Monthly Archive:: November 2009

Zardari directs not to issue statements against MQM. Altaf appreciates President’s statement.: Agents of the anti-democracy establishment, i.e., Shaheen Sehbai and Shahid Masood, must be really unhappy on this development. Long live democracy. Down with yellow journalism! Friday, November 27, 2009 (Geo TV) Zardari directs not to issue statements against MQM

Zardari directs not to issue statements against MQM. Altaf appreciates President’s statement.: Agents of the anti-democracy establishment, i.e., Shaheen Sehbai and Shahid Masood, must be really unhappy on this development. Long live democracy. Down with yellow journalism! Friday, November 27, 2009 (Geo TV) Zardari directs not to issue statements against MQM

Shame on PPP and MQM. Sort out your differences before Taliban terrorists take over Karachi: Guest blog by Aamir Mughal Source: Both PPP AND MQM seem to have no shame because since the day this NRO debate started, both parties have been screaming loudly, levelling allegations against each other of loot, plunder and

Shame on PPP and MQM. Sort out your differences before Taliban terrorists take over Karachi: Guest blog by Aamir Mughal Source: Both PPP AND MQM seem to have no shame because since the day this NRO debate started, both parties have been screaming loudly, levelling allegations against each other of loot, plunder and

Shoaib Bhutta: Geo TV bribes judiciary to suppress the voice of an independent journalist: By Abdul Nishapuri Shoaib Bhutta is the name of a courageous journalist who tried to expose the evil designs of Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman and his commerical empire known as Geo TV / Jang Group. He was the one who revealed

Shoaib Bhutta: Geo TV bribes judiciary to suppress the voice of an independent journalist: By Abdul Nishapuri Shoaib Bhutta is the name of a courageous journalist who tried to expose the evil designs of Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman and his commerical empire known as Geo TV / Jang Group. He was the one who revealed

Sultani Gawah: Have a heart, you are a ‘crown witness’, Mr Sehbai.: By Abdul Nishapuri ‘Sultani Gawah’ is an Urdu word meaning ‘crown witness of the prosecution’. Those who understand the nature of power politics in Pakistan know where exactly crown (power) lies in Pakistan. Not very long ago, in 2002,

Sultani Gawah: Have a heart, you are a ‘crown witness’, Mr Sehbai.: By Abdul Nishapuri ‘Sultani Gawah’ is an Urdu word meaning ‘crown witness of the prosecution’. Those who understand the nature of power politics in Pakistan know where exactly crown (power) lies in Pakistan. Not very long ago, in 2002,

Pakistani People’s Action against Geo TV and Jang Group: ’اسٹیبلشمنٹ نہیں کچھ اداکار حکومت ہٹانا چاہتے ہیں ‘ کراچی میں پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی کے تینتالیسواں یومِ تاسیس کے جلسہ عام سے ایوان صدر اسلام آباد سے بذریعہ سیٹلائیٹ خطاب کرتے ہوئے صدر آصف علی زرداری نےکہا کہ پارلیمنٹ

Pakistani People’s Action against Geo TV and Jang Group: ’اسٹیبلشمنٹ نہیں کچھ اداکار حکومت ہٹانا چاہتے ہیں ‘ کراچی میں پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی کے تینتالیسواں یومِ تاسیس کے جلسہ عام سے ایوان صدر اسلام آباد سے بذریعہ سیٹلائیٹ خطاب کرتے ہوئے صدر

Rhetoric of constitution and the dubious role of the Lahore High Court: Guest blog by: Aminah BhuttoPosted by: Jarri Mirza President Asif Ali Zardari’s address today (25 November 2009) to the party workers brought a new debate on electronic media. This new debate is part of the smear campaign against Asif

Rhetoric of constitution and the dubious role of the Lahore High Court – by Farhad Jarral: President Asif Ali Zardari’s address today (25 November 2009) to the party workers brought a new debate on electronic media. This new debate is part of the smear campaign against Asif Ali Zardari which was started since PPP came

“We are in government because we have got people’s mandate” – President Zardari: KARACHI: Following weeks of sharp criticism, President Asif Ali Zardari assured PPP supporters that his government would complete its five year term in a televised address, DawnNews reported. In an address to PPP supporters in Karachi via video link

We are in government because we have got people’s mandate – President Zardari: KARACHI: Following weeks of sharp criticism, President Asif Ali Zardari assured PPP supporters that his government would complete its five year term in a televised address, DawnNews reported. In an address to PPP supporters in Karachi via video link

NRO and the media hype: What is the real issue? An analysis by Amir Ahmed Khan: Here is an article by BBC Urdu’s Amir Ahmed Khan highlighting that NRO has nothing to do with the real life issues of the majority of Pakistanis, nor are they interested in it. In a nutshell, NRO is a

NRO and the media hype: What is the real issue? An analysis by Amir Ahmed Khan: Here is an article by BBC Urdu’s Amir Ahmed Khan highlighting that NRO has nothing to do with the real life issues of the majority of Pakistanis, nor are they interested in it. In a nutshell, NRO is a

A critical analysis of the “Balochistan Package” – By Qais Anwar: آغاز حقوق بلوچستان ۔۔۔۔ طبل جنگ ؛ سمجھوتہ یا ایک اور پسپاءی آصف ذرداری کوء ی نہ کوءی ایسا جرم کرتا رہتا ہے کہ وہ ایسٹبلشمنٹ کے تیروں کی زد میں آ جاتا ہے ۔پچھلے ادوار میں یہ جرم

A critical analysis of the Balochistan Package – by Qais Anwar: آغاز حقوق بلوچستان ۔۔۔۔ طبل جنگ ؛ سمجھوتہ یا ایک اور پسپاءی آصف ذرداری کوء ی نہ کوءی ایسا جرم کرتا رہتا ہے کہ وہ ایسٹبلشمنٹ کے تیروں کی زد میں آ جاتا ہے ۔پچھلے ادوار میں یہ جرم

Mata Hari of Al Qaeda: The mystery of Dr Aafia Siddiqui: Pakistani Taliban Union of Journalists (also known as Mullah Media Alliance), including Dr Shahid Masood, Irfan Siddiqui, Ansar Abbasi and Hamid Mir, often present a partial, one sided picture of the ordeal and ‘mazloomiat’ of Dr Aafia Siddiqui. In

Mata Hari of Al Qaeda: The mystery of Dr Aafia Siddiqui: By: Abdul Nishapuri Pakistani Taliban Union of Journalists (also known as Mullah Media Alliance), including Dr Shahid Masood, Irfan Siddiqui, Ansar Abbasi and Hamid Mir, often present a partial, one sided picture of the ordeal and ‘mazloomiat’ of Dr

Irfan Siddiqi writes in defence of Dr Shahid Masood and against ‘Let us build Pakistan’: Why is a key member of the Pakistani Taliban Union of Journalists (PTUJ) unhappy with LUBP (Let us build Pakistan). Did we steal his cow? Or perhaps he is unhappy since we have written against his sacred cow, the

Irfan Siddiqi writes in defence of Dr Shahid Masood and against LUBP: Why is a key member of the Pakistani Taliban Union of Journalists (PTUJ) unhappy with LUBP (Let us build Pakistan). Did we steal his cow? Or perhaps he is unhappy since we have written against

JF-17 Thunder figher jet: Congratulations to Pakistan and China: This site has moved to, click this link if you are not redirected

JF-17 Thunder figher jet: Congratulations to Pakistan and China: We at “Let us build Pakistan” offer our felicitations to the nations of Pakistan and China on the joint development and production of JF-17 Thunder fighter jet. Here are two op-eds on this topic, by Talat Masood and Nazir

Dr Shahid Masood enacted a fake ban drama to improve the falling ratings of Meray Mutabiq: Here is an official statement by a government spokesperson, which is followed by an analysis of Dr Shahid Masood’s journalism by Mazhar Abbas, ex-secretary general of PFUJ. Dr Shahid Masood, it may be noted is a President of the

Dr Shahid Masood enacted a fake ban drama to improve the falling ratings of Meray Mutabiq: Here is an official statement by a government spokesperson, which is followed by an analysis of Dr Shahid Masood’s journalism by Mazhar Abbas, ex-secretary general of PFUJ. Dr Shahid Masood, it may be noted is

President felicitates the nation on Balochistan empowerment package: This picture was taken during BB’s last visit to Quetta , 15th Dec, 2007 Late Benazir Bhutto on her last visit to Baluchistan sought a public apology from Baluch Brothers and sister. She promised to give them their due

President felicitates the nation on Balochistan empowerment package: This picture was taken during BB’s last visit to Quetta , 15th Dec, 2007 Late Benazir Bhutto on her last visit to Baluchistan sought a public apology from Baluch Brothers and sister. She promised to give them their due

Geo: journalism without conscience: Pakistan’s conspiracy theories stifle debate Ahmed Rashid Switch on any of the dozens of satellite news channels now available in Pakistan.You will be bombarded with talk show hosts who are mostly obsessed with demonising the elected government, trying to

Geo: journalism without conscience: Pakistan’s conspiracy theories stifle debate Ahmed Rashid Switch on any of the dozens of satellite news channels now available in Pakistan.You will be bombarded with talk show hosts who are mostly obsessed with demonising the elected government, trying to

The Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan Package: A new dawn for Balochistan: Thank you, People’s government, for addressing genuine issues and grievance of the people of Balochistan, through a comprehensive “Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan Package” which was tabled in the Parliament today as advised by the President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari. Prime Minister

The Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan Package: A new dawn for Balochistan: Thank you, People’s government, for addressing genuine issues and grievance of the people of Balochistan, through a comprehensive “Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan Package” which was tabled in the Parliament today as advised by the President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari. Prime Minister

Accountability of Zardari and beyond: A critical analysis by Asadullah Ghalib on the NRO Tabla and the anti-Zardari campaign.. .

Accountability of Zardari and beyond: A critical analysis by Asadullah Ghalib on the NRO Tabla and the anti-Zardari campaign

Please lift the ban (if any) on Meray Mutabiq – guest post by Qais Anwar: زرداری صاحب میرے مطابق کو چلنے دیں مسلمان حکمرانوں (براہ کرم اسے اسلامی کے ساتھ نہ ملاءیں)کے عروج کا ایک مظہر چکلہ تھا۔ شہروں سے باہر خاص و عام کے لیے قابل رساءی یہ جگہ یہ وہ تھی جہاں

Please lift the ban (if any) on Meray Mutabiq – guest post by Qais Anwar: زرداری صاحب میرے مطابق کو چلنے دیں مسلمان حکمرانوں (براہ کرم اسے اسلامی کے ساتھ نہ ملاءیں)کے عروج کا ایک مظہر چکلہ تھا۔ شہروں سے باہر خاص و عام کے لیے قابل رساءی یہ جگہ یہ وہ تھی جہاں
![The nation welcomes the [alleged] ban on Dr Shahid Masood’s hate speech show “Meray Mutabiq”. OR Is it a publicity stunt by the Mullah Media Alliance?](
The nation welcomes the [alleged] ban on Dr Shahid Masood’s hate speech show “Meray Mutabiq”. OR Is it a publicity stunt by the Mullah Media Alliance?: By Abdul Nishapuri The Pakistani nation, political class, democracy lovers and those opposed to the Taliban and hate speech have overwhelming welcomed the [alleged] UAE government’s decision to ban the hate speech TV talk show presented by Dr Shahid
![The nation welcomes the [alleged] ban on Dr Shahid Masood’s hate speech show "Meray Mutabiq". OR Is it a publicity stunt by the Mullah Media Alliance?](
The nation welcomes the [alleged] ban on Dr Shahid Masood’s hate speech show "Meray Mutabiq". OR Is it a publicity stunt by the Mullah Media Alliance?: By Abdul Nishapuri The Pakistani nation, political class, democracy lovers and those opposed to the Taliban and hate speech have overwhelming welcomed the [alleged] UAE government’s decision to ban the hate speech TV talk show presented by Dr Shahid

Who needs an NRO ?: Posted by: Jarri MirzaBlog post written by: Humza IkramFormer Attorney general of Punjab”Khawaja Sharif” is trying to help his old master’s boy, who was then Chief Minister Punjab “Nawaz Sharif”. Nawaz Sharif has really surprised his critics by playing

Who needs an NRO ?: Posted by: Jarri MirzaBlog post written by: Humza IkramFormer Attorney general of Punjab”Khawaja Sharif” is trying to help his old master’s boy, who was then Chief Minister Punjab “Nawaz Sharif”. Nawaz Sharif has really surprised his critics by playing