Monthly Archive:: February 2012

Rehman Malik’s shameful lies on Difa-e-Pakistan and Sipah-e-Sahaba: Urgent: Please sign and widely distribute this petition: Ban the Difa-e-Pakistan Council For the last several weeks, the Difa-e-Pakistan Council (Defence of Pakistan Council – DPC), a union mainly comprising two banned militant organizations Siaphe-Sahaba Pakistan (aka Lashkar-e-Jhangvi or

Nusrat Javed on mourning anchors and their favourite politician: نصرت جاوید کا شمار شعلہ بیان اور مرثیہ خواں؛ قومی غیرت کے نام پر ‘ریٹنگ، دولت اور شہرت کےپیچھے ہلکان ہونے والے’ اینکرز میں نہیں ہوتا، بلکہ ان کا شماران دوچارصحافی حضرات میں ہوتا ہے، جو عقل واستدلال، منطق

Aseefa – The Reflection of My ‘Bibi’ – By Maleeha Manzoor: Grace in women has more effect than beauty. Nevertheless, a woman becomes even more glorious and beautiful, when you conceive the grace of your heartthrob personality in her and unintentionally, you summon up her persona in your mind and

The contempt of Kayani court?: On Thursday, we saw a new anti-PPP decision from the so-called independent judiciary. Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has been summoned to appear before the Supreme Court on February 13 for the framing of the contempt of court charges.

Stand up for Ahmadis, Shias, other oppressed groups and be counted – by Mehmal Sarfraz: In Satellite Town Rawalpindi, ‘Ewan-e-Tawheed’ is in place for the last 17 years. It is the property of Jama’at Ahmadiyya and is used as a place for prayers ever since. Some adventurists have decided to make it an issue

Difa-e-Pakistan and the continuing education of Syed Riaz bin Al-Malik Hajjaji: Dear Muslim brothers and sisters (This message is not intended for liberal fascist Rafzi-Sabai-Qadiani-Baloch RAW-ians) I want to share with you my continued education. I have now come to accept that in order for Pakistanto be Islamic Welfare State

Mullah, the Talib and Pashtun society – by Asad Munir: Originally Posted at: The Friday Times Pashtuns are believed to be the largest segmentary lineage society in the world today. They have been living in their defined homeland areas since ages, in a social order loosely defined by the

Dammaj: Zaydi Shias vs Al Qaeda – the story behind a siege in Yemen – by Theo Padnos: Related posts: A war that remains unreported: The Saudi Arabian war against the Houthis of Yemen How Saudi Arabia has corrupted Yemen to spread Wahabism Editor’s note: Apparently, not unlike Pakistan’s Shia Muslims (in Parachinar and Balochistan) and Afghanistan’s

Taliban and the Pashtun identity – by Prof Dr Ijaz Khan: Nationalist movements promote and protect national language, culture and identity through political expression. They aim to control their affairs without outside interference. They are about managing their economic resources by themselves. They may want autonomy within a multinational state

How to join the Ghairat Brigade – by Zalaan: غیرت بریگیڈ میں شامل ہونے کا آسان طریقہ نیچے دیے ہوئے الفاظ کو چھوٹی پرچی پر لکھ کر ایک ڈبے میں ڈالیں اور خوب ہلائیں – پھر آنکھیں بند کر کے ایک ایک کر کے ساری پرچیاں نکالیں اور

Shia killing: If we tolerate this, our children will be next – by Absar Ul Hasan: Related posts: Dr. Jafar Mohsin, yet another Shia doctor, target killed in Karachi Dr Jaffer Mohsin Rizvi, Shia doctor in Karachi, becomes new target of sectarian violence – by Hassan Naqvi Last week, I heard the news of the

Pakistan helping Afghan Taliban – Nato: Pakistan is finding it harder to convince outsiders it is not helping the Afghan Taliban and giving safe haven to its leaders. In effect, the accusation is that Pakistan is betting on the insurgents being the strongest power in

Balochistan and Pakistani media’s criminal silence – by Salma Jafar: This post is in support to the Baloch Students’ call to shut down the Pakistani news channels and Pakistani Media’s consistent bias towards Balochistan. Balochistan is in the midst of a ferocious insurgency; the fourth of its kind against

Dr. Shakeel Afridi is a benefactor, not a traitor: The Pashtun land on both sides of the Durand Line has been devastated by Jihadi-sectarian militants including foreign terrorists like Osama Bin Laden, in collusion with Pakistani military establishment. Dr. Shakeel Afridi did a great service to the world