @marvisirmed
@Razarumi @usmanmanzoor Just a naive question, why should she be paid? @sharmeenochinoy
beena sarwar @beenasarwar
Agree. RT @newpakistan: Sad how many people thrive on throwing dirt on anyone trying to do some good for Pakistan. @sharmeenochinoy
Retweeted by Marvi Sirmed
Adil Najam @AdilNajam
Some great photographs of 2012 #LUMSConvocation and @sharmeenochinoy. A lot of very special moments captured:
@Anwar Bhatti
Many of these people belong to usual flatter and opportunist club on Twitter. Disgraceful lot.
Lanat on Sharmin and those who are blaming the poor acid victim.
Usual suspects, urban elites, affiliates or beneficiaries of powerful lobbies have spoken, in support of Sharmeen. Shame on them. They claim to be women’s rights champions:
Laibaah @Laibaah1
Aha. Supporters of Sipah Sahaba (Munazir), PTI (Awab), Jinnah Insti (Raza Rumi), Jang (Beena) & other elites are united to defend Sharmeen.
Tatom @tatom2k
Suddenly thr z Baichainee among Liberal Elites 2 save soul of Sharmeen Chinoy & all Rumis, Beenas, etc. r in action nw #JusticeForRukhsana
Tatom @tatom2k
Its fact tht @sharmeenochinoy is no different then many other filmakers., selfishness & greed surface their personality #JusticeForRukhsana
Khalid Javed @kjk786
I’m block by @sharmeenochinoy the champion of human rights and freedom of speech for asking questions about acid victim she misused
#SharmeenMafia on Twitter
beena sarwar @beenasarwar
MT @marvisirmed: Aren’t these “big” leaders the same who were disturbed over Sharmeen’s film in first place? Khuda ganjay ko nakhun Na de!
Fifi Haroon @fifiharoon
There r ppl on Twitter who jump on to every bandwagon. Their entire Tweetlines r abt taking ppl down. They’re anti EVERYTHING & do NOTHING
Marvi Sirmed @marvisirmed
Sharmeen’s (@SharmeedOChinoy) response on slander campaign agnst her http://e.jang.com.pk/06-28-2012/karachi/pic.asp?picname=1046.gif Right-wingers always ready to attack w/o details
Raza Rumi @Razarumi
Awards (forget politics) also reward creativity/inventiveness;& if @sharmeenochinoy has bn recognised internationally,its a matter of pride!
Raza Rumi @Razarumi
Pakistan is an unfortunate country. An Oscar winner filmmaker and activist @sharmeenochinoy is being attacked from day one by sev lobbies.
Ali Salman Alvi @alisalmanalvi
Setting the records straight — @sharmeenochinoy terms the allegations as baseless and fallacious.
beena sarwar @beenasarwar
Aha RT @munnazir: @sophiaahmed @sharmeenochinoy @marvisirmed at twitter this campaign was launched by #lubp , no condemnation of them why?
beena sarwar @beenasarwar
RT @sophiaahmed: trolls are pointing a finger at @sharmeenochinoy Shame #aaj carried small news item citing the twitter story @marvisirmed
Murtaza Solangi @murtazasolangi
@beenasarwar @qrratugai @sharmeenochinoy I am not talking about Orbala. Some big leaders have talked about “justice for Rukhsana”.
Awab Alvi @DrAwab
Fully support @sharmeenochinoy & her amazing work, new twist to accuse her work is just another ploy to critique achievers, Stay Strong !!
Riaz Ali Toori @RiazToori
RT “@fispahani: Having suffered lies and orchestrated mediacampaigns myself I want proof before I believe a word against @sharmeenochinoy”
usman mir @uzman0
#PityTheNation that did thousands of tweets about #JusticeForRukhsana but only 17 Retweets for @sharmeenochinoy reply #Pakistan ;[
Another detailed list is also found here:
A lot has been said about Rukhsana’s allegations on twitter- I want to clarify a few things- Rukhsana is a victim who needs help & care
After the Oscars Rukhsana was overjoyed: Now 4 months have passed, she has left the care of ASF & has family pressures http://dawn.com/2012/02/28/the-women-behind-the-oscar/
Saving Face is not Titanic, its a documentary film- No doc filmmaker in the world promises its subjects money or land- Its unethical
A donor who saw the film offered 2 buy Rukhsana a house in early May- She went 2 c a few houses but her family pressured her not 2 accept
Zakia, the primary subject of the film has never come forward with such allegations and donors hv reached out 2 her
Dr Jawad travelled to Pakistan in April 2012 to perform surgery on Zakia and rukhsana- Zakia received surgery, Rukhsana refused
Rukhsana and ASF together filed a civil suit 2 stop the airing of Saving Face in Pakistan- we obliged because women’s safety is paramount
Although we hv legal release rights signed by Rukhsana through ASF themselves we had decided not 2 air the film even b4 legal notice
From Day 1 We had made it clear that if the film wud air in Pakistan, ALL of the money wud go 2 ASF and the women in the film-
Rukhsana now lives with the same husband and in-laws who threw acid and petrol on her- they took away her children-
That is her prerogative. As filmmakers we never ask subjects to make life changing decisions, such as divorce.
As filmmakers we can only connect donors 2 victims- we work on awareness- I hope Rukhsana gets the help she needs & deserves
In my career spanning 11 years, 16 films in 10 countries, this has never happened before- As a society v must question who we hv become
It is sad to have fingers pointed on unfullfilled promises by fellow countrymen without any research
I know that we have done our utmost with integrity to highlight the issue and I hope as Pakistanis rise to the occasion. And stop always blaming each other for societal injustice instead of trying to correct it.
29s Salman Javed @FortressMSJ
@fifiharoon @sharmeenochinoy anyways! Let’s wait for some response! I hope this matter settles down accordingly!!
2m Salman Javed @FortressMSJ
@fifiharoon @sharmeenochinoy when it comes to Filmmaking by “corporate houses” they are responsible for some rules already set.
8m Salman Javed @FortressMSJ
@fifiharoon @sharmeenochinoy by not fulfilling “corporate social responsibility” 2/2
11m Salman Javed @FortressMSJ
@fifiharoon @sharmeenochinoy no I’m not saying that, by “corporate” means I refer to the allegations put on the filmmakers 1/2
18m Salman Javed @FortressMSJ
@fifiharoon Agreed, But should a filmmake (an activist too) use Corporate means to achieve his/her targets? @sharmeenochinoy
31m Salman Javed @FortressMSJ
@sharmeenochinoy Why blame Pakistani society? Isn’t it depecting your inner side as claimed by your opponents? Any answers?
34m Salman Javed @FortressMSJ
@sharmeenochinoy Y such pressure tactics through elite of our Political parties on some bloggers and media personals?Any “Specific” Reason!
35m Salman Javed @FortressMSJ
@sharmeenochinoy Also according to ur reports, http://Criticalppp.com is forced to take down article they wrote abt ur activities? is it true?
40m Salman Javed @FortressMSJ
@sharmeenochinoy What about your “Tough” schedule reported in the media? Why cant you meet Rukhsana now? why cant you go on media now?
41m Salman Javed @FortressMSJ
@sharmeenochinoy Why cant you take legal action against Rukhsana? Even if she is a victim, She is damaging your efforts for “Pakistan”!!
41m Salman Javed @FortressMSJ
@sharmeenochinoy What your take on all of that? Why dont you take Rukhsaana along with yourself to Press and clear all this fuss?
42m Salman Javed @FortressMSJ
@sharmeenochinoy that is based on the slogans of ‘bringing democracy’ and ‘delivering the women’. and Maligning some islamic values as well
42m Salman Javed @FortressMSJ
@sharmeenochinoy giving legitimacy, in the mainstream media, to the global war on terror
43m Salman Javed @FortressMSJ
@sharmeenochinoy “Women in the Holy Kingdom”, “Lifting the Veil” etc, all depicting the plight of women and children in the Muslim cultures.
44m Salman Javed @FortressMSJ
@sharmeenochinoy Nice to hear your side of story, Some questions
As filmmakers our job is 2 raise awareness glad 2 c that happened- If ppl want 2 contribute 2 Rukhsana thats a huge victory for all of us
Im glad 2 c everyone wants 2 help Rukhsana- as a society we must all take ownership- Perhaps ppl can help raise funds & send 2 her?
Laibaah’s response to @ sharmeenochinoy http://t.co/v8TSCB8B
A lot has been said about Rukhsana’s allegations on twitter- I want to clarify a few things- Rukhsana is a victim who needs help & care
After the Oscars Rukhsana was overjoyed: Now 4 months have passed, she has left the care of ASF & has family pressures http://dawn.com/2012/02/28/the-women-behind-the-oscar/
Saving Face is not Titanic, its a documentary film- No doc filmmaker in the world promises its subjects money or land- Its unethical
A donor who saw the film offered 2 buy Rukhsana a house in early May- She went 2 c a few houses but her family pressured her not 2 accept
Zakia, the primary subject of the film has never come forward with such allegations and donors hv reached out 2 her
Dr Jawad travelled to Pakistan in April 2012 to perform surgery on Zakia and rukhsana- Zakia received surgery, Rukhsana refused-
Rukhsana and ASF together filed a civil suit 2 stop the airing of Saving Face in Pakistan- we obliged because women’s safety is paramount
Although we hv legal release rights signed by Rukhsana through ASF themselves we had decided not 2 air the film even b4 legal notice
From Day 1 We had made it clear that if the film wud air in Pakistan, ALL of the money wud go 2 ASF and the women in the film-
Rukhsana now lives with the same husband and in-laws who threw acid and petrol on her- they took away her children-
That is her prerogative. As filmmakers we never ask subjects to make life changing decisions, such as divorce.
As filmmakers we can only connect donors 2 victims- we work on awareness- I hope Rukhsana gets the help she needs & deserves
In my career spanning 11 years, 16 films in 10 countries, this has never happened before- As a society v must question who we hv become
It is sad to have fingers pointed on unfullfilled promises by fellow countrymen without any research
I know that we have done our utmost with integrity to highlight the issue and I hope as Pakistanis rise to the occasion.
And stop always blaming each other for societal injustice instead of trying to correct it.
Saleem Javed @mSaleemJaved
@sharmeenochinoy Websites & blogs run by @abdulnishapuri are extremely dubious. Never missed a chance to defame Pak liberals & HR activists.
Saleem Javed @mSaleemJaved
@sharmeenochinoy Ma’am, why do you even give importance to anonymous guys like @abdulnishapuri who has not the courage to use his real name.
Marvi Sirmed @marvisirmed
@adrizventures Just checked your timeline. Abuses used for Zardari go in line with your defence of LUBP. Understandable. @abdulnishapuri
Marvi Sirmed @marvisirmed
@adrizventures And yes, They do slander PPP by using the banner & perception that this site is supported by PPP @fifiharoon @abdulnishapuri
37m Marvi Sirmed @marvisirmed
To slander EVERYONE who challenges establishment RT @adrizventures: @fifiharoon Marvi so criticalppp is to slander PPP? @abdulnishapuri
Abdul Nishapuri @AbdulNishapuri
Evidence of “slander” of LUBP by LUBP. http://criticalppp.com/archives/tag/criticism-of-lubp
12m Abdul Nishapuri @AbdulNishapuri
Evidence of slander of PPP by LUBP. http://criticalppp.com/archives/tag/criticism-of-ppp/
13m Abdul Nishapuri @AbdulNishapuri
Glad to know that LUBP is a right wing website which slanders PPP. Exposed by “realist” liberals, finally!
Abdul Nishapuri @AbdulNishapuri
LUBP is not dictated by policies & directives of any party.As an independent blog, we are proud of our critical discourse.
4m Abdul Nishapuri @AbdulNishapuri
Is it a coincidence that the person who is alleging LUBP of slandering PPP is defending this person: http://criticalppp.com/archives/74016 cc @ravezjunejo
Face saving needed for Saving Face
By Syed Mohammad Ali
Whatever Sharmeen’s perspective is, surely the need to protect the very people who have propelled her to international fame and glory must take precedence over any further publicity of her work. Moreover, there are several other ways to help create awareness on this issue, as well as countering the prevalence of acid attacks. Ongoing advocacy by those working on this issue have identified many practical means which merit further attention, ranging from curbing unregulated sale of concentrated acid to the need for demanding effective implementation of the new legislation that provides for the prosecution of acid attack perpetrators and to simultaneously paying greater attention to help survivors cope with recovery and rehabilitation. It is these unaddressed areas that Ms Obaid-Chinoy must offer greater attention on, rather than trying to insist upon screening her already awarded documentary in Pakistan.
Published in The Express Tribune, June 2nd, 2012.
Sharmeen Obaid did not fulfil promise of Rs3m, plastic surgery: Acid victim
By Ema Anis
Published: June 28, 2012
Saving Face, a 40-minute film, focuses on Zakia and Rukhsana as they fight to rebuild their lives. PHOTO: FILE
Acid victim Rukhsana, featured in Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy’s Oscar winning documentary Saving Face, has alleged that the filmmaker promised to give her Rs3 million and a house, and also promised to help her with plastic surgery for working in the film, but did not fulfil any of her promises.
Rukhsana told the media that Obaid-Chinoy made her sign blank papers but a year has passed and none of her promises have been fulfilled. “In our family we wear the topi-burqa… When she [Obaid-Chinoy] got the Oscar, the film was shown across the world. When my husband saw it, he expelled me from the house and even my parents stopped talking to me,” Rukhsana said.
The acid victim also claimed that she had sent a legal notice to the filmmaker through a lawyer.
A trend “JusticeForRukhsana” also started trending on Twitter after media reports covering Rukhsana’s allegations were published. The reports claimed that Obaid-Chinoy had promised Rukhsana Rs3 million, construction of a house on 5 Marla (approx 150sq-ft) plot in Multan and plastic surgery.
Obaid-Chinoy, while talking to Express News, said that no documentary-maker would ever promise anything because it is unethical. “I have made 16 films in 10 countries and nothing of this sort has ever happened.”
She however added that a donor had expressed his desire of getting Rukhsana a house after watching the film. “The donor wanted Rukhsana to be given a house as money can be snatched by anyone. Rukhsana, her husband and her children even went to see the house. We even have the pictures. But her husband refused to take the house and told Rukhsana that she can get more money instead.”
When asked about Rukhsana’s allegations of her identity being revealed through the film, Obaid-Chinoy said that Rukhsana was filmed in her village in front of her parents. “Her parents were interviewed, her husband was also interviewed. If they did not know about the film, how come they are interviewed in it?”
She also clarified that she had not received any legal notice from the acid victim. “On what basis will I get a legal notice? Does she have any papers or documents? Legal cases can only be initiated when you have some proof… Why would I make her sign blank pages? What would I want from her?”
The filmmaker also questioned why Rukhsana is coming on the media and levelling allegations against her after so many months had passed since she received the Oscar. “When the Oscars took place, she went to newspapers and other media and told everyone that she was happy for informing the world about acid attacks. And now she is coming on the media to say that I had promised her things?”
But, she appealed that people should help Rukhsana as she is a victim. “We still want to help her, but our hands are tied. Victims and the Acid Survivors Foundation have moved a civil court appealing that Saving Face should not be aired in Pakistan. If I give money to Rukhsana through donors at this moment, won’t the court say that I’m bribing her to get my film aired?”
When asked about the royalty Rukhsana has demanded for working in her film, Sharmeen said, “What royalty? We had announced that whenever anyone watches the movie in Pakistan, the money would go to the victims. But the movie is not being allowed to run in the country.”
Obaid-Chinoy had also earlier insisted that the women featured in the film signed legal documents allowing the film to be shown anywhere in the world, including Pakistan.
Saving Face, a 40-minute film, focuses on Zakia and Rukhsana as they fight to rebuild their lives after being attacked by their husbands, and British Pakistani plastic surgeon Mohammad Jawad who tries to help repair their shattered looks.
an hour ago
Thats the reality of “Film makers” in Pakistan. Use them earn Oscars and awards and then ignore them!
Poor lady!
an hour ago
I always knew Obaid-Chinoy was nothing but a big fraud. The funds for making the documentary were provided by USAID for promotion a ‘certain’ point of view about Pakistan.
Truth Exposed
an hour ago
[“What royalty? We had announced that whenever anyone watches the movie in Pakistan, the money would go to the victims. But the movie is not being allowed to run in the country.”]
isn’t it being aired abroad?
an hour ago
Why would the poor victim lie after having videoed herself in the documentary? Victim and her family didn’t participate in the documentary to simply ‘enlighten’ the world. Why would she participate in a documentary, which was bound to cause outrage among some circles, without any monetary compensation? Even more shocking is that the victim didn’t even get the plastic surgery! It’s sad that Sharmeen has ditched the victim who brought her so much money and fame.
ps: I am not one of the rightists/nationalists who thought that the documentary had given a negative image of an otherwise shining Pakistan.
an hour ago
If it is true its really shameful, these people got famous by using poor and needy and then left them on dangerous waters….!!
Allah ki Bundi
an hour ago
We have got an oscar
A women raised the flag to bring a bag of oscar
We have got an oscar at the price of fooling a poor acid victim
Oscar, Oscar, We have got an Oscar
Green Passport live long, Does that acid victim has a passport, has she ever seen an airport.
25 minutes ago
Sharmeen has circulated private family picture on twitter that shows Ruhksana with her husband and her child. This is unethical practice.
Acid-attack survivor sues Sharmeen Obaid, filmmaker refutes claims
Faiza Mirza | 23 mins ago 0
Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy received widespread acclaim for her Oscar-winning documentary “Saving Face.” – Photo by AFP
KARACHI: Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, Pakistan’s first Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker was mired in controversy when one of the victims whose narrative was recorded in her documentary “Saving Face,” accused Chinoy of not fulfilling her commitment of providing financial compensation.
Rukhsana, who hails from Muqzaffargarh, filed a case against Chinoy in the Multan sessions court. She claimed that Chinoy offered her compensation and benefits which motivated her to appear in the film, but once the documentary was released, the director did not fulfil her commitment.
She alleged that Chinoy promised her a five-marla (126 square-metre) house, Rs3,000,000 and plastic surgery in compensation for her role in the film. Rukhsana also claimed to have been thrown out of her house for working in the movie and is forced to live a nomadic life with her children.
Chinoy, however, denies all the allegations and spoke out against Rukhsana’s claims on social media website Twitter.
Chinoy tweeted that she never promised any favour or compensation to Rukhsana and that a donor, who saw the documentary, offered Rukhsana a house and she even went around looking for houses. However, her family did not let her accept one. The filmmake said that the donor was very clear that they did not want to give her cash in place of a house as they felt it may be dangerous for her as she is even more vulnerable to being exploited by her husband who committed the crime in the first place. Her husband and family however, insisted she take money instead and to therefore reject the house, which they had seen, as witnessed by a member of Islamic Help, as they felt she could more.
According to Chinoy’s tweets, the plastic surgeon involved in the film Dr Mohammad Jawwad came to Pakistan to perform surgeries on Rukhsana and Zakia — the latter being the primary subject of the movie. While Zakia agreed to the surgery and was operated upon, Rukhsana turned down the offer.
Chinoy also said that Zakia never came forward with any allegations similar to those of the other victim and has been approached by various donors.
The Karachi-based filmmaker also said that Acid Survivors Foundation (ASF) and Rukhsana unanimously filed a civil suit to stop airing the movie in Pakistan for the safety of victims. Although it was made clear initially that the documentary will be aired in Pakistan, Chinoy said she obliged “because women’s safety is paramount” to her.
Chinoy further claimed that her company reserves the airing rights of Saving Face in Pakistan as Rukhsana through ASF had signed a consent form. However, Chinoy will wait for the legal notice before officially airing the documentary in Pakistan.
Chinoy also tweeted that Rukhsana is currently living with her husband and in-laws who attacked her. She later posted photos of Rukhsana and her husband as they searched for a house in Multan.
Her tweets laid emphasis on the fact that Rukhsana is a victim and needs help.