Monthly Archive:: February 2012

JuD says Gen Hamid Gul was wrong in denying Malik Ishaq’s presence at Difa-e-Pakistan rally: Related post: The banned outfit and General Hameed Gul’s Lies Chief of banned militant outfit Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Malik Ishaq was in attendance at the Difa-e-Pakistan Council rally in Multan, a spokesperson for the council’s member organisation Jamaatud Dawa has said. “General

Hai tujhe bhi ijazat kar le tu bhi mohabbat: ہم انسان کی آذادیوں اور جدید خیالات سے سہمے ہوۓ معاشرے میں سانس لے رہے ہیں، جہاں ہر نئ فکر اور نظریے کو سماج اور مذہب سے بغاوت قرار دے کر کچلا جارہا ہے۔ مذہب اورثقافت کو آپس میں

Pakistan army’s gift to visiting Iranian President: 49 Shia Muslims slaughtered in Parachinar: Related posts: Graphic pictures of Shia Muslims’ massacre in Parachinar on 17 Feb 2012 Who will speak for Qaisar Hussain? – by Maisam Ali Previously we have highlighted how Pakistan army is enabling further Shia massacres in Pakistan by

We condemn Pakistan army’s harassing and threatening statement against HRW: Pakistan army’s media wing (ISPR) has issued a press release (16 Feb 2012) titled “Human Rights Watch (HRW) Report on Judicial Commission on Saleem Shehzad Murder Case Not Correct” hitting back at Human Rights Watch (HRW) for its news release claiming

ISI is Pakistan’s most powerful Land Mafia!: Ministry asked to compensate owners of land encroached by ISI Malik Asad Barrister Shah said now the ISI had only two options, either to compensate the owners or de-acquire their land which would enable the actual owner to get

Wajahat Khan facing death threats after exposing Hamid Gul’s lies about Malik Ishaq and Difa-e-Pakistan: Related posts: Pakistan army outsources the Defence of Pakistan to killers of Shias, Ahmadis and Christians JuD contradicts General Hamid Gul’s statement Pakistan is a dangerous country where independent journalists are exposed to terrible dangers, including being killed not

PPP core worker neglegted: Story of Khawaja Yawar: The Pakistan Peoples Party has rejected the application of Khawaja Yawar Naseer for a Senate ticket. The news came as a big shock because Khawaja Yawar Naseer has been the voice and face of the PPP from the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Imran Khan’s PTI joins Jihadi-sectarian terrorists at Difa-e-Pakistan rally in Karachi: Editor’s Note: It is deeply troubling to note that Imran Khan fans continue to mantain an Ostrich-like mentality regarding his sympathy for and ties with murderous extremist groups. Recently these groups have coalesced under the Difa-e-Pakistan banner that is

Talkshow politician — ‘Sheeda Tully’: The prophesier of doom whose all predictions have proven wrong in the last four years By Adnan Rehmat Nobody calls him just “Sheikh”, or “Rasheed”, or even “Ahmed”. It has to be “Sheikh Rasheed”. But that’s just on TV

Web oversights – by Zafarullah Khan: Official websites with outdated versions of the Constitution mock the so-called E-Government Directorate Constitution of a country is a social contract between citizens and the state. For people of Pakistan, a legitimate party to this contract, it is highly

Dear LUBP, Please stop this undue criticism of Sherry Rehman! – by Ailia Zehra: A popular Pakistani blog, Let us Build Pakistan (LUBP) describes itself as “critical PPP”. Recently, this blog has posted some articles against Ms. Sherry Rehman who was a close aide of Former prime minister Shaheed Benazir Bhutto. In one

Comparing Karachi Literature Festival 2012 with Difa-e-Pakistan Conference: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related post: “I’ve been in a rickshaw”: Some critical reflections on the Karachi Literature Festival 2011 Two key events took places in Karachi a few days ago (12 Feb 2012): Difa-e-Pakistan Conference (DPC) attended by about

Mansoor, we and Qibla -by Ali Raja: Farsi the language of love, the language of emotions, the language of expression, the language of diplomacy and beyond doubt the language of wisdom has in it’s 2 Thousand 5 Hundred year journey has achieved the status of being

Arshad Sharif’s report on the Swiss case: ’پاکستان کی تاریخ کا افسوسناک دن‘ ۔ جب سپریم کورٹ نے پیر کو پاکستان کے عوام کے منتخب وزیراعظم یوسف رضا گیلانی پر این آر او یعنی قومی مفاہمتی آرڈیننس سے متعلق عدالتی فیصلے پر عمل درآمد کے مقدمے

An open letter to democrats, civil society and rights activists! – By Saad Mansoor: I understand when tableeghis and Tahriris speak up against democracy and I understand when sons and daughters of military men do so, and I do get it when a significant educated yet politically indifferent middle class voices its opinion

Saleem Safi defends banned sectarian terrorists: سلیم صافی پاکستان کے ان صحافیوں میں سے ہیں جن کے پاکستان کی فوجی اسٹیبلشمنٹ کے ساتھ طالب علمی کے زمانے سے گہرے تعلقات رہے ہیں – زمانہ طالب علمی میں اسلامی جمیعت طلبا میں شامل ر ہے سی

Stand Up for the Prime Minister – by Amna Piracha: Contempt of Parliamentary Democracy Caught in their petty zeal for authority and their messiah complex, the custodians of law and justice have chosen to humiliate a duly elected Prime Minister. “Great Day for Pakistan” claim the pseudo intellectuals of

Misrepresented: Pakistan needs an image makeover -by Ali Wahab: DUBAI: “Ali, why doesn’t Pakistan get any good press? There must be something good happening in Pakistan? After all, it’s a nation of 175 million!” This was the theme of a discussion with a senior colleague after a transaction

Dr Salam vs us -by Masood Hasan: In a series of steps announced last night by the prime minister of Pakistan at a special session of the National Assembly – steps that have taken the world by storm and raised Pakistan’s image manifold – the new

Pakistan Democracy Review: Did PPP implement its vision of Roti, Kapra, Makan? – by Raja Asad Abbas: Related :Pakistan Democracy Review 2009 -by Humza Ikram Pakistan Democracy Review 2010 Did PPP implement its vision of Roti, Kapra, Makan? – by Raja Asad Abbas Benazir Employees Stock Option Scheme – by Saad Hassan Stellar yet sadly affronted

The banned outfit and General Hameed Gul’s Lies: The banned outfit By Rafia Zakaria IT has been a decade of bans and lists. As the world of terror revealed itself to be more and more amorphous, nation states have fought back collecting the names, identifying the leaders

Some home truths about Pakistan army’s intelligence agencies – by Abbas Nasir: Editor’s note: LUBP has previously highlighted the not so invisible support to banned Jihadi-sectarian organizations by Pakistan’s military establishment, e.g., the outsourcing of the Defence of Pakistan to banned terrorist organizations which was clearly evident in the participation of

Balochistan — the only way forward -by Sanaullah Baloch: Due to Islamabad’s hawkish approach, demand of the Baloch shifted from greater autonomy, self-rule, to independence. The US Congressional hearing on Balochistan in Washington DC on February 9 should be a wake-up call for the centre to correct its

Baloch are missing on the national scene and state agenda: ہمارے ریاستی ادارے جن آوازں پر آنکھ اور کان بند کۓ ہوۓ ہیں، وہ آوازیں اب سات سمندر پار امریکی کانگرس کے ایوانوں میں سنائ دے رہی ہیں۔ امریکی ایوانِ نمائندگان کی امورِ خارجہ کی کمیٹی میں بلوچستان

This is how Sherry Rehman backstabs the Baloch cause: Pakistan’s urban elites (fake liberals) promote Sherry Rehman as a champion of human rights. Editor’s note: In the past, LUBP has been castigated for having the nerve to critisize Sherry Rehman. The latter represents everything that is held dearly

Abdul Qadeer Reki’s sit-in for Baloch missing persons: Related post: Jalil Reki’s murder is a test case for rights champion Sherry Rehman We are cross-posting an excellent report by BBC Urdu on Abdul Qadeer Reki Baloch’s sit-in for the Baloch missing persons in front of Karachi Press

AHRC Report: Brutal sectarian violence against Shias continues unabated in Pakistan: Editor’s Note: In cross posting the Asian Human Rights Commission Report on the continued Shia massacres in Pakistan one should acknowledge the efforts of princpled and uncompromising human rights activists like Mureed Bizenjo, Salma Jafar, Laiba Marri (all 3 from

US house committee hearing on Balochistan: Oversight and Investigations – by Mureed Bizenjo: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related post: This is how a fake champion of human rights backstabs the Baloch cause Let’s think about creating a Balochistan in southern part of Pakistan, said Congress republican Louie Gohmert, who completely backed the idea

Pakistan’s Sunni Muslims reject Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba and Taliban: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: Sipah-e-Sahaba’s attacks on Sunni Barelvis Should we not condemn Sunni genocide taking place in Pakistan? Forensic examination reveals that Sipah Sahaba behind murder of both Sunni and Shia in Karachi Ahl-e-Hadith Muslims reject Jamaat-ud-Dawa

Pakistan: Frying Pan and the Fire – by Haris Gazdar: “But if the future of parliamentary democracy in Pakistan seems more certain now than at any time in recent history it is because the centre of political gravity has moved down to the provinces and regions, and at the

Hafta-e-Wahdat: All divides pulled down as Shias, Sunnis celebrate the birth of Prophet (pbuh) as the ‘Week of Unity’: Editor’s note: The Hafta-e-Wahdat (Week of Unity) is celebrated from 12 to 17 Rabi-ul-Awal by moderate Shias and Sunnis in Pakistan, Iran, India and other countries in order to jointly celebrate the birthday (Milad) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace

Pakistan nationals will be able to roam freely in India soon: Related : Most favourite nation? S Akbar Zaidi With Thanks : First Post India In a bid to ensure more people to people contact, India is contemplating easing visa regulation for Pakistan nationals. With the cabinet note on the

Who are these people attacking Eid Milad-un-Nabi processions in Pakistan?: Multiple attacks have been reported on 5 February 2012 on the Eid Milad-un-Nabi (12 Rabi-ul-Awal) processions in various cities in Pakistan including Mansehra, Gujranwala, Gojar Khan, Mirpur, Khairpur and Karachi. Eid Milad-un-Nabi (birthday of the Prophet Muhammad pbub) is

Whitewash at Dubai – by Shoaib Mir: Setting the record straight about the whitewash in the desert Today, in the exotic desert setting of Dubai, Pakistan completed a much awaited 3-0 whitewash of England, presently the first-ranked Test team in the world. This historical win is

The BISP and the coming election -by Dr Pervez Tahir: Chided by an anchor for ignoring the Bhutto promise of roti, kapra aur makan, Mr Zardari retorted by referring to the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP). With election rallies beginning to catch the public mood, he followed it up

How to make a great story on “krupshion” – Ansar Abbasi-Adil Gilani 101!: I was always weak in mathematics. Numbers were never my forte and hence, I remained a not so bright student. Work wise, I play with numbers and like analyzing them. I wonder, if I had a better grip on

All aboard: Pakistan turns back the clock with luxury train travel: With a hoot and then a lurch, the 15:30 to Karachi pulled out of Lahore’s railway station bang on time and trailing tinsel. By Rob Crilly, on the Business Express, between Lahore and Karachi The luxury service – complete

Celebrating Milad un-Nabi (PBUH): As you read these lines, 1.5 billion Muslims will be celebrating the birthday of their beloved prophet, a day known as Milad un-Nabi or Mawlid. Muslim love and admiration for the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) manifests itself beautifully through these

LUBP archive on acquittal of convicts in cases of terrorism in Pakistan: Related posts: LUBP Archive on acquittal of terrorists Editor’s note: Here is an archive of articles and news items on acquittals of convicts in cases of terrorism in Pakistan. The aim is to demonstrate that a number of factors