Please lift the ban (if any) on Meray Mutabiq – guest post by Qais Anwar

Some relevant comments:
Various sources
Bawa said:
ایک شیخ اپنے طوطے کے ساتھ ہوائی جہاز میں سفر کر رہا تھا. طوطا بہت شریر تھا. ایئر ہوسٹس پاس سے گزری تو اس نے چھیڑ خانی کی. ائیر ہوسٹس نے نے مسکرا کر بات کو نظر انداز کر دیا. یہ دیکھکر شیخ کا بھی حوصلہ بڑھ گیا اور اس نے بھی پاس سے گزرتی ہوئی ایئر ہوسٹس سے چھیڑ خانی کر دی. ایئر ہوسٹس نے جا کر کپتان کو شکایت کی تو کپتان نے جہاز میں موجود سیکیورٹی گارڈز کو بلا کر حکم دیا کہ طوطے اور شیخ دونوں کو اٹھا کر جہاز سے باہر پھینک دو. سیکیورٹی گارڈز نے دونوں کو باہر پھینکنے کے لیے دروازہ کھولا تو شیخ صاحب کا رنگ پیلا ہو چکا تھا. طوطا شرارت سے بولا کہ شیخ صاحب کیا اڑنا آتا ھے تو شیخ بیچارگی سے بولا کہ نہیں. طوطا بولا تو پھر پنگا کیوں لیا تھا؟ دروازہ کھولا گیا تو طوطا ھوا میں اڑنے لگ گیا اور شیخ صاحب شام غریباں مناتے زمین کی طرف لڑھک گئے
afisadi said:
Shahid Masud has crossed all limits and norms. Its looks like he is fighting personal war with Zardari and Co and using media as a tool. By profession, he is not a doctor actually he is a college drop off. No one supports Zardari, Nawaz or any other politicians but why we support media mafia? Let Shahid Masud fight his war with a Sindi Wadara Zardari. Lets evaluate Geo role, Hamid Mir, Kamran, Shahid and others have started a war against newly set up democratic govt. Why Geo and Jang group want to destabilize this system. Jang newspaper started in a small house in Karachi, now its assets are in billions. Is their any accountability for them. Is there any law to stop media mafia to destroy political system.
No one likes this govt but let people decide not 5 journalists. I am sure that people will kick this govt in next elections. Journalists mafia wants to create more hatred and division in the country.
netengr said:
If this program is closed then who will invite Taliban spokesmen Hameed Gul ,Munawer hasan ,Irfan Sidiqi ? bad news for pro talibanis
Munir Solangi said:
Dr.Shahid Masood you are an opportunist.You and Hamid Mir were banned by Zardari last year in June just one day before the lawyers long march.Within few days you made a compromise and became MD PTV.You left Hamid Mir all alone.He was also offered ambassadorship but he refused.Then you opologized to traitor Musharraf in Karachi through the good offices of MQM.You were failed in PTV in just 6 months and then came back to Geo TV.I know that you are a frontman of Altaf Hussain.You are fighting MQM war against Zardari not the war of truth.
qaisarrashid said:
I think that Dr Shahid Masood blew several issues out of proportion to make people watch his program which was being telecasted quite late, at 11pm (Pakistani time). Some people think that Dr Shahid was trying to equal his score with Zardari (and Rehman Malik) on the PTV affairs (i.e. the way the Dr Shahid was made to resign). But I think that Dr Shahid is suffering from a personality problem. He wanted to attract attention and importance of his programs. When he rejoined the Geo, there was hardly any slot available for him at the prime time. Then, Dr Shahid selected topics having international dimension but gradually started touching the national but sensitive topics.
But this is not only problem with Dr Shahid Masood. There are other TV anchors who are fighting for their economic survival. If they don’t sensationalize issues, their programs cannot be popular in the masses and consequently their programs cannot attract advertisements. No inflow of money to the TV owner means closer of the program and then the TV channels. The economic interests of the TV channels are watched in the name of ‘national interests’, ‘patriotism’, ‘people’s right to know’ and whatnot. In fact, now there are existing TV cartels feeding on the sentiments of the people, the people who are mostly illiterate and semieducated. That is why the unchecked growth of the media has put Pakistan in trouble. In this regard, it is not that the media has matured enough to take on the government; it is that the media feeds on the issues having potential of creating sensation.
Most of the TV anchors of today are the product of crisis happened in 2007. Look at Dr Shahid Masood, he used to narrate ‘Qiyamat Ka Manzar’ and ‘when the doomday would arrive?’ on the ARY TV channel and then he turned to political topics. When he was in London, he used to visit the office/residence of late Benazir Bhutto to get news or interview. Did he not know that Benazir was facing corruption charges? Dr Shahid got many favours from the PPP. He was a friend of Zardari even. Now, Dr Shahid is the champion of honesty and fairdealing. How come? It is just economic survival on the popularity ladder that makes these anchors play with the sentiments of people.
But then the question is how to make the illiterate and semieducated people of Pakistan realize that they are being hoodwinked by the TV cartels?
Dr Qaisar Rashid
Lahore, Pakistan.
qaisarrashid said:
The media has turned into a cartel and has been watching its economic interests. People are just fooled to watch programs and buy the products shown in advertisements during the breaks. An anchor is successful who sensationalize an issue more than other do. More inflow of money through getting more ads means the anchor is making his job secure. It is just job nothing service of the country. The phenomenon is like Sultan Rahi playing with the sentiments of the people. The moment the NRO issue is settled, there is not issue to play with like after Sultan Rahi the film industry is silent and mum. What will anchors and TV channels will do then.
But then why the people don’t realize how are they being fooled? Has any TV channel started mass awareness program to make people educated and aware on the issues concerning them? But then most of the people are illiterate or semieducated, how can they understand what is happening in the name of telling them national interests and whatnot? How to make the people stop believing in the conspiracy theories and start using their analytical power?
Pakistan is in difficult times.
Dr Qaisar Rashid
i_shah said:
Strange why the media is keeping mum over corruption and land grabs by our “angles” in uniform while crying horse over politicians
or is it that the current military leadership (kiyani and co) are protecting their predeccesors- cuz if they dont who will protect them for the land grabbing and corruption they are indulging in right now.
block said:
All these so called anchors/substanard journalists give damn to Pakistan.They will sell anything in their possession to sell their programs.Most of them are talbans supporters.
excellent post!
Nice Post…
By email, a comment from another blog:
Before the ban: afzaalkhan says:
November 23, 2009 at 4:54 am
SM starting to annoy me, Geo should sack his ass, We get it dude u dun like zardari, stop ur freaking war. Geo should also make it clear its an opinion program neither a talk show nor a news in any sense.
Talat and kashif do it from the journalistic point of view. This is happening and what is ur reposne. This guy has become a nusiance, his bias is balatant. Lost his credibility for me. May be its his style, never did like him, from jiyala to all of a sudden blasting zardari. its the qts of bias mate. He has become a fox news like shrill. And to be honest his predictions and political analysis is dead wrong. The gathering of PPP jiyalas around zardari is solely cause of this guy. His every freaking program blasting zardari does nothing but emphasize the point of ppp that media is out to get zardari. Beside like it or not, zardari got duly elected and not a single person, even the opponents who contested election with him, challenged his ability to stand as a contender. Time to show some restraint, they took thier shot on zardari and lost. Dun be sore looser move on. The corruption stories coming out are nothing new all these are old cases. And trust me NRO even struck down by SC ant gonna do crap. None of these guys going anywhere. Safdar abbasi adn SM group took their shot they lost. Move on, criticize govt stop criticizing zardari it only helps perpetuate the myth of victimizing zardari (a balooch plus sindhi president)/ Or do it the way of talat or kashif,
After the ban:
afzaalkhan says:
November 23, 2009 at 10:13 pm
i think zardari just nailed his coffin. Moron retard shot himself on foot.. Which is great news lolz
i mean seriously he was getting the tide turn where ppl were ok ok enuff let it go and what he does ban one guy who was being hysterically and was loosing his credibility gain instant reppo lol
While we at Let us build Pakistan disagree on the alleged ban (if any), it is interesting to hear that the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) has declined to stage a walk out in favour of Dr Shahid Masood. Apparently they said that Dr is not a journalist, not even registered with them therefore they are least bothered about his doings and consequences. Gossip or fact?